CHAPTER # 2 ISLAM AND OTHER ECONOMIC SYSTEMS 2-1 Chapter`s outlines • Meaning of system • Meaning of Economic system • Capitalism, Brief history, Definition, Merits and Demerits • Socialism, Definition, Merits and Demerits • Economic system of Islam, Definition, goals and its special features • Comparison and conclusion 2-2 Meaning of system • The word “system” is defined by various ways; A combination of related things or parts that form a complex whole. OR Simply system means set of principles, rules, method, or procedure etc 2-3 Meaning of Economic System • A systematic relation among individuals engaged in the production of wealth, distribution, and exchange of wealth and the use of commodities and services is called Economic system. 2-4 Brief History of Capitalism • Capitalism began with the destruction of feudal system in Europe caused by merchants and bankers. The west entered into new world of trade and discovery • The need and importance of productive resources, particularly Capital became prominent for continuous economic development. • Since the capital was the nucleus of this system, it came to be known as Capitalism. 20-5 Brief History of Capitalism • Modern Capitalism had taken the deep roots in Europe by the time of the industrial revolution and at the beginning of 20th century it had reached its peak in America and Western Europe. • It held influence in all countries of the world except few communist countries. • After the great depression of the 1930`s some countries introduced some amendments and it took the shape sort of mixed economic system. 20-6 Definition of Capitalism • It is difficult to offer a comprehensive and absolute definition of capitalism. However some scholars have given their own definitions. 2-7 Definition of Capitalism • Capitalism, as defined by the Collins Dictionary, “is an economic system based on the private ownership of the means of production, distribution and exchange”. • Broadly speaking, capitalism is the name given to the economic system in which the principal means of production, distribution and exchange are in private (individual or corporate) hands. 20-8 Characteristics of Capitalism 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Right of private property Profit Motive Competition Economic Freedom Wage System Consumer`s Sovereignty Price Mechanism Laissez- faire 2-9 MERITS of Capitalism 1 Maximum utilization of resources 2 Invention 3 Technical advancement. 2-10 DEMERITS of Capitalism • • • • • • • • • Philosophical Errors Cruel Competition Class Struggle Unjust Distribution of Wealth Economic Crisis Corrupt Business Practices Poverty & Unemployment Disaster of Interest-based Trade An Expensive Way of life 2-11 Emergence of Socialism… • The capitalist system which emerged after the industrial revolution in Europe subjected the workers to merciless exploitation. • In reaction to it several philosophers and reformers advanced the idea of abolition of private ownership in the interest of society. • But it was the distinction of German Philosopher Karl Marx to present socialism as a concrete philosophy and practical system. 2-12 Cont`d…. • He wrote his famous book Das Capital in 1867 which is considered to be the Bible of socialism • In this system collective ownership of the means of production will replace private ownership. Every citizen shall have an equal share in the resources of the state. • The motive for the work will NOT be personal profit but collective or social interest. 2-13 Definition of SOCIALISM • According to the Collins Dictionary, “Socialism is an economic theory or system in which the means of production, distribution and exchange are owned by the community collectively through the state” • Advanced Learner’s Dictionary explains socialism as “a political and economic theory advocating that a country’s land, transport, natural resources and chief industries should be owned and controlled by the whole community or by the state and that wealth should be equally distributed”. 20-14 MERITS of Socialism 1 2 3 4 5 6 Elimination of wastage of resources Eradication of exploitation Elimination of concentration of wealth No unequal distribution of wealth Provision of necessaries of life Elimination of unemployment. 2-15 DEMERITS of Socialism 1 End of liberty 2 Weakness of the will to work 3 Errors in planning 4 Failure in practice. 2-16 Economic system of Islam • Meaning • Islamic economic system implies a mode of satisfying the economic needs of the members of an organized society in accordance with the commands of the Quran and the Sunnah. • In this system the economic activities of the society are regulated by certain values of which, piety, justice, benevolence, cooperation, brotherhood, are especially important. 2-17 Goals of Economic system of Islam 1 2 3 4 5 6 Achievement of welfare Economic development Relief poverty and starvation Equitable distribution of wealth Elimination of waste Security of freedom 2-18 Goals of Economic system of Islam 1 Achievement of welfare The higher goal of economic system of Islam is the exploitation of the God-given resources of the universe for the satisfaction of the economic needs in such a manner that the greatest number of men get the greatest Temporal and Eternal Welfare 20-19 Goals of Economic system of Islam 2 Economic development An important objective is to achieve the rapid economic progress. The Holy Quran and Holy Prophet (s.w.s) lay great emphasis on full utilization of resources of the universe. If all people devote all their mental and physical capabilities in exploring the natural wealth hidden in seas, mountains, earth and air, sufficient provision for the entire population of the world can be made available. 20-20 Goals of Economic system of Islam 3 Relief poverty and starvation The Islamic economic system lays a great emphasis on elimination of poverty. The Holy Prophet (s.w.s) said “it is near enough for poverty to become disbelief” In this context elimination of poverty and hunger is necessary for the security & preservation of faith. 20-21 Goals of Economic system of Islam 4 Equitable distribution of wealth Without equitable distribution of wealth the real prosperity of society is an illusion. Concentration of wealth in few hands cannot be regarded as prosperity. One of the important aim of Islamic economic is to establish equitable system of distribution of wealth. Islam establishes permanent institutions like, zakat and Anfaq system, Law of Inheritance, the Auqaf system, etc 20-22 Goals of Economic system of Islam 5 Elimination of waste The elimination of wastage of resources is also an important Islamic economics. Allah Almighty has created resources of the universe according to a scale in order to fulfill the needs of all men. Allah declares these resources as His Bounties (gifts) and warn man that he shall be held accountable for the use of these bounties. 20-23 Goals of Economic system of Islam 6 Security of freedom Another purpose of the economic system of islam is to adopt a course of economic struggle which a. preserve human liberty b. Freedom to realize his potential in any sphere of life c. Give complete control over use and spending of resources earned by lawful means d. Give full freedom of thought and action to individuals. 20-24 Features of Economic system of Islam 1 Maximum utilization of resources • The most important basic principle of Islamic system is the maximum utilization of the infinite resources spread over the vast universe. • Full usage of all God-given faculty (talent) • Islam declares it a punishable offense to let these human faculties rust in idleness “….for you shall be questioned for (the use) of your eyes, ears and minds.[ Bani-israel 17:36] 2-25 Features of Economic system of Islam 2 Use of Lawful means for earning livelihood “O people! Eat of what is lawful and clean in the earth and do not follow the ways of satan for he is your declared enemy. [ Al-Baqara 2: 168] 20-26 Cont`d… 3 Inducement to spend wealth within limits “… eat and drink, but do not transgress, for Allah does not like the transgressor” [ Al-Ara`f 31] 4 Prohibition of amassing (gathering) wealth “ Give them the news of a painful torment who hoard up gold and silver and do not expend these in the way of Allah” [ Al-Tauba 9:34] 2-27 Cont`d… 5 Circulation of wealth “… so that it does not remain circulating among your rich people only” [Al-Hasher 59: 7] 6 Economic freedom Islamic economic system provides an equal opportunity to make a living to all members of the society. No scope for monopolies and economic privileges. Individuals are bound to exercise economic freedom within the limits of Shariah. 2-28 Cont`d… 7 The right of private ownership 8 Equitable Distribution of wealth 9 Moral values and role of state 20-29 Cont`d… 10 Regulation of price mechanism Islamic economic system is a free enterprise system. Prices are controlled by forces of Demand and Supply. However, its regulated by moral values. 11 Positive role of state Even though this system is a free enterprise but the state also plays a regulatory guiding and leadership role in every sector of economic life so as to establish economic justice in practice. 20-30 Comparison & Conclusion • In conclusion, there exist many differences between capitalism and Islamic economics BUT Charging interest and the prohibition of riba being the most defining difference between the two economic systems. • Furthermore, Islamic economics are not fully implemented currently in any nation. Instead, Islamic nations attempt to maintain economic systems that are as Islamic as possible, while fulfilling the needs of the nation’s trade industry. 20-31 • thanks 2-32