Suppliers - Procserve

© ProcServe Holdings Ltd. 2010. All rights reserved.
eProcurement and why it is important
Common challenges that eProcurement addresses
1. Inefficient Processes
Manual procurement processes
Automation only used for discrete categories of spend
Unable to deploy tools to satellite offices and geographies
2. Maverick Buying
Poor contract compliance
Low-levels of management information on expenditure
Subcontractors cannot leverage from your buying power
3. Poor Collaboration
Too many suppliers for the same commodities
Too many resources managing the procurement of non-strategic goods and services
Low levels of organisation wide information and collaboration
4. Poor Integration
Only top 2% of suppliers integrated
Low levels of integration between systems managing direct and indirect spend
© ProcServe Holdings Ltd. 2010. All rights reserved.
Benefits for eProcurement
Automated Procurement
From requisitions to accounts-payable, access a rich set of online tools for the automation of
the entire procure to pay process. Savings of £41 per order, increased compliance to
contract delivering between 5% – 15% savings on spend
Reduced Catalogue Management Costs
£4 - £5 per Line Item
Management Information
Know what you buy from whom and at what price. Estimated savings of 4% Total Spend
Simple Supplier Selection & Purchase
Pre-approved supplier catalogues, no ongoing catalogue maintenance
Protects Existing Investments
Integrates with existing system, open standards based, use your own P2P
Comprehensive Managed Service
No capital outlay, no need for dedicated IT resources to manage service
Deploy Solutions as Shared Services
Software-as-a-Services solution delivered as a managed services to enable rapid delivery
across the enterprise.
© ProcServe Holdings Ltd. 2010. All rights reserved.
What eProcurement Solution we use and Why
The ProcServe Trading Network
The ProcServe Trading Network is provided by ProcServe, who specialise in world leading
eCommerce Solutions and Services. They offer packaged trading solutions for customers of
all sizes and technical capabilities to connect to the ProcServe Trading Network. The
Trading Network is a system that allows organisations to trade with each other online
through a controlled, secure, common set up, an online collaborative procurement system.
Why did we join the ProcServe Trading Network?
Free to Suppliers – There are no charges to suppliers for connecting to the ProcServe
Trading Network.
Single Entry, Multiple Use – A supplier need only register and be set up once on the
system. This reduces our selling costs whilst allowing us to reach a much wider audience.
Faster Order to Payment Time – Using ProcServe Trading Network means that suppliers
can be paid on or before payment terms. This is a major benefit to both parties in meeting
payment obligations. When all stages of the process are fully automated, we simply ‘flip'
incoming orders into electronic invoices which are received by our customers immediately.
© ProcServe Holdings Ltd. 2010. All rights reserved.
What eProcurement Solution we use and Why
How do ProcServe differ from anyone else in the market?
Access to Commodity Procurement Deals:
ProcServe Trading Network brings the best value national, regional and local commodity
procurement agreements to public sector buyer's desktops. User access is controlled by the
buying organisation so buyers are directed towards the deals that make most economic
sense for their organisation and comply with their buying policy.
Technical Integration - capitalising on existing IT investments:
ProcServe Trading Network can connect easily to existing procurement and finance
systems. ProcServe has worked with all of the main back office technology providers to
produce tried and tested interfaces that reduce time and costs to our customers and give
them a better, more seamless user experience.
Your Suppliers only have to register once to access / trade with multiple customers via the
ProcServe Trading Network. It’s one connection to multiple buyers which can easily integrate
with their existing ERP systems. This cuts down on the cost of development for individual
customer requirements for eProcurement and translates to successful Supplier take up. Your
Suppliers could already be waiting there for you.
© ProcServe Holdings Ltd. 2010. All rights reserved.
What you could Achieve with the ProcServe Trading Network
Real life savings from ProcServe customers:
 Re-deployment of 12 catalogue management staff to focus on more value adding activities
 Gross saving of £3million per annum for removal of invoicing scanning solution, whilst
improving the overall quality of activities and services
 Reduction of the cost of capital employed via the reduction of physical stock holdings from
around 11 weeks down to 8 weeks
 An NHS hospital trust saved 50% on the price of a key product lines as a result of sourcing
through the ProcServe marketplace and enforcing purchasing compliance for the duration
of the contracts
 Housing Association Grŵp Gwalia realised savings of £31.50 per transaction, and their
P2P process time savings stand at 73%. The 9 step procurement process has been
reduced to 4 steps which means a 90% reduction in processing time for procurement staff
 Gwynedd Council:
Process Savings: The new procurement model has reduced the administrative effort by an average of 60%
Price Savings: Price savings on purchases through the use of corporate contracts and supplier discounts
 Sustainability Savings: Caerphilly County Borough Council has potentially saved 11,000
sheets of paper and 70kg of CO2 by pushing 10,800 Purchase Orders through eTrading.
© ProcServe Holdings Ltd. 2010. All rights reserved.
ProcServe Contact Details
For more information about the ProcServe Trading Network,
please contact ProcServe:
123 Buckingham Palace Road
London SW1W 9SR
Tel: +44(0)20 7730 9000
Fax: +44(0)20 7333 5047
© ProcServe Holdings Ltd. 2010. All rights reserved.