Grat WiFi

You wish to offer your guests
access to the internet?
Safe, simple and economical!
The wireless network that allows you to
communicate with your guests.
•Over 450 operational installations.
•Reference partner for international groups.
•Installations in airports, marinas, camping sites,
hotels, bars, offices, restaurants, libraries and expo
•New hotspot concept developed to the requests of
the clients.
•Tailor-made Wifi.
Own research and development.
How does it work?
The end user starts his internetbrowser and sees:
Chooses his preferred language and accepts the
terms of service.
Proceeds to the landing page, as chosen by the
hotspot owner
That can be a specific promotion or a survey.
Then goes on and surfs the
internet, checks mail etc.
For a preset period and with the
limitations set by the hotspot
The owner can follow up his hotspot
and adapt settings at any time.
Our portal provides him with current information.
With detail.
The operator can monitor usage on his
The operational status can be followed up
Heartbeat of the router every 60
The hotspot owner can modify the settings
and the landing page at any time.
We take care of data retention for
Directive nr. 06/24/EG Of the European parliament and the counsel of
march 15, 2006 obliges each provider of public electronic
communication networks to conserve certain session information for
a given period of time.
Anyone who allows others to surf on his internet connection has to
From each internet session date and time of the log-in and log-off and
the IP-address of the user, but not the websites visited, have to be
stored for a period of twelve months.
Since the IP-address in the case of a hotspot is always that of the
owner, we also log the MAC-address of the computer that was used.
And what about the cost?
Every location is different. The installation cost
will largely depend on the necessary hardware
and cabling. We will gladly provide you with an
estimation or an offer without engagement
after a site visit or a study on plan.
You can already have a GratWiFi hotspot for
32 Euros per month.
What’s in it for you?
Free internet attracts more customers. Some 72% of business hotel guests
considers free internet to be a major issue in deciding where to book a hotel room.
The success of iPhone and other smart phones has caused an enormous growth of
the number of people that frequently connects to the internet.
"The results show that, on average, profits under the free [Hotspot] schemes are 533
percent higher than the paid for services - a result of the higher indirect sales of
coffee and food generated by the increased customer traffic lured to the location by
the hotspot service on offer.“.-Edge Consult: The Wlan Hotspot Report: A Complete Analysis of the Industry and Future
Evolution of the Hotspot
Thanks to the extra business generated by your hotspot, it’s you who makes extra
profit, and not the internet provider as in the paid solutions.
You offer a simple and reliable internet solution, without any hassle. For as long as
the contract period lasts, you benefit from our warranty.
For use in congress centres or meeting rooms,
we can – at no extra cost - provide a system with
username and password to provide access either
to whole groups or to individuals.
For hotels, we also provide the possibility to have
the GratWiFi software interacting with the
booking and management software.
This way, only the hotel guests can access the
internet after checking in at the front office.
For more information: