The Industrial Revolution Spreads

The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution Spreads
 Learning Points
 Examine how scientific and technological
changes and new forms of energy brought
about massive social, economic, and cultural
change during the Industrial Revolution.
The Industrial Revolution Spreads
 As the Industrial
Revolution spread in
the 1800s:
 Other nations took the
lead from Britain
 Iron gave way to steel
 Steam gave way to
 Businesses gave way
to corporations.
The Industrial Revolution Spreads
 Industrial Revolution spread from Britain to
Belgium, then to the rest of Europe.
The Industrial Revolution Spreads
 Other nations beat
Britain because:
 They had more and
better coal, iron, and
other resources.
 They simply copied
technology whereas
Britain had to invent
The Industrial Revolution Spreads
 Germany, once unified,
became the most
powerful industrial
nation in Europe.
 The USA became even
more powerful after the
Civil War.
 By 1900, the US made
30% of the world’s goods
The Industrial Revolution Spreads
 Eastern and Southern
Europe developed
slowly because:
 They did not have the
proper resources
 They did not have
extra capital
The Industrial Revolution Spreads
 Why did other nations surpass Britain in
the Industrial Revolution?
The Industrial Revolution Spreads
 Russia had more than enough resources, but an
unreformed political system did not allow them
to take advantage of them.
The Industrial Revolution Spreads
 Japan had none of the resources needed but
rapidly industrialized because of a revolution
based on becoming a modern nation.
The Industrial Revolution Spreads
 Which two nations became the most
powerful industrial nations by 1900?
The Industrial Revolution Spreads
 As industrialized
nations became more
powerful, they were
able to dominate nonWestern nations and
used them as a
source for resources.
The Industrial Revolution Spreads
 In the 1880s
businesses began
hiring and training
professional scientists
and inventors to
improve their product.
 Science + Technology
+ Industry = Money
and Power
The Industrial Revolution Spreads
 Bessemer invented
steel, a purer form of
 Nobel: Dynamite
 Faraday: The Electric
 Thomas Edison:
Light Bulb
Motion Picture
The X-Ray Machine
The electric chair
The Phonograph
The Industrial Revolution Spreads
 Interchangeable parts were developed to massproduce goods.
 Factories added assembly lines to speed up the
manufacturing process
The Industrial Revolution Spreads
 Steamships
 Transcontinental
 Trans-Siberian
 Otto invented the
engine; Daimler and
Benz made the car
 Henry Ford improved
the car, making it
The Industrial Revolution Spreads
 Name 2 things Thomas Edison invented.
The Industrial Revolution Spreads
 American Wright
brothers flew the first
 Telegraphs, radios,
and, soon, telephones
are invented making
communication with
distant empires
The Industrial Revolution Spreads
 Business owners sold
“stocks” or small
amounts of their
company to get capital.
 As their business
became more
successful, these
stocks grew in worth.
 A business with stock is
called a corporation.
The Industrial Revolution Spreads
 Huge corporations
moved to buy out and
control entire
industries (steel,
railroad, oil,
 When they
succeeded they
created “monopolies”
The Industrial Revolution Spreads
 What is a monopoly?