High performance manufacturing

EU efforts aimed to
facilitate and accelerate the adoption of
Advanced Manufacturing in Europe
Dr Nikos Pantalos,
European Commission
ENTR-B3 Innovation Policy for Growth
Workshop on "Crossing Borders, moving frontiers: the future of manufacturing industry in Brabant and Flanders"
4 Sept.2014
Advanced Manufacturing (examples)
ICT-enabled intelligent manufacturing, i.e.
integrating digital technologies into production processes
(e.g. smart factories)
High performance manufacturing, combining
flexibility, precision and zero-defect (e.g. high precision
machine tools, advanced sensors, 3D printers)
Sustainable manufacturing technologies, i.e.
technologies to increase manufacturing efficiency in the
use of energy and materials and reduce emissions
High priority in policy agendas at all levels
Grouping EU initiatives in support of ADMA
• Research and
Development of
Advanced Manufacturing
Technologies (Horizon
• Demonstration and
deployment of ADMA in
manufacturing products
(KETs approach)
• Facilitation of
adoption of ADMA by
European firms,
especially SMEs
Facilitation and adoption of ADMA
Contribute to the modernisation of the EU industry
through the integration of ADMA technologies
Involve as many as possible SMEs and as many as
possible industrial sectors
Promote the introduction of smart/flexible manufacturing
concept (compared to linear production)
Areas for action
Analyse how ADMA is used by EU firms (studies, collection of new data,
Improve the framework conditions for the adoption of ADMA (barriers)
Coordination with Member States and EU Regions (policies and actions)
Integrate more support measures into H2020 for adopting ADMA +
reinforce technology transfer activities on ADMA (EEN)
Raise awareness about the benefits and implications + work on the
readiness of SMEs
Task Force on Advanced Manufacturing