The Powerful Edge of Market Neutral Equity Pairs

The Powerful Edge of
Market Neutral Equity Pairs
Presented by: Don Bright
What is a Pair?
The combination of two stocks to profit
from their relative change in price through
divergence or convergence of the spread
Statistical Arbitrage vs. Risk Arbitrage
Created for different purposes traded with
many different strategies
Creating a Spread Price to Watch
Example: Long Alcan vs. Short Alcoa
Last Price of AL minus Last Price of AA
48.06 – 30.58 = 17.48
• Factor
– (.65 x AL) – AA
(.65 x 48.06) – 30.58 = .66
• Ratio
Numerator and Denominator
AA divided by AL 30.58 / 48.06 = .64
Trading Considerations
Goal is Market Neutral
Choices are:
Dollar Neutral ($1 long to $1 short)
Beta Neutral (H.V is substitute)
Share Neutral
Best Pairs Created From:
Same Industry Group
Exhibit Mean Reverting Tendencies
Why is there the probability of mean
reversion over time?
Fundamental Difference Between Stocks
Comparing Metrics is Straightforward
Overvalued / Undervalued to Peers
65-Day Chart
Metrics used in Fundamental
Value out performs growth when risk adjusted
Market Cap
Price to Book (P/B)
Tangible Book Values
Price to Earnings (P/E use TTM)
Dividend Yield
Industry Group
Short the overvalued stock
Buy the undervalued stock
Spread History
Compoundable Trades
Intra-day Scalps
Market Neutral Swing Trade
Relative Strength Pairs
Pair Investing
Fundamental Edge
Technical Edge
PairNomics, LLC.
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step-by-step disciplined journey into the realm of Equity Pairs Trading and related Market-Neutral
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