Majors and Careers in Agricultural Sciences

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College of Agricultural Sciences
Majors &
Spring 2010
in the Food, Agricultural,
& Natural Resource Sciences
College of
Agricultural Sciences
What kinds of
jobs helped to
make this
College of Agricultural Sciences
What kinds of career
preparation do you think the
College of Agricultural Sciences
offers to students?
College of Agricultural Sciences
In the USA…
• 22 million jobs related to agriculture
(that’s nearly 1 out of every 6 jobs!)
• Over 300 different career possibilities in
food, agriculture, and natural resource
Career options can be overwhelming!
College of Agricultural Sciences
Where is this presentation headed?
1. Explore 8 disciplines of majors/careers
related to food, agriculture, and natural
resource sciences
2. Identify careers related to each of the
8 disciplines
3. Learn how majors at Penn State in Ag
Sciences can get you to those careers
Lesson Overview
College of Agricultural Sciences
Careers & Majors related to…
• Animal Sciences & Pre-Veterinary Studies
• Biomedical & Food Sciences
• Business & Community, Environment, &
• Education & Multidisciplinary Studies
• Engineering & Technology
• Environmental Sciences & Policy
• Forest Resources
• Plant Sciences
College of Agricultural Sciences
Careers in Animal & Pre-Vet Studies?
– Veterinary medicine
– Animal nutrition & health
– Animal biosecurity and disease control
– Production animal agriculture and
– Animal-related research
– Technical sales or service
– Cooperative extension
Animal & Pre-Vet Studies
College of Agricultural Sciences
• Animal Sciences
– Options in Business/Management or Science
– In-depth study of animal production and
management or animal biology
– Gain hands-on experience with the college’s
animals and facilities
• Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
– More than 40% of grads admitted to vet schools
– Background in biological and physical sciences
– Explore biomedical research areas such as
genetics, nutrition, immunology, physiology, etc.
Animal & Pre-Vet Studies
College of Agricultural Sciences
Careers in Biomedical & Food Sci?
– Biomedical sciences
– Cancer research
– Genetics
– Nutrition
– Food safety
– Food processing plant management
– Food product development
– International trade and ag commodities
Biomedical &
Food Sciences
College of Agricultural Sciences
Food Science
– Apply chemistry and microbiology in real-world
– Develop new food products
– Work for companies like Kellogg’s or Hershey Foods
Immunology and Infectious Disease
– How does body deal with infection and disease?
– Great prep for careers in the medical field!
– Use advanced technologies such as: Molecular
research, DNA extraction and sequencing, & more!
– Research and study cancer, poisons and treatments
Biomedical &
Food Sciences
College of Agricultural Sciences
Careers in Business & Community,
Environment, & Development?
– Business management
– Community & Economic Development
– Government
– Retail/wholesale operations
– Accounting and finance
– Economics
– Marketing and sales
– International trade
Business & Community
College of Agricultural Sciences
• Agribusiness Management
– 1 of every 6 jobs in the US relates to Agribusiness
– Prepare for careers in the business industry
– Study business management, consumer science, and
economic principles
– Solid preparation for graduate school or law school
• Community, Environment & Development
– Learn to create positive and sustainable change
– Assist communities here and abroad in making
decisions about people, resources, and the
Business & Community
College of Agricultural Sciences
Careers in Education &
Multidisciplinary Studies?
– Teaching:
• Agriculture, Environmental or General Science
– Cooperative Extension
– Training & Development
– Youth Development
– USDA or Other Government Agencies
– Production Agriculture
– Private Agricultural Industry
Education &
Multidisciplinary Studies
College of Agricultural Sciences
• Agricultural and Extension Education
– Gain experience in the classroom or through
Cooperative Extension Services
– Develop lessons and program plans
– Options in leadership, environmental science, or
production agriculture
• Agricultural Science
– Work with an advisor to customize your curriculum
– Combine disciplines to fit your goals
– Explore broad spectrum of career opportunities
Education &
Multidisciplinary Studies
College of Agricultural Sciences
Careers in Engineering & Technology?
– Structural design and environmental control
– Environmental resource protection
– Biological systems
– Machinery systems
– Testing, sales, and technical support
– Engineering
– Biofuels production
Engineering & Technology
College of Agricultural Sciences
• Agricultural Systems Management
– Integrate agricultural sciences, business, and
engineering technology
– Courses in structural analysis, power generation
and transmissions, electronics, environmental
control, natural resources, etc.
• Biological Engineering
– Apply engineering skills to agricultural and
biological production systems
– Develop systems for environmental protection,
food production, biological processing, and
biomass utilization
– Joint program with the College of Engineering
Engineering & Technology
College of Agricultural Sciences
Careers in Environmental
Sciences & Policy?
– Environment management and restoration
– Public policy development
– Land use recommendation
– Natural resource conservation
– Sustainable development
– Community development
– Public, private or non-profit organizations
Environmental Sciences
& Policy
College of Agricultural Sciences
• Community, Environment & Development
– Learn to create positive and sustainable change
– Assist communities here and abroad in making
decisions about people, resources, and the
• Environmental Resource Management
– Learn about management of natural resources
– Study ecosystem restoration and remediation
– Field and lab-based resource management courses
Environmental Sciences
& Policy
College of Agricultural Sciences
Careers in Forest Resources?
– Management of national, state, or private
– Timber management
– Urban forestry
– Land and wildlife management agencies
– Wood products engineering, research and
development, or quality control
– Wildlife conservation
Forest Resources
College of Agricultural Sciences
• Forest Science
– Learn about sustainable forest management
– Study current issues—green spaces, urban tree
areas, etc.
• Wildlife & Fisheries Science
– Manage and conserve wildlife and fish species
– Protection for natural wildlife environments
• Wood Products
– Learn about engineering, processing, and
management of wood products
– Gain business and marketing skills
Forest Resources
College of Agricultural Sciences
Careers in Plant Sciences?
– Plant genetics and breeding
– Landscaping design, installation, and
– Golf course management
– Athletic complex maintenance
– Plant production and management
– Plant product marketing
– Crop production
Plant Sciences
College of Agricultural Sciences
• Agroecology
– Learn about sustainable food production,
biodiversity, and farms
– Study soil science, pest and crop management,
agricultural research, and farm management
– Prepare for a career in production, educational
organizations, USDA or homeland security, etc.
• Horticulture
– Master principles of plant breeding and production
– Combine scientific knowledge and technical skill to
grow fruits, vegetables, flowers, and ornamentals
– Discover new knowledge about plants
Plant Sciences
College of Agricultural Sciences
• Landscape Contracting
– Explore the art and science of designing and
constructing landscapes
– Learn techniques for landscape management
– Study plant materials, design and construction,
business management, surveying, and more!
• Turfgrass Science
– Become an expert in turfgrass production and
– Take courses in basic science, business, and
applied turfgrass science while gaining experience
in the general field
Plant Sciences
College of Agricultural Sciences
Now what kinds of career
preparation do you think the
College of Agricultural Sciences
offers to students?
...any surprises?
College of Agricultural Sciences
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Contact us:
Office for Undergraduate Education
College of Agricultural Sciences
101 Agricultural Administration Building
University Park, PA 16802
Phone: (814) 865-7521
AIM Username: ThinkAgain
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College of Agricultural Sciences
Majors &
Spring 2009
in the Food, Agricultural,
& Natural Resource Sciences
College of
Agricultural Sciences
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College of Agricultural Sciences