ASEAN As One Moving Forward

ASEAN: Ten Nation Moving
Forward As One
Jose Concepcion, Jr.
Chair, ASEAN-BAC Philippines
Chair, East Asia Business Council (EABC)
Former Philippine Trade & Industry Secretary
Former President of the ASEAN Chambers of Commerce
and Industry
After the World War II most of the developing
countries adopted the State-led development where
the state planned and managed economic
development, allocation of resources, production of
goods and services for public and private
In mid 1980’s many developing countries are
undertaking structural reforms aimed at
encouraging private sectors to play a greater role in
economic arena. Many economic policies aimed to
strengthen market forces and increase competition
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is the
largest and oldest organization of its kind in Asia, it was
formed on August 8, 1967 by Indonesia, Malaysia,
Philippines, Singapore and Thailand, when the foreign
ministers of the five countries met at the Thai Department
of Foreign Affairs building in Bangkok and signed the
ASEAN Declaration, more commonly known as the Bangkok
Its aims include the acceleration of economic growth, social
progress and cultural development among its members,
and the promotion of regional peace and stability by
abiding respect for justice and the rule of law in the
relationship among countries in the region and adherence
to the principles of the United Nations Charter
The regional bloc grew when another
five Asian Countries (Brunei,
Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and
Vietnam) joined
At the height of the global economic crisis,
in December 1997, the ASEAN leaders had
spelled out their vision of an integrated
ASEAN economy in the first two decades
of the new century.
Economic cooperation and integration became the
key pillar of the entire region’s future development.
The need to move toward a stronger market-driven
and export oriented strategies has intensified.
The spheres of economic influence regionally and
globally are shifting. China is now expected to
become the world’s third largest economy.
Which make it imperative for Asian countries to work
together to forge effective and efficient integrated
regions that can take advantage of the opportunities
for increased cooperation.
Nature of ASEAN as Regional
The ASEAN leaders emphasize friendship, understanding,
consensus, and non-intervention to promote regional
peace and stability.
Consultations and consensus are the most enduring
features of ASEAN
The leaders emphasized that the successful building of
an ASEAN Community that is truly people-oriented by
2015 requires the cooperation and contribution of all
sectors of ASEAN society and the participation of ASEAN
peoples in all aspects of community-building
ASEAN Significant Milestone
ASEAN Charter – is a constitution for the
ASEAN, which will guide the construction
of the ASEAN Community
Roadmap for the ASEAN Community -
From Economic Cooperation To
Economic Integration
The ASEAN Vision 2020 statement
declared that “ The ASEAN Economic
Community shall establish ASEAN as
single market and production base”
This the large evolution step that ASEAN
has taken as it now progressed to the
most extensive goal, the creation of a
single market
Economic Cooperation Economic Integration
is a preferential
treatment that aims to
reduce tariffs and
commercial barriers
among its member
Removal of some
measures that
discriminates against
foreign suppliers of
goods and services.
Economies of its member
nation is completely
integrated. Which means
establishment of a single
Strategic Schedule
Single Market
Free Flow of
Free Flow of Services
Free Flow of Capital
Free Flow of Skilled Labor
Priority Sectors Integration
Food, Agriculture and Forestry
Competitive Economic Region
Competition Policy
Consumer Protection
Intellectual Property Rights
Infrastructure Development
Equitable Economic Development
SME Development
Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI)
Integration into the Global Economy
Coherent Approach
towards External
Economic Relations
Enhanced Participation
In global supply
The ASEAN Challenges
and Roadblocks
Narrowing the development gap within the
Ensuring that the different Regional Trade
Agreement will be consistent with the ASEAN
Vision and will not have a “spaghetti bowl
Lack of participation from the Civil Society
Organization – CSO’s could also provide
important insights, feedback to make ASEAN
more people oriented
The need to strengthen the Political and
Social Pillar of the ASEAN Community so
we can create a cohesive community,
since ASEAN is composed of countries
with varying nature
Making the ASEAN concept meaningful to
all the citizens in the region, this must be
understood and embraced by all.
ASEAN Prospects and Opportunities
The Pan-Asian level, the diversities in the levels
of economic development and capabilities are
quite wide, thus, providing for more extensive
and mutually beneficial linkages.
The formation of an Asian Economic Community
(AEC) will also help the region to play a more
effective role in shaping a world trading and
financial system that is more responsive to its
Taking the Next Big Step Forward
Even with all the hype about economic
development, through regional integration
not all were able to achieve this goal.
ASEAN with its diverse socio –political and
economic milieu we have a goal top
materialize, and that is to create a single
market for the entire region.
For the ASEAN to take the next step up, and to be
regarded as the driving force of economic
integration, open regionalism should be taken
into account.
For ASEAN to truly become an engine of growth
for the entire region, each member countries
must also develop domestic market and upgrade
Regional economic integration is a necessary but
not sufficient, means for ASEAN to join the ranks
of fully develop economies.
We have to combine the international
integration with domestic integration and
make use of the human talent and
investment capital to materialize our goals
We must also embrace and grab the
opportunities that ASEAN Economic
Community offers
Let us all join hands with determination to
make a commitment to penetrate global
market and create a dynamic, caring and
outward looking community.