CSO analysis and recommendations on ASEAN policies and programs on Food Security and Climate Change CSO analysis and recommendations Outline of Presentation on ASEAN policies and programs on Food Security and Climate Change 1. ASEAN Brief Background 2. Agriculture in ASEAN 3. ASEAN and Food Security Policies and Action 4. ASEAN and Climate Change 5. CSO Analysis /Reflection, Advocacy and Action Points CSO analysis and recommendations ASEAN Background Information on ASEAN policies and programs on Food Security and Climate Change History: Established in August 1967 by Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand; Brunei and CLMV joined later Objective: regional cooperation to achieve economic growth, social progress, cultural development and regional peace and stability; and to promote greater collaboration on maters of common interest Structures and Processes ASEAN Summit ASEAN Coordinating Council ASEAN Community Councils – based on three ASEAN pillars : ASEAN Political Security Community Council ASEAN Economic Community Council ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Agriculture in ASEAN Share of Agriculture to GDP of ASEAN Countries is minimal. Share of Sectors to GDP of ASEAN Countries, 2007 100% 90% 80% 42.4 41.1 43.2 70% 51.9 43.6 49.9 40.4 66.8 60% 50% 30.1 40% 30% 43 56.6 20% 10% 0% 47.5 40.7 28.7 1.1 41.8 32.7 33.2 13.8 Agriculture 7.4 17.4 Industry 0.1 Services 8.8 17.8 Agriculture continues to be a major source of employment in many ASEAN countries Share of Agriculture to Employment in ASEAN Countries, 2005 57.2 Vietnam 42.1 Thailand 0 Singapore 37 Philippines 15.8 Malaysia 44 Indonesia 60.3 Cambodia 0 20 40 (in per cent) 60 80 CSO analysis andmenrecommendations Challenges faced by small and women farmers and agricultural producers on ASEAN policies and programs on Food Security and Climate Change • Limited public and private investment in agriculture • Impacts of trade and investment liberalization AFTA CEPT, ASEAN China FTA, ASEAN India FTA, Asean Korea FTA, ASEAN Australia and New Zealand FTA • Climate change ASEAN and Food Security CSO analysis andpolicy recommendations ASEAN’s long term objectives on agriculture and food security on ASEAN policies and programs on Food Security and Climate Change Mandate and Policy Guidance from the Ministerial Understanding on ASEAN Cooperation in Food, Agriculture and Forestry, 1993 1. Strengthening food security in the region 2. Promotion and facilitation of intra-ASEAN trade 3. Generation and transfer of technology to increase productivity 4. Agricultural rural community and human resource development 5. Private sector involvement and investment 6. Management and conservation of natural resources for sustainable development 7. Strengthening ASEAN cooperation and joint approaches in addressing international and regional issues The ASEAN INTEGRATED FRAMEWORK ON FOOD SECURITY (AIFS) Strategic Thrust Strengthen food security arrangements Action Programme Strengthen national food security programs Develop food security reserves and mechanisms Promote conducive market and trade Promote initiatives supporting sustainable food trade (ATIGA) Strengthen the ASEAN Food Security Information System Strengthen food security mechanism to forecast, plan and monitor supply and utilization of commodities Promote sustainable food production Encourage greater investments in food and agrobased industry Identify emerging issues related to food security Improve agriculture infra system development to secure production, minimize post harvest losses and reduce transaction costs Efficient utilization of resource potential for agricultural development Promote agricultural innovation and research Promote close collaboration for technology transfer Promote food and agro-based development Address the development of biofuels with consideration to food security Address impacts of climate change on food security CSO analysis and recommendations How are these translated into concrete plans of for agriculture? on ASEANaction policies and programs on Food Security and Climate Change •Series of Strategic Plan of Action on ASEAN Cooperation in Food, Agriculture and Forestry (1994 – 2004, 2005-2010) •Shift of focus from cooperation in food production and supply to facilitating intra and extra ASEAN trade in agriculture, fishery and forestry products Buzzwords – international competitiveness, food security, updated information on commodity supply demand and trade • CSO analysis and recommendations Some reflections on ASEAN policies and/ analysis programs on Food Security andgeneral Climate Change ASEAN policy declaration reflect calls of food security, sustainable agricultural development, climate change mitigation and adaptation, among others But ASEAN programs and activities do not ... • The only binding aspect of ASEAN policies are those that relate to the FTAs • SPAs formed through top down process (and by technocrats) and, as such, are not reflective of the agenda of small men and women farmers and agricultural producers CSO Advocacy and Action Points Advocacy Work to be done An effective and updated ASEAN Evaluate EAERR Rice Reserve Mechanism Development of rules and guidelines for a regional rice reserve mechanism Development of an ASEAN Rice Policy that helps interested Members attain food selfsufficiency Consultations to develop and validate CSO proposal on the ASEAN Rice Policy Advocacy and Lobbying Bodies, venues and process to engage in ASEAN AMAF (SOM and Ministerial level), SAP-FS, AIFS ASEAN and Climate Change • CSO analysis and recommendations ASEAN and Climate Change on ASEAN policies and programs on Food Security Climate Change ASEAN Membersand account for a small portion of global GHG Emission • Southeast Asia most vulnerable to climate change because of the region’s location and geo-physical characteristics • Region highly unprepared to cope with climate change • Food security threatened by climate change • CSO analysis and recommendations ASEAN’s work onand Climate Change on ASEAN policies programs on Food Security and Climate Change Declaration on Climate Change in 2007 • Calls for closer cooperation on mitigation and adaptation • Focus of individual national communication is mitigation more than adaptation • Terms of Reference of the Climate Change Initiative, created an ASEAN Working Group on Climate Change • Vietnam pushing for ASEAN association to the Copenhagen Accord; opposed by other countries ASEAN Position vs. Copenhagen Accord ASEAN Position Copenhagen Accord A legally binding agreement Voluntary, political agreement only Limit the average global temperature rise to below 2C above the pre-industrial level Unclear means to achieve target of limiting temperature rise to 2C Ghg emission reduction based on individual targets (bottom-up), not on aggregate target Richer nations to provide developing countries with scaled-up, new, additional, adequate and predictable financing to combat the effects of climate change No financial commitments from rich countries, only financial pledges Financial mechanism will not be accountable to the COP of the UNFCCC Developed countries to take the lead based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities Based on “burden sharing” among countries, according to capacity CSO Engagement with ASEAN CSO Engagement in ASEAN Organization Area of Advocacy Work Policy, body, process engaged in ASEAN AFA Food security, Climate change, agricultural trade, sustainable agriculture Consultations cum agenda building with farmers, research, advocacy, trainings ASEAN Secretariat, AIFS Asiadhrra Food security, sustainable agriculture, ASEAN process Research, trainings and capability building, advocacy ASEAN Secretariat, AIFS APFNS Food sovereignty Advocacy, research ASEAN Secretariat EARWG Food Security, sustainable agriculture, agriculture trade, climate change Research, advocacy, training and capability building ASEAN secretariat, national government Focus on the Global South Food security, climate change, ASEAN Process Research, advocacy ASEAN Secretariat, ASEAN Summit Oxfam Food security, climate change, sustainable agriculture Research, advocacy, funding Searice Sustainable agriculture Advocacy, research, training and capability building Seafish Agricultural trade, sustainable resource management, Climate change • CSO analysis and recommendations Civil Society on ASEAN policiesAdvocacies and programs on Food Security andof peoples Climate Change Food sovereignty: the right to healthy and culturally appropriate food produced through ecologically sound and sustainable methods, and their right to define their own food and agriculture systems • Support for community-based conservation and development of seeds • Support for sustainable community-based food production, marketing and distribution, also as a strategy for climate change adaptation and mitigation • Promotion of appropriate farming systems • CSO analysis and recommendations Civil Society on ASEAN policiesAdvocacies and programs on Food Security Climateagreement Change Sustained pressure for and a legally-binding on climate change mitigation, adaptation and delivery of commitments by developed countries under the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities • Pursue multilateral engagement in the UNFCCC process, not under the Copenhagen Accord which does not conform with the ASEAN positions • Participation of farmers, food producers/providers and consumers in decision-making in food and agriculture at different levels CSO Advocacy and Action Points Advocacy Work to be done Regional program on climate change Technology transfer and sharing -production, pest management, watershed and other resource management -disaster risk reduction and management -policies and initiatives on loss and damage -weather forecasting and information Modelling Capability building, advocacy and lobbying Funds for regional adaptation initiatives (can be integrated with common agri fund advocacy) Farmers input into the multisectoral framework on climate change for agriculture, fisheries and forestry (under AMAF) Common position at least on adaptation and financing in COP Support to PO/CSO participation in NAPA and NAMA creation Bodies, venues and process to engage in ASEAN AMAF. ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on the Environment, TWG on Climate Change, Multisectoral framework on climate change CSO Advocacy and Action Points Advocacy Work to be done Bodies, venues and process to engage in ASEAN AMAF (SOM and Ministerial level) Farmers’ participation in ASEAN Creation of Farmers’ and Policy Formulation/ Creation of Fisherfolks’ Parallel Forum an ASEAN Farmers and Fisheries Advisory Council Formal and informal interaction Next Meeting in Cambodia with AMAF Lobby AMAF minister to endorse parallel forum and stakeholder participation in the AMAF process