Standards on Internal Audit Codifying the Best Practices Venue ICAI BRANCH City Dehradun On 19th May 2012 Verendra Kalra FCA,GRAD.CWA,DISA Introduction Standards on Internal Audit (SIAs)Issued by the Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India Till date 17 SIAs issued Codify best practices in areas of internal audit Provide a benchmark of the performance of the internal audit services Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra Preface to the Standards on Internal Audit (Issued in January 2004) Scope of the Standards on Internal Audit (SIAs) Scope of the Guidance Notes on Internal Audit Implications of the departures from SIAs Procedure for issuing the SIAs and Guidance Notes Standards Standards on on Internal Internal Audits Audits CA CA Verendra Verendra Kalra Kalra Scope of the Standards on Internal Audit SIAs apply whenever internal audit is carried out Describes internal audit as A continuous and critical appraisal of functioning of an entity with a view: -to suggest improvements, -to add value and strengthen the overall governance mechanism -including the entity’s strategic risk management and internal control system Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra Why Internal Audit? Internal audit helps in: Understanding and assessing the risks and evaluate the adequacies of the prevalent internal controls. Identifying areas for systems improvement and strengthening controls. Ensuring optimum utilisation of the resources of the entity, for example, human resources, physical resources etc. Ensuring proper and timely identification of liabilities, including contingent liabilities of the entity. Ensuring compliance with internal and external guidelines and policies of the entity as well as the applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. Safeguarding the assets of the entity. Reviewing and ensuring adequacy of information systems security and control. Reviewing and ensuring adequacy, relevance, reliability and timeliness of management information system. Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra Types of Internal audits -Few Examples Internal audit requirements under Companies (Auditor’s Report) Order, 2003 (CARO, 2003) Internal audit of Enterprise risk management process Internal audit of corporate governance Internal audit of transactions of Depository Participants Internal audit in Banks Internal audit of treasury operations Internal audit of plastic money operations Internal audit of Mutual funds Internal audit of a Not -for- Profit Organisation Risk based Internal Audit Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra Types of Internal audits -Few Examples (Contd…) Internal Audit of Intellectual property Internal audit of stock and Inventories Internal audit of adherence to competition Law Internal Audit - Controls due Diligence Reviews Internal Audit of ESOP Transactions Internal Audit of NBFCs Internal Audit of compliance with FEMA laws Internal Audit of compliance with Labour Law Internal Audit of Financial Instruments Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra Internal audit-some perspectives Need not be mandated by law Need not be an exclusive area for CA’s Scope is very different as compared to statutory audit The above factors impact the : Approach and objective Skills required Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra Framework for Standards on Internal Audit (Issued in August 2008) Objective is to promote the professionalism in the internal audit activity. Provide a frame of reference for the SIAs being issued. Components of Frame work The Code of Conduct Establishes the essential principles of conduct and prescribes for the professionals in internal audit activity. The Competence Framework Describes the key characteristics that are required of persons performing internal audit. The Body of Standards Standards specifies the basic principles and processes. Mandatory minimum requirements The Technical Guidance Provide guidance to internal auditors in resolving professional issue arising while carrying out internal audit. Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 1, Planning Internal Audit (Issued in May 2006) Gives an insight into the objectives of the planning Provides knowledge about the factors affecting the planning process Deals with scope of the planning and the planning process Develop and document plan in consultation with those charged with governance, including the Audit Committee Internal audit plan should be based on : the objectives of the activity significant risks risk management and internal control system reflect the risk management strategy Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 1, Planning Internal Audit Contd….. A plan once prepared should be continuously reviewed by the internal auditor to identify any modifications required to bring the same in line with the changes, if any, in the audit environment. The internal auditor should also assess the client expectations as to the assurance level on different aspect of entity’s operations and controls. The internal auditor should also prepare a formal internal audit programme listing the procedures essential for meeting the objective of the internal audit plan. Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 2, Basic Principles Governing Internal Audit (Issued in August 2007) Explains the principles which governs the internal auditor’s professional responsibilities: Integrity, objectivity and independence, Confidentiality Due professional care, skills and competence Work performed by others Documentation Planning Evidence Internal Control and Risk Management Reporting Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 2, Basic Principles Governing Internal Audit (Contd…) Elaborate principles to give guidance on auditing procedure and reporting practices Compliance with basic principles Require application of procedures and practices appropriate to particular circumstances Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 3, Documentation (Issued in August 2007) Provide guidance on documentation requirements in internal audit Describes form and content of documentation Detention and retention of the documentation Identification of the preparer and reviewer Documentation may be on paper or on electronic or any other media Documentation should record internal audit charter, internal audit plan, nature, timing and extent of audit procedures performed, and conclusions drawn from the evidence obtained Signed by the preparers and reviewers Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 4, Reporting (Issued in August 2008) Establish standards on the form and content of internal auditor’s report. Describes basic elements of an internal auditor’s report Deals with different stages of communication and discussion of the report Describes the reporting responsibilities of the internal auditor Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 4, Reporting (Contd…) Basic elements of Internal Audit Report Title; Addressee; Report Distribution List; Period of coverage of the Report; Opening or introductory paragraph; Objectives paragraph; Scope paragraph; Executive Summary; Observations, findings and recommendations made by the internal auditor; Comments from the local management; Action Taken Report (Follow up report) ; Date of the report; Place of signature; and Internal auditor’s signature with Membership Number. Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 5, Sampling (Issued in August 2008) Provide guidance regarding the design and selection of an audit sample Guide on the use of audit sampling in the internal audit engagement Deals with evaluation of sample results Guidance on use of sample in risk assessment procedures and tests of controls performed by the internal auditor Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 5, Sampling (Issued in August 2008) Evaluation of sample results The internal auditor should: analyse the nature and cause of any errors detected in the sample; project the errors found in the sample to the population; reassess the sampling risk; and consider their possible effect on the particular internal audit objective and on other areas of the internal audit engagement Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 6, Analytical Procedures (Issued in August 2008) Provide guidance regarding the application of analytical procedures during internal audit Deals with the aspects such as: the nature and purpose of analytical procedures, analytical procedures as risk assessment procedures and planning the internal audit Analytical procedures as substantive procedures Analytical procedures in the overall review at the end of the internal audit Extent of reliance on analytical procedures Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 6, Analytical Procedures (Contd….) Analytical Procedures as Risk Assessment Procedures and in Planning the Internal Audit to obtain an understanding of the business, the entity and its environment and in identifying areas of potential risk Analytical Procedures as Substantive Procedures procedures to reduce detection risk relating to specific financial statement assertions and assertions relating to process, systems and controls Analytical Procedures in the Overall Review at the End of the Internal Audit forming an overall conclusion as to whether the systems, processes and controls as a whole are robust, operating effectively and are consistent with the internal auditor's knowledge of the business Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 7, Quality Assurance in Internal Audit (Issued in August 2008) A system for assuring the quality in internal audit should provide reasonable assurance that the internal auditors comply with professional standards, regulatory and legal requirements so that the reports issued by them are appropriate in the circumstances. provide the guidance to the person entrusted with the responsibility for the quality of the internal audit whether in-house internal audit or a firm carrying out internal audit. This Standard also provide the extensive knowledge about the internal quality reviews, external quality reviews and communicating the results thereof. Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 7, Quality Assurance in Internal Audit (Contd…) Objectives Provide assurance that internal auditor comply with professional standards, regulatory and legal requirements Person within the entity should be entrusted with the responsibility for quality in the internal audit Include policies and procedures addressing each of following elements: Leadership responsibilities for quality in internal audit Ethical requirements Acceptance and continuance of client relationship and specific engagement, as may be applicable Human resources Engagement performance Monitoring Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 8, Terms of Internal Audit Engagement (Issued in August 2008) Establish standards in respect of terms of engagement of the internal audit activity whether carried out in house or by an external agency. Clarity on terms of internal audit engagement is essential for inculcating professionalism and avoiding misunderstanding as to any aspect of the engagement. Elements of Terms of Engagement Scope Responsibility Authority Confidentiality Limitations Reporting Compensation Compliance with Standards Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 9, Communication with Management (Issued in January 2009) Provides a framework for internal auditor’s communication with management and identifies some specific matters to be communicated with management as described in the terms of the engagement. Deals with the aspects such as: Matters to be communicated The communication process- Forms, Timing, Adequacy Documentation of Communication Internal Auditor’s Responsibilities in Relation to the Terms of Engagement Planned Scope and Timing of the Internal Audit Significant Findings from the Internal Audit Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 9, Communication with Management (Contd…) Communication to management includes the following steps: Discussion draft - should be submitted to the entity management for their review before the exit meeting Exit meeting- internal auditor should discuss with the management of the entity regarding the findings, observations, recommendations, and text of the discussion draft. Formal Draft- prepare a formal draft, taking into account any revision or modification resulting from the exit meeting and other discussions. Final report- The internal auditor should submit the final report to the appointing authority or such members of management, as directed. Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 10, Internal Audit Evidence (Issued in January 2009) Deals with the aspects such as: objective of the internal audit evidence, sufficiency and appropriateness of internal audit evidence, procedures for obtaining evidence Internal audit evidence should enable internal auditor to form an opinion on scope of terms of engagement Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 10, Internal Audit Evidence (Contd…) Sufficient and Appropriate Internal Audit Evidence Internal auditor’s judgement as to what is sufficient and appropriate internal audit evidence is usually influenced by: The materiality of the item. The type of information available. Degree of risk of misstatement which may be affected by factors such as : -The nature of the item. -The nature or size of the business carried on by the entity. -Situation which may exert an unusual influence on management Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 11, Consideration of Fraud in an Internal Audit (Issued in January 2009) Deals with the aspects such as: what is fraud ? concept of internal control system, elements of internal control system, responsibilities of the internal auditors, to whom the internal auditors will communicate about the presence of fraud, documentation of fraud risk factors when identified Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 11, Consideration of Fraud in an Internal Audit (Issued in January 2009) Responsibilities of the Internal Auditor Internal auditor to help management fulfill the responsibilities relating to fraud detection and prevention Approach of internal auditor should include Control Environment Risk Assessment Information System and Communication Control Activities Monitoring Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 12, Internal Control Evaluation (Issued in February 2009) Deals with the aspects such as: Nature, Purpose and Types of Internal Controls Inherent Limitations of Internal Controls Role of Internal Auditor in Evaluating Internal Controls Monitoring Internal Audit findings Communication of Continuing Internal Control Weaknesses Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 12, Internal Control Evaluation (Contd….) Role of Internal Auditor Examine continued effectiveness of internal control system through evaluation and make recommendations, if any, for improving effectiveness. Focus towards improving internal control structure and promoting better corporate governance. Make management aware, as soon as practical and at an appropriate level, of material weaknesses in design or operation of internal control systems Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 13, Enterprise Risk Management (Issued in February 2009) Describes Risk and Enterprise Risk Management Deals with the aspects such as: Process of ERM and Internal Audit Role of Internal Auditor in Relation to ERM Monitoring Internal Audit findings Internal Audit Plan and Risk Assessment Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 13, Enterprise Risk Management (Contd….) Role of Internal Auditor in Relation to ERM Provide assurance to management on effectiveness of risk management Review maturity of ERM structure by considering whether framework so developed,: Protects enterprise against surprises; Stabilizes overall performance with less volatile earnings; Operates within established risk appetite; Protects ability of enterprise to attend to its core business Creates system to proactively manage risks Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 14, Internal Audit in an Information Technology Environment (Issued in March 2009) Describes: Skills and competence to conduct internal audit in an IT environment Factors to be consider while planning such an internal audit Matters that may effect audit in an IT environment Risk Assessment Audit Procedures Review of IT Environment Outsourced Information Processing Documentation Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 14, Internal Audit in an Information Technology Environment (Contd…) Review of Information Technology Environment Overall objective and scope of an internal audit does not change in an IT environment Consider IT environment in designing audit procedures to review systems, processes, controls and risk management framework Apply professional judgment and skill in reviewing IT environment and assessing interface of such IT infrastructure with other business processes Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 15, Knowledge of the Entity and Its Environment (Issued in March 2009) Establish standards to provide guidance on: what constitutes knowledge of an entity’s business its importance to various phases of internal audit engagement techniques to be adopted by internal auditor in acquiring such knowledge about entity and its environment guidelines regarding application, usage and documentation of such knowledge by internal auditor Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 15, Knowledge of the Entity and Its Environment (Contd…) Using information appropriately assists internal auditor in : Assessing risks and in identifying key focus areas Planning and performing internal audit effectively and efficiently Evaluating audit evidence Providing better quality of service to client Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 16, Using the Work of an Expert (Issued in March 2009) Provide guidance where the internal auditor uses the work performed by an expert Explains situations in which need for using work of an expert might arise Considering skills and competence and objectivity of the expert Lays down procedures for evaluating the work of an expert Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 16, Using the Work of an Expert (Contd…) Reference to an expert in Report Should not, normally, refer to work of an expert in internal audit report Reference may be useful in cases Existence of material weaknesses or deficiencies in internal control system Beneficial to the readers Reference should outline assumptions, broad methodology and conclusions of expert Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 17, Consideration of laws and regulations in an Internal Audit (Issued in 2010) Objectives of internal auditor To obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding compliance with the provisions of those laws and regulations having direct effect on the financial statements identify instances of non compliance with other laws and regulations that may have a significant impact on the functioning of the entity To respond appropriately to non-compliance or suspected non-compliance with laws and regulations identified during the internal audit. Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 17, Consideration of laws and regulations in an Internal Audit (Contd….) Responsibility of the Internal Auditor the identification of non-compliance with laws and regulations is also an inherent part of his responsibilities. The responsibilities of an internal auditor related to compliance with laws and regulations are much wider than the statutory audit function. Even in the absence of an explicit mention in the terms of the engagement, the internal auditor has to verify compliance with laws and regulations within the overall objectives of an internal audit . This is in view of the following: paragraph 2 of the Standard on Internal Audit (SIA) 1,“Planning an Internal Audit” paragraph 8 & 10 of the Standard on Internal Audit (SIA) 12,“Interenal control Evaluation” paragraph 9 of the Standard on Internal Audit (SIA) 13,“Enterprise risk management” Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 17, Consideration of laws and regulations in an Internal Audit (Contd….) Responsibility of the Internal Auditor (contd…) Compliances are divided into two part a) Compliances that have a direct effect on the determination of material amounts and disclosures in the financial statements such as tax and laws regulating the reporting framework Auditors responsibility: to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence, in accordance with the Standard on Internal Audit (SIA) 10, “Internal Audit Evidence”, about compliance with the provisions of those laws and regulations. b) Other laws and regulations that do not have a direct effect on the determination of the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements, but compliance with which may be fundamental to the operating aspects of the business, to an entity’s ability to continue its business, or to avoid material penalties Auditors responsibility: is limited to undertaking specified audit procedures to help identify non-compliance with those laws and regulations that may have a significant impact on the functioning of the entity Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 17, Consideration of laws and regulations in an Internal Audit (Contd….) Reporting Non compliances To those charged with governance the internal auditor shall communicate with those charged with governance (if all are not part of management) matters involving non-compliance with laws and regulations that come to the internal auditor’s attention during the course of the internal audit, other than when the matters are clearly inconsequential. If, in the internal auditor’s judgment, the non-compliance is believed to be intentional and material, the internal auditor shall communicate the matter to those charged with governance as soon as practicable Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra SIA 17, Consideration of laws and regulations in an Internal Audit (Contd….) Reporting Non compliances (Contd….) Reporting non compliance in Internal Audit report If the internal auditor concludes that the non-compliance has a significant impact on the functioning of an entity and has not been adequately dealt with by the management, the internal auditor shall report the same in accordance with SIA 4, “Reporting”. Standards on Internal Audits CA Verendra Kalra THANK YOU