ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY–TSRŞB TURKISH INSURANCE SECTOR July 2011 1 ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY The Association of the Insurance and Reinsurance Companies of Turkey is a specialist institution with the characteristics of a unique nongovernmental institution operating under Insurance Law No. 5684. All local or foreign insurance and reinsurance companies operating in Turkey are members of the Association. As of June 2011, the Association has a total number of 64 members, 62 of them being insurance companies and the remaining 2 being reinsurance companies. 2 COMMITTEES OF THE ASSOCIATION The Association established the following committees to facilitate the preparation and revision of all legislation, tariffs, working guides and general clauses relating to insurance; to foster the insurance sector and to conduct studies and research on sectoral problems: Fire Insurance Marine Insurance Casualty Insurance Non-life Claims Engineering Insurance Life Insurance Health Insurance Liability Insurance Agriculture Insurance Financial & Accounting Law & Legal Protection AML/CFT 3 INTERNATIONAL MEMBERSHIPS • CEA, The European Insurance and Reinsurance Federation • IAIS, International Association of Insurance Supervisors • IMIA, International Association of Engineering Insurers • IUMI, International Union of Marine Insurance • ICC, International Chamber of Commerce • FALIA, The Foundation for the Advancement of Life & Insurance 4 TURKISH INSURANCE SECTOR 5 TURKISH ECONOMY IN 2010 National Income: GDP: 1.105 Billion TL (736 Billion USD) GDP per capita: 10.079 USD Inflation: CPI (consumer price index): 6.40 % PPI (producer price index): 8.87 % Unemployment: 11.4 % 6 WORLD INSURANCE SECTOR & TURKEY (2009) Total premiums: 4.1 Trillion USD (- 1.1 % decrease) Premium size in: Developed countries: 3.5 Trillion USD Developing countries: 533 Billion USD Turkey: 7.9 Billion USD Real increase (inflation-adjusted): Developed countries : - 1.8 % Developing countries : 3.5 % Turkey: - 18.9 % ( - 2.3% in local currency) 7 WORLD INSURANCE SECTOR & TURKEY (2009) World premiums in percent of GDP : 7% Developed countries: Developing countries: United Kingdom: Poland Hungary Turkey: 8,6 % 2,9 % 12,9 % 3,8 % 3,1 % 1,3 % World premiums per capita: 595 USD Developed countries : Developing countries: United Kingdom: Poland Hungary Turkey: SOURCE: Swiss Re, Sigma No: 2/2010 3 405 USD 92 USD 4 579 USD 630 USD 398 USD 109 USD 8 TURKISH INSURANCE SECTOR INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES As of June 2011, the Association has 64 members. Out of these 64 companies, 62 are insurance (10 life, 14 life and pension and 38 non-life companies )and remaining 2 are reinsurance companies. INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Insurance companies 53 56 59 58 62 Life 21 21 23 22 24 Non life 32 35 36 36 38 Reinsurance companies 2 2 2 2 2 TOTAL 55 58 61 60 64 WORKING AREA 9 EMPLOYMENT IN INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES As of the end of 2010, the number of people employed in the insurance sector is 16.568. Employment in Insurance and Reinsurance Companies Year 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 No. of Employed 13 550 14 950 16 007 18 841 16 568 Around 15.000 agents, 81 broker and 1.072 loss adjuster operate in Turkish insurance market. 10 PREMIUM PRODUCTION (2006 – 2010) ($) 11 PREMIUM INCOME ACCORDING TO THE BRANCHES ($) Branches Accident Sickness Land Vehicles Railway Rolling Stock Aircraft Ships Good in Transit Fire and Natural Forces Other Damage to Property Motor Vehicle Liability Aircraft Liability Liability for Ships General Liability Credit Suretyship Miscellaneous Financial Loss Legal Expenses Assistance Non Life Total Life Total 2010 (USD) 397.424.366 1.132.570.860 2.069.797.633 452.138 31.543.387 71.632.338 198.302.139 1.314.968.772 659.618.242 1.690.840.817 33.374.962 361.284 217.472.793 21.149.942 10.918.568 56.254.508 28.664.055 93.677 7.935.440.481 1.448.459.228 9.383.899.709 Percentage Breakdown (%) Annual Changes (%) 4,24 12,07 22,06 0,00 0,34 0,76 2,11 14,01 7,03 18,02 0,36 0,00 2,32 0,23 0,12 0,60 0,31 0,00 84,56 15,44 100,00 14,96 23,82 21,65 357,42 -14,87 -1,52 18,71 6,45 12,85 18,74 9,62 49,25 33,96 18,08 1,50 33,10 20,86 0,00 17,21 24,01 18,21 12 DATA ON CASCO AND MOTOR TPL INSURANCE (2009-2010) (USD) Motor TPL 2010 2009 Premium 1.531.132.006 1.100.737.144 Paid Losses 1.190.806.978 1.036.389.286 Technical Profit -388.968.453 -191.328.070 Casco 2010 2009 Premium 2.069.797.632 1.554.332.103 Paid Losses 1.558.995.938 1.581.061.462 -54.148.320 -235.330.024 Technical Profit 13 TOP TEN INSURANCE COMPANIES (2010) Rank Non-life Companies 1 Axa 12,71 Ziraat Hayat ve Emeklilik 27,59 2 Anadolu 11,89 Anadolu Hayat Emeklilik 16,38 3 Allianz 8,33 Garanti Emeklilik 4 Ak 7,41 Halk Hayat ve Emeklilik 6,48 5 Yapı Kredi 6,35 AvivaSA 5,70 6 Gunes 6,17 Yapı Kredi Emeklilik 5,03 7 Groupama 5,81 Finans Emeklilik ve Hayat 3,91 8 Ergo 5,81 Vakıf Emeklilik 3,82 9 Eureko 5,18 Allianz Hayat ve Emeklilik 3,41 10 Mapfre Genel 3,45 Deniz Emeklilik ve Hayat 2,77 Top Ten Companies Market Share (%) Life Companies 73,09 Top Ten Companies Market Share (%) 10,74 85,83 14 DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS (2010) 15 TOTAL PREMIUM PRODUCTION IN % OF GDP 2,00% 1,50% 1,18% 1,27% 1,28% 1,24% 1,29% 1,28% 2009 2010 1,00% 0,50% 0,00% 2005 2006 2007 2008 16 TOTAL PREMIUM PRODUCTION PER CAPITA ($) 17 TECHNICAL PROFIT/LOSS ACCORDING TO THE BRANCHES – 2010 Branches Accident Sickness Land Vehicles Railway Rolling Stock Aircraft Ships Good in Transit Fire and Natural Forces Other Damage to Property Motor Vehicle Liability Aircraft Liability Liability for Ships General Liability Credit Suretyship Miscellaneous Financial Loss Legal Expenses Assistance Non Life Total Life Total 2010 USD 131.897.696 -22.815.849 -54.148.320 -380.402 -3.772.916 10.272.171 77.084.118 128.698.395 34.303.979 -320.116.714 107.315 18.463 -12.349.536 3.949.791 3.210.915 9.154.785 14.440.195 800 -445.112 95.946.185 95.501.073 Technical Profit Ratio 2010 (%) 33,19% -2,01% -2,62% -84,13% -11,96% 14,34% 38,87% 9,79% 5,20% -18,93% 0,32% 5,11% -5,68% 18,68% 29,41% 16,27% 50,38% 0,85% -0,01% 6,62% 1,42% Technical Profit Ratio 2009 (%) 44,10% -8,26% -13,84% 54,26% -1,07% 16,15% 37,05% 9,81% 8,21% -5,27% -0,35% 15,21% 28,32% -6,86% 3,58% 6,67% 57,15% 0,00% 1,04% 5,99% 1,86% 18 PROFITABILITY, ASSETS AND EQUITY (USD) 2010 Ratio (%) 2009 Ratio (%) Financial Profit 59.701.715 0,64 Balance Sheet Profit (After Tax) 78.013.519 0,83 295.782.407 3,71 Shareholders Equity 4.766.970.772 1,64 5.727.972.521 5,16 24.337.101.552 0,32 1,46 Total Assets 247.753.286 3,11 Financial profit ratio= financial profit / gross premium Balance sheet profit ratio = balance sheet profit / gross premium Equity ratio = equity profit / total equity Asset ratio = balance sheet profit / total assets 19 MOST ATTRACTIVE SEGMENTS IN FUTURE General liability insurance Mortgage insurance: products should be more customer-focused new system (legal background established in 2007) new insurance products are expected to be introduced Unemployment insurance: becomes more important in times of global financial crises Unemployment insurance products are widespread in countries like the UK, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, etc. These products are expected to be more widely demanded in the Turkish market in the near future. 20 LEGISLATIVE DEVELOPMENTS 21 Turkish Insurance Law “Turkish Insurance Law” enshrines 12 chapters and 47 articles. All insurance and reinsurance companies operating in Turkey, the Association of the Insurance and Reinsurance Companies of Turkey, intermediaries, actuaries and insurance experts are subject to this law. Turkish Insurance Law was approved on June 3, 2007 at the General Assembly of the Turkish Parliament and published in the Turkish Official Gazette (No: 26552) on June 14, 2007. 22 Turkish Commercial Code & Code of Obligations The new Turkish Commercial Code was recently enacted. The new Turkish Commercial Code introduces important novelties in the field of consumer protection, categorization of insurance classes, information society, etc. The Code will enter into force by July 2012. The new Code of Obligations was recently enacted. The code which regulates obligations between legal and natural persons and contains provisions relating to insurance sector will enter into force by July 2012. 23 Draft Law on Catastrophe Insurances Another important legal development in the Turkish insurance market is the Draft Law on Catastrophe Insurances. The Draft Law not only foresees the extension of the penetration level for compulsory earthquake insurance through new measures but also the completion of legislative and technical infrastructure work for the extension of the Turkish Catastrophe Pool (TCIP) indemnity to cover all natural catastrophes (flood, landfall, storm, avalanche, hail), environmental pollution and terrorism. The draft Law is still pending. 24 Draft Law Amending the Motorways Traffic Law No. 2918 Draft Law Amending the Motorways Traffic Law No. 2918, which is prepared in line with EU standards, envisages the introduction of new traffic measures. The Association of the Insurance and Reinsurance Companies of Turkey has formulated the views of the insurance sector on the Draft Law, specifically on measures relating to compulsory third party liability insurance. The Draft Law also empowers the Association to authorize “special experts” to intervene traffic accidents with material damages. After the coming into force of the Law, traffic police will only intervene such accidents when traffic security necessitates. The draft Law is still pending. 25 Solvency II In Turkey’s EU harmonization process, the Turkish insurance sector has been working on the implementation of Solvency II. Within this context, a “Specialized Committee on Solvency II” was established in accordance with Art. 33 of the Turkish Insurance Law No. 5684. A sample of ten insurance companies were determined to conduct Quantitative Impact Study 4 (QIS 4), which had previously been conducted by the European Commission in EU countries. QIS 5 was also started to be applied from December 2010. The Solvency II Directive was also translated into Turkish and distributed to companies by the Association. 26 Technical Reserves There have also been major amendments to the “Regulation on Technical Reserves of Insurance, Reinsurance and Pension Companies”. In this context, a more developed and sophisticated actuarial chain ladder method for the calculation of IBNR reserves has been introduced. 27 Medical Malpractice Insurance Medical malpractice insurance became compulsory in Turkey in July 2010. With the introduction of “Compulsory Liability Insurance on Medical Malpractice”, doctors and dentists are required to be covered by professional liability insurance. Doctors working at public or private institutions will pay half their insurance premiums and their institutions will pay the remainder. Doctors working at their own private offices will pay the entire premium. 28 Coastal Facilities Sea Pollution Compulsory Liability Insurance Another compulsory insurance that was introduced in 2010 with the publication of tariffs and procedures is the “Coastal Facilities Sea Pollution Compulsory Liability Insurance.” In this context, all coastal facilities (including refineries, gas terminals, power houses, industrial production facilities, shipyards, etc.) are obliged to be covered by insurance against sea pollution. 29 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION… ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY 30 ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY–TSRŞB ENGINEERING INSURANCES CONSTRUCTION & ENERGY July 2011 ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY–TSRŞB ENGINEERING INSURANCES COMMITTEE 400,000,000 350,000,000 300,000,000 250,000,000 MB/EEI GWP MB/EEI TP 200,000,000 CAR/EAR GWP 150,000,000 CAR/EAR TP 100,000,000 50,000,000 0 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 -50,000,000 2006 MB/EEI CAR/EAR GWP TP GWP TP 2007 2008 2009 2010 277.129.717 324.673.127 337.416.835 352.165.091 390.991.515 10.643.758 11.651.297 22.260.415 238.822 -2.745.705 153.554.273 199.282.482 197.801.146 270.840.192 191.242.338 23.691.734 33.866.537 25.298.701 25.639.606 18.610.479 ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY–TSRŞB ENGINEERING INSURANCES COMMITTEE ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY–TSRŞB ENGINEERING INSURANCES COMMITTEE Turkish installed generation capacity by fuel (September 2010) ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY–TSRŞB ENGINEERING INSURANCES COMMITTEE ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY–TSRŞB ENGINEERING INSURANCES COMMITTEE Distribution of HEPP in number and in MW ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY–TSRŞB ENGINEERING INSURANCES COMMITTEE ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY–TSRŞB ENGINEERING INSURANCES COMMITTEE 27 HEPP, WHICH HAVE 100 MW OR HIGHER CAPACITY, REPRESENTING 77% OF TOTAL INSTALLED HYDRO CAPACITY OF TURKEY ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY–TSRŞB ENGINEERING INSURANCES COMMITTEE TURKEY’S HYDRO ENERGY POTENTIAL ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY–TSRŞB ENGINEERING INSURANCES COMMITTEE 1.500 HEPP ARE IN PROJECT PHASE FROM 1 MW TO FROM EUR 5 MIO TO 100 MW EUR 100 MIO ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY–TSRŞB ENGINEERING INSURANCES COMMITTEE MAIN UNDERWRITING PROBLEMS OF HEPP PROJECTS IN TURKEY LACK OF INFORMATION INSUFFICIENT FLOOD RECURRENCE PERIOD IS USED FOR DESIGN OF UPSTREAM COFFERDAM SUCH AS 2 – 5 – 10 YEARS SOMETIMES ACCUMULATION PROBLEM CAUSED BY VERY CLOSE HEPP LOCATIONS DEDUCTIBLE LEVEL IS AT LOW SIDE COMPARING TO INT. MARKET SUCH AS 20% COINSURANCE WITH THE INSURED AND 2% DEDUCTIBLE FOR EQ & SRCC + S&T USD 50,000,- FOR ALL OTHER ACT OF GOD USD 50,000.- FOR OVERTOPPING USD 20,000.- FOR ALL OTHER LOSSES ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY–TSRŞB ENGINEERING INSURANCES COMMITTEE ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY–TSRŞB ENGINEERING INSURANCES COMMITTEE THERE ARE ONLY 800 WIND TURBINES IN 41 WIND FARMS IN OPERATION AND 388 WIND TURBINES IN 19 WIND FARMS UNDER ERECTION LIST OF WIND FARMS ARE AS FOLLOWS ; ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY–TSRŞB ENGINEERING INSURANCES COMMITTEE ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY–TSRŞB ENGINEERING INSURANCES COMMITTEE ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY–TSRŞB ENGINEERING INSURANCES COMMITTEE TURKEY’S WIND ENERGY POTENTIAL Installed Capacity in Wind: 1.415 MW Turkey’s Technical Wind Energy Potential: 120 GWh/yr ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY–TSRŞB ENGINEERING INSURANCES COMMITTEE WIND POWER CAPACITY 18 MW IN 2004 1.415 MW AS OF MARCH 2011 TECHNICAL AND ECONOMICAL CAPACITY : 12.000 MW ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY–TSRŞB ENGINEERING INSURANCES COMMITTEE ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY–TSRŞB ENGINEERING INSURANCES COMMITTEE ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY–TSRŞB ENGINEERING INSURANCES COMMITTEE LARGE LOSSES (> USD 1,000,000.-) OCCURRED IN 2010 USD 4,000,000 PAID IN 3 MB LOSSES USD 8,000,000 PAID IN 4 CAR/EAR LOSSES USD 2,000,000 O/S IN 2 CAR/EAR LOSSES ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY–TSRŞB ENGINEERING INSURANCES COMMITTEE LARGE LOSSES (> USD 1,000,000.-) OCCURRED IN 2010 IN TOTAL USD 14,000,000 PAID IN 9 CIRCUMSTANCES USD 5,000,000 CAUSED BY FLOOD ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY–TSRŞB ENGINEERING INSURANCES COMMITTEE EXPECTATIONS FROM LLOYD’S MARKET AND OTHER R/I MARKETS COUNTING ON THE EXPERTISE AND UW APPROACH OF LOCAL UW’S BEING READY TO FOLLOW THE RATES AND DEDUCTIBLES OF THE LOCAL MARKET / ORIGINAL POLICY SHARING THE EXPERIENCE, ESPECIALLY FOR THE NEW AREAS SUCH AS WIND ENERGY OR ALOP/DSU COVERAGES ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY–TSRŞB PROPERTY INSURANCE Property Insurance Key Products sold in Market Fire Commercial : Covers commercial properties such as hotels, shops against any physical loss or damage to the property resulting from or arising out of the covered perils as detailed on the policy. It is a named peril basis coverage. Fire Personal : Covers households against any physical loss or damage to the property resulting from or arising out of the covered perils as detailed on the policy. It is a named peril basis coverage. Fire Industrial : Covers industrial properties such as production facilities, small to large scale, against any physical loss or damage to the property resulting from or arising out of the covered perils as detailed on the policy. It is a named peril basis coverage. 54 Property Insurance Policies are mostly combined package policies. *Main coverages are; •Fire •Lightning •Explosion * Additional Coverage ; • Earthquake & Volcanic Eruption • SRCCMA-Terrorism • Flood •Water Damage •Liability • Storm • Snow Weight • Glass Breakage • Theft • Loss of Profit •Vehicle Impact 55 Property Insurance 56 Property Insurance Policy Numbers 57 Property Insurance 58 Property Insurance Important headlines • Competitive market conditions • Lower growth at premium production compared to policy numbers. • New Commercial Code will be effective from July 2012 •Awarness should be increased 59 Fire Premium Income Information on the Basis of Insurance Companies(2010) Insurance Company Premium Income (TL) Market Share 1 Axa 281.480.898 % 14,22 2 Anadolu 227.391.403 % 11,49 3 Allianz 182.252.501 % 9,21 4 Ak Sigorta 140.849.085 % 7,11 5 Gunes 128.725.398 % 6,50 6 Eureko 126.386.677 % 6,38 7 Yapı Kredi 103.561.926 % 5,23 8 Ergo 102.635.278 % 5,18 9 Groupama 86.584.089 % 4,37 10 Aviva 68.020.283 % 3,44 60 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION… ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY–TSRŞB MARINE INSURANCE MARINE INSURANCE COMMITTEE Marine Insurance Committee composed of 10 members meets on a monthly basis to discuss issues relating to our local market and to the marine insurance industry in general. The committee serves as a consulting body for all marine insurance practitioners in insurance companies as well as for insurers who raised questions regarding marine insurance matters. The purpose of the committee is to promote good practice in profession to monitor and comment on all key developments and issues relating to marine insurance and provide recommendations to the market the interchange of views, opinions and personal experience to facilitate the preparation and revision of general conditions of marine insurance policies. MARITIME SECTOR IN TURKEY Number of Turkish flagged vessels: 1722 in 2009 with average age of 21. Number of Turkish owned vessels: 2222 * Turkey is on the white list regarding Paris MoU port state controls since 2008, the performance of Turkish flagged vessels are improving. Considering the Paris MoU PSCs Turkish Lloyd has been rated as “high performance” for 4 years. Turkish Lloyds’ “classification society status” is confirmed by IACS in 2010. SOURCE: 64 MARITIME SECTOR IN TURKEY 71 active shipyards in 2011 and there are new investments. Undersecretariat of Treasury has provided support to Credit Guarantee Fund for shipbuilding. The financial support has been granted to incomplete newbuildings for completion. Turkey ranks at the 6th level with 127 vessels as for 2010 when the world shipbuilding orders are considered. Some yards are switching from newbuilding to maintenance and repair activities. 65 TURKISH SHIPYARDS 71 SHIPYARDS 66 MARITIME SECTOR IN TURKEY Specialised on yachts Turkey is an important center for yachting with its marinas, yacht construction and boat yards in Mediterranean basin. Coaster Fleet Project 50 vessels with dwt of 5000 to be built New port invetsments Çandarlı port will be one of the World’s 10 largest ports New regulation for obligatory P&I insurance for vessels arriving or departing from Turkish ports. 67 TURKISH MARINE INSURANCE MARKET GROSS PREMIUM INCOME (000 TRL) 2010 Variation (%) 2009 Variation (%) 2008 CARGO 298.641 14,25 261.394 -16,47 312.920 HULL 107.867 - 4,20 112.590 11,83 100.681 SOURCE: TSRŞB Statistics MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF MARINE INSURANCE MARKET In terms of premium income, the share of marine insurance is very low, i.e. 2,87 %. The share of marine insurance is expected to be increased as a result of developments in shipping industry and expanding trading volume. Despite the competition and downturn rates of cargo insurance, it is a profitable class of business. Technical profit ratio in 2010 for cargo and hull: 39% and 14% respectively. Hull market experienced a major fall in vessel values for the last 2 years, and premium income was impacted by the reduction in values. The share of marine liability insurances is expected to be increased as a result of new developments. 69 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION… ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY–TSRŞB GENERAL LIABILITY IN INSURANCE SECTOR PREMIUM ANNUAL PREMIUM PRODUCTION 2008 General Liability 2009 233.467.226 TL 251.943.332 TL Share in non-life Production 2,38% ROC 2010 ROC 7,9% 327.658.844 TL 30,1% 2,47% 2,84% TOTAL PREMIUM PRODUCTION FOR END OF THE APRIL 2009 2010 ROC 90.749.069 TL 108.995.092 TL 20,1% 2011 ROC 126.535.967 TL 16,1% NEW COMPULSORY PRODUCTS COMPULSORY MEDICAL PRACTICE: • Indemnity Limit: 300,000 TL per occurence (there is no annually aggregate limit) • Policy Trigger; 1 year 2009 2010 2 years ERP 2011 Policy Period 2012 2013 NEW COMPULSORY PRODUCTS ON SHORE POLLUTION LEGAL LIABILITY: • The policy is compulsory for industrial units (located side coast or near the side coast) and on-shore units, THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION… ASSOCIATION OF THE INSURANCE AND REINSURANCE COMPANIES OF TURKEY