7.9% is the ICT sector’s share in Poland’s GDP according to the Central Statistical Office. It is expected to increase to 15% over 10 years. €15,73 billion was the value of the Polish ICT market in 2013 (up by 0,3%) according to the European Information Technology Observatory. Poland was on 11th place in Europe regarding the total ICT Market (after UK, Germany, France, Italy, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Switzerland, Sweden and Belgium with Luxembourg). 1649 businesses were operating in the Polish ICT sector, including 210 manufacturing firms and 1439 service firms. 177,400 people work in the Polish ICT sector (up by 1,9%). €283.5 million was the total expenditure made by ICT firms in Poland on R&D in 2012 (up by 21.9%) according to the Central Statistical Office. €8.9 billion was the total value of exports by Polish ICT firms in 2012 (6.2% of all exports) according to the Central Statistical Office. The largest proportion is accounted for by personal electronic equipment. €10.61 billion was the value of imports of ICT solutions into Poland in 2012 (6.9% of total imports). The largest proportion of imports is accounted for by computers and peripheral devices. 4.56 million computers and peripheral devices were produced in Poland in 2012 (4.96 million in 2011). €1.4 billion was the gross value of investment in ICT technology by firms in 2012. €8.2 billion was the value of the Polish IT market in 2013 according to IDC Poland (up by 3%). 6,6 billion was the value of the Polish IT market in 2013 according to EITO. Poland was on 14th place in Europe regarding the IT Market (after UK, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium with Luxembourg, Norway and Finland). 2.1% was the IT market’s share in Polish GDP in 2013. 0.8% is the projected growth of the Polish IT market in 2014. €214 is the amount spent on IT per capita in Poland. 134 239 is the number of people employed in the IT sector in Poland (up by 4,8%). 1061 firms in Poland offered IT services (64% of all ICT firms) according to the Central Statistical Office. €9.15 billion was the size of the Polish telecommunications market in 2013 (down by 0,9%). Poland was on 9th place in Europe regarding the Telecom Market (after Germany, UK, France, Russia, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Switzerland). 2.3% is the telecommunications market’s share in Polish GDP in 2013. €238 is the amount spent on telecommunications per capita in Poland. 187 telecommunications firms operate in Poland. 43,160 is the number of people employed in the telecommunications sector in Poland (down by 6%). 44% of Poles use smartphones (33% in 2013). At the end of 2014 will be 27 million smartphones in Poland. 2.0 million is the number of tablets in Poland in 2013; the figure for 2014 may be as high as 4.0 million. 470 is the amount of direct investment in Poland relating to the building of service centres, 404 in 2012. The Polish BPO/ITO sector employs more than 128 000 people, in 2015 it could be 170 000 people. The main locations for BPO/ITO centres are Krakow, Warsaw, Wrocław, the Gdańsk conurbation, Lodz, the Katowice conurbation, and Poznan. €725 gross is the average minimum monthly salary at BPO/ITO centres (for Junior Accountant); the maximum amount (for Process Managers) reaches €4275 gross. Processes most frequently handled by Polish service centres are: financial and accounting services (60%), IT services (50%), customer service (41%). Largest sectors served by service centres in Poland are: financial (65%), manufacturing (56%), IT and telecommunications (38%), consumer services (37%). €1.08 billion was the value of the Polish Internet access market in 2013 (up by 3,7%). €5.67 billion was the size of the Polish e-commerce market in 2013; in 2014 year the figure may reach €6,4 billion. €540 million will be the size of the Internet advertising market in Poland in 2014. 87.7% is the level of saturation of fixed-line Internet access services, while the figure for mobile services is 30,8%. 11.9 million Poles were Internet service subscribers in 2013 (up by 1.2 m). 87.7% of Internet access services were provided by broadband connections (over 2 Mb/s). 13 million Poles do shopping on the Internet (up by 6,6%). 22,6% Poles use the Internet for matters relating to e-administration (31,6% in 2012). 93.6% of firms in Poland have access to the Internet. 90.4% of firms use the Internet in communication with administrative offices. 23,7% enterprises were receiving or sending e-invoices in 2013 (18,9% in 2012). 20% of firms use CRM systems, and 17.1% use ERP systems. 1.68 million people are studying at Polish universities and colleges. 25 40,000 students graduate in IT-related subjects in Poland every year. technical universities and colleges operate in Poland, but technical subjects are also taught at general universities (19) and at some colleges of economics (77). €868 is the average gross monthly salary of an IT specialist in Poland. €1260 is the average gross monthly salary of a telecommunications specialist in Poland.