Presentation Title – highlight w/ green Presentation subtitle goes here

Software Customers
Cut Administrative Costs by 35% While
Boosting Productivity
Lowered productivity and increasing operational costs
Challenging to keep up with 25,000 customers
Billing processes suffered from errors and delays
resulting from lack of coordination
Producer of barcode software
Founded in 1995
Remote access was cumbersome
Based in Phoenix, AZ
NetSuite replaced legacy
software and spreadsheets
Running NetSuite across
ERP, inventory, CRM and
NetSuite Benefits
Cut administrative operating costs by 35%
Reducing outstanding receivables by 80% and the
number of past-due customers by 47%
Integrated business processes have eliminated
redundant and overlapping customer data
NetSuite gives us the ideal platform for flexibility, from our 360-degree view of
the business to our fully integrated application workflows.
NetSuite OneWorld Helps Enable
200% Growth at Atlassian Software
Couldn’t handle rapid growth with existing software
Needed to consolidate across subsidiaries, while
managing 15,000+ customers
Manual currency conversions increased risk of error
NetSuite OneWorld Benefits
Real-time consolidation across 7 subsidiaries based
on sales into 138 countries
Business enterprise
software company
Founded in 2002
225+ employees
Based in Sydney, Australia
Replaced MYOB and
NetSuite OneWorld and
Financial Planning
Automated multi-currency management
Leveraging integrated budgeting and planning
No one at Atlassian has to maintain NetSuite... and it has allowed us to
build a stable and reliable financial platform to support the company
through its dramatic growth.
Eloqua Gains Worldwide Visibility and
Room to Scale with NetSuite OneWorld
Required multi-entity and global currency
management to support rapid growth
Subscription billing model and multi-element
contracts meant revenue recognition complexity
Lacked dashboards for clear view into business
NetSuite OneWorld Benefits
Transparent roll-up of operations in
six countries and four currencies
Provider of automated
marketing and demand
generation software
Founded in 1999
Based in Vienna, VA
NetSuite OneWorld
Integrated, sophisticated, and EITF 08-01 compliant
revenue recognition functionality
Streamlined invoice and contract management
Provides headroom for long-term growth
You can't grow if you spend all your time in the auditor's department. As a
venture-backed company, the transparency and accurate revenue
recognition NetSuite provides are critical
Bytemobile Saves 50% on ERP System
Costs Using NetSuite Financials
Previous ERP solution proved too expensive to
maintain as the company grew
Required several hours of weekly maintenance
Provider of mobile capacity
management applications
Founded in 2000
249+ employees
Based in Sydney, Australia
NetSuite Financials
Required complex overhead to maintain
NetSuite Benefits
50-55% reduction in ERP system expenditures
over 5 year period with NetSuite
Accelerated financial close process
Multi-currency management and instant consolidation
Deploying to hundreds of employees at
Bytemobile’s 24 national subsidiaries
We were growing very rapidly, opening offices around the world,
and our previous ERP solution was making it difficult and expensive to
sustain that growth. NetSuite has proven itself far more cost-effective.
NetSuite Helps ESET Increase
Ecommerce Revenues Tenfold
Business multiplied annually, outgrowing small office
Had no unified view of customer
Needed enterprise grade infrastructure without IT
Provider of antivirus
Founded in 1992
250+ customers
Based in Bratislava,
NetSuite Financials,
CRM, and Ecommerce
NetSuite Benefits
Scaled efficiently with monthly E-store orders from
4,000 to 30,000 in 4 years
Reduction in chargebacks by a factor of 8
Managing over 1,000 customer support contacts
daily with reduced error rate and greater efficiency
We have been able to customize NetSuite to meet most of our needs, faster and
at a lower price than we would have with any other system.
Hard Dollar Cut Costs by 20% with NetSuite
Limited visibility due to multiple business systems
International expansion created taxation challenges
Inability to get clear consistent view of customers
Provider of project cost
management systems
Founded in 1989
ROI in just 12 months, with 20% lower costs
50+ Employees
Proposal generation times slashed over 80 percent
Based in
Scottsdale, Arizona
Reduced one FTE by automating contract generation
and client renewal processes
NetSuite CRM, SFA,
Financials, and OpenAir
Replaced Intacct and
NetSuite Benefits
Greater visibility and control over sales process
OpenAir provides detailed project management
integrated into financials and customer data.
From an accounting perspective, it is so refreshing to see all the detail in the
reports from NetSuite—the transactional searches are extremely detailed and
NetSuite’s ERP and CRM Solution Helps
Raise ₤5 Million in VC for i-Nexus
Lacked visibility into financial information
Financial and customer information was inaccurate
Lack of reliable business data
NetSuite Benefits
Financial transparency, helped secure ₤5 million
in venture capital
Revenues have grown by 250% since NetSuite
Provider of utility
infrastructure services
Founded in 2005
Based in Coventry,
Chose NetSuite over
Reliable, up-to-date information improved confidence
and decision-making.
There's no doubt that NetSuite has continued to help us increase sales. Over
the five-year period NetSuite has helped us grow revenue by 250 to 300%.
Significant Reductions in turn-around time
and Global Visibility with NetSuite
Hairball of several disconnected systems
Manual consolidation of spreadsheets
Leading provider of Service
Experience Management
Required an ERP that could be quickly implemented
for acquisitions
260 employees
Based in Sunnyvale, CA
NetSuite OneWorld Benefits
Replaced Epicor and
Microsoft Dynamics
NetSuite OneWorld,
Financial Planning,
Revenue Recognition, Adv
Financials, Projects and
Billing, and Platinum
Required analytics for global visibility
Seamlessly acquired three businesses in 6 months
Financial close time 33% quicker
Order processing time reduced by over 20%
Consolidated product catalog from 1000 items to 100+
Stable and integrated platform across 3 continents
We now trust our numbers, and that improves our ability to collaborate
and make better business decisions.
Kardia Reduces Audit Fees
by 30% Using NetSuite
Needed to tightly integrate accounting with forecasting
and planning functions
Improve support with sales and billing processes
Provider of healthcare
Founded in 2006
Based in Golden Valley,
Chose NetSuite over
Microsoft Dynamics GP
Reduce high IT costs
Ensure systems aligned with fast moving needs of
healthcare startup
NetSuite Benefits
Saving $75,000+ annually on IT
Reduced yearly audit fees by 30%
Driven budgeting, planning and forecasting
Able to outsource data entry while maintaining HIPAA
In addition to saving us time and money, NetSuite helps keep management
focused on our organization and our business goals, rather than on smaller parts.
Using NetSuite,
Saves $150K Annually
Wanted to expand sales across US and Canada
Needed to add remote sales people and build
third party sales partner channel
Fragmented IT systems
NetSuite Benefits
Saved $150,000 per year over in-house IT costs
Provider of education
curriculum and web
assessment programs
Founded in 1999
Based in Portland,
Chose NetSuite to run
Replaced QuickBooks
Able to calculate commissions in hour not days
Invoicing takes 2 days instead of a week
Strengthened sales force and partner channels
Automated revenue recognition processes
Without NetSuite's integrated architecture it would have been near impossible to
expand as smoothly as we did.
NetSuite ERP and CRM Grew One Call
Now’s Earnings from $2M to $8M
Business model required complex billing,
customer service processes
Needed integration with custom databases
Provider of
Founded in 2005
Based in Troy, Ohio
Replaced Goldmine and
NetSuite running across
Financials and CRM
Increasing company visibility
NetSuite Benefits
Grew from $2M to $8M in revenue
without growing finance staff
Customer support time decreased by 75%
Reduced customer setup time from hours to seconds
Grew more than 35% annually
We didn't want to add servers — we've got 180 triple-redundant SQL
servers right now — but we needed a way to manage all that information, so
we chose NetSuite.
Qualys grew 132% with NetSuite OneWorld
Financial processes struggling to keep up
Growth Pains: siloed systems hampered
international expansion
Leading provider of on
demand IT security risk
and compliance
management solutions
Founded in 2009
250+ employees
Based in Redwood Shores,
Replaced Epicor and
NetSuite OneWorld and
Revenue Recognition
NetSuite OneWorld Benefits
Improved financial processes and data accuracy
Decreased billing cycle from 10 to 2-3 days
Revenue grew 132%
Expanded from 3 to 10 international locations
Increased annual order volume 66%
Automated Order Management
In the past, we didn’t know which data is up to date between our two systems.
Today, NetSuite functions as our data warehouse: one real-time version of the truth.
Retail Management Solutions Saves
$300,000 Using NetSuite
Pharmacy software company responding to fast
market growth
Needed to hire geographically dispersed talent
Provider of point of sale
technology for
Based in Olympia,
Saved more than $125,000 over hosted IT system
Saved more than $150,000
on personnel while growing at 25%
Replaced Siebel/Upshot
and Peachtree Software
Running NetSuite
across financials and
Needed to improve efficiency over fragmented
IT systems
NetSuite Benefits
Grew revenue from existing customers by 50%
Integrated UPS shipping saves $10,000 / month
We couldn't live without it. We would never have been able to grow the way
we've grown without NetSuite.
Satmetrix Cuts Hundreds of Thousands
of Dollars in IT Spending with NetSuite
Multiple systems for ERP and CRM activities
Lengthy professional services sales cycles
Needed sophisticated revenue recognition support
NetSuite Benefits
IT spend reduced, saving $240,000+
Advanced billing capabilities
Streamlined purchase order entry,
routing, and approval
Provider of SaaS
499+ Employees
Based in San Mateo, CA
Replaced Siebel, Epicor,
Chose Netsuite over
Customer support data integrated with
sales/accounting providing 360◦ customer view
Everything from information extraction to expense accounting to budgeting has
been made easier with NetSuite.
NetSuite Helps Manage 11 Subsidiaries
With Real-Time Data
Needed to improve operational efficiency to maintain
competitive position
Wanted to continue its global expansion into India and
other countries
Producer of digital signage
Founded in 1987
Needed to improve website sales efficiency
Based in Exton, PA
NetSuite OneWorld
replaced QuickBooks,
Sage MAS 50 and 200
Running NetSuite across
ERP, Inventory, CRM and
NetSuite OneWorld Benefits
Month-end closing takes five days instead of three
Budgeting with real-time data from 11 subsidiaries and 9
holding companies around the world
Web-based product sales processes are integrated with
accounting, inventory and other processes
NetSuite helped us combine multi-company, country, language, and currency silos
into one data center, and now lets us view all this information globally or locally.
NetSuite Helps Drive
Five-Fold Growth
Existing combination of small-business software
unable to support fast growth
Needed sales forces automation/CRM solution to
manage substantial planned expansion
Needed system to support subscription-based pricing
and revenue accounting complexities.
NetSuite Benefits
Five-fold revenue growth since 2006 with minimal
new staff in finance and administrative functions
Reduced new-account setup time by 10%
Work-queue automation reduced cost-of-service
delivery to customers by 20%
Search engine and
resource that focuses
on finding jobs
249+ Employees
Founded in 2000
Based in McLean, VA
Replaced QuickBooks
and spreadsheets
Running NetSuite
across SFA, CRM and
NetSuite provided us a holistic, closed-loop solution that let us scale the
business dramatically, while at the same time improving our processes and
reducing costs.
Using NetSuite Solution, Solarwinds
Cuts Administrative Costs By 30%
Global software maker had difficulty keeping
up with accounting demands of 60,000 customers
Complex revenue reporting requirements
Developer and marketer
of network, application,
and storage
management software
249+ Employees
Founded in 1998
Achieved 3 month ROI
Based in Richmond, VA
Instant visibility across customers, geographies,
products, and employees
Replaced QuickBooks
Running NetSuite
OneWorld integrated
Fragmented IT software
NetSuite OneWorld Benefits
Cut administrative costs by 30%
International roll out in just 6 months to 10 subsidiaries
We needed more than just a good accounting solution. We had to responsibly
manage growth, and NetSuite provided the business application infrastructure
to do exactly that.
Statseeker Saves $200K in
Maintenance Costs
Manage efficient global growth
Wanted to upgrade its business processes
Provider of network
monitoring software
Founded in 1998
Saved $200,000 yearly in internal development
Based in Brisbane,
Saved $300,000 compared to a comparable SAP
on premise system
NetSuite ERP, CRM,
and Ecommerce
Saving $150,000 yearly in finance admin costs
Replaced MYOB and
Accounting processes were inefficient and unreliable
NetSuite Benefits
Profit margins improved to 30%
Reduced customer-support response times by 40%
We needed an enterprise-wide solution so we could scale our business without
adding headcount, and NetSuite is a great fit.
SuccessFactors Consolidating Financials
Across 19 Subs Using NetSuite OneWorld
Wanted to exploit growth potential of
international markets, but avoid the costs
Key business processes were hampered
by bottlenecks in existing software
Provider of business
execution software
Financial reporting slow and unreliable
Based in San Mateo, CA
NetSuite OneWorld Benefits
Replaced QuickBooks
Running NetSuite
Saved $250,000 annually in IT salaries that
would be required for on premise ERP software
Instant consolidation across 19 subs in 19 countries
Saved 33% of equivalent costs of on premise software
Facilitated financial reporting and compliance
We now have a world-class SaaS ERP system in NetSuite OneWorld with our
multiple subsidiaries in North and Latin America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, yet the
software is so easy to use that we can get new users up to speed very quickly.
Teleca Automated Resource
Management Using NetSuite CRM
Couldn’t efficiently keep up with global growth
Couldn’t keep track of skill sets of 1,700+ engineers
in 11 different countries
Achieving consistent resource management
NetSuite Benefits
Provider of mobile
communications software
Founded in 2001
Based in Malmo, Sweden
Running NetSuite CRM+
Consistent skills assessment processes between
local and functional managers
Automated skills tracking, development,
and compensation plans
Optimized employee utilization and improved
new-business planning
NetSuite CRM+ has helped us very quickly transform from a company with
different, inconsistent processes into an organization with a global view of our
resources and performance.
TradeCard Consolidating 5 Subs
Using NetSuite OneWorld
Kept adding wide-ranging, disparate point solutions
Employees tied up in data processing tasks
Limited data on professional services availability
or client engagement profitability
NetSuite OneWorld Benefits
Reduction in tens of thousands of dollars in
maintenance spend
Deployed across 5 GL’s and 5 separate currencies
Provider of business
integration software
Based in New York, NY
Switched from
Running NetSuite
Improvement in visibility and SOX compliance
Freed up tactical roles to focus on analytical needs
Optimized resource utilization and gained clarity into
customer profitability
NetSuite was the perfect partner to help us clean house, and it has improved our
visibility and SOX compliance having our books on a single system.
Wholesale Distribution Customers
ACAL Consolidates 14 European Sales
Operations Using NetSuite OneWorld
Fragmented sales software couldn’t keep up with
business growth in Europe
ACAL sales teams couldn’t access customer data
Distributors of supplies
for electronics
Based in Wickingham,
NetSuite OneWorld
Chose NetSuite over and
Manual lead processing, lack of pipeline visibility
hindered sales performance.
NetSuite OneWorld Benefits
All 14 operations have a single view of sales and
customer information
Overall sales team efficiency increased significantly
Automated processing of website speeds integration
with sales pipeline
Used NetSuite Web services to integrate with ACAL's
JD Edwards deployment
With NetSuite we all work on one system, and that means we can work
together as a single team.
Antech Saved 75% On IT Costs While
Growing 250% Using NetSuite
Multiple, disparate applications created errors, delays,
and inventory inaccuracies
Lack of consistent process controls and scalability
Disparate systems meant no real-time visibility
No sales visibility into back office data
– Pediatric nutrition
– Based in Manila,
NetSuite Benefits
NetSuite's full enterprise functionality is one-fourth
cost of other options
Faster delivery and more consistent customer
experience due to superior inventory controls
– Replaced MYOB and
– Chose NetSuite over SAP,
Oracle and Microsoft
Dynamics GP
Home delivery business has grown 250%
NetSuite has a best-in-class system with controls that are tested and
proven in the real world.
NetSuite Reduces Operating Expenses
by 30% for CB Engineering
Fragmented accounting applications
Spreadsheet-based sales-order systems couldn't
supply timely information on status of custom orders
NetSuite Benefits
Automated sales-order, purchase-order, inventorymanagement, and shipping processes
Reduced operating expenses by 30%
Products and services
for the industrial market
Based in Alberta,
Founded in 1974
Replaced ERP system,
quoting package, CRM,
email, technical support,
and service and repairs
NetSuite ERP and CRM
Time to process in-stock order dropped from 30
minutes to 5 minutes
Time to compile 100-line custom-order proposal
dropped from 3 hrs. to 30 min.
NetSuite gives us a central place to manage and access all our information,
so we can keep our hands on the business at all times, and not worry about
losing track of anything.
NetSuite Helps Digital Check Save
$300,000 a Year in Maintenance
Fast-growing market challenged ability to handle
substantial new business
Error prone spreadsheet based reporting
– Worldwide provider of
check scanning
Multi-location and serialized inventory posed
challenges for QuickBooks and Sage
– Founded 50+
No sales visibility into back office data
years ago
Switched to NetSuite in 2007
– 250+ employees
Grew 350% in 6 years without adding staff
– Based in Northfield, IL
Saving $300K annually in maintenance
– Switched from
QuickBooks, Sage, Exact,
Spreadsheets, Access
Saving $150K+ annually in customer service
Reduced open inventory by 54%
– Running NetSuite across
finance and CRM
NetSuite has helped us become more efficient, more responsive to
customers, and more profitable.
DV&A Saves $120,000 Using NetSuite
Fast growing distribution business couldn’t keep up
with sales
Unable to track inventory across multiple warehouses
Retailer of excess
DVDs, Books and Toys
Founded in 1998
Based in Los Angeles,
NetSuite ERP, CRM,
Ecommerce, and
NetSuite for iPhone
Replaced SAP R/3,
Microsoft Great Plains,
and QuickBooks
Information access difficult for traveling executives
Former IT software solutions were costly and limited
NetSuite Benefits
Saving more than $120,000 annually on costs
Now able to track inventory in real time
Reduced order-to-cash time / rekeying of data
NetSuite for iPhone simplifies executive access to
sales, finances and other information
We went from the most expensive piece of software on the planet—SAP—down
to QuickBooks and then to Great Plains. They were all either limited, costly, or
both. We finally realized that we had to get on a single system.
EcoBox Saves $100,000+ Versus OnPremise Software
Needed to expand online and retail business while
minimizing costs
Required ability to make rapid pricing changes
essential to profit in a commodity business
NetSuite Benefits
Doubled revenues to $3,000,000 without adding
administrative staff
Website sales grew from $20,000 to $1,000,000
Distributors of shipping
Based in Austin, TX
NetSuite ERP, CRM
and Ecommerce
Chose NetSuite over
Peachtree and Sage
Company saved $100,000 over on-premise software
Achieved 20% online marketing conversion rate
Reduced per order shipping time by 20%
With NetSuite we've got a platform that lets us expand any way we want,
whether online or by opening new stores.
300% Annual Growth and FDA Compliance
with NetSuite
Inadequate functionality to handle growth
Zero inventory and manufacturing controls
Manufacturer of
gastroenterology devices
Founded in 2008
90 employees
Based in Alpharetta, GA
Replaced Quickbooks
NetSuite ERP, CRM,
Advanced Inventory and
Complex supply chain: China, Korea, EU, USA
NetSuite Benefits
Fully implemented in two months
NetSuite webstore delivers 15% of revenue
Configured Case Management for FDA compliance
Reduced 4 FTE IT staff and $8K per user license vs.
on-premise solution
NetSuite is the only Cloud based solution that was built from the ground
up., Great Plains and SAP BBD are all patch-up solutions.
NetSuite OneWorld Supports 50% Yearon-Year Growth at Fasten
New company required easy-to-install IT system with
worldwide access and corporate transparency
Managing network operating in 25+ countries,
multiple currencies and languages
NetSuite OneWorld Benefits
Real-time management across all local subsidiaries,
supporting multiple currencies and languages
Helped support 50% YoY company growth
Company that focuses
on wholesale/
Based in Holland
NetSuite OneWorld
Replaced Microsoft
Managing all local subsidiaries, supporting multiple
currencies and languages
Anytime, anywhere access to financials
We've evaluated the competition and came to the conclusion that NetSuite is
leagues ahead in terms of functionality, ease of use and price.
NetSuite Saves $120,000 Yearly for König
Company wanted to grow its custom wheel business
in the U.S
Challenged to meet the rapid-delivery demands of its
350 chain stores and wholesale customers
– Manufacturers and
distributors of wheels
Needed fast response from its own suppliers
NetSuite Benefits
– Based in New York
– Chose NetSuite over
Doubles sales in four years, while saving $120,000
per year over on-premise applications
Microsoft Dynamics GP
Just-in-time shipments reduce need for physical
inventory by 25%
Automated EDI order fulfillment simplifies transactions
and enhances relationships with suppliers and
NetSuite lets us look into our suppliers' workload, and lets our customers see
our inventory. And it lets us monitor our entire business from anywhere in the
world, all in real time.
Laguna Tools Saving $90,000
Annually with NetSuite
Fragmented IT systems added to business costs,
slowed product shipments
Lack of visibility into lead generation
Wanted to expand online sales — difficult with existing
NetSuite Benefits
Saving nearly $90,000 annually in IT over old system
Online sales leads now entered automatically into
NetSuite to eliminate manual data entry
– Manufacturer and provider
of woodworking machines
– Based in Irvine, CA
– Customer base of 35,000
and more than 120,000
– Replaced multi-vendor IT
Average order-to-ship time cut from 3 days to 2 days
Online sales with live inventory updates take just 30
seconds, compared to 30 minutes with the old system
NetSuite has helped us streamline our operations, become more profitable, and it
has given us the ability to grow without any limitations.
Launch Using NetSuite OneWorld to
Manage Rapid Growth
New-business incubator faced sudden, rapid growth
Risked alienating major retail chains due to slow,
unreliable IT resources
Needed upgrade of manual order processing,
inventory management and other processes
NetSuite OneWorld Benefits
– Develop, market and
distribute consumer
– Based in Greenwood
Village, CO
Two-year growth in transactions of 500% while adding
only three extra staff
– Replaced QuickBooks and
Average time-per-order cut from 10 minutes to less
than 2 minutes.
– NetSuite OneWorld
manual processes
Automated inventory management eliminates risk of
penalties due to shipping mistakes.
We couldn't be handling this volume of business without NetSuite. We’d need an
army of extra staff, and even then it wouldn’t work because of the inefficiencies
and inaccuracies of spreadsheets and manual processes.
NetSuite gives control back to drop shipper
Siloed order & content management system
Multiple entries to reconcile data and constant batch update
between webstore and previous system
Worldwide supplier of
marine parts and
20 employees
Based in Bainbridge
Island, WA
Replaced Sage ACCPAC,
NetSuite ERP, CRM,
Ecommerce and
Advanced Partner Center
NetSuite Benefits
Fewer employees processing more orders
SuiteTalk and SuiteScript integrate sales tax, EDI, shipping
EDI Integration saves hiring extra staff during peak season
Better customer service using cases and forms
Drop ship from 200 suppliers direct to consumers in over
170 countries
Our accounting team found Sage ACCPAC’s modular set-up to be very
difficult to use. NetSuite is easier, and the flexibility is outstanding.
Mountain Khakis Manages
Growth with NetSuite
Rapid growth required robust back-office system
QuickBooks and spreadsheets couldn’t cut it anymore
Competing with well-known brands such as North
Face, Columbia and Patagonia.
NetSuite Benefits
Company growing with fewer people and resources
than typical for company with large channel
Manufacturers and
distributors of outdoor
Based in Jackson Hole, WY
Replaced QuickBooks and
Able to do business with the largest retailers (REI,
Cabelas, etc.) who demand EDI compliance
Company has grown tenfold with the help of NetSuite
Boosted yearly units shipped from 20,000 to 300,000
Currently the top-selling pant line in the outdoor
specialty retail space.
Our business was growing at a rate that challenged our IT systems, and
fortunately we chose NetSuite at just the right time.
NetSuite OneWorld Foundation for TwoTier Delivery at NBTY
Sage Accpac ERP system was too time-consuming
and inflexible to support explosive growth.
Sage financial reporting was slow and cumbersome
On-premise ERP expansion of Lawson ERP system
used at headquarters would require extensive
networking and localization
NetSuite Benefits
Two-tier ERP deployment provides U.S. corporate
parent with real-time web-based visibility.
Flexible business management platform helps support
rapid growth in expanding China market.
– Producers and distributors
of vitamin supplements
– Based in Beijing, China
– Replaced Sage with
– NetSuite OneWorld
– Running two-tier
Avoids cost of at least three FTE’s at the sub level
NetSuite is a very good system that beats everything we compared it to
and it makes the globe small.
Olympus Deploys NetSuite Across North
America, India and Japan
Running an aging proprietary system
Poor visibility to KPI’s
No unified system for distribution channels
– Global manufacturer of
Difficult to enforce business rules or workflows
Little disaster recovery knowledge/experience
Highly distributed business
NetSuite Benefits
imaging, medical, life
sciences, and industrial
– 40,000 employees
– Running corporate SAP
Eliminated need for multi-year, multi-million dollar
– Running NetSuite in North
Only a small IT team required to maintain
– Olympus NDT subsidiary
NetSuite effectively supports multiple locations
America, India, Japan
running NetSuite across
multiple factories
Customization ensures support for ongoing change
We can create quotations and sales orders, and measure the forecast by
product — something we couldn't do previously.
Grew 60% since using NetSuite without
adding additional backend employees
Focus on managing and growing business without the
hassle of managing servers
Worldwide distributor of
plastic products and
manufacturing services
Founded in 1914
40+ employees
Based in San Diego, CA
Replaced Peachtree and
Custom developed
NetSuite W/D Edition,
ERP, CRM and
Managing multiple disparate systems
Growth meant adding more IT staff
NetSuite Benefits
Increased productivity of every employee
Complete Integration: NetSuite, POS, Shipping and Yahoo
Hours saved reconciling sales orders
Automated POS system saves 2-3 hours of staff time daily
Integrates 3 websites
NetSuite is a very powerful tool that allows us to focus on our business from all
points. We can easily customize to make it fit our specific business model
without having a full time IT position.
NetSuite Helps Room It Up Save $50,000
Using Automated Order Management
Add Ecommerce to existing business-to-business
On-premise accounting and manual warehousemanagement couldn't keep up with order increase
Avoid building an in-house IT group
NetSuite Benefits
Grew customers to 5,000+ while adding minimal
administrative staff
– Fashion accessories retail
– Based in Stuart, FL
– Replaced Sage MAS 90
– Using NetSuite for ERP,
CRM and Ecommerce
Saving $50,000 yearly in extra staff with automated
order processing
Bulk-invoicing cuts processing time for daily billings
from half day to 1 hour
NetSuite has helped us open an Ecommerce channel and take on a much larger
workload, all without adding the costs of IT servers or staff.
Skin Authority Saving
$100,000 Annually Using NetSuite
Wanted to expand business beyond resellers to reach
customers directly
Needed to track inventory closely, since component
suppliers are in China and Korea.
NetSuite Benefits
– Producer and distributor of
skin care products
– Based in Carlsbad, CA
Saving $100,000 per year versus on-premise
– NetSuite Solution
Advanced inventory module and threshold alerts help
maximize customer satisfaction through on-time
product deliveries
– Replaced QuickBooks,
Sage ACTI, and
Integration of Ecommerce, inventory, and customer
information helps speed special promotions
Role-based dashboards provide management with
real-time visibility into supplier performance
We knew we'd need top-quality products and service to succeed in this
competitive business. NetSuite helps us do just that.
Spectronics Improved Customer
Service With NetSuite
VPN solution for multi-user access to corporate
systems was a serious bottleneck
Siloed departments lacked integration and data
integrity between systems
NetSuite OneWorld Benefits
Web based access frees them from VPNs and
removes bottlenecks between international offices
Accelerates expansion from Australia and New
Zealand into other APAC markets
– Provider of special needs
– Based in Underwood,
Queensland, Australia
– NetSuite OneWorld
– Replaced QuickBooks,
Outlook, and Access
Seamless consolidation adheres to tax regulations
Marketing ROI has increased due to better customer
data integration
Improved experience for partners and customers
Flexible and customizable using SuiteCloud
It was obvious to us that the other products were stitched together. NetSuite is
built to be integrated from the ground up.
Suntech America Runs on Cloud
Connected to SAP @ Corporate
Uneconomical to deploy SAP within Americas division
Required elastic system to scale with rapidly growing
distributor network
NetSuite OneWorld Benefits
Manage complex chart of accounts in real time
(used to take 5 days with prior systems)
$3BN revenue
Running corporate SAP
Manage all sales opportunities for
SunTech sales and distributors
EDI integration for real-time inventory and order
generation to partners
All financials in NetSuite roll-up to parent company
In less than five years, there will be more than 20,000 solar installers
around the country, and NetSuite will help us reach the partners and
customers we want.
Launched New Brand, Doubled Growth
in First Two Years with NetSuite
Support fast growth of a new food brand
Avoid large capital expenditure
Access real-time business information from UK and Peru Overview
Needed software that automatically translate multiple
languages and currencies
NetSuite Benefits
Achieved immediate ROI
Manufacturer of potato chips
Based in Buckinghamshire,
Chose NetSuite over
Microsoft Great Plains
Double growth from £1M to £2M in two years
Has been able to minimize plant and salary overhead
Company management is now able to focus on
distribution growth
NetSuite is helping us grow to become an international brand while keeping our
overhead to an absolute minimum. Our directors can go anywhere in the world
and still have real-time access to business information. Launched New Division in
Record Time Using NetSuite
Prepared to launch a new division at the end of 2009
Urgently needed an IT platform that could be up and
running fast enough to capture sales for the 2009
holiday season.
NetSuite Benefits
Met’s stringent time requirements as well
as required integration with parent system of record Logistics was able to save substantial costs
and labor, avoiding hiring any permanent IT staff
– #1 rated online wine store
– Based in San Francisco, CA
– Chose NetSuite over open
source and wine-specific
– Running NetSuite across
financials and CRM
Tied new Logistics division into system of record via
Web Services, allowing a direct flow of data between Logistics customers and
The NetSuite system was up and running for our new logistics division within an
incredibly short amount of time, and it helped us close a significant amount of
business when we needed it most — in December, our busiest month of the year.
Ecommerce Customers
NetSuite Helps Grow 2Pure 95%
Without Adding New Staff
Rapid growth required accessible, user-friendly
system to scale with the business
Needed efficient way to promote specific brands
through multiple websites
– Wholesale Distributors of
outdoor lifestyle products
– Based in Edinburgh, UK
NetSuite Benefits
NetSuite has helped support a 95% increase in
revenues without adding staff
– Replaced Sage
– NetSuite OneWorld for
Finance, Inventory and
Integrated business processes, new website saved
25% of sales staff’s time
Warehouse distribution efficiencies have cut need for
warehouse space by 40%
NetSuite saves us time and allows us to focus on running the business, and
that has helped us increase our turnover—our revenues—by 95%
NetSuite Cuts Order Processing Time
by 66% for Advantage Sign Supply
Wanted to attract more franchise customers
Fragmented IT systems meant challenge to manage
inventory of 15,000 SKUs
IT systems overloaded by 8,000 orders a month
across 9 warehouses
NetSuite Benefits
Order processing time cut by 66%
Sign Making Equipment &
Based in Grand Rapids, MI
NetSuite ERP, CRM, and
Replaced Counterpoint
Decreased monthly inventory by $500,000 (15%)
Saved $1,000 per month in mailing
Web channel now accounts for 11% of revenues
Cut pricing update time from 2 hours to 10 minutes
NetSuite has simplified our company's operations, given us great efficiency,
power, and flexibility, helped us do business on the Web, and has helped unify
our customer touchpoints by linking CRM with ERP and Ecommerce.
All About W8 Streamlined eMarketing
and CRM With NetSuite CRM+
Needed better support of inbound and outbound
customer service due to tremendous growth
Didn't want to build a customer management system
from scratch or use a pre-packaged solution
NetSuite Benefits
Able to manage all inquiries from website, reducing
overheads previously incurred with manual processes
Easily create and execute email campaigns and track
campaign ROI
– Distributor of healthcare
– Based in Cheshire, UK
– Replaced bespoke CRM
– NetSuite CRM+
Easily integrated 3rd party telephony system
Scaled with customer base growth of 60%+
The NetSuite system we needed works out at about £4 per user per day—so
deciding to use NetSuite was really a no-brainer!
Beyond The Rack Serves 4 Million
Customers with NetSuite OneWorld
Disparate systems provided no visibility into profit and
cost across global operations
Inventory turnover created significant inventory
management challenges
Avoid additional hiring for IT operations and system
NetSuite Benefits
1,100% growth in sales
– Online shopping club
– Based in Montreal,
– Replaced QuickBooks and
in-house software
– Chose NetSuite OneWorld
8x FTE growth in 12 months
Eliminated order processing delays
Seamless multi-location inventory management
Streamlined process for adding hundreds of new
products daily
Using NetSuite rather than a traditional in-house solution allows us to reduce
upfront investment and keep our money focused on growing the business.
NetSuite OneWorld helps manage retailers
in 76 Countries
Demand planning around new devices
Multi-country inventory management
World’s leading mobile
accessories brand
Founded in 2006
100+ employees
Based in Tucker, GA
Manufacturing in Taiwan
and Korea; Retails in 76
NetSuite OneWorld
replaced QuickBooks
Currency conversion issues with manufacturers
NetSuite OneWorld Benefits
Able to monitor re-order points, stocking levels, etc. –
using KPIs and reports
International revenue grew from 12% to 40%
Real time inventory allows easy movement of stock
around the world
Better purchasing power with automatic currency
The advanced features in NetSuite OneWorld 2011 allow us to further drive
the efficiency, speed and control of our financial process across our
international operations
Child Care Marketplace Launches in
Just 5 Months Using NetSuite
Needed ecommerce capabilities with integrated
financials and CRM
Parent company's Oracle ERP could not meet goals due
to time and budget constraints
– Maker and distributor of
Aggressive goal to launch in just 5 months
– Based in Portland, OR
NetSuite Benefits
childcare products
– Replaced
with NetSuite CRM
Intuitive Ecommerce interface enabled rapid expansion
from 200 to 4,000 products
Complete visibility into financial status of the company
Child Care Marketplace operational within 5 months
360-degree view of customers for marketing
and merchandising
We were looking for a solution that would provide a full view of our business
activity as well as the agility to implement an integrated ecommerce, CRM,
and back office system.
Clickstop Doubles Shipping Output
Using NetSuite
Needed to quickly tap a market growing at 25%+ YoY
Manual order processing slowed sales processes
and risked errors
Lack of analysis and reporting
NetSuite Benefits
– Retail and Online sales
– 18 websites & 11 retail
Growing 40-90% annually with only 5 additional FTE
– Based in Urbana, IA
Saving $70,000 per year on IT support versus hosted
– Replaced QuickBooks and
Nearly doubled shipping output without adding
warehouse staff stores integration saving 5-10 hours
– NetSuite ERP,
eCommerce, CRM and
Inventory Management
Produce custom reports in minutes not hours
Product profitability reports maximize ad value
We knew that we couldn’t continue manually typing and retyping information like we
were with QuickBooks. It was slowing our sales down and was much too error-prone for
our multi-brand retail business. Streamlines Business
Processes with NetSuite
Managing operations in Portugal, England and France
Multiple currencies, trading regulations and languages
Needed global access to key business metrics
– Online Exchange for
Required a system that would allow integration with
complex website front-end
NetSuite Benefits
Increased the efficiency of operations, logistics and
finance by 20% by reducing manual processes
Access to real-time reporting and KPI’s
Consumer Goods
– Based in Funchal,
– Replaced Sage Trading
100 with NetSuite
– NetSuite ERP, Inventory
and Analytics
Remote, real-time access for entire staff
By allowing us to automate key business processes, NetSuite has increased the
efficiency of our operations, logistics and finance teams by 20%
NetSuite Helps Boost Igloo’s Online
Sales by 30%
Rapid product turnover lead to static catalogs
Unattractive and costly consumer website
Strengthen online presence while limiting IT spend
– Portable coolers
Meet Ecommerce needs while maintaining
wholesale business model
– Founded in 1947
NetSuite Benefits
Web store traffic increased 40% and
sales increased 30% year-over-year
– 250+ employees
– Based in Katy, TX
– NetSuite eCommerce,
Inventory Management,
Shipping, CRM
Fast, easy to design and maintain
customer product information
Smooth handoff to third-party Ecommerce vendor for
easy order fulfillment
Easy integration with Fluid Media website tools
Igloo has claimed full control over their online content and presence, thanks to the
powerful Web tools delivered by NetSuite. grows exponentially
with NetSuite
Need a faster way to get orders in and shipped out
Human errors from multiple data entries
NetSuite OneWorld Benefits
Faster turnaround with Integrated order, fulfillment
and shipping
Proactive customer service resulting in repeat orders
Marketing tied to Inventory helps move products out
Opened doors for International business – easy
setup, complete control and automatic currency and
tax compliance
One of the largest printing
supplies websites in the
US, Canada, and UK.
50 employees
Based in Bell, CA
Replaced Quickbooks,
UPS Worldship and MIVA
NetSuite OneWorld,
Ecommerce and Advanced
Apps Integration lead to high savings and efficiencies
NetSuite has helped us close a lot of deals. Without NetSuite, we would need
five additional people to handle our current volume.
Magellan GPS Reduces IT Costs 20%
and Triple Productivity with NetSuite
Outdated and underpowered Ecommerce system
Real-time transaction processing and reporting were
Lacked integration between webstore and financial
3 month new product rollout to website
NetSuite Benefits
Increased daily online transaction processing by 3X
– Portable GPS Devices
– Founded in 1986
– Over 200 patents in GPS
– Based in Santa Clara, CA
– Replaced SAP and Home-
Grown Systems
Seamless integration between webstore and onpremise Oracle financials
Cut product launch times from 3 months to 1 week
IT cost for Ecommerce cut by 20%
NetSuite unifies our Ecommerce efforts on a single platform, and gives us realtime order processing unavailable with our outdated legacy system.
Triples Ecommerce Productivity,
Reduces IT Costs Over 20%
Ten year old homegrown Ecommerce system lacked flexibility
Existing Ecommerce system was expensive to maintain
Leader in portable GPS
Based in Santa Clara, CA
Founded in 1986
NetSuite OneWorld
replaced SAP and
homegrown system
NetSuite running across
eCommerce, Marketing,
Merchandising and
Customer Service
Real-time reporting unavailable
Real-time transaction processing unavailable
NetSuite Solution Benefits
Overall transaction processing time 10% less
Reduced Ecommerce-related IT spending 20 percent
Overall transaction processing times 10 percent less
Call handling times 35 percent lower with NetSuite customer
service solution
We have tripled our productivity, enhanced our risk management, and reduced our
overall Ecommerce IT expenditures by more than 20 percent switching to NetSuite.
Discount medical supply store increases
revenue by 30% with NetSuite
Error prone, manual data entry between webstore
and QuickBooks
Difficult to manage customer records and orders
Discount medical supply
and equipment store
90 employee
Based in Brooklyn, NY
Replaced Quickbooks and
Monster Commerce
NetSuite ERP, CRM and
Limited number of users have access to data
NetSuite Benefits
Stress free implementation using best practices
Automation frees 20+ hours per week
Able to provide better and efficient customer service
Integrated accounting, CRM and Ecommerce
provides efficiencies and increase in productivity
NetSuite automates our business processes giving us the opportunity to focus
on growing the business instead of managing business processes.
Outback Toys Grows by 33%, While Saving
$100,000 Yearly With NetSuite
Transition from phone to webstore for order placement
Needed to improve order processing, inventory
management, to keep customers happy and supply
chain efficient
Existing webstore not compliant with security
standards and did not interface with business systems
NetSuite Benefits
Saving more than $100,000 yearly over the cost of
comparable on-premise business software
– Online toy retailer
– Based in Litiz, PA
– 85,000 SKUs
– Replaced Proprietary IBM
based solution
– NetSuite ERP, CRM,
Order-to-cash process increased up by approx. 25%
Saving $25,000 per year on webstore-management
staff with no increase in warehouse staff
SEO reporting, other upgrades have helped increase
webstore traffic by 27%
With NetSuite, we're running a lot more proficiently. Growth isn't a problem
now—it's an opportunity and we can make the most of it.
NetSuite Helps Save POS Supply
$50,000 While Supporting 40% Growth
Disconnected sales, marketing, and accounting
hampered growth
Sales and marketing analysis was difficult and slow
Limited financial resources were strained by existing
IT infrastructure
– Wholesale distributor of
point of sale supplies
– Based in Danvers, MA
– Replaced ACT,
NetSuite Benefits
$50,000 savings from productivity gains and
reductions in IT spending
50 percent gain in sales campaign effectiveness
Supporting 40 percent growth in sales volume
QuickBooks Enterprise,
Miva Merchant
– Chose NetSuite over and
– NetSuite CRM, Advanced
Inventory and eCommerce
We were initially just looking at NetSuite’s CRM side, but after looking further we
began to think about integrating our CRM, ERP, e-commerce, and UPS shipping,
and realized what a powerful solution that would be.
Red Hare LTD Doubles Sales,
Cuts Costs Using NetSuite
Wanted to take advantage of fast-growing demand for
consumer electronics products by online retailers
Spreadsheet-based system created data entry
bottlenecks, and caused pricing inaccuracies
Shipping errors caused by manual data entry
NetSuite Benefits
Doubled growth to $30 million in sales without adding
any IT staff
Saved $65,000 over the cost of on-premise business
– Online retailer of
consumer electronics
– Based in Hong Kong
– Replaced Microsoft Office
Accounting, Excel
– Selected NetSuite over
Microsoft Dynamics ERP
End-of-quarter financial reconciliation now takes four
minutes versus 50 hours with the previous system
Reduced on-hand inventory by two-thirds
Besides helping up keep on a sharp growth curve, NetSuite has put us at the
top of our field.
Sonoma Wine Accessories Grows by
30% While Saving 50% Using NetSuite
Wine cabinet and cooler maker wanted to expand into
accessories market
QuickBooks and proprietary systems couldn't scale to
high-volume business
– Online retailer of wine
Existing IT systems slow and inflexible
– Based in Sonoma, CA
NetSuite Benefits
Accessory sales have tripled each month,
without need to hire admin staff
Saving $24,000/year versus previous software
Reduced order processing time from 20 min. to 20
– Replaced QuickBooks,
proprietary and manual IT
– Running NetSuite across
ERP, CRM and Ecommerce
– Went live in just 4 months
Custom report takes 10 min. vs. 1 day
With NetSuite, we've boosted business processes, and we're able to do serious,
proactive marketing, which is just what the new business needs.
South Cypress Grew Revenue Eightfold
Using NetSuite
Company required affordable, agile solution
Required solution that would support growth and allow
founders to focus on strategic goals
Previous systems lacked automation resulting in
paper-bound processes and delays
– Online retailer of flooring
– Based in Birmingham, AL
– Founded in 1952
NetSuite Benefits
NetSuite supported eightfold growth in revenue from
2007 to 2011 with just three sales professionals
Able to shift half of all transactions to the Web
– Replaced Miva Merchant,
– Chose NetSuite to
manage ERP and
Product import capabilities allow update to thousands
of products in 5 minutes
NetSuite's cloud-based model allows us to scale without having to worry
about additional IT infrastructure.
Wrigleyville Sports Grows
by 400% Using NetSuite
Difficulty exploiting growing order volumes
Disconnected order processing between retail outlets
and Web store caused conflicts, lost sales
Lack of multi-site inventory management
slowed order deliveries.
– Online sports retailer
– Based in Chicago, IL
– Replaced Retail Star
– Chose NetSuite over
NetSuite Benefits
Microsoft Dynamics/Great
Plains and Sage ACCPAC
Sales growth of 400% without additional staff
Order automation and shipping integration freed 5
employees for customer service
Integration with payment processors enables better
negotiation of payment processing rates
NetSuite is helping us handle substantial growth in order volume without having
to maintain on-site hardware and software and a staff of IT support people. Improves Web Site
Conversions by 50% using OneWorld
Maximize growth while keeping costs low
Manual order processing was error-prone and slow
Previous website was difficult to navigate leading to
low customer conversion and high cart abandonment
NetSuite Benefits
Automated order processing handling a 650%
increase in orders
– Retailer of wine products
– Based in Sydney,
– NetSuite OneWorld
– Replaced Volusion
ecommerce software
Website conversions have increased by 50%
Driven first-call resolution to 95%+
Reduced call back time by 75%+
Multi-subsidiary, multi-currency management
Now we can handle all the orders we get, and it's all automatic. All information is
held centrally, our business processes are simplified and we've got a smooth
path to near-infinite growth.
Services Customers
ABS-CBN Streamlined Business Using
NetSuite Two-Tier ERP model
Costly IT maintenance for patchwork of software
applications across multiple operating regions
Lacked worldwide visibility into sales effectiveness
and inventory levels
Adding new customers, products, promotions, and
locations required IT support and resulted in delays
NetSuite Benefits
Flexible, efficient two-tier ERP model with integrated
reporting into parent company's SAP instance
Self-service capabilities eliminated dependence on IT
Flexible and reliable CRM, inventory tracking, and
accounting across multiple operating regions
– Provider of TV broadcast
– Based in Quezon City,
Philippines and Redwood
City, CA
– Replaced custom CRM
and ERP system
– Chose NetSuite ERP,
CRM, and inventory over
Microsoft Great Plains
NetSuite provides the functionality and flexibility we needed, and a single
version of the truth, with a reduced initial cost outlay.
ADH Cut AP Reporting Time by 50%
Using NetSuite OneWorld
Needed to consolidate to a single global ERP
Wanted to jump-start and manage new regional
operations with minimal expense
Reduce high costs of network communications for
remote access as well as multiple disconnected ERP
– Provider of
media/publishing services
– Based in Singapore,
Southeast Asia
– Replaced Microsoft Great
NetSuite Benefits
Business growing globally, yet spending less on IT
Accounting report-calculation time cut by 50%
Plains and Sage CRM and
– Chose NetSuite OneWorld
after evaluating
Yearly external audit costs have been cut by 45%
With NetSuite OneWorld we get real-time reporting in all our subsidiaries, and we
have the ability to customize our reports at a high level and in just the way our top
management needs.
BearingPoint Saved $250K Using
NetSuite OpenAir
Spinning off a 130-employee "startup"
within a 90-day timeframe
Needed a complete business software architecture
but parent company’s on-premise solution was too
Wanted to boost sales pipeline visibility
NetSuite Benefits
Added pipeline visibility and other functions while
saving more than $250K in upgrade costs
– Provider of IT consulting
– Based in Sydney,
– Replaced Sage ACCPAC
and PeopleSoft
– NetSuite OpenAir,
financials, CRM
Monthly invoices are now processed in
4 days rather than 2 weeks
DSO (Days Sales Outstanding) has been cut by 30%
Prior to NetSuite, we were many versions behind out parent's applications
because of the costs and detailed customizations needed to upgrade.
Cut Time and Costs To Support Cynergi's
150% Growth Goal
Difficulty supporting fast growth with its combination of
limited business software and spreadsheets
Accessing and reporting data was time-consuming and
Provider of cleaning services
Based in Hertfodshire, UK
Company didn't have coherent view of P&L, salary, and
marketing data
NetSuite replaced Sage
Deployed NetSuite to manage
NetSuite Solution Benefits
Has the ability to support 150% growth year on year
over the next three years
Company achieved software ROI within 5 months of full
NetSuite implementation
NetSuite gives us a complete view of our business in real time. It saves the
leadership team time we can use to focus on growing our client base by 150%
over the last three years.
NetSuite SRP Integrated EORM’s Sales,
Delivery, and Invoicing
Hairball of three disparate systems
Cumbersome spreadsheets required for deep
business analysis
Invoicing process was time-consuming and errorprone
– Strategic management
Existing systems lacked uniform user interface
– Based in San Jose, CA
Needed to reduce IT expenditures
– NetSuite SRP
NetSuite Benefits
NetSuite SRP reduced invoice generation time by
factor of ten
and technical consulting
– Replaced,
and Deltek Advantage
Real-time, role-based visibility into key metrics
Refocused resources on sales and billable services
NetSuite SRP gives us the ability to handle a higher volume of business with
the same staff.
NetSuite OneWorld Reduced Gawker
Media’s Bookkeeping Costs by 20%
Operational inefficiencies hindered growth
Difficulty optimizing complex, multi-dimensional
advertising contracts using QuickBooks
Lack of consolidated financial information
Inefficient revenue recognition and limited business
NetSuite Benefits
Deployed NetSuite OneWorld in 60 days
Integrated accounts payable and receivable
processes cut bookkeeping costs by 20%
– Provider of online
publishing services
– 30 million readers per
– Based in New York, NY
– Replaced QuickBooks and
Excel with NetSuite
Role based dashboards give up-to-the minute views
of order performance, receivables and expenses
Our processes are integrated and automatic, and our analysis is based on
dependable, up-to-the-minute information.
NetSuite Cloud Improved ICD’s Sales
Efficiency 50%
Global operations across China, India and SE Asia
needed sophisticated enterprise wide solution
On-premise system had no CRM capabilities, poor
data flow and reporting resulting in human error
Previous solutions offered minimal marketing
NetSuite OneWorld Benefits
NetSuite provides easy, fast, and accurate tailoring of
local tax and VAT rates in each operating region
Sales Proposal process cut by 50%
– Provider of security
– Founded in 1999
– Based in Beijing, China
– Serving 11 cities in Asia
– NetSuite OneWorld
replaced QuickBooks and
Expanded limited accounting staff into full
international financial group using OneWorld
Integrated marketing campaign, and improved customer
Going through SOX compliance with NetSuite has been easy, inexpensive,
and fast.
Imagine! Avoided 3+ FTEs Using NetSuite
Streamline service delivery to families dealing with
cognitive disabilities
Inability to report and share financial information
Needed to minimize costs and maximize worker
– Nonprofit provider of
healthcare service
– Based in Lafayette, CO
– Founded in 1963
NetSuite Benefits
NetSuite efficiencies helped Imagine!
avoid 3 full-time-employee hires
Managers get financial reports whenever and
whenever they want
– 550+ employees
– NetSuite running Finance
– Replaced Microsoft Great
Plains and Microsoft
Saving $2,000+ annually on postage costs alone
Our biggest advantage is in reporting, because every manager and
supervisor is able to use NetSuite to check on their budgets and employees
using real-time data.
Finanacial Services Startup Grew its
Sales Force by 400%
Attract and retain highly qualified sales staff with
accurate commission payments
Manual data entry slowed administrative processes
Needed a secure, reliable software system to handle
complex financial scenarios
NetSuite Benefits
Helped Imagine FS automate its commission processes
Financial security company
Based in London, UK
Selected NetSuite over
Sage 200
Deployed NetSuite to
Manage Commissions
Reduced commissions time from 1 day to 5 minutes
Dashboards allow directors to plan and control growth
With NetSuite, we get the efficiency of end-to-end integration, real time
information, and all the flexibility we'll ever need to stay on our growth path.
InfrastructureWorks Accelerates Quoteto-Cash Process with NetSuite SRP
Corporate spinoff needed enterprise-grade systems
Previous parent company used disparate systems for
accounting, CRM, and customer support
Re-keying data between multiple systems, slowing
processes and severely limiting visibility
NetSuite Benefits
Saved 1.5 FTE due to automated processes
– Provider of infrastructure
– Based in Short Hills, NJ
– Replaced QuickBooks and
– NetSuite and OpenAir
Quote-to-billing takes minutes
Cloud delivery ensured go live with company launch
Streamlined prospect-to-customer processes
Visibility into the success of lead-generating activities
The combination of NetSuite and OpenAir gives us complete, paperless
enterprise management and allows us to stay lean.
Innovise Grows Sales by 100% With
NetSuite OneWorld
Multiple business units couldn't share sales and other
data, hindering company growth
Manual invoicing was slow, error-prone
– Provider of IT services
Inability to track sales leads
– Based in London, UK
– NetSuite OneWorld
NetSuite Benefits
60 users across UK; 100 employee users in California
access NetSuite easily via browsers and dashboards
– Replaced,
Maximiser, Goldmine,
Company sales have increased by 100%
Company is saving 33% of administrative time over
previous system
Better visibility into customer data
Using OneWorld stopped duplication of effort and improved financial
accuracy by eliminating the errors inherent with manual processing.
ITS-PLC Drives Profitability with NetSuite
Bringing company processes and systems up to date
to enable future growth
Needed to eliminate duplication of information
between departments
Simple tasks took far too long to complete
NetSuite Benefits
– Provider of IT services
– Based in London, UK
– NetSuite
– Replaced Scala, Excel,
and Outlook
Company more profitable due to accurate,
live data at fingertips
Frees up time to process mass transactions, turn
queries and issues around rapidly
More dynamic and accurate across all departments
Reduction in back-office staff
NetSuite has helped us to leap frog our competitors.
Mindwave Saving $50,000 Annually
Using NetSuite
Needed to improve financial forecasting and business
Fragmented systems and spreadsheets delayed
accurate financial reporting and close
NetSuite Benefits
Reduced accounting time for cash flow analysis by 18
hours per week
Reduced time spend on monthly close by 8 hours
Saving $50,000 yearly over extra staffing
Profitability analysis helps direct sales efforts
– Provider of full service
market research
– Based in Austin, TX
– Founded in 1999
– Replaced QuickBooks and
– Chose NetSuite over
Microsoft Great Plains,
Sage MAS 90 and 200
Expedited project mgt., expense reporting and
purchase-order processes
NetSuite helped us significantly reduced the hours we were spending on
accounting allowing us to spend more time on forecasting and profitability.
NetSuite CRM+ Led to Prudential’s
Skyrocketing Agent Productivity
Lacked efficient way to share data with agents and
sales managers
Needed solution to blend real estate market data with
customer data
– Provider of real estate
No off-the-shelf solution supported its unique workflow
– Based in Honolulu, HI
NetSuite Benefits
Agents able to manage 10X more relations over
previous system
– NetSuite CRM
– Replaced
Delivering 1.5 million e-mails on behalf of agents
98% buy-in from 240 independent real estate agents
Integration between NetSuite CRM+ and Prudential
Web portal
We knew we needed a solution that was both powerful and easy to customize.
NetSuite was the most flexible architecture for our needs.
SQL Became Globally Competitive With
NetSuite Solution
Company wanted to expand globally but held back by
administrative inefficiencies
Lack of critical functions, such as customer case
management, limited company's ability to grow
Client billings were inaccurate
– Provider of IT services
– Based in Makati City,
– NetSuite Mid-market
NetSuite Benefits
– Replaced SugarCRM
NetSuite has helped company increase customer
case management by 50% over old system
Improved service and billing accuracy has boosted
customer satisfaction
Timesheet automation is helping company save
$3,000 per year in administrative costs
NetSuite gave us a way to streamline our internal processes and automate
functions that had been performed manually, so we will be prepared for growth
and expansion.
NetSuite Helps Temple University Efficiently
Scale Student Recruiting by 20%
Needed to handle sudden growth in prospective
student applications
System needed to handle student applications coming
via Website as well as phone and other channels
– Provider of education
Tight cost controls would not allow adding to IT staff.
– Based in Tokyo, Japan
– Replaced Microsoft
NetSuite Benefits
Temple efficiently growing 20% per year
Boosted the speed of response and follow-up to
prospect applications
Access and Excel
– Chose NetSuite over and SAP
– Running Netsuite across
CRM and Financials
Recruiting teams work more efficiently
Since we moved to NetSuite, we’ve had a flexible, platform-oriented, extendable,
customizable system that offers complete hosting functionality. None of the other
solutions had this.
NetSuite Helps Cut WMG’s Billing
Reconciliation Time by 50%
Underpowered and inefficient accounting system
Slowdowns occurred in client and employee
payments, damaging relationships
Disparate processes and separate instances risked
errors in expenses and commissions
NetSuite Benefits
Reconciliation now 50% faster and fully accurate
Commissions calculated quickly and paid on-time
– Provider of professional
– Based in Los Angeles, CA
– NetSuite OneWorld
– Replaced Microsoft Great
Streamlined billings ensure that sponsors pay on time
and process expenses fast
Financial information available to in real-time
With NetSuite, our contracts and processes are linked, making it much easier to
see what we keep and what we remit.
Using NetSuite, WhippleHill Grows 20%
Without Adding Extra Staff
Disparate systems resulted in the inability to reconcile
financial information
Financial reporting, billings were hampered by limited
visibility and unreliable revenue recognition processes
Small-business applications stifled growth
NetSuite Benefits
Business has grown 20% annually
without adding extra staff
Billing processes simpler, more reliable
– Provider of IT services
– Based in Bedford, NH
– Replaced QuickBooks,
QuickBase, and Microsoft
NetSuite over
Microsoft Great Plains
– Chose
Integration of customer information and productsupport information
NetSuite for iPhone helps users connect remotely
The NetSuite approach to revenue recognition is much better than the massive
spreadsheet we had to use before, which inevitably introduced errors in our
NetSuite Helps WSI
Automate Lead Management
Expensive in-house ad campaign software
In-house CRM system not cost effective to keep
Difficult to measure and maximize advertising impact
– Provider of digital
marketing services
NetSuite Benefits
Target prospects for high lead-to-sales conversion
using site performance and customer behavior reports
KPI reporting helps manage ad campaigns and
marketing spend
– Based in Toronto, Canada
– Replaced in-house CRM
– Chose NetSuite CRM over and
FranConnect Inc.
Opened new markets in Europe, Asia and Australia
using high-volume processing and analytics
Same-day response to high-priority leads
Our conversion rates are consistently better than the industry average, and
NetSuite plays a large role in that success.
DFMS Saves $10,000 Yearly Using
Losing money because of errors in manually prepared
Company had no way to foresee changes in rental
volume by large clients
Thin profit margins prohibited Diamond from bringing
in expensive on-premise IT software
– Provider of rental car
– Based in Paranaque City,
– Using NetSuite across
NetSuite Benefits
Billing automation saves $10,000+ annually through
faster, more accurate invoicing
accounting, CRM and
– Chose NetSuite over SAP
and Quickbooks
Accurate forecasting helps manage rental fleet
dynamically by responding to changing market
With NetSuite, analytical and reporting tools are available instantly, from any
Internet-enabled terminal.
Retail Customers
Energy Matters Slashes Order to Cash
33% Using NetSuite OneWorld
Wanted to leverage the growing clean-energy market
Fragmented software applications
Customer questions on complex configuration or
installation issues often required hour-long phone
– Provider of clean energy
– Based in Melbourne,
NetSuite Benefits
Saved $200,000 over buying on-premise software and
servers, and is now doubling revenues yearly
– Chose NetSuite OneWorld
over Microsoft Dynamics
– Replaced MYOB and
Average order-to-cash time has decreased by 33%
Website price updates now happen instantaneously
Customer self-service enables sales to come in daily
without requiring any employee contact, while
reducing hour long service calls to 20 minutes.
NetSuite has enabled us to grow at a rate faster than we expected, from 20
people to more than 100 in just a few years.
NetSuite CRM Helps Guitar Center Grow
Outside Sales Division
Manual handling of complex sales quotes
Sales of equipment and services to recording studios
and live venues require extended contract
Quate system consisted of Excel spreadsheets
NetSuite Benefits
3X growth in three years
Increased sales efficiency helping company to
achieve 12% annual growth rate in a difficult economy
Improved pipeline efficiency has reduced quote time
from 5 hours to 1 hour
– Provider and retailer of
musical supplies
– Based in West Lake
Village, CA
– Chose NetSuite CRM over
– Replaced custom built
Pipeline analysis reports help sales representatives
increase effectiveness
With NetSuite our salespeople can organize their workday, and we can deliver
sales quotes that are impressively accurate.
Hallelujah Acres Increases Ecommerce
Sales by 25% With NetSuite
Order fulfillment errors due to limited IT system
Unreliable accounting, lack of reporting lead to lost
revenues on shipping costs
Wanted to maintain hard-won leadership position
– Provider of Christian
health services
– Based in Shelby, NC
NetSuite Benefits
Saved $500,000 over cost of on-premises installation
Will save $50,000 annually in extra staff expenses vs.
on-premise system
– Chose NetSuite for ERP,
CRM, and Ecommerce
– Replaced ProfitCenter
Ecommerce sales increased by 25% in 6 months
Real-time data for call center, marketing, Web,
accounting, retail stores, IT, and CEO office
NetSuite has helped us improve customer service and order fulfillment. Plus it is
flexible enough for us to affordably customize it to fit the company's long-term needs.
ICF Drives IT Efficiency Using NetSuite
Needed robust solution for CRM and back-office
Required a unique system to meet student and course
Required a solution supporting educational and
restaurant-grade supply needs
– Culinary school
– Based in Makati City,
– NetSuite
NetSuite Benefits
Significant cost savings over alternative solutions
Avoided hiring dedicated IT personnel due to NetSuite
cloud delivery
Reduced IT overheard
NetSuite meets all of the requirements for a school, and automates many of the
processes we would normally have to perform manually.
Standardizing ERP at a Fraction of the
Time and Cost of Oracle
Robust growth potential threatened by fragmented,
unreliable financial information
Aggressive expansion goals made consolidated
financials essential
– Manila-based fast food
Too lengthy and costly to deploy Oracle worldwide
– $800m revenue
– 32,000 employees
NetSuite OneWorld Benefits
Completed rollout to 10 stores in Vietnam took two
265 stores subsequently rolled out in China
– 1,800 stores
– Strategic emphasis on
rapid global expansion
– Oracle Financials at
Automating reporting, and enforce governance
Real-time visibility across territories
NetSuite OneWorld gives us a way to deliver a standard platform across the
organization in a timeframe and at a cost that supports our continued growth
and development.
Knowledge Universe Gained Agility and
Reduced Costs With NetSuite OneWorld
Needed a solution that could be rapidly deployed and
scaled to existing and new subsidiaries
The cost of implementing an on-premise ERP solution
for subsidiaries and new acquisitions would be cost
Needed flexibility and transparency into ERP, financial
management, reporting and analysis in the company's
NetSuite Benefits
Four month rollout to 6 subsidiaries
Reduced ongoing systems costs by 70%
Real-time consolidated view of performance across
– Global education
– Based in Singapore
– $2B+ annual revenue
– 40,000 employees
– 3,700 locations worldwide
– NetSuite OneWorld and
SuiteCloud customization
– Replaced on premise ERP
We chose NetSuite OneWorld for its multi-entity consolidation functionality
combined with the capability to tailor the system to meet the unique business
requirements of each individual subsidiary.
NetSuite Helps Niner Bikes Grow and
Save $100K Annually
Adding international channels meant complexity in
bookkeeping, inventory management
Wanted to attract quality employees by simplifying
remote access
– Mountain bike retailer
Manual inventory management slowed order
– Based in North Hollywood,
NetSuite Benefits
– Chose NetSuite over
Real-time sales pipeline visibility maximizes cash flow
Saving $100,000 annually by eliminating additional
– Replaced Quickbooks and
Additional savings of $20,000 per year vs.
conventional server-based VPN
Microsoft Great Plains,, and
NetSuite is easy to use, but it also can take us to a $100,000,000 company
without missing a beat.
NetSuite OneWorld Saved TCT Hundreds
of Thousands on IT
Migration from startup software to Microsoft Dynamics
GP failed after 12 months of significant investment
Microsoft Dynamics GP provided virtually no usable
reporting data
Solving GP problems would require over $100,000 in
hardware, plus additional IT headcount
– Provider of tools used in
the culinary profession
– Based in Sydney,
– Chose NetSuite OneWorld
NetSuite Benefits
Saving over $100,000 in server hardware, plus
ongoing IT headcount
over SAP BusinessOne
– Replaced Microsoft Great
Cut accountant billable hours in half
Majority of customizations now managed and
implemented in-house, saving on consulting fees
We quickly realized just how deep NetSuite's functionality is. NetSuite is powerful
enough for us to enhance, refine, and grow with.
Tree of Life Overcomes Barriers to
Growth With NetSuite
Maintaining a VPN across so many sites was both
complex and time consuming
Managing data across sites took time and risked data
Software upgrades was a logistic challenge
No real-time information
NetSuite Benefits
Real-time data available across all stores and the
head office
Greater insights into the business performance
Reduced hardware requirements and eliminated
ongoing upgrades and maintenance
– Provider of fair trade
clothing and accessories
– Based in Camperdown,
– NetSuite running across
– 85 users
– Switched from Markinson
Shopkeeper running
across VPNs
Eliminated the need for provision and maintenance of
individual VPNs
Using NetSuite has allowed us to concentrate on what's important, secure in the
knowledge that NetSuite has created a strong and reliable system.
Manufacturing Customers
© NetSuite 2010
BLUW Saves £50,000 Over On-Premise IT
Managing growth across 3 continents
Managing multi-location inventory and supply chain
Provider of novelties and
Based in the London, UK
Customer since 2007
NetSuite OneWorld
Grew from £1.2 to £2.8M since switching to NetSuite
Replaced QuickBooks
Multi-currency capabilities facilitate financial consolidations
Chose NetSuite OneWorld
over SAP and Exchequer
Needed financial consolidation for vendor and products
NetSuite OneWorld Benefits
Saved £50,000+ over on premise software and servers
We operate on three continents and our business is undergoing enormous
growth. It would be impossible to predict future systems and infrastructure
requirements for our business. With NetSuite OneWorld, we don't have to.
Feeney Competes and Diversifies in
Tight Economy
Shrinking building materials margins as economy tightened
Accurate competitive analysis to determine price changes
Improve performance by increasing operational efficiency
Provider of industrial
Based in Oakland, CA
Analytics help management make pricing adjustments
based on accurate competitive analysis
Founded in 1948
Customer since 2003
Set prices for thousands of SKUs in a day, compared to a
week or more
Switched from QuickBooks
& MBA Accounting
Software to NetSuite
Using NetSuite for ERP,
Inventory, CRM, and
NetSuite Benefits
NetSuite reporting capabilities help managers track sales,
order pipelines and inventory
NetSuite helps us be more competitive, more agile, and plan our future with
precision. It gave us the tools to provide better customer service, and it gives our
departments the information they need.
GameWear Cuts Waste and Streamlines
Order Management with NetSuite
Poor integration between QuickBooks and webstore lead
to duplicate effort and flawed order management
Lack of visibility into order exceptions and stockouts
impacted margins
Difficult and labor-intensive raw materials tracking
Automatically import and process orders improving
shipment times and customer satisfaction
eliminated 9 week material ordering delays
Provider of fan sports
Based in Hoboken, NJ
Founded in 2005
Customer since 2010
Switched from Quickbooks
and PDGsoft to NetSuite
Chose NetSuite over
Microsoft Great Plains and
Sage Mas 200/400
Running NetSuite across
ERP, CRM, Ecommerce,
Inventory, & Manufacturing
Commission reporting cut from four hours to four minutes
Using the NetSuite Ecommerce platform is boosting sales, and gives us the
opportunity to scale up our business-to-consumer operations.
GTT Running on NetSuite OneWorld with
2,000+ Customers in Just 60 Days
Needed scalable ERP system after 3M spinoff
Unable to perform financial or sales analysis
Provider of transportation
Based in St. Paul, MN
Customer since 2008
NetSuite provides a scalable, cost effective ERP system
that allows GTT to continue rapid growth
NetSuite OneWorld
Switched from SAP
Even with 3 subsidiaries, GTT gets detailed, weekly
financial and sales reports
Running NetSuite in 2 months
Deployed NetSuite across
inventory, ERP, and CRM
Growth limited by lack of visibility into new sales
NetSuite OneWorld Benefits
Dashboards provide instant inventory, backlog and
pipeline visibility
In 60 days we had a complete, scalable ERP infrastructure, thanks to NetSuite,
and we're now growing at a good pace.
Honeywell CPG Turns to NetSuite to
Drive Sales and Service
Consumer Products Group
Using SAP R/3, but lacked dedicated
SFA, support, and Ecommerce
Sales and service had limited visibility into
order status and customer info had to
query SAP R/3
– Division of Honeywell
– Running SAP R/3 for
– Running NetSuite in a hub
NetSuite Benefits
Integrated NetSuite Ecommerce and CRM with
corporate SAP R/3 deployment
Easy for Honeywell CPG channel customers to
place orders, research products, and verify orders
Reduced maintenance costs
User friendly application for support staff
Using SuiteCloud Connect for SAP
and spoke model with
– Real time integration
iConn Technologies Saved $100,000
with NetSuite
Exploit opportunities for international growth
Needed cost effective, multi-language ERP solution
Distributed workforce and partners needed remote
Manufacturer of electrical
Based in Lake Forest, CA
NetSuite replaced QuickBooks
and spreadsheets
Chose NetSuite over SAP
Deployed NetSuite across
ERP, CRM, customer and
partner portals
25% greater functionality over SAP BusinessOne
120% growth without adding FTEs
Saving $30K to $50K on VPN connections
Dashboards provide real-time visibility into supply
chains and sales pipeline
SAP BusinessOne would have required us to triple staff, spend more, and we still
wouldn't have the functionality and ease of use we're getting now. NetSuite puts
you in the driver's seat, so you're not spending time figuring out the software.
Lightspeed Technologies Doubled
Growth Since NetSuite Go-Live
Fragmented CRM and ERP slowed order processing
Sales people couldn't track order status
Combined software and spreadsheets caused data
duplication, errors and inconsistencies
NetSuite scalability supports Lightspeed’s rapid growth
Significant drop in order processing and customer
support handling times
Anytime, anywhere access to distributed sales force
Provider of classroom audio
Based in Tualatin, OR
Customer since 2005
NetSuite replaced Peachtree,
FileMaker and Excel
Running NetSuite in 3 months
Deployed NetSuite across
ERP, Inventory, and CRM.
Eliminated data duplication and extra data entry saving
employees from additional administrative hours
NetSuite gives us a single view of the customer. We’ve strengthened customer
support and relations, and we've been able to speed up order processing while
improving system availability at the same time.
Malcolite Cuts Order Processing Time
from 3 Days to 40 Minutes with NetSuite
Cut cost of inventory, shipping, and logistics despite a
growing list of 8,000 SKUs
Expand business while helping customers save money
in difficult economy
Increase operational efficiency
Saving 75K+ yearly on reduced staff, shipping and
Increased inventory turns by 66% with real-time
carrying cost visibility
Manufacturer of light covers
Based in Northbrook, IL
Customer since 2008
NetSuite replaced
QuickBooks, customer
software and spreadsheets
Chose NetSuite over, and Infor
Deployed NetSuite across
ERP, Inventory, and CRM.
Automated order processing saves 15-20 hours per
NetSuite has helped our business improve customer service, eliminate paper
and waste, and utilize advanced inventory management techniques to bring new
products to market quickly.
Medalcraft Mint Adds Customers, Cuts
Production Time with NetSuite
Grow customer base, make better use of its website
Phone orders slowed processes and limited potential
for higher-margin custom sales
Manufacturer of minted
awards and gifts
Based in Green Bay, WI
Customer Since 2008
37 NetSuite users
Added 25% new customers since NetSuite go-live
Reduce sales staff 50% since automating order
Replaced BPCS AS400 with
NetSuite runs ERP, CRM,
Complex drop-ship orders processed manually,
slowing shipments to multiple customer locations
NetSuite Benefits
Assembling custom-order kits now takes just 20% of
the time it took before NetSuite
NetSuite helps us across the board. The customer center helps us grow by
taking a lot of the labor out of custom order-handling. Shipping automation lets
us handle larger organizations that might want to ship products to 200
locations—much more easily.
NetSuite Helps Monobind Cut Order
Fulfillment Times By 50%
Manage complex, integrated assembly and quality
control processes amid increasing price competition
Maintain fast order fulfillment despite fluctuating
customer ordering patterns and expanding sales in 90plus countries
NetSuite Benefits
50% decrease in customer order fulfillment times
No new IT staff despite continued growth
Production planning time reduced from days to hours
Manufacturer of healthcare
Based in Lake Forest, CA
Founded in 1978
NetSuite customer since 2007
NetSuite replaced
QuickBooks, and Corezon
Complete order-to-source traceability on inventory lots
NetSuite provides the critical tool to see our current sales demand, direct the
orders through our seven-step assembly process, and ensure that they go out
the door on time to give the best delivery performance possible.
Mountz Saved $100,000 Per Year Over
On-Premise Systems
Couldn't keep up with growing demand for products
Legacy IT software fragmented, costly, difficult to
upgrade and customize
Manual sales and inventory tracking caused lost
sales, incomplete product shipments.
NetSuite Benefits
Saving more than $100K per year by eliminating
custom development, server hardware
Time to generate a complex purchase order has
dropped from 4 hours to 30 minutes
Manufacturer of torque tools
Based in San Jose, CA
NetSuite customer since 2004
NetSuite replaced Great
Plains, Peachtree and
NetSuite deployed across
ERP, CRM and Advanced
Automated order processing reduces errors by
matching sales estimates with purchase orders
With NetSuite, sales people can manage their own accounts, manufacturing
people can track work orders and inventory in real-time, and our CEO is now
fully engaged with our information technology.
R.O. Arnold Turns to the Cloud to
Support Growth while Reducing Costs
Management of three separate divisions, each in
different locations
Urgent need to replace single server set-up with
limited licenses
Manufacturer of fireplace,
stone and bathroom fixtures
Distributed workforce needed system access
Headquarters: South
Yorkshire, UK
Founded in 1923
Customer since 2009
NetSuite OneWorld replaced
Bespoke product
NetSuite OneWorld Benefits
OneWorld allows areas of the business to operate as
individual entities
Automated processes eliminated administrative
burden and saved the equivalent of two employees
Integrated and streamlined end-to-end processes,
from point of sale through to delivery and invoicing
We use NetSuite for absolutely everything and the productivity savings since
switching have been huge. To achieve the same results without NetSuite would
have meant hiring at least two new employees.
RedBuilt Switch from SAP in Just 86
Days; TCO Nearly $300,000 Lower
SAP inflexible and inappropriate for the custom demands
of commercial clients like RedBuilt
Needed enterprise ERP solution after RedBuilt became
independent from corporate parent Weyerhaeuser
Rapid ERP replacement required, as former corporate
parent would terminate access to SAP in 6
NetSuite Benefits
Avoiding $275,000 in annual salary costs for SAP and
database administrator
Manufacturer of Architectural
Wood Products
Based in Boise, ID
Established in 1991
Switched to NetSuite from
NetSuite runs inventory
planning, sales, marketing,
reporting and analysis
First-year costs with NetSuite are just half of what RedBuilt
would spend to stay with SAP
Transition from SAP to NetSuite completed in just 86 days
We share the vision NetSuite has that the cloud is the future of information
systems. At just a fraction of the cost of keeping SAP, NetSuite provides us a
solution that is much more flexible and dynamic.
Manufacturer Saves $300,000 Yearly
Over On-premise CRM
Inability to track sales leads caused company to lose
share of growing market
Company unable to evaluate effectiveness of large
global marketing expenditures
Oracle E-business Suite costly, complex, unable to
track new business leads
NetSuite CRM Benefits
New leads are proactively solicited within 3 days
Manufacturer of fire equipment
Based in Riyadh, Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia
Established in 1983
NetSuite Replaced Oracle,
Sage and Spreadsheets
NetSuite CRM
Real-time reporting lets managers identify most
profitable customers, improve customer relationships
30-day deployment met critical deadline
NetSuite gives us the ability to track leads, evaluate the value of each lead, and
find out which customers we should be pursuing to maximize profits. We couldn't
do that before.
Saved $100,000 Annually on Programming
Costs Alone
Company growth outpaced 25-year-old AS/400 system
Cumbersome manual processes slowed customer
Larger customers were requesting automated order
and payment methods
NetSuite Benefits
Web-based software strengthens Schaeffer's
competitive advantage
Customer shipping time improved from 2.5 days to 1
day, with more accuracy
Manufacturer of automotive oil
Based in St. Louis, MO
Founded in 1839
NetSuite Replaced AS/400
Chose NetSuite over SAP and
Microsoft GP
Running NetSuite across ERP,
Order Management,
Purchasing, Inventory, and
Use of EDI order entry grew from 30% to 70% of orders
EFT payments grew from 2% to 15% of orders
We were becoming a big company, but we couldn't afford a big, integrated
ERP system. With NetSuite our competitive advantage is strengthened.
Grew By 30% Without Adding Extra Staff
Startup wanted to leverage growing market for custombuilt ambulances
Complex quotation/approval slowed order processing
Manual reporting of sales drained human resources,
increasing margin of error.
Manufacturer of fire safety
Based in Dubai, United
Arab Emirates
NetSuite CRM Replaced
Sage 500
NetSuite CRM Benefits
Company has grown by 30% without adding extra staff
Automated order processing places new orders in
seconds, compared to 2 days with old system
Single repository and visibility for all customer information
Turning quotes into sales was essential to our success, but quotes can get
very complex. With NetSuite, we go from quote to approval to sale in a matter
of seconds.
Startup Uses NetSuite toThrived
Against Larger Competitors
Integrate Ecommerce with back-office accounting and
Needed IT infrastructure to scale as business grew
Avoid cost prohibitive ERP
NetSuite Benefits
Doubled in size since implementing NetSuite at startup
Remote and mobile access saves the company
approximately £50,000 per year
Manufacturer of wire rope
and steel cable
Based in Highbridge,
Somerset, UK
Chose NetSuite over Sage
Running on NetSuite in 3
Automated front- and back-office processes let TecniCable thrive against larger competitors
NetSuite has been our system of choice since startup and will continue to
be into the future. If we could have dreamt up a system that fitted all our
requirements we would have created NetSuite.
NetSuite OneWorld Strengthens Links
at Wireless Matrix
Growing customer base put strain on disconnected,
manual processes
Couldn't grow business without adding costly
Little integration or visibility across business groups
Manufacturer of wireless
Based in Herndon, VA
NetSuite OneWorld
Made2Manage and
Running NetSuite across
ERP, SFA, Marketing,
Manufacturing, Inventory
and Customer Support
NetSuite OneWorld Benefits
Eliminated numerous cumbersome, manual processes
Company continues growth without adding headcount
Real-time visibility improves accountability, simplifies
compliance management
Before NetSuite, growing our subscriber base also meant increasing our
operational expenditures. Now we can grow without increasing headcount, by
leveraging the efficiencies of NetSuite.
Other Customers
Oakland Athletics Boost Ticket Marketing,
Strengthen Sponsor Relations
Reliance on outdated software caused errors and wasted
time processing and forecasting sales
Lead tracking errors lead to poor ticket sales and lack of
fresh data
Management couldn’t track activities of sales reps
NetSuite Benefits
Greatly improved sales-lead tracking and management
Professional baseball team
Based in Oakland, CA
Chose NetSuite CRM over
Have been the Oakland A’s
since 1968
Improved targeted ticket packages due to better analytics
Customizations allow the A’s to create new ticket varieties
Automated reports provide visibility into sponsorship
NetSuite's top-tier service and scalability allow us to make changes that positively
impact our performance, products and keep our business moving forward.
Transformed Critical Business Processes
with NetSuite’s Cloud Software
Move all information into one single database
Provide staff with remote access to data
Needed a solution which required little on-site maintenance
or management
Study Arboriculture
Established in 1964
Based in Hampshire, UK
NetSuite replaced Sage 50
and Microsoft Access
Live on NetSuite in 3
NetSuite Benefits
Significant saving on hardware
Data is backed up automatically by NetSuite, ensuring
company information is secure
Requires minimal on-site IT infrastructure and
management, further reducing costs
With NetSuite, all of our data is 100% accurate, presented in real time and
available at the click of a button. It’s made a huge difference to the way we work.
Customers Results with NetSuite Ecommerce
Results with NetSuite Ecommerce grew from 3 to 11 webstores in 18 months
without adding additional staff. Saving $70K in IT costs and
20 hours/week with NetSuite. experienced 50% YOY growth,
without having to hire dozens of additional employees.
ESET’s ecommerce sales revenue increased 10X since
adopting NetSuite. Went from 4K to 30K estore orders
Average page views +20%; Average time on site +50%;
Bounced rate dropped by 40% and Conversion rate up by
Customers Quotes
Customer Quotes: Manufacturing
“Having BOMs in NetSuite helps us figure out which parts
and items we’ll need for sales opportunities and manage
where these builds need to go. Because we can plan
ahead, we can easily figure out when we want to commit
Payment Orders for the different parts of process that we
need to purchase: critical parts that would take 6 weeks to
produce. From setting up inventory parts to assemblies
down to SKUs, NetSuite Light Manufacturing allows us to
efficiently manage our production” - Marc Masnik, CIO
“By replacing our old system with NetSuite, we’ve gained
efficiencies equivalent to six full time employees. NetSuite
provides insight and control over our entire workflow, from
parts procurement through assembly, shipping, delivery
and customer follow-up.” Sonny Jelinek, CEO
"NetSuite's platform has helped our business improve
customer service, eliminate paper and waste, and utilize
advanced inventory management techniques to bring new
products to market quickly. We are not only saving money,
but using our NetSuite system to help grow our sales.“
- Jason Howard, CEO
Customer Quotes: Wholesale and Distributio
“Choosing NetSuite has allowed us the needed business
flexibility for our key backend processes around financials,
inventory and CRM. This coupled with their platform allows
us to integrate our e-commerce front end seamlessly.“
- Yugo Kanazawa, President
“The NetSuite system was up and running for our new
logistics division within an incredibly short amount of time,
and it helped us close a significant amount of business when
we needed it most – in December, our busiest month of the
year,” - Geoffrey Smalling, CTO,
“With NetSuite we can adjust supply-chain or inventorymanagement priorities based on changes in customer
orders, and we can give our customers real-time visibility into
the status of their orders – all of these benefits reflect directly
back to our differentiation, and to our bottom line success.”
- Jad Daye, President, Alpha Comm Enterprises
Customer Quotes: vs Epicor
“The only regret with our cancelling of the Epicor system
and our NetSuite selection and implementation is that we
didn’t do it sooner.” Pete Teigen, CFO
“Leveraging Epicor ERP, it was hard to create the custom
forms, workflows, dashboards and reports that were crucial
to running our business. With NetSuite we were able to
build all of our necessary workflow and build a customized
order management process across the web through sales
fulfillment accounting, all inside NetSuite.”
“With Epicor, remote access and upgrades were always big
challenges; NetSuite’s cloud solution changed all that.”
- Rob Forand, Dir of Administration
Customer Quotes: Implementation
“We found NetSuite’s implementation team to be much
easier to work with and they took an active interest in
helping NextLife get up and running.” Pete Teigen, CFO
“We signed our contract with NetSuite the 1st week of
March and we went live July 1st. It was a very quick
implementation made possible by the easy data integration
tools. We were also impressed with how easy the online
user training was. The training was more effective with our
employees because it was done with a web browser which
everyone is familiar with.” David Brault, CFO