Virtual Integration Platform A platform that provides an integrated environment and enables different types of software tools to operate in a unified and holistic manner Alex Duffy +44 (0)141 548 3005 Overview • Background and evolution – 4 virtual integration platforms • VIP key features, including – – – – – – Tool integration Project management Collaborative support Version management Data management Global multi-disciplinary optimisation Background • CAD Centre established in 1986 • Overall objective: To develop a fully integrated computing environment that supports design and its management based upon fundamental knowledge of design. IDA - 1984 Designer: Control Define Direct Inquire Judge Question Specify IDA: “Intelligent interface” Adapt Calculate Evolve Explain Guide Learn Model –© Alex Duffy, University of Strathclyde Integrated Design Environment (IDE) - 1984 IDA IDA IDA IDA IDA IDA IDA IDA Team TeamManager Manager – AI and Knowledge Based Techniques Past Past Designs Designs Common Common Model Model Concept Concept Models Models Design Design Model Model – Product & Knowledge Modelling Prototypes – Design Co-ordination, Management and Performance – Design Re-use & Machine Learning Research Evolution Configuration Phase - 1 Configuration Phase -2 Functionality Layout re-use & synthesis Spatial design Numerical design Concept Modelling Geometric Conceptualisation Concep’tn & Synthesis Concept Re-use Geometric Abstraction Design K. Modelling Design Learning Design Management 1982 1986 Customised Viewpoints 1990 Sketching Multi-view Modelling Learning in Design 1998 Collective Learning Process Optimisation Design Performance 1994 Modular Design Operational Co-ordination Method/Tool Utilisation Design Co-ordination Scheduling Rendering 2000 Performance mining 2002 IDA/ IDE Evolution Strathclyde has developed collaborative support, a Virtual Integration Platform (VIP) within a number of significant research projects: NEUTRABAS, 01/04/1989 – 31/03/1992: • Neutral Product Definition Database for Large Multifunctional Systems. • First European project aimed at an international standard based on ISO standard 10303 (STEP). • Contributed first generation of shipbuilding product models. • Gained first experiences in implementing databases exploiting the STEP standard. • Valuable contribution to international standardisation in the area of product data exchange technologies. • Tested the viability of the ISO/STEP/CAD*I approach for complex multi-functional products. Evolution Strathclyde has developed collaborative support, a Virtual Integration Platform (VIP) within a number of significant research projects Co-ordinator: 12M€ EU funded FP5 project. 37 partners across industry, consultancy, academia. Aim to develop platform for distributed through life design. WP Leader: 18M€ EU funded FP6 project. 23 partners across industry, consultancy, academia. Aim to develop platform to integrate distributed CFD. Partner: 18M€ EU funded FP6 project. 52 partners across industry, consultancy, academia. Aim to develop risk-based decision support platform. –VRShips – ROPAX 2000 Topic leader: £8.4M joint BAE Systems & EPSRC funded project. Network Enabled Capability Through Innovative Systems Engineering DS team is developing an Integrated Decision Support Environment (IDSE). –VIRTUE –SAFEDOR Co-ordinator: £1.2M EU funded FP7 coordination and support project. 18 partners in 11 countries. Aim to promote maritime collaboration through Virtual Integration Platform. –NECTISE –EuroVIP –2000–2001–2002–2003–2004–2005–2006–2007–2008–2009–2010–2011–2012–2013–2014 VIP - Main features • OS Independent • Distributed tools integration • Support for multiple user types • Collaborative environment • Project/Process management • Visualisation of tool input and output • Consistency management • Version management • Version parameter graphs • Enable multiple results visualisation • Global optimisation • Data and knowledge management OS Independent • Compatible with a variety of OS/platforms – MS Windows, Linux, Mac, UNIX • Delivers flexible protocol and communication mechanisms that enable systems to communicate across – Different operating systems – Different programming languages Distributed tool integration Distributed tools can be integrated to the same workflow in the VIP Bringing the best expertise together Define project and process • Follow the link below to watch the video of creating a project by using an available process: ?v=3a5oXAElRms Easy plug in & play • Disparate tools can be readily integrated through their inputs and outputs, and a new configuration tool. Link tool executable Select inputs Select outputs Example of integrated tools/software/code CFD tools Optimisation tools CFX11 EOLE HEXPRESS COMET FreSCo RAPID nuShallo SURSIM modeFrontier GMS FS-Framework Michlet Risk based design tools Precal Abaqus CAD tools Visualisation tools Amira Tecplot Flooding module SolidWorks AutoCAD FS-Modeller FREE!ship NAPA Rhino HydroCAD Fire module Cost module Project management Project versions displayed within a tree Tools that each user has integrated can be used within project on an ad-hoc basis. Dependency network shows consistency state of all data for project version. VIP users get the same real-time view of the project showing versions and dependency network. Visualisation of tool input and output Tools Parameters Input files Output/input files Transformations User management Support for multiple user types: • Project manager Create projects Create processes Monitor project status • Specialist user Configure processes Perform tasks Monitor project status User management User Status: Online User A Online – same project User C Online Offline User D User B VIP tracks user status and notifies other users when status changes – enhanced visualisation of collaboration Consistency management Consistency monitoring through the colouring of files and parameters - enable harmonious data among users and different disciplines/suppliers. Green – Consistent Red – Inconsistent Grey – Locked Consistency management User A User A responsible for design work and risk analysis. User B User B responsible for cost analysis. Consistency management User A User A responsible for design work and risk analysis. User B User B responsible for cost analysis. Consistency management User A User A responsible for design work and risk analysis. User B User B responsible for cost analysis. Consistency management User A User A responsible for design work and risk analysis. User B User B responsible for cost analysis. Consistency management User A User A responsible for design work and risk analysis. User B User B responsible for cost analysis. Project execution • Follow the link below to watch the video of execution of a process within a project: ?v=rrF0O4FeP7M Version management • Different versions of inputs and output results can be easily managed by VIP. • Results related with particular version of files can be searched/explored. • Increased work traceability through backtracking related versions of data & results. Graph view of version parameter data Spider graph XY graph Correlation graph Different version results can be searched and explored. Version management • Follow the link below to watch the video of creating a different version of a process within a project: sntDAfm-6io&feature=relmfu Enable multiple results visualisation Visual representations of multiple results can be viewed and compared simultaneously. Enable multiple results visualisation Specific results can be viewed and compared simultaneously using different software. Local optimisation Multiple objectives and criteria optimisation Variable VIP optimiser Optimise hull form with objectives of: – Minimal resistance – Lowest possible power – Lowest fuel consumption – Minimised operational cost – Minimised environmental effects Final Version Baseline Final Version Baseline Global optimisation Multiple disciplinary aspects of the design can be optimised through the VIP. For example: optimising the hull for stress, the bulb for wave resistance, and the propeller to minimise cavitation. Hull Bulb Propeller Pitch 0.0 Pitch 0.15 Data management Database server stores project meta data. Central index system for distributed data: – Reduced database size – Keep data consistent – Reduced network traffic volume Reuse • Process template can be saved and reused. Superstructure 1 • Superstructure 2 Design evolution through version control. Deploy once, deliver anytime; Process time saving 67%; Error free enactment Summary of VIP main features • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Can be used for any application Bring the best expertise/resource together Independent of OS – Linux, Windows, Mac Enhanced visualisation of collaboration Integrate distributed tools Support for multiple user types Enable harmonious data among different aspects of ship design and users Provide a collaborative environment Manage multiple projects Enhanced information traceability Visualisation of tool input and output Real-time visualisation of Keep consistency among different discipline projects and processes Manage multiple versions of project data Version parameter graphs Reduced database size / network traffic volume Enable multiple results visualisation Enable global optimisation of ship design Deploy once, deliver anytime Central index system & distributed management Process time saving 67% Error free enactment Manage process and version knowledge VIP has been used in: