SCALING UP RURAL SANITATION PROGRAMME IN INDIA WITH QUALITY AND CONVERGENCE NATIONAL SEMINAR ON DECENTRALIZED GOVERNANCE IN WATER AND SANITATION 28TH JUNE, 2012 NIAR,LBSNAA URVASHI PRASAD CONSULTANT Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation WHY CONVERGENCE? Sanitation is Multildimensional Multiple Impacts and Determinants Poor Sanitation Impacts Health particularly of Women and Children Diarrheal diseases resulting from poor sanitation and hygiene kill more than 400,000 persons in India every year. Poor Sanitation Impacts learning ability - Study in Alwar, Rajasthan showed school toilets increased enrollment by 11% Poor Sanitation Impacts Nutrition Poor Sanitation Impacts Environmental Pollution WHY CONVERGENCE? 3 FS OF SANITATION PROGRAMME FUNCTIONS,FUNDS AND FUNCTIONARIES A) FUNCTIONS - Range of Components Creating Sanitation infrastructure Software activities IEC, Hygiene Education Capacity building Alternative Delivery Mechanism- Effective supply of sanitation goods and Services School Sanitation Solid & liquid waste management Operation and maintenance Monitoring and Evaluation WHY CONVERGENCE? B) Funds - Limited Budget allocated for specific component or to improve quality of a specific component Eg – Cost of construction of Individual Household Latrine – Convergence of NBA with MGNERGA C) Functionaries – Multiple Institutions/ Ministries which look after the same programme/population /category of population School Sanitation – Ministry of Human Resource Development & Drinking Water and Sanitation Children – MHRD, MWCD NIRMAL BHARAT ABHIYAN (NBA) GOALS • Making Nirmal Bharat • Community saturation approach –APL, BPL • Conjoint approach – water supply, sanitation, housing, SLWM • Dedicated funding for capacity building of stake holders like Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs), Village Water and Sanitation Committees (VWSCs) and field functionaries for sustainable sanitation • Prioritize Malnutrition and JE affected Districts Convergence of NBA with other Schemes Ministry of Health and Family Welfare • Village Water Health, Sanitation Committees (VWSHC) to review and monitor convergence of schemes – Define Roles, mechanisms for pooling of funds & functionaries • Common information and monitoring mechanism for tracking impact of poor sanitation on diseases and key health indicators like IMR, MMR- Eg. JE affected areas of UP • Capacity building of ASHA, ANMs on sanitation promotion. Incentives to ASHA of Rs. 75/- from NBA funds • Joint IEC plans – Inclusion of WATSAN messages in ASHA radio programme, Use of rubber stamps messages on sanitation by doctors • Convergence of SSHE with School Health Programme • Joint Action Plans for Epidemic illnesses – JE, Polio Convergence of NBA with other Schemes Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan,(SSA) Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) & SSHE under NBA • Coverage of all schools with WATSAN – Toilets in Schools prior to 2007 – NBA All new schools SSA • Sharing of School coverage data – DISE data updated to include indicators on handwashing, functionality, O& M • Capacity building – Teacher Training on hygiene Education, Common training Module and Training Calendar • Inclusion of hygiene Education in Curriculum Monitoring of toilets constructed in Schools • Pilot Projects on School Water Supply & Sanitation – Linking Solid Liquid Waste Management with Schools Mid Day Meal Programme –Biodigestors in Schools for kitchen waste Convergence with other Schemes Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment • Joint surveys for identification of manual scavengers and status of dry latrines and manual scavenging in States. • NBA guidelines outline conversion of the existing bucket latrines into pour flush latrines • Instructions to States which show large percentage of dry latrines to conduct survey to identify dry latrines and prepare and send project proposal for their conversion to sanitary latrines. • Organizing awareness camps with Karamcharis and Scavengers to stop manual scavenging • Manual Scavengers may also be given incentives under TSC for acting as motivators for creating awareness on sanitation issues and demand generation for sanitation facilities in the village • Training may be imparted to the eligible members of the target group for self employment ventures and skill development for taking up income generating activities in industry Convergence of NBA with other Schemes CONVERGENCE OF TSC WITH MGNERGA • • • • • • • Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) expanded the scope of works under Schedule 1 Para 1 (ix) of MGNREGA guidelines to include works relating to access to sanitation facilities. Construction of IHHL -Unskilled labour (upto 20 person days) and skilled labour (upto 6 person days, under material component under MGNERGA Total amount to be booked under MGNREGA not exceed Rs. 4,500 per IHHL Construction of Anganwadi Toilet Unit and School Toilet Unit as Institutional Projects as per prevailing SORs. Solid and Liquid Waste Management (SLWM) works in proposed or completed Nirmal Grams. Cost incurred in providing skilled labour and mate will be booked under material component of MGNREGA DWSM will communicate to GPs approved TSC plan which includes total No. of IHHLs for their respective GPs. The GPs will , following approval of the Gram Sabha, finalize list of Individual beneficiates within the given numbers and will also include this as part of approved shelf of projects under MGNREGA. Estimates of IHHL will be based on type design of MDWS and combined Technical Sanction(TS) will be issued as per the combined Administrative Sanction and Financial Sanction Convergence of NBA with other Schemes Indira Awas Yojana • All IAY beneficiaries who are sanctioned a house will be sanctioned one toilet each under TSC simultaneously • Layout , location and technology of sanitary latrines in IAY houses to be appropriately designed • IEC material to be included in IAY publicity material • Joint training programme to be organized for functionaries under TSC and IAY at State level, District , Block and Gram Panchayat level NEW AREAS OF CONVERGENCE National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) • NRLM aims to provide financial support to BPL SHGs in terms of revolving fund for microenterprise development activities, skill development Training to BPL youth for gainful self-employment and wage employment opportunities • SHGs to be involved as motivators/campaigners for sanitation promotion. •Rural Self Employment Training Institutes (RSETI) to train Women SHGs. Training may be provided in setting up Rural Sanitary Parts/Production Centres, as masons •SHGs be provided assistance to start Rural Sanitary Marts and/or Production Centres •Linking SHGs to VWSC for monitoring water supply and sanitation projects and also to help in developing village water security and sanitation plan. •Water quality testing by women SHGs •SHGs to be entrusted with operation and maintenance of community sanitary complexes. NEW AREAS OF CONVERGENCE Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Sources • Construction of Biogas linked toilets specially in NGP villages • Research, Development, Pilot projects on sustainable sanitation technologies including biogas linked toilets • Capacity building of Panchayat on taking up Clean Development Mechanism projects for gaining carbon credits for biogas linked toilets • State level Biogas development and training Centres under MNRE may be linked to WSSO,KRCs, Regional Resource Centres for providing technical, training support NEW AREAS OF CONVERGENCE Ministry of Youth Affairs • National Service Scheme (NSS) Volunteers may work as motivators in awareness generation , IEC activities on sanitation , construction of toilets and hygiene Education in villages. • Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan a network of Youth Clubs involved in Sanitation promotion • National Youth Corps, Scouts and Guides as Swachchata Doots EVOLVING A CONVERGENCE FRAMEWORK Objectives Convergence with scheme/ Department Convergence options IEC WCD Anganwadi Workers as Swachata Doots NRHM ASHA worker as Swachata Doots Providing Revolving Fund NRLM SHG women trained as masons for running Production Centres Construction of pits for IHHL M GNERGS Construction of IHHL Unskilled labour (upto 20 person days) and skilled labour (upto 6 person days, under material component Construction of Toilets in IAY houses IAY Convergence Framework Objectives Convergence with scheme/ Department Convergence options School Sanitation Hygiene Education SSA, MHRD Teacher Training on hygiene Education MGNREGS Construction of School Toilets Blocks Hygiene Education School Health programme NRHM Ensure water supply in all Schools NRDWP Anganwadi Sanitation ICDS MWCD MGNR EGA NRDWP AWW as Swachchata Doot Awareness on safe disposal of child faeces in pottys Labour Component of Construction of Anganwadi Toilets Blocks Ensuring water supply in AWCs Steps to Strengthen Convergence Setting up Coordination Mechanisms with all Ministries at Central, State, District and village level Officials implementing the specific programmes must be made members of the Coordination Committees. Capacity building of functionaries on mechanisms for convergence Identifying specific key component of the scheme and define roles, responsibilities mechanisms of pooling of financial and human resources. Lateral Learning- Exposure visits to Project areas where convergence work has happened SCALING UP SANITATION PROGRAMME WITH QUALITY AND CONVERGENCE COMING TOGETHER IS BEGINNING WORKING TOGETHER IS PROGRESS REACHING TOGETHER IS SUCCESS