Converged_Technologies_ Improve_Operator_Awareness

Converged Technologies Improve
Operator Awareness, Leading to
Increased Performance and Safety
Using Situational Awareness Theories in the Design of
Fleet Management System Onboard Interfaces
Shovel Operator Responsibilities
Production Monitoring
Payload Monitoring
Track Elevation
Bucket Positioning
Equipment Health
Missing Tooth Detection
Proximity Awareness
Blind Area Viewing
256 Tons
Tooth Detect
Machine Health
256 Tons
Situational Awareness
Situational Awareness (SA) is being aware of what is
happening around you and understanding how
information, events, and your own actions will impact
your goals and objectives, both now and in the near
future. Lack of SA is one of the primary factors in
accidents attributed to Human Error.
Nullmeyer, Stella, Montijo, & Harden, 2005
Global Mining Standards
Asset Management
Mobile Mining Equipment Onboard Data and Access
MME Onboard Technology and Connectivity
Situational Awareness
Underground Mining
Operational Safety and Risk Management
Situational Awareness
Increased technology does not necessarily improve
SA, in fact the effect can be quite the opposite
It’s Happening in Mining
•Fleet Management Systems - loading efficiencies, KPI’s
•Machine Guidance - floor elevation
•Arm Geometry Systems - precision bucket placement
•Payload Monitoring - maximize tonnage in truck, avoid warranty violations
•PLCs - monitoring machine performance
•Proximity Detection - equipment proximity warnings
•Fatigue Monitoring - evaluating the wakefulness of the operator
•Cameras - 360 views to observe surroundings
•Shovel Tooth Detection - monitor and alert for possible missing teeth
Situational Awareness
Working Group
Display Manager
Microsoft - Pocket PC 2000 - Stylus
Wenco - Windows CE – Touch Screen
Pioneers of TouchScreen
No Standards – Entirely Custom UI
Hired UI Specialist
Tester and User Experience
- Not all info at same time
- Screen changes based on state
Wenco MDT3 RaMP Circa 2000
Simple concept made difficult with addition
of multiple technologies from ourselves and
third parties
Current Integration- Wenco
Fleet Management
– Incremental truck loading payload, material types, dump locations, eta of next
truck, delays, downs, and operating statuses, messaging, shift production KPIs
Machine Guidance
– Track elevation, design elevation, cut/fill recommendations, pitch and roll,
load blend calculations, automated dig block reconciliation…
Bucket Positioning
– Arm geometry calculations, graphical depiction, cut/fill recommendations,
automated dig block reconciliation
Proximity Awareness
– Position, status, and direction of other equipment, proximity alerts, hazards
and exclusion zones
Numerous Data Sources
Information from other industry suppliers
Motion Metrics Shovel Tooth Detection
MSR Reutech Slope Monitoring
PressurePro Tire Monitoring
Omnicomm Fuel Sensors
Guardvant Fatigue Monitoring
Unified Alarm System
5/16/2013 3:22:02 PM
Tire Monitoring
High Temp RF
Tabbed Access
Key Situational Concepts
1. Making Sure Operator Doesn’t feel “Out-of-the-Loop”
Must know the state of the software, that it is up to date and displaying correct
2. Mode Awareness – Understanding
Ensuring the operator understands why the system is doing what it’s doing
3. Decision Support
Ensuring the operator is using the system for adequate decision making. System
should boost decision making effectiveness by providing necessary information
Out of The Loop
Colour coded signals for core inputs and outputs
Opacity to indicate confidence of data
Mode Awareness
Current Mode
next Status
Decision Support
Automated Switching
• Automatically switch
between PitNav and
standard MDT screen
• Switch based on status
and/or GPS speed
Wenco designs GUIs to support the ability of shovel operators to handle complex
and rapidly changing situations in which informed decisions need to be made
under tight time constraints
This involves far more than merely being aware of numerous pieces of data
Operators must understand integrated meaning of what they are perceiving in
light of their goals
Situational Awareness empowers operators to safely and efficiently move material
within the mine’s operating guidelines and towards the goals of the company.
To learn more about SA and GMSG please visit
Wenco Fleet Management
Plan and Forecast for Shifts, Monitor and Control Production, Optimize
Payload, Deliver Required Blend to Plant, Optimize Refuelling, Minimize
Consequence of Delays and Downs, Improve Operator Efficiency.
Prevent Warranty Violations (Payload …), Immediate Notification and
Action on Issues (Alarms and Pre-Start Checks), Analysis and Trending of
Machine Health, Equipment Downtime Accountability and Management.
Build to Design on First Pass, Reduce Need for Surveying, Evaluate Road
Networks, Use As-Built (Dug) Data in Mine Plan Updates, Environmental
Human Resources
Track Personnel Hours, Track On-Vehicle Training, Verify Qualifications
on Shift Start, Instant Notification of Safety Issues (speed violation,
checklists, exclusion zones, proximity alarms), Accident Investigation.
Identify Performance Indicators and Set Targets, Compare Actual vs
Target, Review - Adjust – Plan, Activity Based Costing, Notification of
Priority Data on Mobile Devices, Export Data to ERP.