Zila Parishad Panchyat Samitis-Gram Panchyat

PRIs Structure in
 73rd Constitutional Amendments Regarding PRIs.
 PRIs Structure in Rajasthan.
The Constitutional (73rd Amendments) Act
Passed in 1992 and came into force on April
An Indicative list of 29 item has been given in
Eleventh Schedule of the Constitution.
73rd Constitutional amendments
regarding PRIs
Eleventh Schedule
 Agricultural including agricultural extension
 Land Improvement Implementation of land reform, Consolidation and
Soil conservation.
Minor Irrigation ,water management and water shed development.
Animal husbandry, dairying and poultry.
Social Forestry and farm forestry.
Minor forest produce.
Small scale industry including food processing industries.
Khadi village and cottage industry.
Rural Housing
73rd Constitutional amendments
regarding PRIs
 Drinking Water
 Fuel and Fodder
 Roads,culverts,bridge,ferries,waterways and other mean of
 Rural electrification, including distribution of electricity.
 Non conventional energy source.
 Poverty alleviation programme.
 Education including primary and secondary schools.
 Technical training and vocational education.
 Adult and non formal education.
 Libaries
 Cultural Activities.
73rd Constitutional amendments
regarding PRIs
 Market and fairs
 Health and sanitation, including hospital, primary health
centre and dispensaries.
 Family Welfare.
 Women and child development.
 Social welfare, including welfare of the handicapped and
mentally retarded.
 Welfare of the weaker section, and in particular of the
scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.
 Public distribution system.
 Maintenance of community seats.
Organizational Structure and Standing
 Three -tier System:
Gram panchyat at village level.
Panchyat samitis at middle level.(Block Level)
Zila parishad at the district level as the apex body.
 Five Standing Committees:
Adminstration and establishment Committee
Finance and tax committee.
Development and production programme committee.
Education Committee
Rural water supply and health committee.
At Present there are
33 zila parishad
249 Panchyat samitis
9,177 Gram panchyat in the state.