Nuclear Power and Offshore Wind Mary Alice Hayward Vice President, Strategy, Government and International Affairs AREVA, Inc. Williams Mullen Alternative Energy Forum May 26, 2011 Outline Introduction to AREVA AREVA and Virginia The Path Forward for Nuclear Energy Strengthening Virginia’s Role in Clean Energy Development and Deployment > Nuclear Power and Offshore Wind - Alternative Energy Forum p.2 AREVA is Dedicated to a Portfolio of Clean Energy Solutions > Nuclear Power and Offshore Wind - Alternative Energy Forum p.3 AREVA’s North American Nuclear Energy Business Idaho enrichment plant 3M SWUs by 2014 using ETC’s proven centrifuge technology U.S. fuel fabrication plant providing UO2 powder, BWR & PWR fuel U.S. EPRTM – UniStar CC-3 Design Certification and COLs in process Mining sites in Canada Consortium for New Construction with Bechtel Newport News, VA heavy component manufacturing N°1 in the services sector Constructing U.S. MOX Plant 30% of U.S. reactors and services market 50% of used fuel dry cask storage Outage and repair services at > 75% of U.S. nuclear power plants Lead for DOE recycling studies AREVA Projects “Made in America” > Nuclear Power and Offshore Wind - Alternative Energy Forum p.4 AREVA Plays a Key Role in the Safe, Cost-Effective Nuclear Energy in the U.S. AREVA supports all 104 U.S. nuclear energy facilities Including nuclear energy facilities in Virginia (North Anna and Surry) We are embedded in the North American nuclear industry > Nuclear Power and Offshore Wind - Alternative Energy Forum p.5 AREVA’s Renewable Energy Business Wind WIND POWER PRODUCTS offshore leading technology with strong position in target geographies Specialized BIOENERGIES SOLAR EPC company for biomass fired power plants Ownership of range of critical technologies World leading Solar Thermal Technology Development Fuel ENERGY CARRIER AND STORAGE of next generation solar technologies cell design and production Development of next generation storage solutions and Hydrogen production > Nuclear Power and Offshore Wind - Alternative Energy Forum p.6 AREVA’s Offshore Wind Offering is WellSuited to the US (and Virginia!) Market Significant experience 50 MW installed and operating in Northern Germany since 2009 More than 1,500 MW confirmed or under negotiation in Europe 20 years design lifetime Complete EPC scope of delivery > Nuclear Power and Offshore Wind - Alternative Energy Forum p.7 Outline Introduction to AREVA AREVA and Virginia The Path Forward for Nuclear Energy Strengthening Virginia’s Role in Clean Energy Development and Deployment > Nuclear Power and Offshore Wind - Alternative Energy Forum p.8 Virginia is Critical to AREVA – and to Affordable, Secure American Energy 2,150 of our more than 4,800 North American employees are in Virginia Major industrial activities based in Virginia Virginia is well-positioned to support – and benefit from - the expanded use of clean, secure, and affordable nuclear and off-shore wind • • Newport News, VA AREVA Newport News Lynchburg, VA AREVA NP; AFS > Nuclear Power and Offshore Wind - Alternative Energy Forum p.9 AREVA Investments in Virginia Pump and Motor Facility $16M -- Lynchburg Chemistry Lab $6M -- Lynchburg MRR Training Facility $6M -- Lynchburg Nuclear Component $363M – Newport News > Nuclear Power and Offshore Wind - Alternative Energy Forum p.10 Outline Introduction to AREVA AREVA and Virginia The Path Forward for Nuclear Energy Strengthening Virginia’s Role in Clean Energy Development and Deployment > Nuclear Power and Offshore Wind - Alternative Energy Forum p.11 The Fundamental Drivers for Nuclear Energy Remain in Place March 10, 2011 The United States needed electricity generation sources that were: May 26, 2011 The United States needs electricity generation sources that are: Affordable Affordable Secure Secure Job creators Job creators Clean Clean Safe Safe > Nuclear Power and Offshore Wind - Alternative Energy Forum p.12 Most Countries have Reaffirmed their Commitment to Nuclear Energy Strong, bi-partisan political support in the United States Reiterated safety of fleet and the opportunity to further improve strong safety record Support continuation of the loan guarantee program Most utilities remain committed to new build plans Reactions in UK, Czech Republic, Poland, Finland and The Netherlands Nuclear energy plays a vital role Conduct safety checks of installed base Some delay in new build programs possible, but no plans to abandon new nuclear or stop construction China Temporary suspension of approval of new plants; Safety review underway India confirmed that nuclear would continue South Korea reviewing existing plants > Nuclear Power and Offshore Wind - Alternative Energy Forum p.13 Outline Introduction to AREVA AREVA and Virginia The Path Forward for Nuclear Energy Strengthening Virginia’s Role in Clean Energy Development and Deployment > Nuclear Power and Offshore Wind - Alternative Energy Forum p.14 Strengthening Virginia’s Leadership Role in Clean Energy Many challenges inhibiting the development and deployment of clean energy technologies are national Inconsistent and frequently changing policies, financial incentives, and regulations Virginia can help Consistent, reasonable, and transparent regulatory policies Encourage national policy-makers to invest in infrastructure Reward investment Invest in people Building today means energy and economic security tomorrow > Nuclear Power and Offshore Wind - Alternative Energy Forum p.15