DONORS MEETING: Developing the Implementation Plan

PARIS21 - Meeting of Statistical Capacity Development Donors
27–29 April 2011, Paris, France
Developing the Implementation Plan
of the Global Strategy to Improve
Agricultural Statistics
Pietro Gennari,
Statistics Division FAO
Key Policy Issues
 Reduce market & price volatility
 Provide food security and reduce hunger
 Improve income and well-being of the rural
population, reduce poverty
 Reduce the impact of agriculture on the environment
and on global warming
 Facilitate climate change adaptation of agricultural
 Ensure the sustainability of land and water resources
Why a Global Strategy?
 Emerging data needs
 Declining capacity of producing basic agricultural
 Agricultural statistics not integrated in the National
Statistical System
 Lack of sound statistics for the formulation,
implementation, monitoring and evaluation of food
security and agricultural development policy
What is the Global Strategy?
 An initiative of the UN Statistical Commission to address
emerging data needs & the current status of Agr. Statistics
Long-term plan to respond to the statistical needs of the 21st
century (a living document)
Feasible and sustainable for developing countries (use of new
tools & technologies)
Basis for a renewed initiative of capacity building in agricultural
statistics: mobilization of resources
Partnership between International Agencies, developed and
developing countries
2 intergovernmental process for its adoption:
 UNSC and National Statistical Offices
 FAO Governing Bodies and Ministries of Agriculture
Pillars of the Global Strategy
 Minimum set of core data produced on a regular basis
 Integrating Agricultural Statistics into the National
Statistical System
1st TOOL: Master sample frame
2nd TOOL: Integrated data collection & survey framework
3rd TOOL: Integrated data dissemination
 Sustainability through improved governance and
statistical capacity development
Components of the Implementation Plan
• Technical Assistance program
• Training program
• Research Agenda
• Resource mobilization strategy
• Governance arrangements
Global governance (Set global standards & Ensure
harmonization across regions)
Regional governance (Allocate resources to countries &
Monitor the implementation)
Existing National Governance Bodies (Beneficiaries and main
responsible for implementation)
Implementation Strategy
 Regional approach
 Regional organizations as drivers of the regional IPs
 Use of regional capacity (south-south cooperation)
 Coordination with existing initiatives & other donors
 Country assessment to identify needs and relevance of
TA to recipient countries
 Country ownership through integration of AgStat into
the NSDS
 Focus on institutional development
 Focus on long term country statistical development
building statistical infrastructure and analytical capacity
Progress on the Regional IPs
 Partnership with AfDB & ECA
 Steering Committee established
 Draft IP ready
 To be endorsed at next Steering Committee meeting, Tunis,
June-July 2011
Latin America and the Caribbean
 Partnership with ECLAC and Inter-American Dev Bank
 Presentation at the Statistics Conference of the America, Cuba,
6-8 April 2011
 Strong country interest and support
 Coordination with ongoing IFAD project
Progress on the Regional IPs
• Last ESCAP Statistics Committee requesting FAO, ESCAP and ADB
to prepare the Regional IP (underway; training program ready)
• Established Sub-group on Agriculture Statistics to develop and
lead the implementation of the Regional IP
• Coordinated implementation with the ESCAP Regional Plan for
Economic Statistics
• Partnership with SPC
• Separate strategy for the Pacific discussed at the Steering
Committee meeting, March 2011
• Integration of Agricultural Statistics into the TYPSS for Economic
Progress on the Regional IPs
Western Asia
 Partnership with ESCWA and Islamic Development
Bank (IDB)
 IDB supported the organization of ICAS-V
 Presentation at the Arab Forum for Statistical Capacity
Building, Jordan, 4-5 July 2011
Central Asia & Caucasus
 Partnership with CISSTAT
 To be developed in 2012
Global and Regional consultations
To discuss the Global and Regional IPs
 Global IP at FAO Conference – June 2011
 ISI Satellite meeting on Statistical Capacity Building,
 AFCAS, November 2011 (IP for Africa)
 APCAS, April 2012 (IP for Asia)
 FAO-IICA, November 2011 (IP for Latin America)
 Other regional/international meetings
 Global and Regional IP’s submitted for endorsement
to the 43rd UNSC, Feb 2012
Resource mobilization strategy
 Communication and advocacy tools being developed
 Meetings with donors
 ICAS-V donors’ meeting - October 2010
 Bilateral meetings with donors (US and Europe) February/March
 FAO donors conference - 1 March 2011
 Paris 21 Board meeting - April 2011
 Donors’ conference in Rome – September 2011
 Global Trust Fund hosted by the World Bank
 Regional Trust Fund hosted by AFDB
Thank you!