Listing of Collective Investment Schemes on the Cyprus Stock Exchange Promoting Cyprus as a Fund Jurisdiction Conference June 4, 2014 - Nicosia Nicos Trypatsas Chief Officer Cyprus Stock Exchange - CSE OVERVIEW OF PRESENTATION Introduction about the Cyprus Stock Exchange (CSE) Benefits of listing Funds on the CSE (Why list?) What kind of Funds can be listed on the CSE – Procedure in brief (What Funds to list?) Obligations (Initial and On-going) - Fee structure (What is the cost for listing?) Additional relevant services and products provided by the CSE 2 INTRODUCTION ABOUT THE CYPRUS STOCK EXCHANGE Cyprus Stock Exchange operates as a Regulated Market under MiFID and is supervised by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC). Also operates an MTF Market, the Emerging Companies Market. CSE offers all types of core functions in relation to securities: Listing and Trading of Securities. Clearing and Settlement of Transactions (through panEuropean Target 2 system). Central Securities Depository / Registry Operations (Corporate Actions, OTC Trades, OffExchange Transactions, etc). 3 INTRODUCTION ABOUT THE CYPRUS STOCK EXCHANGE Simple listing procedures – Quick and effective process / competitive pricing policy / response to market needs, continuous effort to reduce bureaucracy. Common Platform with Athens Exchange since October 2006 same software system for trading and CSD [both Exchanges / Depositories (CSDs) operate on an autonomous basis, aiming at achieving synergies]. Listed Securities: Shares, Corporate Bonds, Government Bonds and Treasury Bills, Units of Funds. CSE’s Useful Statistics Members: 20 (7 Remote Members) Custodians: 14 (12 Remote Custodians) Nominated Advisors for the ECM Market: 35 Regulated Market: 102 Shares, 54 Bonds Emerging Companies Market: 18 Shares, 1 Bond 4 POTENTIAL CONTRIBUTION OF FUNDS TO THE RECOVERY OF THE CYPRUS ECONOMY Collective Investment Schemes can contribute to the required fund raising process for big projects (tourist infrastructure, projects for economic development, in the energy sector, etc) and therefore contribute in general, to the effort of attracting foreign investors. Substitute and / or complement the Banking Sector in financing projects (therefore assist to overcome the well-known difficult position at present). Can create new business opportunities, offer new employment positions to qualified personnel and further develop the business activity of professionals such as accountants, lawyers, consultants, financial advisors, portfolio managers, etc. Contribute to strengthening the position of Cyprus, as a financial center. 5 COLLECTIVE INVESTMENT SCHEMES ON THE CSE CSE - Pioneered in relation to the establishment of the Funds industry in Cyprus. UCITS: Open-ended Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities: Common Funds (constituted under the Contract Law) Variable Capital Investment Companies (VCIC) AIF * : Alternative Investment Funds – Relevant legislation is expected to be passed shortly by the House of Representatives Common Funds Variable or Fixed Capital Investments Companies Investment Limited Partnerships CySec is the Competent Authority for granting their operation license. * The AIF Law will replace the International Collective Investment Schemes’ Law of 1999/ 2000 (where Central Bank is the competent Authority). CySEC will then become the single licensing Authority. Also, based on a relevant initiative, a review in CSE’s Legislation will be brought into effect shortly, providing for listing of AIFs on the CSE, (in addition to listing of UCITs which is already feasible). 6 LISTING OF FUNDS ON THE CYPRUS STOCK EXCHANGE MARKETS/QUOTATION Tradable Market of Tradable Collective Investment Schemes of Non Non-Tradable Market Tradable Collective Investment Schemes Quoting Quoting of prices on CSE’s web-site, without listing (17 funds, 159 subfunds) UCITS AIFs (Expected within next months) Shares of Variable Capital Investment Companies (VCIC) Shares of Variable Capital Investment Companies addressed to the public Units of Mutual Funds which operate as Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) Units of Tradable AIFs (ETFs on AIFs) Units of Common Funds Units of AIFs (except AIF’s with limited number of persons, specifically below 75). AIF’s with limited number of persons (≤75) can be kept on a special Registry of the CSE. 7 CSE’s NON-TRADABLE COLLECTIVE INVESTMENT SCHEMES MARKET Current status: 16 Funds: The first ones to list on CSE: Hellas- Cyprus Recovery Fund Mutual Fund (single fund) SOL GMM Balanced Fund (single fund) GMM Funds (umbrella fund) - 14 investment compartments Fund Manager: GMM Global Money Managers Ltd Listing Date: 13 March 2014 Current Value of Fund: About €44,4 Million 8 SPECIAL LISTING REQUIREMENTS Listing Requirements for Tradable Collective Investment Schemes Market: a) License from the Competent Authorities of the country of origin. b) The Scheme’s assets should be at least €200.000. c) Appointment of at least one Market Maker on a continuous basis, for the purpose of sufficient trading. d) The ETF may sell its units to the public in Cyprus. Listing Requirements for NonTradable Collective Investment Schemes Market: a) License from the Competent Authorities of the country of origin. b) The common fund’s assets or the variable capital investment company’s assets, should be at least €200.000. e) Submission of Registry of Unit holders or Shareholders to the Central Depository / Registry of the CSE. f) In case of an ETF, the index provider must have granted the ETF issuer a license, to legally use an underlying index in the name of the ETF. 9 Methods of listing of Collective Investment Schemes IPO (initial public offering) and capital raising (Listing of securities which have already been issued or will be issued, a part of which could be offered through public offering before the commencement of trading). Private placement (Placing securities which will be issued and allocated prior to the Stock Exchange’s public announcement for listing). 10 ON-GOING OBLIGATIONS FOR LISTED FUNDS (IN ACCORDANCE WITH CSE’S LEGISLATION - REGULATIONS) i. Daily reporting of NAV (Net Asset Value). ii. Announcement of any decisions, with regards to suspension of fund units’ subscriptions, redemptions or mergers. iii. Submission and publication of financial statements (annual and semi-annual reports, quarterly statements). iv. Submission and publication of any information with regards to material changes of each fund, i.e. in the content of the Prospectus and the Articles of Association. 11 LISTING FEES – BASIC AIM: COMPETITIVE AND FLEXIBLE PRICING POLICY Application Fee for Listing Listing on the Tradable Investment Schemes Market. Collective €1.000 Listing on the Collective Investment €500 Schemes Market (Non-Tradable). Annual Subscription Single Fund €1.000 per fund Umbrella/ Multi-class fund(s) €1.000 per fund plus €400 per class/sub-fund Annual Fee for the publication of prices through the CSE Price Index and electronically through the CSE Website Publication of prices of the fund’s units. €250 per fund Publication of prices of sub-fund’s units €170 per sub fund (up to 20 sub-funds). Publication of prices of sub-funds (above €130 per sub fund 20 sub funds). 12 FEES FOR CSE REGISTRY: Enrollment of Fund on the Central Registry and Depository of CSE: 0,01% Fee for the undertaking of Fund for listing on the Tradable Funds Market (at the initial listing For the calculation of the above charge, the total value of newly listed mutual funds on the stage). CSE is derived as the result of the nominal value of a Fund. Minimum charge €1.000 Maximum charge €10.000 Fee for the undertaking of Fund for listing on the Fund Market (non-tradable) (at the initial listing stage). Annual fee for keeping of Fund Register in the CSD €500 Annual fee for the Tradable Funds Market. €800 annually Annual fee for the Funds Market (Nontradable). Member Fees (for Tradable Market) Variable Charge Pre-agreed trades Charge Central Depository fee for transactions €500 annually 0,0125% on the value of transactions 0,01% on the value of transaction 0,02% of the value of transaction 13 COLLECTIVE INVESTMENT SCHEMES LISTED ON OTHER STOCK EXCHANGES An important market / sector: Luxembourg Stock Exchange - for 2013: Total 6,342 UCIs (Undertaking for Collective Investments). Luxembourg is an established European centre for Hedge Funds and other Specialist Funds. Irish Stock Exchange - for 2013: Total 2,352 [Funds (including umbrella funds) + sub-funds]. About 300 new funds and sub-funds each year. Hedge funds and property funds, among others, have been accepted for listing. Malta Stock Exchange - for 2013: Total 58 (39 Funds- Primary Listed + 19 Funds - Secondary Listed). Borsa Italianna (since 2002), 650 ETF’s listed on ETF Plus Market – Traded on the Stock Exchange like a share, the ETF tracks the reference index through totally passive investment. Hong-Kong Exchange for 2013: Total 129 listed funds. Therefore, why also not in Cyprus, and on the Cyprus Stock Exchange? 14 BENEFITS / ADVANTAGES FOR LICENSING AND LISTING OF FUNDS IN CYPRUS AND ON THE CSE Member-State of the European Union (EU) / Favorable geo-strategic and financial position Cyprus enjoys the benefits of the EU and Eurozone (harmonised regulatory framework, Euro currency, free transfer of funds and offer of securities, European passport for issuing securities etc) Favorable tax regime: Corporate tax of 12,5% No capital gains tax (on securities’ transactions) No fee imposed on securities’ transactions, since 02/01/14 Regarding dividends paid to non-tax residents of Cyprus (no withholding tax) Wide list of double tax treaties (over 40 countries) Attractive incentives recently introduced for granting Cypriot nationality (Cyprus Naturalisation Scheme) – covering among others, investments in listed securities. (For possible use, consultation should be received by tax-investment experts). Disposal or sale of unit holdings in a fund, is exempt from taxation 15 BENEFITS / ADVANTAGES FOR LICENSING AND LISTING OF FUNDS IN CYPRUS AND ON THE CSE High level of professionals: Lawyers, Accountants, Custodians, Tax and Investment Advisors, Portfolio Managers, Jurisdiction for International CIFs, etc (consist an adequate network ensuring compliance with all legal / regulatory terms and requirements). Local presence institutions. Effective supervision by Regulator. Enhanced marketing potential from EU Passporting. of international investments firms and banking 16 BENEFITS OF LISTING FUNDS ON THE CSE Listed on a Recognised and Regulated Stock Exchange. Securities listed on the Regulated Market of CSE have been recognised for tax purposes by the HMRC UK Tax Authority, since 2009. CSE was also recognised-accepted by the Federal Financial Markets Services (FFMS) of Russia, since 2010. Full recognition and high-rating by Thomas Murray Organisation, regarding the CSD of CSE / CSD successfully assessed against the ESCB – CESR Recommendations. Full and active member of FESE, ECSDA, WFE, ANNA (Associations of Securities Exchanges, Depositories, etc). Potential increase of Fund’s investor base. Simple, quick listing procedures, minimum bureaucracy, flexibility and effectiveness / Low cost procedures. CSE has experienced and specialist personnel, to assist market participants and professionals in the industry. 17 ADVANTAGES PROVIDED BY THE LISTING ON THE CSE Funds can be more effectively marketed to investors. Can be eligible investment proposition for particular investors e.g. pension schemes etc, therefore overcome specific restrictions from investing in unlisted securities, or in investments not listed on a recognised exchange. Visibility and transparency is provided to investors. This provides a better public profile and prestige. Prices are posted on CSE’s site and are reported to the market, (public at large), through the Exchange, by major data vendors etc. Competitive pricing policy. Price mechanism is provided (either through NAV postings, or market prices if traded). Fund managers require a publicly quoted securities Exchange price, for their investments. Use of advanced infrastructure and technology of CSE. All of the above are useful tools for marketing funds to investors internationally and enhance fund raising opportunities. Also, Regulation provides a better funds profile and credibility to investors. 18 OTHER USEFUL SERVICES PROVIDED BY THE CSE Electronic on-line applications for Listings by issuers – via the CSE’s site ( – link (“On line Application Portal”). Undertaking and keeping of registries of Funds (keeping of registries, issuing certificates for unit holders, etc). Undertaking and maintenance electronically of non-listed companies registries of shareholders on CSE’s Central Registry / Depository. Issuance of International Securities Codes, ISIN and CIF Codes – CSE acts as Official National Representative for Cyprus, as appointed by Association of National Numbering Agencies. Omnibus Accounts Custodians. Officially Appointed Mechanism for the storage and dissemination of Regulated Information (OAM service). Use of Electronic Signatures (innovative in Cyprus by CSE), for disseminating – receiving listed issuers’ announcements. Also, plan to extend the use of Electronic Signatures for on-line applications for listing. for registering listed securities, operated by 19 ADDITIONAL RELEVANT SERVICES AND PRODUCTS PROVIDED BY THE CSE: Over-the-Counter transactions for listed securities. Listing of Depositary Receipts. Listing of Corporate Bonds, without listing of share capital (provided that is not convertible into share capital). CSE has provided recently to Government, services regarding the new Retail Bond issued. Recent update of CSE’s website – more user friendly, readily accessible from all modern PC’s, smartphones, etc. Data Recovery Services of CIF’s, Brokerage Houses. 20 Thank you for your attention ! Contact details: Mr. Nicos Trypatsas, Chief Officer Mrs Maria Petsa, Head of Listing and Market Division email: Phone: +357 22712300, +357 22712373