Marketing and It`s Importance

Marketing and
Its Importance
CTE Introduction
the producer is
someone other than the
consumer, some form of
exchange takes place.
take place
every day:
– Buying a
– Seeing a movie
– Visiting the
DEFINITION: Marketing is the process of
Products in order to satisfy customers !!!!!!!
What are Products?
Marketing 4p,s ?
is a process
–It involves the 4 p’s
must be planned
Prices: must be determined
Promoting: products is essential
Placing: products must be accessible
to customers
activities link producers
and consumers so exchanges
can be made.
Marketing is all Around Us
be done:
– Phone
– Mail
– Computer
– Videotape
– Doorstep
What is Marketed?
Why is Marketing
(competition, increased quality and
Prices: (choice reduces prices)
 Transferable Skills:
Highest and Lowest Pay: (Larry H.
Miller has a marketing job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
buying convenient:
Why is Marketing
Important cont...
1/3: of the jobs in the USA
 $ Highest / Lowest Pay( 50 to 60 cents out of
every dollar goes toward marketing)
Cornerstone / Entrepreneurship
25% Growth is USA
Exciting: Work with people
Benefits of Marketing
 Raises
the standard of living.
 Adds utility to goods/service.
 Makes buying convenient.
 Maintains reasonable prices.
 Improves the quality of life.
Benefits of Marketing ?
variety of
goods and
Without Marketing . . .
Less Variety
(economy suffers)
Without Marketing . . .
Stock shortages
and overages.
Usoe approved lesson plans
(Utah Education Network)
BUS: #1. cereal box #2. mkt. a cereal breakfast #3. mkt.
through auctions #4. travel leisure co. project #5. grab bag
FACS: #1. chill tie-free enterprise #2. if I were a designer
#3. marketing a restaurant #4. marketing a child care
service #5. puppet factory #6. running a school bakery #7
don’t buy it
TECH: #1. marketing a commercial #2. marketing a
Olympics activity. #3. creating a company
NOTE: Other creative activities are ok, if you use the
standards (including, the 4 P’s)
(5 days required in each rotation = 15 days during the year)
Marketing: “The process of developing, promoting, and distributing products (services) to customers.”
PRODUCT (Minimum 1 day—45 minute session)
must create/conduct and analyze market research to determine what
product (service) to produce (or provide).
 Conduct a written or verbal survey of the target population (customers) to determine what product (service) should be produced (or
 Compare similar products (services) currently on the market and determine why the target population buys one product (service)
more than another.
 Use the Internet to research a product (service) and identify the five highest selling brands (or companies). Determine what
characteristics put them in the top five.
(Minimum 1 day—45 minute session)
Students must determine and analyze what price to charge customers for the
product (service) in order to make a profit.
Determine the product’s (service’s) cost to produce: time, labor, ingredients, materials, etc.
Determine how much it will cost to promote and package the product (service).
Use the concepts of supply and demand to analyze the pricing of products (services) and what customers would be willing to
Decide how much profit should be made on the product (service).
PROMOTION (Minimum 2 days—45 minute sessions)
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: Students must discuss the pros and cons of promotional
strategies for the product
(service) and create at least one promotional tool for the product (service).
Create and implement promotional methods (package design, advertising, 7 Sales Step Process, etc.) for a specific product
(service). Creating a video, flyer, poster, announcement, etc. are examples of ways to market products (services).
Analyze current television, radio, billboards, magazines, newspaper, or Internet advertisements for your specific product
(service). Determine what characteristics are used to sell the product (service). Logos, trademarks, brand names, slogans,
jingles, etc. are elements that need to be looked at.
(Minimum 1 days—45 minute session)
must discuss how the product (service) will reach the customer and
how the product (service) will be sold to the customer by using the ‘7 Sales Step Process’.
Determine the best place to promote and offer the product (service) and set up a display for a specific product (service).
Analyze various methods of placement that current marketers (providers) use to make their product (service) available to
customers. i.e. where a business locates in the city, how food is placed in a grocery store (around outside, on top shelf vs.
bottom shelf, etc.), what is displayed upon entering a department store, etc.
Introduce and role play the ‘7 Sales Step Process’: 1 – Approach, 2 – Needs, 3 – Product, 4 – Overcoming objections, 5 –
Closing, 6 – Suggestive Selling, 7 – Followup
Incorporate these marketing careers as you teach the 4 P’s of Marketing
Customer Service
Fashion Merchandising
Financial Services
Food Marketing
Hospitality Marketing
International Marketing
Marketing Research
Product Management
Professional Sales
Public Relations
Real Estate
Restaurant Management
Retail Management
Sales Managemen0
Service Marketing
Sports Marketing
Travel/Tourism Marketing
THE 4 P=s of Marketing - The four strategies of the marketing mix (product, price, promotion and place) are
interconnected. Action in one affects decisions in another. The order of dealing with each can vary, i.e. place can occur before
promotion, etc. But first, the target population must be defined and then the strategies are directed toward this target population
PRODUCT- Product can be a tangible object or a service provided to customers.
It can even be a program planned for
clients in which they participate. Market research (the systematic gathering, recording, analyzing, and presentation of information
related to marketing goods and services based on needs assessment) is necessary to determine the customer=s needs/wants and how
best to design and promote the product or service to attract the customer. Market research involves surveying or interviewing the
target population (customers) to determine their preferences. Market research can also be done on a specific product (service)
already in place to determine its success. Results of this market research should be the product to make, how to package it, brand
name to use, and an appropriate image to portray.
PRICE - Price is the process of determining what to charge for the product or service.
It should reflect what the customers
are willing and able to pay. It is assumed a profit is to be made. It includes determining the cost of production (time, labor,
ingredients, packaging, advertising, etc), the state of supply and demand, and the amount of profit to be made. The end result is the
price of the product or service.
PROMOTION - Promotion is the actual Amarketing@of the product or service, the image portrayed.
Advertising the
product or making the customer aware of the product or service is involved in promotion. Advertising can be done through public
relations, media, personal selling and various persuasive communication strategies. Creating catchy names, logos, jingles for a
product or title/acronym (such as TLC) for the service or program is part of promotion. Decisions need to be made about the
message, when and where it will be delivered, and any inducements utilized. The 7 Step Sales Process can be used in this section
or in the PLACE section. The end result of this strategy is how the customer will be told about the product.
PLACE - Place can be thought of as the distribution of the product (or service) in the most advantageous way possible.
involves determining the best place to display and sell the product or offer the service. How to set up the actual display or where
to place it in the space provided (i.e. store, room, auction, swap meet) or the timing of the distribution of the service is part of
Also, the following ‘7 Sales Step Process’ may be used to sell the product (or service) once it has been placed.
1. Approaching the customer: Open-ended approaches are NOT recommended, i.e. “May I help you?” The response could
be NO. Instead, say “I noticed you were looking at our best selling dress and it is on sale today.”
2. Determining specific needs for the product: Examples: Lawn mower—“How large is your yard? Will you need a hand
or riding mower?” OR Car—“Do you drive a lot of miles which requires a low gas mileage car, or is power more
important for you?”
3. Presenting the Product (Service): Research all the positive and/or negative aspects of the product (service). Example:
“This baseball bat is not only lightweight, it will hit a ball 10% farther than its competition.”
4. Overcoming Objections: Example: Customer, “This TV is overpriced!” Salesperson “This other TV has similar
features, is only half the price and is only a few inches smaller.”
5. Closing the Sale: Example: Salesperson “Of the two shirts you are looking at, which one would you like to purchase?”
OR “Will this be cash or credit?”
6. Suggestion Selling: (Suggest an accessory or something extra that relates to the product after the initial sale is made.)
Examples: Salesperson – “Would you like a scarf to go with your new coat?” OR “For only $50 we have a 5-year
warranty on your new snow blower.”
7. Relationship Building (Follow up): Example: “You’ll be receiving a coupon and flyer announcing our next big sale.”
OR Your veterinarian sends a reminder that you dog’s vaccinations are overdue.
A worthwhile and fun classroom activity would be to have students select a product and sell it to the class using the ‘7 Sales Step
Standard 9: Students will examine the workplace tasks and concepts in Marketing.
Objective 1-Business: Explain the four P’s of Marketing
Objective 2-FACS: Explain the four P’s of Marketing
(product, pricing, promotion and place) and how they are used (product, pricing, promotion and place) and how it relates to
in business and in society.
the family and the consumer.
1. Create a product (good service or idea) related to the
Business Area and include: Marketing research, the price of
a product, promotional strategies, and how products are
going to be distributed.
2. Understand the impact small business has on our nation and
its economy.
3. Recognize the importance of communication and managing
a business.
4. Demonstrate the “7 Steps” of the sales process.
5. Explore Business Career Pathways related to Marketing.
1. Create a product (good service or idea) related to the
Family and Consumer Area and include: Marketing
research, the price of a product, promotional strategies, and
how products are going to be distributed.
2. Explain the relationship and the impact Marketing has on
the Family and the Consumer.
3. Discuss how a person can successfully market him/herself
when applying for a job.
4. Evaluate various marketing strategies that are used in the
clothing/food areas, and understand how it impacts the
5. Explore Family Career Pathways related to Marketing.
Objective 3-Technology & Engineering: Explain the four
P’s of Marketing (product, pricing, promotion and place) and
how they are used in technology.
1. Create a product (good service or idea) related to the
Technology and Engineering Area and include: Marketing
research, the price of a product, promotional strategies, and
how products are going to be distributed.
2. Understand how Technology has impacted Marketing, and
how it has effected our lives.
3. Describe how goods, services, and ideas are marketed and
distributed in a global economy.
4. Explain how Technology can be used and the process
involved in producing and promoting products.
5. Explore Technology and Engineering Career Pathway’s
related to Marketing.
We have a problem!
74% graduation rate in 1984. 67% in 2000
More degrees or
4 more years to
get a bachelor
(35% students college ready and
90% of all jobs require additional
training beyond high school.)
($ 6,000 -$8,000 each year after H.S.)
Coherent groupings of courses
12 years of
high school to
FIELDS: technical,scientific,arts,social,mkt.,bus.
AREAS OF STUDY:Ag,Bus,Family,Health,I.T.,Mkt,T. Ed, Trade
They are typically linked with specific
post-secondary degrees or certificates.
62 Career Pathways Within Eight Areas of Study
Agricultural Education
Marketing Education
Agricultural Systems Technology
Horticulture Science & Management
Natural Resources Science & Management
Production/Processing Animal Science
Production/Processing Plant & Soil Science
Production/Processing Science & Management
Business Education
Accounting & Finance
Business Administrative Support
Business Entrepreneurship
Business Management
Business Technology Support
Family & Consumer Sciences
Child Development
Consumer Economics Services
Family & Human Services
Fashion Design, Manufacturing & Merchandising
Food Science, Dietetics & Nutrition
Food Service & Culinary Arts
Hospitality Services
Interior Design
Health Science & Technology
> American Sign Language
Biotech Research & Development
> Biotechnology
Health Informatics
> Medical Office Administrative Assistant
Therapeutic Services
> Dental
> Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
> Exercise Science/Sports Medicine
> Medical Assistant
> Nursing
> Optical Technician
> Pharmacy
> Surgical Technician
Information Technology Education
Information Support & Services
> Database Development & Administration
> Technical Support
Interactive Media
> Digital Media (Multimedia)
> Web Development & Administration
> Network Systems
> Programming/Software Development
Marketing Entrepreneurship
Marketing Management
Sales & Service Marketing
Travel & Tourism
Skilled & Technical Sciences
Building Trades
> Carpentry
> Electrician
> Plumbing
> Television Broadcasting Technician
Mechanics & Repairs
> Automotive Collision Repair
> Automotive Service Technician
> Electronics
> Heavy Duty Diesel
Precision Production Trades
> Cabinetmaking/Millwork
> Drafting/CAD
> Graphics/Printing
> Machine Tool
> Welding
Personal Service
> Cosmetology/Barbering
Protective Service
> Firefighting
> Law Enforcement
Transportation & Material Moving
> Commercial Aviation
Visual Arts
> Commercial Art
> Commercial Photography
Technology & Engineering
> Pre-Engineering
(Utah Pre-Engineering Program)
> Project Lead the Way
(National Pre-Engineering Program)
The End
Have a great day!
Dale M. Stephens