These models describe the stages individuals go through when making a purchase decision Promotional activities are designed to move a potential buyer through the stages The models provide a means of analysing promotional activities Is an acronym for the role of advertising and other forms of promotion One of the models to analyse the customers journey from ignorance to purchase A persuasive sequence used in promotion Describes the process a sales person must lead the customer through from first learning about the product to an eventual sale Is a sequential model showing steps that marketing communications should lead potential buyers through Promotion seeks to: ATTRACT ATTENTION CREATE INTEREST DEVELOP DESIRE PROMPT ACTION Grab the attention of the audience Inform potential buyers about the product Establish customer awareness of the product At this stage advertising is the key ingredient of the promotional mix The promotional objective is to get the product seen and talked about Create and stimulate buyer interest This is achieved by understanding the product in relation to the needs of the customer The promotional message focuses on how the product meets those needs Move the buyer from passive awareness to an active consideration of the products merits Create a desire Induce a favourable attitude to the product Induce a favourable desire in relation to competitors products To prompt customer action Action is sought for customer to buy the product Induce the purchase by stressing the immediate desirability of the product Personal selling and sales promotion play a major role at this time Grab the attention by means of publicity and advertising Excite interest by advertising Develop an interest by sales promotion and selling Prompt action – by personal selling & point of sale Customers wont buy unless marketers grab their attention, gain interest & make the product desirable A – create awareness I – gain interest D – stimulate desire A – action – induce a sale through personal selling AIDA STAGE Attention PROMOTIONAL MIX Advertising PR Sponsorship Interest Desire Sales Promotion Direct Mail Point of sale promotions Action Direct response advertising Personal Selling Awareness Knowledge Liking Preference Conviction Purchase uSKKbBRlg