THE BEST KEPT SECRET IN HUMAN RESOURCES Presented by: New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development Monmouth County Division of Workforce Development Jersey Shore Association for Human Resources May 10, 2012 Introductions Jeff Flatley, Assistant Director of Business Services NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development Eileen Higgins, Director Monmouth County Workforce Investment Board Monmouth County Division of Workforce Development Jason Staiger, Business Services Representative NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development Larry Sternbach, Job Developer/Outreach Specialist Monmouth County Division of Workforce Development Agenda How to listen to this presentation Three ways we can help today 1. 2. 3. Recruitment Training Incentives and Grants …and More Labor Market Information Rapid Response Team Workforce Investment Board Summary Contact us How to listen to this presentation We plan to overwhelm you You have handouts Use your checklist We will email this to you Ask questions as we go So… What is “The Best Kept Secret in Human Resources”? That state and county workforce agencies can help your business recruit, train and hire employees. Usually at no cost. Sometimes we can even help you obtain grants up to $75,000. Three Ways We Can Help Today 1. Recruitment 2. Training 3. Incentives and Grants 1. Recruitment Myth #1 People who are out of work or on unemployment are not quality candidates. Recruitment Find Qualified “Ready to Work” Candidates: 1. Proactive email blasts to our database of job seekers Monmouth University, Church & Dwight 2. Pre-screen and refer candidates Fortunoff Backyard Store, Gateway Group One 3. Open Houses at our office Costco, Secova All at NO COST to you Recruitment Conduct easy, skill-based, online searches Receive referrals to qualified candidates The difference is “Smart Technology” The “go to” site for NJ job seekers 66,233 registered job seekers 2,000 new users each week Spiders 2,400 websites and proactively emails jobs NO COST to you Contact us for free in-house training Recruitment NJ Talent Networks More than 50% of NJ workers are in six industries Those industries account for over two thirds of wages Mission: to help develop a workforce that fuels growth Sectors: Transportation, Logistics, and Distribution Life Sciences Advanced Manufacturing Financial Services Health Care Technology and Entrepreneurship 2. Training Myth #2 There is too much paperwork to work with the government. Training Customized Training Grants For your current employees To receive training that meets your needs Maximum annual grant award based on company size: 250 or fewer employees up to $50,000 251 or more employees up to $75,000 Employer match of at least 50 percent of the total training cost Examples: Air Cruisers Cooper Electric Training Literacy Training Grants Improve your current employees’ basic skills: Maximum annual grant award based on company size: English language Math Reading Writing Computer 250 or fewer employees up to $50,000 251 or more employees up to $75,000 Employer match of at least 50 percent of the total training cost Examples: Astor Chocolate Corporation Training NJBIA through Community Colleges Classes conducted: At Your Site (minimum 10 participants) At Brookdale or Ocean County (no minimum) ESL, Reading, Writing, Math, Computers No application is required! Major Hospitals to Small Businesses Contact Jim McCarthy at or (732) 224-2186 Training Metrix eTraining from SkillSoft 5,000 Skills Courses HR, Project Management, Sales, IT, Healthcare 121 Professional Certification Tracks NO COST LICENSE Training Prove It! eAssessments from Kenexa Gives you the power to identify and select the most talented candidates and employees 1,200 skills and behavioral assessments For clerical, software, technical, call center, industrial, financial, legal, medical and more NO COST LICENSE 3. Incentives and Grants Myth #3 There are so many restrictions, we’d never qualify for a grant. Incentives New Hire Incentive (Partially Paid Salaries) Reimbursement of 50–90% of a new hire’s salary New hire must meet eligibility requirements: Maximum of $4,000 Employment status Income To assist with defraying the costs of on-the-job training Examples: K. Hovnanian Hair Replacement Center Incentives “Green Jobs” Hiring Incentive (Partially Paid Salaries) Within an approved “green job or company” Reimbursement of 50–90% of a new hire’s salary Maximum of $4,000 New hire must meet eligibility requirements: Energy Efficiency or Renewable Energy Employment status Income To assist with defraying the costs of on-the-job training Examples: Alpha Associates Environmental Infrastructure Solutions Incentives Workforce 55+ Program (Fully Paid Salaries) Open to non-profits and government agencies Pays the salaries of economically disadvantaged seniors Part-time stipend for up to 48 months Examples Neptune Food Bank Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Incentives Community Work Experience Program (No Cost to Employers) Provides approved non-profits with qualified, entry-level staff Candidates are transitioning from welfare to work. Worker’s Compensation is provided by the state at NO COST to non-profit employers. Incentives Work Opportunity Tax Credit Receive a federal tax credit of $2,400–$9,600 Hire employees with employment barriers: Individuals with disabilities Certain veterans General assistance recipients Incentives Federal Bonding Insurance To hire employees with credit or legal challenges Receive fidelity bond insurance coverage of $5,000– $25,000 NO COST and with no deductible for 6 to 12 months …and More Labor Market “Quick Quiz” What was the official unemployment rate in NJ as of March 2012 ? What occupation is projected to be the fastest growing in NJ between 2008-2018? (Hint: at 41.6%) Additional Business Resources Labor Market Information and Data Workers Wages Jobs and Careers Employment and Industries Trends and Projections Economy and Demographics Additional Business Resources Rapid Response Team Assists employers and workers in a closing or mass layoff On-site at your invitation Information and assistance with: Unemployment Insurance Re-employment services Training Additional Business Resources Workforce Investment Board County policy board for workforce development Mission: To utilize public funds to develop a workforce system that is responsive to the needs of both job seekers and employers Volunteer WIB opportunities Board Committees: Strategic Planning, Job Seeker, Youth Council, Business Services, Services to People with Disabilities Additional Business Resources Workshop Series for Employers Labor Market Data Summary We can help you recruit, we can help you train, and we can help you get a grant. So before you hire, before you train… Please call us! Contacts Jason Staiger (732) 683-8850 x4011 Larry Sternbach (732) 683-8850 x3711 Thank You