Automation and Drives Competitor analysis SIRIUS competitor analysis Schneider Electric Moeller ABB Allen Bradley GE / AEG Sirius 3RT contactors 75HP SIRIUS competitor analysis - Contactors 04/ 2002 1 Automation and Drives Contactors 75HP (1/5) SIRIUS competitor analysis Schneider Electric Moeller 45 45 45 75 85 LC1-K06/K09/K12/K16 LC1-D09/D12/D18 LC1-D25/D32/D38 LC1-D40/D50/D65 ABB 2.2 / 4 / 5.5 / 7.5kW 5 / 7.5 / 10HP 15 / 20 / 25HP 30 / 40 / 50HP LC1-D80/D95 60/60HP Allen Bradley GE / AEG S00 3RT101 3/5/7.5HP 45mm S0 3RT102 5/7.5/10/15HP 45mm SIRIUS competitor analysis - Contactors 04/ 2002 S2 3RT103 20/25/30/40HP 55mm S3 3RT104 50/60/75HP 70mm 2 Automation and Drives Contactors 75HP (2/5) SIRIUS competitor analysis - Dimensions: From LC1-D40 - D65 (30-50HP) - wider than SIRIUS - Connection system: Contacts can only be changed from 75HP and upwards SIRIUS:Possible from Size S2/ 25HP & up Schneider Electric Moeller ABB Allen Bradley Up to 60HP, terminal box cannot be removed Busbar/cable lug connection not possible SIRIUS: Possible from Size S3/ 50HP & up GE / AEG Different insertion-depth for the main conductors for LC1-D09D16 It is possible to accidentally clamp on the insulation The maximum cable cross-sections for the appropriate rated currents cannot be connected SIRIUS competitor analysis - Contactors 04/ 2002 3 Automation and Drives Contactors 75HP (3/5) SIRIUS competitor analysis - Schneider Electric Moeller - ABB Allen Bradley - Auxiliary and control conductor connections: Up to 30HP, the auxiliary and coil conductors are always wired-up through the contactor SIRIUS: Four-terminal coil S0 - S3 A1 A2 Label: The coil label cannot be read when the contactor is mounted SIRIUS: The complete catalog number can be read from the front Materials/environmental compatibility: Contains some halogens GE / AEG + Dimensions/series: Small and compact series K contactors from 3 HP upwards in comparison to S00 Depth up to LC1-D95/ 75HP is generally lower (even with the integrated auxiliary contact) Auxiliary contacts: 1NC+1NO integrated up to LC1-D38/ 25HP ; access from the front (refer above) SIRIUS competitor analysis - Contactors 04/ 2002 4 Automation and Drives Contactors 75HP (4/5) SIRIUS competitor analysis + Schneider Electric - Moeller ABB Connection system: Ring cable lugs can be used to connect main conductors of LC1-D09/ 5HP to LC1-D38/ 25HP Restriction: Ring cable lugs cannot be used for auxiliary and control cables + Coil energization: Generally a wider operating range for DC coils: 0.7 - 1.25 Vs Allen Bradley GE / AEG + Safety cover: The front cover to prevent accidental actuation is provided as standard (cover for the auxiliary contact coupling; the cover is thrown away for Hischa mounting) SIRIUS: The main contact coupling is recessed in the outer contour to protect it against accidental actuation. A sealed safety cover is available as an accessory. SIRIUS competitor analysis - Contactors 04/ 2002 5 Automation and Drives Contactors 75kW (5/5) SIRIUS competitor analysis Size S00 S0 S2 S3 S6 S10 S12 TeSys scope Schneider Electric Circuit-Breakers Moeller Contactors - Air Break - Vacuum Combined with 3 VL circuit-breakers ABB Overload Relays Allen Bradley - Thermal Overload Relays GE / AEG - Electronic Soft Starters TeSys only covers part of the modular SIRIUS system only contactors 3 to 30 HP have been re-developed with the Quickfit technology, otherwise just a face-lift SIRIUS competitor analysis - Contactors 04/ 2002 6 Automation and Drives Contactors 75HP (1/3) SIRIUS competitor analysis Schneider Electric Moeller 45 DILEEM / EM ABB 3 / 5HP 45 45 DIL00M/AM DIL0M/AM 5 / 7.5HP 10 / 15HP 60 70 100 DIL1M/AM DIL2M/AM DIL3M/AM 25 / 30 HP 40 / 50HP 60 / 75HP Allen Bradley GE / AEG S00 3RT101 3/5/7.5HP 45mm S0 3RT102 5/7.5/10/15HP 45mm SIRIUS competitor analysis - Contactors 04/ 2002 S2 3RT103 20/25/30/40HP 55mm S3 3RT104 50/60/75HP 70mm 7 Automation and Drives Contactors 75HP (2/3) SIRIUS competitor analysis - Series: Width: 25/ 30HP: 60mm / SIRIUS: 55mm 40HP: 70mm / SIRIUS: 55mm 60/75HP: 100mm / SIRIUS: 70mm 4 widths up to 75HP / SIRIUS: 3 widths No standard, unified design - Endurance: DILEEM/ EM small contactor: Electrical and mechanical endurance is significantly lower than our S00: Schneider Electric Moeller ABB Allen Bradley Mechanical: 10 million operating cycles / SIRIUS: 30 million oper. cycles Electrical: 1.2/0.75 million op. cycles / SIRIUS: 2/ 1.5 million op. cycles GE / AEG DC operating system: For 60/75HP, mechanical endurance: LD: 3 million operating cycles. SIRIUS: 10 million operating cycles - Permissible ambient temperatures: Up to 30kW max. 50°C / SIRIUS: 60°C SIRIUS competitor analysis - Contactors 04/ 2002 8 Automation and Drives Contactors 75HP (3/3) SIRIUS competitor analysis - Accessories: Wiring connectors for reversing combinations - only up to 30HP SIRIUS: 400HP Wiring connectors for star/delta combinations - only up to 50HP SIRIUS: 400HP - Wide operating range: There are no contactors available with a wide operating range (e.g. coupling relays) - Coil terminals: Three terminal coil: This causes restrictions when directly mounting protective devices / SIRIUS: 4-terminal coil + Dimensions: Standard low depth - less than SIRIUS + Small contactor: Compact DILEM/ DILEEM small contactor (low depth) Schneider Electric Moeller ABB Allen Bradley GE / AEG SIRIUS competitor analysis - Contactors 04/ 2002 9 Automation and Drives Contactors 100HP (1/3) SIRIUS competitor analysis Schneider Electric Moeller ABB 47,5 54 44 70 90 B6-30/B7 A9-30/A12 /A16 A26-30/A30/A40 A50-30/A63/A75 A95-30/A110 5 / 7.5HP 5 / 7.5 / 10HP 15/ 25/ 30HP 40 / 50 / 60HP 745/ 100HP Allen Bradley GE / AEG S00 3RT101 3/5/7.5HP 45mm S0 3RT102 5/7.5/10/15HP 45mm SIRIUS competitor analysis - Contactors 04/ 2002 S2 3RT103 20/25/30/40HP 55mm S3 3RT104 50/60/75HP 70mm 10 Automation and Drives Contactors 100HP (2/3) SIRIUS competitor analysis - Coil terminals: Three-terminal coil: Restrictions when directly mounting protective devices/ SIRIUS: 4-terminal coil - Connection system: Single box terminal (only 1 conductor) from 40HP/ A50 up to 100HP/ A110 - Changing contacts: Contacts can only be changed from 40HP SIRIUS: Contactors can be changed from Size S2/ 20HP - Auxiliary contacts: Ie/ AC-15 (auxiliary contacts): 4A/ 230V SIRIUS: 6A/ 230V - Ambient temperature/operating range: Max. ambient temperature, +55°C / SIRIUS: +60°C Operating range: 0.85 - 1.1xUs; at >55°C, restricted operating range up to 1xUs Schneider Electric Moeller ABB Allen Bradley GE / AEG SIRIUS competitor analysis - Contactors 04/ 2002 11 Automation and Drives Contactors 100HP (3/3) SIRIUS competitor analysis Schneider Electric Moeller ABB Allen Bradley + + Dimensions: Compact small contactor B6/B7 (low depth) Auxiliary contacts: 1 integrated auxiliary contact as standard all the way up through to 30HP From 40 to 60 HP, 6 front-mounted auxiliary contactors are possible GE / AEG SIRIUS competitor analysis - Contactors 04/ 2002 12 Automation and Drives Contactors 75HP (1/3) SIRIUS competitor analysis Schneider Electric Moeller 47,5 100-M05/M09/M12 100-C09/C12/C16/C23 ABB 3 / 5 / 7.5HP 54 44 5 / 7.5 / 10 / 15HP 54 72 100-C30/C37 100-C43 100-C60/C72/C85 25 / 30HP 40HP 50 / 60 / 75HP Allen Bradley GE / AEG S00 3RT101 3/5/7.5HP 45mm S0 3RT102 5/7.5/10/15HP 45mm SIRIUS competitor analysis - Contactors 04/ 2002 S2 3RT103 20/25/30/40HP 55mm S3 3RT104 50/60/75HP 70mm 13 Automation and Drives Contactors 45kW (2/3) SIRIUS competitor analysis - Coil terminals: Two-terminal coil: Connections top or bottom (separate Order Nos.) SIRIUS: 4-terminal coil - Changing contacts: Contacts can only be changed from 75HP/ CAB6-85 onwards SIRIUS:Possible from Size S2/ 20HP - Dimensions: DC contactors: Very deep - Labeling: Rating plate data inadequate: - no connection cross-sections - no insulation stripping lengths - no tightening torques Schneider Electric Moeller ABB Allen Bradley GE / AEG The coil label cannot be read when the contactor is mounted SIRIUS: complete catalog number can be read from the font SIRIUS competitor analysis - Contactors 04/ 2002 14 Automation and Drives Contactors 75HP (3/3) SIRIUS competitor analysis Schneider Electric Moeller ABB Allen Bradley GE / AEG + Screw mounting: The screws which are used to mount the contactor to the front panel are not captive screws Wye-delta starter: Space-saving design: Square footprint Safety contactors: Separate series of safety contactors 5 – 75HP (100S-C) - Positively-driven contacts SIRIUS: General - The contactor and auxiliary contact block are permanently coupled with one another SIRIUS: Special version with a Hischa block which cannot be removed - Protection against accidental/undesirable actuation SIRIUS: Accessory - Auxiliary contact, electronics/compatible in compliance with DIN 19240 SIRIUS: General SIRIUS competitor analysis - Contactors 04/ 2002 15 Automation and Drives Contactors 100HP (1/3) SIRIUS competitor analysis Schneider Electric Moeller 45 LS02K/ 05 ABB 3 / 5HP 45 55 LS4K/5K/7K/11K LS12K/15K/18K 5 / 7.5 / 10 / 15HP 20 / 25 / 30HP 66 75 LS22K/30K/37K LS45K/55K 40 / 50 / 60 HP 75 / 100HP Allen Bradley GE / AEG S00 3RT101 3/5/7.5HP 45mm S0 3RT102 5/7.5/10/15HP 45mm SIRIUS competitor analysis - Contactors 04/ 2002 S2 3RT103 20/25/30/40HP 55mm S3 3RT104 50/60/75HP 70mm 16 Automation and Drives Contactors 100HP (2/3) SIRIUS competitor analysis - Labeling: No order designation [catalog number] on the front plate Coil voltage cannot be read from the front Rating plate: No data on the connection cross sections - Coil terminals: Three terminal coil: Restrictions when directly mounting protective devices/ SIRIUS: 4-terminal coil Schneider Electric Moeller ABB Allen Bradley GE / AEG SIRIUS competitor analysis - Contactors 04/ 2002 17 Automation and Drives Contactors 100HP (3/3) SIRIUS competitor analysis + Schneider Electric Moeller ABB Allen Bradley + Series: Auxiliary contacts: 1NO/1NC integrated up to LS11K/ 15HP for 45mm wide (as version) 1NO+1NC can be snapped onto the front (2 individual blocks) as MRPD version from 30 to 100HP Complete series of 4-pole contactors: Up to 10HP: 45mm side Connection system: Main and control circuits up to 100 HP are connected using ring cable lugs (this was presented at the Hanover Fair 2002) GE / AEG + Changing contacts: Contacts can be changed from 5HP / LS4K SIRIUS: this is possible from S2/ 25HP + Changing coils: Coils can be changed from LS02K (3HP) / LS05K (5HP) SIRIUS competitor analysis - Contactors 04/ 2002 18