
Prepared by:
• Apple is a publicly owned Fortune 100 company
based in Cupertino, California.
• Apple designs, produces, and sells a line of
personal computers as well as mobile phones,
portable digital media devices, software, and
related peripherals and accessories.
• The firm sells internationally though a mix of
direct sales, online and retail stores, wholesalers,
and resellers.
• Designs and markets consumer electronics,
computer software, and personal computers.
• Products: Macintosh, iPod, iPhone, iPad
Apple was founded on April 1, 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald
Blast from the past: In this photo, Steve Jobs, left, chairman of Apple Inc.; John Sculley, center,
president and CEO; and Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, unveil the new Apple IIc computer
in San Francisco, April 24, 1984. (AP Photo)
The Evolution & History of Apple Logo
The first Apple logo was
designed in 1976 by Ronald
Wayne, sometimes referred
to as the third co-founder of
Apple. The logo depicts Isaac
Newton sitting under a tree,
an apple dangling
precipitously above his head.
The phrase on the outside
border reads, “Newton… A
Mind Forever Voyaging
Through Strange Seas of
Thought … Alone.”
As for the rainbow stripes of the logo, Steve
Jobs is rumored to have insisted on using a
colorful logo as a means to “humanize” the
company. Janoff (logo designer) has said
that there was no rhyme or reason behind
the placement of the colors themselves,
noting that he wanted to have green at the
top “because that’s where the leaf was.”
The multi-colored Apple logo was in use for
22 years before it was axed by Steve Jobs
less than a year after his return to Apple in
1997. The overall shape of the logo,
however, remains unchanged from its
original inception 33 years ago.
Tinkering with one of the most
recognizable logos in the world
wasn’t done simply because
Steve Jobs is always looking to
change things up. When Jobs
returned to Apple in 1997, the
company was bleeding money,
and Jobs and Co. realized that
the Apple logo could be
leveraged to their advantage.
That meant experimenting
with larger logos to make it
more prominent.
Products :
• Mac (Pro, Mini · iMac · MacBook, Air, Pro · Xserve)
• iPod (Shuffle, Nano, Classic, Touch)
• iPhone (Original · 3G· 3GS · 4), iPad
• Apple TV, Cinema Display, AirPort, Time Capsule Mac OS
X (Server), iLife, iWork, iOS
Services :
• Stores (retail, online, App, iTunes, iBooks)
• MobileMe
Powerful core services. Easily deployed.
Deliver an array of core software technologies and services designed to better connect your
business, take full advantage of the latest hardware, and lay a solid foundation for your
organization’s IT infrastructure.
Industry-leading email services. No extra charge.
The mail services in Mac OS X Server can handle thousands of simultaneous connections. They also
offer industrial-strength junk mail filtering and virus detection.
Connecting your multi-platform workgroups.
Mac OS X Server makes it easy for your users to share information and work effectively. It’s easy to
share hard drives or individual folders and assign custom access permissions with Mac OS X Server.
Standard print serving. Part of the package.
Users can share print queues over a wide variety of protocols, from Internet Printing Protocol and
Line Printer Remote to Windows file sharing protocol (SMB) and more.
Web hosting. Powered by Apache.
Apache is extremely flexible, can add dynamic content, or host stores, auctions, shared calendars,
portal systems, and other database-driven services. Support for virtual hosting in Mac OS X Server
allows to host multiple websites on a single server. This high-grade security architecture protects
credit card information and other confidential data transmitted during web transactions.
Apple Evolution 1976 - 2009
BUSINESS MODEL : Value proposition
• Apple Values are the qualities, customs, standards, and principles
that the company believes will help it and its employees succeed.
They are the basis for what they do and how they do it. Taken
together, they identify Apple as a unique company.
• These are the values that govern Apple business conduct:
 Empathy for Customers/Users
 Aggressiveness/Achievement
 Positive Social Contribution
 Innovation/Vision
 Individual Performance
 Team Spirit
 Quality/Excellence
 Individual Reward
 Good Management
BUSINESS MODEL : Value proposition
is the common strength for Apple. Take
example of Apple Mini – Simply Design
Ease of Use
Logical Navigational System & Well-designed
of menu elements makes the user
experience better than competitors
Apple personalizes
Ipad by laser
engraving your
Memorable &
User Focused
•Success in identifying user’s need.
•The MacBook Pro power adapter with
MagSafe Connector is just that: a magnetic
connection instead of a physical one. So if
you happen to trip over a power card, you
wont send MacBook Pro flying off a table or
desk; the cord simply disconnects, without
damage to either the cord or the system. As
an added nicely this means less wear on the
Fun & Humor
Apple TV Ads
emphasizes how
much fun to be a
Mac User
•1983 The Apple Lisa was the first home
computer with a GUI (graphic user interface)
•Ipod connection with nike shoes
•Apple uses inventors & artists in their
•Apple products &
services are
consistent through
usability, product
BUSINESS MODEL : Revenue Model
In Case You Had Any Doubts About Where Apple's Revenue Comes From
Apple's iPhone business, which
didn't exist three years ago, now
represents a whopping 40% of the
company's revenue, and has been
the company's biggest revenue
generator for three quarters in a
During the March quarter, iPhone
revenue grew 124% year-overyear to $5.4 billion, or 40% of
Apple's $13.5 billion in total
revenue. Because of high profit
margins on the iPhone, it's likely
Apple's biggest profit contributor,
Apple's second-biggest business is
its Mac computer division, which
grew 27% year-over-year in the
March quarter to $3.8 billion, or
28% of Apple's overall sales.
BUSINESS MODEL : Market Opportunity
Apple is marketing to people who have a few characteristics:
• Middle/Upper income folks who are willing to pay a bit more
for a better user experience. paying 500 more for a
computer is not a huge deal if you have a decent income.
• People who like to have fun with technology. No other
platform offers as many entry level tools (the whole iLife
bunch and more). This includes people who like to shoot a
lot of digital photos or video. It's the whole digital hub
concept. People are starting to buy into it.
• Music enthusiasts and fans ages 12-35.
• Professionals in media and design.
BUSINESS MODEL : Competitive environment
1. Device Convergence
2. Shortening Product Lifecycle
Threat (& why?)
Opportunity (& why?)
Apples broad line of devices may
become obsolete with the advent
of multi-use portable devices.
Increased pressure to innovate
may result in missed opportunities
and inventory losses.
Apple’s portable computers may
lose relevance among new on-thego devices.
Device manufacturing will be
equated with pollution and
climate change.
As a leader in portable devices
Apple can innovate and lead the
way in platform convergence.
High R&D commitments may
propel Apple to lead the industry
by out innovating competitors.
1. Increasing desire for on-the-go
2. Greater concern for the
1. Flattening of wages – leveling
Rising prices and stagnant wages
leave workers and families with
less money to spend on perceived
luxury goods.
Apple, known for high quality,
dependability, and long-lasting
products will attract customers
seeking value for their money.
1. Recovering economy
Signs of economic turnaround are
present, but many consumers are
unconvinced and spending less.
Apple’s premium portable
computers may be out of
consumer price ranges.
Economic recovery will cause
consumer spending. Apple’s high
quality may attract customers.
Apple can lead innovation in onthe-go devices utilizing R&D
portable knowhow.
Apple’s lead in environmentally
sound practices will be a
marketing advantage.
BUSINESS MODEL : Competitive Advantage
• Design and innovation oriented
• Greater horizontal and vertical Integration
• Designing from scratch to finish bundled with applications and
• ‘’Plug and Play” solutions
• R&D oriented
• An everything ready device
BUSINESS MODEL : Competitive Advantage
Alliances with major
Linkages with independent
software vendors
Plug and play
I-tunes gives a
major edge
Technology Driven
Complete bundle of
Operating system
more secure, and
less prone to virus
Collaborating with other
I-pod—I-tunes combo
gives brand
awareness a push.
Apple’s retail
experience, new
mac consumers
bought more.
Design & Innovation
Horizontal & vertical
BUSINESS MODEL : Market Strategy
• “Get a Mac” Ads – Apple uses a series of television advertisements
comparing the firm’s products to competitors using a variety of
direct and indirect methods to build a lifestyle brand image. The ads
are humorous and do not emphasize cost or feature-by-feature
comparisons, opting instead to develop the firm’s image.
• Retail locations/Flagship stores– Apple stores across the United
States serve as living advertisements for the company promoting
the brand and lifestyle image. Flagship stores, like the 5th Avenue
New York store are an attraction drawing visitors on novelty hoping
to convert the visits into sales.
• Secretive and selective unveilings– By keeping secrets about
product releases and holding invitation-only press events for
product unveilings, Apple creates hype and suspension around
product launches.
BUSINESS MODEL : Organizational development
Technological Development
• Research and development– Apple increased
research and development funding by nearly 66%
from 2007 to 2009, in 2009 Apple spent $1.33
Billion on research and development. This is a
commitment to continue to push innovation
forward to keep ahead of competition.
• Patent filing– Apple believes in the importance of
protecting its intellectual capital by filing patents in
the United States and worldwide for its inventions
and innovations. Apple currently holds a portfolio
of several thousand patents.
BUSINESS MODEL : Management Team
Selective hiring process– Apple follows selective hiring practices to
recruit and hire talented individuals.
• Generous employee benefits program–Apple offers a variety of
attractive employee benefits to complement direct wages. The
benefits system is used to entice, and retain industry-leading talent
to benefit Apple.
Background for the company leaders to have:
• Transformational leader (passionate and enthusiastic about what he
does. Creates visions and injects energy and motivation into his
• Unique vision and approach to business.
• Aggressive and demanding personality.
• Aspired to position Apple and its products at the forefront of the
information technology industry by foreseeing and setting trends,
at least in innovation and style.
• Software includes the Mac OS X operating system; the iTunes
media browser; the iLife suite of multimedia and creativity
software; the iWork suite of productivity software; Aperture,
a professional photography package; Final Cut Studio, a suite
of professional audio and film-industry software products;
and Logic Studio, a suite of music production tools.
• Mac OS X Server is a server operating system from Apple Inc.
Mail services in Mac OS X Server support SMTP, POP and IMAP, SSL/TLS
encryption, mailing lists, and WebMail that can handle thousands of
simultaneous connections.
Mac, Windows, UNIX, and Linux users can all share files with ease because of
support for the major file-sharing protocols, including AFP, SMB, NFS, FTP, and
Print services in Mac OS X Server rely on the standard Common UNIX Printing
System (CUPS) for spooling, queue and job control, security, and error
Mac OS X Server makes it easy to host own website or Web 2.0 application.
Included in Mac OS X Server is Apache, the most widely used HTTP server on
the Internet. Apache is preconfigured with default settings, making
deployment as simple as starting the Web service. Mac OS X Server offers
experienced webmasters support for either Apache 2.2 or Apache 1.3,
accessible from with the Server Admin application.
• Mac OS X Server integrates OpenSSL with the Apache web server, it
supports strong 128-bit encryption and public key infrastructure
authentication using X.509 digital certificates.
• Mac OS X Server ships with a full complement of server applications and
frameworks including Apache 2, Ruby on Rails, Tomcat 5, and WebObjects
5.4. For hosting enterprise-class applications, Mac OS X Server includes a
64-bit Java VM optimized for the latest generation of Intel multicore
• Mac OS X Server also comes with an array of application services,
including Apache Tomcat, known for powering large-scale, mission-critical
web applications; Java Virtual Machine (J2SE) Java language compiler and
execution environment; the Apache Axis (SOAP) engine for web services;
and the WebObjects 5.4 Deployment Java web application server and
As of January 2010, the company operates 284 retail stores in
ten countries, and an online store where hardware and
software products are sold.
• Apple was honored as Retailer of the Year, awarded to the
company each year, “that has proved it is a world-class
performer across every aspect of its business.”
• iPhone won the award for the Most Anticipated Gadget for
2007 of the UK gadget site such as:
 The Drop Dead Gorgeous Award: Apple MacBook Pro
 Top Commuter Gadget: Apple iPod
 Best Music Gadget: Apple iPod
 The Best Gadget of All Time: Apple iPod
 The Best Dowinload Service: Apple iTunes Store
• Won 5 out of 13 awards oh the British Technology Awards:
 Best Mobile Technology: Apple iPhone
 Best Music Technology: Apple iTunes
 Gadget of the Year: Apple iPhone
 Most Stylish Technology: Apple iPhone
 Technological Innovation of the Year: Apple iPhone
• Products must become business platforms that grow
through collaboration.
• Business platforms create superb externalities and a
powerful ecosystem.
• Business platforms create a learning platform that
spawns communities of interest and communities of
• Business platforms generate untold business analytics for
the platform’s owner and participants.
• Business platforms generate a superior portfolio of
strategic options.