Public Security System and the Police in the UK-an introduction ROD JARMAN QPM D E P U T Y A S S I S TA N T C O M M I S S I O N E R (RTD) M E T R O P O L I TA N P O L I C E S E R V I C E 1 3 TH 2PM – 5PM O C TO B E R 2 0 11 倫敦都市警部簡介 倫敦都市警部(MPS)於一八二九年由羅伯特 • 皮爾爵士組建,是負責大倫敦範圍內法律管制 的地方警務部門,由倫敦金融城警部負責的倫敦金融城轄區除外。 倫敦都市警部是大英聯合王國境內最龐大的警部,總共有五萬一仟多名警務人員和輔助工作人 員受雇於倫敦都市警部,其管轄範圍覆蓋六百二十平方英里,包括三十二個倫敦地區,為超過 七百二十萬人口服務。 倫敦都市警部由都市警部總長官領導,通常稱之為總長官,需要向都市警部監管局負責。現任 總長官是保羅 • 史蒂文森爵士。 倫敦都市警部通常也被稱為“蘇格蘭場",因為它現在的總部在倫敦西敏市的新蘇格蘭場。 與警方取得聯絡 緊急情況 在緊急情況下,你應該襏打999。如果你需要警方立即做出反應,你應該以這種方式與警方取 得聯絡,即現時有犯罪行為發生,或某人現在有危險。 999系統負責接聽打給消防隊、救護服務和警方的電話,所以你第一時刻應該清楚地說明你需 要哪一項服務,並註明你講的語言。緊急服務通過語言熱線提供一百七十語種的傳譯員。 非緊急情況 如果你需要與警方取得聯絡,而又不是緊急情況,你應該採取以下方式﹕ • 襏打二十四小時非緊急電話號碼﹕ 101 • 與你當地的警署聯絡 在非緊急情況下,你通常應該與犯罪行為發生的地方警察部門取得聯絡 – 打電話給警方或親臨 有向公眾開放的接待處的附近警署。 請點擊此處了解你附近警署的聯絡資料。 • 一般諮詢 請致信給下述地址﹕如 General enquiries. Metropolitan Police Service New Scotland Yard Broadway London SW1H 0BG 020 7230 1212(二十四小時總機接聽) 阻止犯罪(Crimestoppers) Crimestoppers是一個英國全國範圍以杜絕犯罪行為為目標 的獨立慈善機構。如果你有與任何犯罪行為有關的資料,並 希望以保密及匿名的方式提供,請襏打免費電話﹕ 0800 555 111。 報告恐怖主義犯罪行為 如果你有任何可能與恐怖活動有關的資料,請襏打保密的反 恐熱線,電話號碼是﹕ 0800 789 321 如欲發出可能有炸彈的警告或其它的即時威脅,請襏打999。 This afternoon we will Review the History of Police in the UK Consider the Organisational Structure of policing in the UK Discuss the Policing Style and function Consider some of the tasks of the Police After each section chance for you to discuss and then ask questions Review the History of Police in the UK From ‘Hue and Cry’ to the Modern Police Office of Constable Review and change Technical advances Establishing Detectives Forensics Radios, Computers and Cars Relationship with the community Current Policing and the use of Force Dress of Bow Street Runners Pre Industry – Constable working to Magistrate and ‘The watch’ During Industrial growth – Creation of Police independent to Magistrate 1839 in London all policing independent 1840 – 1850 Annual Crime Statistics • 14,091 robberies; • 62,181 people taken in charge, • 24,689 of these were summarily dealt with; • 5,920 stood trial and 4,551 convicted • 31,572 cases dismissed Police Numbers • 5,493 officers • Population at this time in London was 2,473,758 1900 - 1910 • Fingerprint branch created • Series of assaults & murder of PC Baldwin • calls for officers to be armed with revolvers. • Use of Dogs considered 1950 – 1960 • 16,000 officers calls for at least 4,000 more • Flying Squad arrests more than 1,000 • Traffic Division formed (100 officers) • Report suggests more civilians in Force • New call centre to deal with 999 calls • 160,000 indictable crimes 1990 – 2000 • Computerised Crime Reporting introduced • Operation Bumblebee • National Automated Fingerprint System • Http// 2011 • Over 50,000 staff • 33,000 officers • 4,000 Specials • 5,000 Community Support Officers • 10,000 staff • Budget £3.2 Billion • Crimes in August 2011 = 67,995 (840,000 per year) • Including • 3,061 robberies • 4,500 residential burglaries Issues: Budget - reducing Terrorism – risks and operations Olympics – demands next year Youth Murder – high numbers How does Change Happen Police gone form untrusted to highly trusted Public expect and want police Royal Commission Legislation Metropolitan police Act 1839 Police Act 1964 Police and Magistrates’ Courts Act 1994 Case study of change Police and Criminal Evidence Act Police Change Children Act 2004 Administrative Changes to increase accountability • Custody arrangements • Stop & Search • Consultative groups Practical Changes to improve community and victim engagement New legislative requirements • Serious Case Reviews • Safeguarding arrangements • Child at heart of approach Brixton riots 1981 Police Authorities Augmented Murder of Stephen Lawrence Murder of Victoria Climbie 1993 200? Review the History of Police in the UK How does this Compare with the history in your country? How has policing evolved? How is change driven? (10 mins discussion) Do you have any questions? Organisational Structure of policing in the UK Comprise Constables, Community Support and Civil staff Deal with organised criminality 43 Police Forces Serious & Organised Crime Agency Comprise investigators with powers Response to crime, terrorism and calls for assistance Comprise investigators with powers UK Border Agency Deal with all aspects of illegal: Immigration, importation of goods and border control Governance Public expectations Are gathered by Consultations And surveys Public expectatio ns Chief Officer The Chief Officer sets Priorities based upon the Other three perspectives And the intelligence Home Office Police Authori ty Priorities for the public The Home office sets Out its priorities Through performance Monitoring and National targets The Police Authority sets the budget and Advises/supports The chief officer Accountability Office of Constable Independence Based upon Duty Key aspects Crime, Public Order and Human Rights Legal accountability To criminal law and procedures Other laws on procedure Equalities legislation, Freedom of Information Organisational accountability Command structure External Police Structures Chief Constable (London Commissioner) Protective Services • • • • Counter terrorism Serious Crime Public Order Major Incident Operations Support • Respond to calls • Crime Investigation • Neighbourhood Policing • Finance • Personnel • Resources Organisational Structure How does this Compare with the Structure in your country? How are police governed? (10 mins discussion) Do you have any questions? Policing Style Neighbourhood Policing Bedrock of approach Community lead Professionalisation of the Police Qualifications Quality systems Equipment National Structures SOCA Counter Terrorism Neighbourhood Policing Local accountability and engagement Focus on Confidence Gap Crime dropping fear increasing Drivers of Confidence in police Police Understand local issues Police Deal with local issues Police respond to calls Fair Treatment All require good communication Neighbourhood Policing Tactics SN tactics include: •Crime prevention •School visits •Re-assurance visits •Engagement tactics •Gathering/analysing community intelligence Understand Issues from the Community SN Tactics include: Crime & Confidence •Engagement •Intelligence gathering •Analysis/research of intelligence •Use of partners (Designing out crime) Offender SN Tactics include: •Arrests/pro-active operations •warrants Communicate activity •Intelligence usage And Outcomes to •Engagement Community •Diversionary tactics •Diamond districts Policing Style How does this Compare with the Style in your country? Compare the two systems and consider any learning which may be useful to you (10 mins discussion) Do you have any questions? What the Police Do Patrol Confidence – Public Prevent Crime Advice, interventions, design Investigate Crimes Prosecute offenders, Diversion Respond to calls Range of issues Police Tasks and Activities How does this Compare with the Activities of the Police in your country? What other roles do the Police have in your country (10 mins discussion) Do you have any questions? Discussion Any questions for me? Thank you