Lasser - NDTMA

 Ultrasound Camera C-­‐Scan Technology: An Answer to Lack of NDT ExperAse Bob Lasser Imperium, Inc Imperium •  Involved in NDT since 1996 •  Sole provider of UT camera technology •  ApplicaAons in aerospace, petrochemical, and medical seKngs •  ProducAon and in-­‐service implementaAons •  Address soluAon to complexity of NDT equipment and lack of trained technicians Customer Sampling 3 Challenge for Growing Industry: Analysis of Global NDT Equipment • 
NDT Equipment Market $1.39 billion in 2011 EsAmates to reach $2.03 Billion in 2016 UT represents 35% of global market and is fastest growing method However, single challenge limi2ng growth is lack of skilled technicians Imperium Solu9on • 
Real Ame video C-­‐scan Make UT Simple Provide detailed A-­‐scans Leverage video processing techniques Acoustocam • 
Makes UT imaging simple Addresses lack of trained NDT technicians Presents real-­‐Ame C-­‐scan and A-­‐scan High resoluAon Large area scanning Easy to transmit and monitor remotely A-­‐scans compliant with ASTM E317 Imperium’s Patented Architecture Applies op7cal imaging techniques to ultrasound Op9cal Architecture: Flash Lens Op9cal Sensor (CCD) Source Transducer Acous9c Lens Ultrasonic Sensor Ultrasonic Architecture: Acoustocam Architecture
Imaging Array – 100 micron pixels 120 rows x 120 columns = 14,400 pixels Amplitude Time of Flight Typical Calibra9on, Scan Acoustocam
Phased Array: Amplitude
Phased Array: TOF
Aerospace Challenge •  Flight Safety FoundaAon esAmates ramp damage cosAng operators up to $10 billion annually •  Upwards of 27,000 ramp incidents, 1 per 1,000 departures •  Primary composite structures present unique challenges –  New York Times ArAcle August 2013: “Composite materials have created new challenges for airline mechanics, who need new maintenance tools and skills and there is a shortage of mechanics with the right training.“ Composite Damage • 
Damage occurs on a composite aircra\ No NDT expert is on-­‐site Line mechanic notes visible impact damage Aircra\ out of service unAl NDT personnel can be brought onsite Possible Scenario • 
Time to get NDT technicians, equipment, and perform tests can be lengthy When damage is noted, damage is within allowable limits, plane is cleared to fly. AircraO out-­‐of-­‐service costs can reach $50,000 or more per day Future Scenario • 
Damage occurs and is noted Line mechanic contacts expert via web session Line mechanic sets up Acoustocam CalibraAon could be done remotely while mechanic holds probe on clean secAon or standard Future Scenario • 
Mechanic scans secAon via simple procedure and monitored by expert in real Ame Expert confirms remotely that damage is within criteria Total incurred Ame: 30 minutes AircraO down9me cost: minimal ANA Airlines •  In Q1 2013, performed a study at ANA Airlines at Haneda Airport, Tokyo •  Trained NDT personnel •  InvesAgated several types of structures •  Following trial, ANA Airlines requested NDT procedure for 787, offered to implement device ANA Airlines “This instrument is quite helpful for catching the image of internal structures and detec2ng the delamina2on quickly with C-­‐scan mode. Imperium’s Camera is easy to set up and handle. Therefore, our NDT inspectors prefer to use the Imperium camera. Moreover, it is capable of remote usage by line mechanics at local airports. Consequently, ANA would like to use the Imperium Camera in the future and for remote inspec2on.” Hiroshi Kobayashi ANA Senior Manager Structural Engineering Boeing Procedure Development •  787 NDT Manual: Part 4, 51-­‐00-­‐19 of the 787 Non-­‐
DestrucAve TesAng Manual cerAfied in December 2013 –  DelaminaAons, skin to sAffener disbonds •  New procedures in process Pipeline Corrosion Mapping Storage Tank BoXom Mapping 23 Advanced Corrosion Technologies “The probability of detecAon is far superior to standard thickness readings. FirstMap™ is a diagnosAc tool that can instantly detect subsurface corrosion down to 1 mm pits. We are now able to quickly and easily idenAfy problem areas that could potenAally lead to much bigger issues.” -­‐Josh Fontenot, Director of Technologies, ACTT NDT Equipment Total Cost of Ownership • 
Training Setup Ame Equipment cost Opportunity cost Corrosion Mapping Comparison NDT Method
Daily Cost
Inspection time
per square foot
Phased Array
with Scanner
5 minutes
15 minutes
30 minutes
16 hours
160 hours
400 hours
Level I or Level
Level II NDT
Very limited
(includes setup)
Availability of
Expanding Role of NDT… • 
Level I, Level II inspectors Process EvaluaAon/In-­‐service technicians can now create subsurface imagery Maintenance personnel …Means Sa9sfying a Larger Audience • 
UT ASNT Inspector – All A-­‐scan data saved, legacy calibraAon available Engineer/Maintance – Camera Imagery ‘worth 1000 words’ Accountant – Sees math for cost savings What Goes Up Must Come Down ↑ 
POD due to 100% coverage and higher resoluAon ProducAvity Profits Morale Training Cost Down Ame Turn around/shut down Ame Lost opportunity Ame – doing more with less Making It Even Easier • 
Wizard setup to ensure quick setup Use calibraAon algorithms to automaAc setup AddiAonal analysis Shear wave Imperium, Inc. 5901-­‐F Ammendale Rd Beltsville, Maryland 20705 301-­‐431-­‐2900 / 301-­‐431-­‐0200 fax 30 