ISPForum10 February2014webcallslidesAWASFri Final2

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Industry news
Ofcom Consumer Switching
What does it mean for us all?
Andy Wright
Head of Wholesale Broadband (WBC)
Consumer Switching: Final Statement Key Points
(First Phase)
• Scope remains:
– Voice and broadband switching within Openreach network
– Residential and small business customers (NB all customers affected)
– Other networks and services e.g. Cable and Pay TV in next phase
• Conclusions from consultation:
– Implementation of the move from MAC to Notice of Transfer (NoT) for all voice and
broadband switches to be complete by 20th June 2015
– All proposed “front end” enhancements to NoT to be adopted and implemented by
20th September 2014
– Ofcom chaired 1st industry work group on 22nd Jan, supported by OTA. 2nd today.
• A second phase will consider
– Extent and cause of erroneous transfers (largely due to Working Line Take Overs)
– Feasibility of extending to include other technologies, networks and services
– Further development of NoT, or hub/database solution
– Details and timeline to be published in Spring 2014
Consumer Switching: Proposed Milestones For A Move To NoT
January 2014
March 2014
Industry working group to agree governance arrangements and underlying
principles of harmonised process
Stakeholder agreement on implementation strategy
April 2014
Stakeholders to submit implementation commitment plans & agree e2e
May 2014
Openreach to issue straw man interface spec, CPs to begin detailed design
June 2014
Wholesale CPs to submit straw man of their interface spec
Sept 2014
‘Front End’ changes adopted and implemented
October 2014
November 2014
Openreach and wholesale CPs to confirm detailed design
Openreach and wholesale CPs to publish final technical spec and CPs to
begin interlock testing
January 2015
Final release of Openreach systems updates for CP testing
Jan-June 2015
Business readiness and testing
June 2015
Launch of harmonised switching process
Consumer Switching: Points to note about NoT implementation
• Ofcom has listened to our views and approved a “big bang” approach
• Have noted that this requires more co-ordination and collaboration across
industry than “normal” changes
• A number of issues for further debate, such as:
- use of Retailer Ids (RIDs) on SMPF and FTTx
- application of emergency restoration process
- KPIs required to support enforcement
- extra KCIs needed from wholesale CPs
• Acknowledged that switches of larger businesses might be impacted, but
regulation will not apply, so down to commercial negotiation with Openreach
Consumer Switching: Enhancements to NoT
• Record of consent
– Call recordings of telesales, “I agree” button for online orders
– To include direct record of consent, explanation from CP that it is required to create this
record, customer name & address, time, date & means by which consent given, place
(where appropriate), address and Calling Line Indicator (CLI) of target line
– Retrievable on an individual basis and retained for 12 months
• Provision of better information on implications of switching
– NoT letters to contain precise info on Early Termination Charges (ETCs), including means
by which they must be paid, calculated according to planed switching date
– impact on ancillary/retained services, including price, specific to consumer
– clear statement that customer does not have to contact Losing Provider
• Mandatory use of functionality to ensure seamless transfer of bundled services
with no loss of service (e.g. Sim provide, Linked Orders, SIM2) where customer
makes a single request to one Gaining Provider
• Mandating some best-practice elements of Working Line Takeover (WLT) process
– No WLT order placed without exact match; GPs to take all reasonable steps to identify
– Notification letter to “incumbent” customer, via post or another durable format if agreed
Consumer Switching: Items To Be Considered In A
Future Third Phase
• Options to address “poor quality Openreach address data – a major cause of
Erroneous Transfers”
• Whether recent industry developments, such as the MPF helpline, are
sufficient to address lack of visibility of key data in identifying correct line
• Whether a harmonised process giving consumers a similar end-to-end
process regardless of underlying technology is possible (e.g. for moves
to/from cable)
• Whether further enhancements to the NoT process are needed (e.g.
mandating use of Cancel Other)
• Whether a new Gaining Provider Led (GPL) solution, based on Transfer Code
and an industry database, may be necessary and proportionate
Consumer Switching: What Does It Mean For Us?
Some Headlines
• You will need to consume a new technical specification
• You will need to change ‘front end’ processes, including recording consent
and advising on loss of services
• Please note that a second phase of consultation will happen
• Please note that we will run update webinars
Bev Bytheway-Jackson, WBC Product Manager
01244 657938
Andy Wright, Head of Wholesale Broadband Connect
01977 598396