Forensic Information Scanning Hub

Forensic Information Scanning Hub
FISH Digital Forensics Ltd
Doug Reid
Associate Director, Business Development
Asia Pacific
p|: 61 2 4336 2025
Fordingbridge, Hampshire, SP6 2BD, England
Registered in England: 7299556, VAT No:
Forensic Identification
• Bottlenecks and delays frequently occur in the daily
management of forensic analysis.
• Poorly integrated IT systems coupled with the multitude
of forms required by case management systems have
added to workload.
• As a result the timescale of identification has lengthened
allowing suspects to dispose of evidence and to
confidently plead not guilty.
• With more cases proceeding to court, costly DNA analysis
is now the common approach to forensic identification.
• As a result, police budgets are frequently stretched by
longer investigation timeframes.
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• An integrated system that addresses the challenges faced
by the forensic analyst and is configurable for different
purposes depending on the user and their function
• Designed to provide intelligent technology at the crime
scene/base station
Develop better scanning technology to improve the quality of evidence captured
Reduce time spent on bureaucracy and waiting for the technology to work
Quantify the quality of evidence at the crime scene
Reduce human errors
• Designed to Speed up and improve the identifying process
• Employ cognitive friendly decision processing techniques for examiners
• Manage larger quantities and types of evidence
• Make more use of ‘smart’ algorithms
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Designed for Process Workflows
FISH Expert is an analysing station. A
Fingerprint Expert picks up jobs from FISH
Bureau, then analyses and processes them.
The software uses the same touch screen
hardware as the FISH terminals or it can be
loaded onto desktop computers. .
FISH Remote and FISH Touch are used for
scanning fingerprint lifts, exhibits, footwear
marks and elimination forms, and transmitting
the images back along with Scene of Crime
photos to a Forensic lab for identifying. FISH
Lab does both submission, and includes the
ability to manipulate, save and print locally.
FISH Bureau is the receiving, printing and management station. In
addition to processing features, it manages the job store, interfaces to
colour printers for printing enlargements and black and white document
printers for printing elimination forms and demographic data.
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Ease of Use
• FISH uses full screen graphics, touch screen buttons, a wizard approach
to navigating through screens and easy to read on-screen text that can
be customised to reflect local terminology and acronyms.
• FISH has independent accreditation that the scanning and transmission
process exceeds the UK Home Office guidelines. FISH has a unique
calibration system where all scanners and printers are matched for
optimal use over the whole Force network. FISH maintains an audit
trail of what it does by whom and when.
• FISH is constantly being developed to optimise scanning, reducing the
number of screen clicks, assisting with decision processes, replacing
manual tasks with automated algorithms and generally making the PC
work harder
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Success to date
• Over half of UK Forces have FISH software
• Five UK forces have FISH version 3, a networked
• The software is also used by:
– FBI Quantico, VA, USA
– Italian Ministry of Interior
• FISH has accreditation University of Westminster
• FISH conforms to FBI standards and practices
• FISH is widely accepted by the software users
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