Contact - Day of photonics

Examples 1: CSEM in Switzerland is very active in photonics and will participate in
the DAY OF PHOTONICS by having an open day for the 30 years celebration of
CSEM and will combine it with promotion for photonics.
Examples 2: The University of Aveiro in Portugal will organize an event involving
lasers, holography and other photonics applications. The day will act as a built-up
event for the International Year of Light Portuguese Program.
Examples 3: Amplitude Systèmes from France will organise an open doors day for
the families and a laser drawing contest for the kids.
Examples 4: Edmunds Optics and ROFIN will use their sales meeting to have an
internal discussion on how their technologies and products fit into photonics, and
potential new markets.
Examples 5: TEMATYS from France will organize a family day with all the
photonics related SMEs located in their building.
Examples 6: Cobolt from Sweden will have some middle-school students coming
for study-visit to their facility during the DAY OF PHOTONICS. This in combination
with a “family afternoon / evening” the same day.
Examples 7: INSERM in France will organize a specific meeting (open to surgeons,
physicians, and biophysicists) and present our activities and a specific device
developed for Fluorescence guided resection.
Examples 8: Together with Börsenkreis Berlin (Berlin stock exchange club) we will
give the following talks: "Invest in Photonics", "Photonic technologies for highspeed trading" and possible "Photonics in manufacturing industry".
Examples 9: ERRIN (European Regions Research and Innovation Network)
organizes a conference in Brussels aimed at regional stakeholders involved in
policy making, smart specialisation strategies, cluster policies, innovation
strategies as well as all levels of the photonics industry.
DAY OF PHOTONICS logo available in many languages
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COMPANY NAME is participating in DAY OF PHOTONICS. At this occassion we will
organize PLEASE SPECIFY: a company visit, staff drink, staff day, cocktail party,
familiy open day, information day, visit to a school, get together with business
suppliers – customers – partners. DESCRIBE THE ACTIVITY.
ENEA is the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic
On September 26th, 2014, the European Night of Researchers will take place, the big event
supported by the European Community which brings science and researchers among people.
In this framework, the ENEA Casaccia Research Center will open doors to the public, with 4
thematic tours around the laboratories, some educational seminars and other recreational
activities. One of the seminars will show some applications of PHOTONICS in everyday life.
26th September 2014, 18:30 – 24:00
Enea Casaccia Research Center
Via Anguillarese 301, 00123 Roma (Italy)
Contact: Francesca Menchini, Researcher, at
ROFIN is participating in DAY OF PHOTONICS. We will organize an Asian Sales
Meeting in Singapore in October. At this meeting we will discuss the trends of
laser technology and will throw light on innovative applications in different
industrial sectors.
CO2 lasers, solid-state lasers, fiber lasers, ultrashort pulse lasers or diode lasers,
the ROFIN Group provides the entire spectrum of industrial lasers for laser
cutting, laser welding, laser marking or laser surface treatment. Our product
portfolio includes the full power spectrum, from single-digit watts right up to
The purpose of the event is to promote Photonics and Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) towards the regions, MEPs
and EC representatives, and other sectorial associations. We expect 100 representatives mainly from regional
authorities in Europe, through concrete cases studies (for instance Wales, North Finland, Brittany ), through a facts
based presentation on KETs, we will inform on the potential and opportunity for the regions in Europe to consider
Photonics in their smart specialization strategy, and generally support Photonics related technologies and markets.
21 October 2014 from 10:00-13:00
Wales House, Rond-Point Schuman 11, Brussels, Belgium
* Scene setting
* Photonics 21 and KETs: Current and future policy update on photonics
* Regional case studies: Photonics and smart specialisation strategies
* Regional photonic profiles from ERRIN regions – potential collaborations
* Future funding opportunities for photonics with LightJumps
* Panel discussion and Q&A
* EPIC Phoenix Award presentation
* Year of Light 2015
* Networking Lunch
Richard Tuffs, Director, ERRIN
Tel: +32 2 503 25 30 -
La fotònica (i per tant els làsers) ha estat catalogada com a tecnologia
habilitadora per la Comissió Europea en reconeixement a l’ampli ventall
d’aplicacions a les que dóna cobertura i al potencial de millora que suposa.
A MONOCROM dissenyem i fabriquem components làser des del 1993 i
enguany, en commemoració del DIA DE LA FOTÒNICA obrirem les portes
de la nostra empresa per acostar a la ciutadania el món de la llum.
10:00 i 14:00
Durada de la visita: 30’
c/ Vilanoveta, 6
08800 Vilanova i la Geltrú
Carles Oriach
Cal reserva prèvia
Medzinárodné Laserové Centrum Vás pozýva na ‘Deň Fotoniky’, podujatie
ktorého cieľom je spojiť pracovníkov vo výskume, vzdelávaní, ako aj
industriálnych parnerov v snahe propagovať nové trendy vo fotonike,
laserových technológiách, biofotonike a Kľúčových technológiách (KET).
Súčasťou seminára bude diskusia perspektívy rozvoja fotoniky v
slovenskom prostredí a vytvorenie Slovenského fotonického klastra.
Čas: 21 Október 2014, 10h00-13h00
Miesto: B-klub FEI STU v Bratislave, Ilkovičova 3, Bratislava, Slovensko
Kontakt: prof. F. Uherek,
Lá na
As Photonics is a Key Enabling Technology, the University of Limerick (Dept of Physics and MSSI) is
participating in DAY OF PHOTONICS 2014. On this occasion, activities will be held over numerous countries
and encompass all kinds of demonstrations on the daily impact of photonics, and the role of companies,
research organisations and universities. As such, access to and demonstrations of the latest in cutting-edge
photonics technology will be made available to interested students who are wish to learn more about the
impact of photonics technologies, which include: LED lighting, Photovoltaic solar energy, Photonics Integrated
Circuits, Optical components, Lasers, Sensors, Imaging, Displays, Projectors, Optic fiber, and other photonic
related technologies which find applications in health, security, agriculture, food, communication,
When: Tuesday, 21st October @ 12 pm – coffee and refreshments from 11.45 am
Where: MSSI Seminar Room, followed by lab tour
RSVP: by end of day Friday 17th of October as spaces are limited
Dr. Susan Daly
Dept. of Physics & Energy and Materials and Surface Science Institute (MSSI)
University of Limerick, Ireland
Mis on fotoonika päev? Mis on fotoonika?
Fotoonika päeva tähistatakse Eestis 2014. aastal esmakordselt nii kohalikes ettevõtetes kui teadusasutustes ning
Eesti kõige suurem üritus toimub sel aastal uues Physicumi hoones Tartus. Fotoonika hõlmab laiemas tähenduses
kõiki tegevusalasid, kus footoneid ehk valgust kiiratakse, neelatakse või manipuleeritakse: alates LED ja lasertehnoloogiatest kuni CCD-detektorite, päikesepaneelide, sensorite ja optiliste kiududeni.
Miks seda tähistatakse?
Euroopa Liit on fotoonika välja toonud kui ühe võtmetähtsusega tulevikutehnoloogia, mis peaks lähitulevikus
majanduskasvu vedama ja elu-olu mõjutama pea sama palju kui praegu elektroonika. Selle tehnoloogia ja teadusharu tutvustamiseks korraldatakse Euroopa Fotoonikatööstuse Klastri (EPIC) eestvõttel üle kogu Euroopa ja
mitmel pool mujal maailmas 21. oktoobril fotoonika päeva (vt
21. oktoober on päeva tähistamiseks välja valitud, kuna sel päeval 1983. aastal defineeriti lõplikult valguse
kiiruseks 299792458 m/s, mis on nüüdseks koos sekundi definitsiooniga pikkusmõõtude absoluutseks etaloniks.
Kellele see üritus on suunatud?
Kuulama ja vaatama on oodatud kõik, kes on huvitatud fotoonikast, optikast või uue Physicumis avanevatest
koostöö võimalustest. Kindlasti pole huvilistel, professionaalidel ja tulevikutegijatele jäänud märkamata, et 2014.
aastal on nii füüsika kui keemia Nobeli preemiad olnud seotud otseselt fotoonikaga. Osalemiseks palume
registreerida end 20. oktoobriks veebilehel oleva lingi kaudu.
Toimumise koht:
Physicumi suured auditooriumid – Tartu Ülikooli Füüsika Instituut, Ravila 14c, Tartu.
Uus Physicum on omaette vaatamist väärt ning enamus sealsetest laboritest ja
töögruppidest on vähemal või rohkemal määral fotoonikaga seotud ning nende
seadmed, võimekused ja uurimissuunad väärivad ülevaatamist.
Toimumise aeg:
21. oktoober 2014, kell 12:30 – 17:00.
12:30 Tervitussõnad. TÜ teadusprorektor Marco Kirm.
12:40 Teadusteater valguse teemadel. Füüsik Koit Timpmann.
14:00 Fotoonika Füüsika Instituudis. Instituudi direktor professor Jaak Kikas.
14:30 Optika 21. sajandil. Akadeemik Peeter Saari.
15:15 Eesti ja Baltikumi fotoonikatööstus. Tööstusekspert Ott Rebane.
15:45 – 17:00 Ringkäik uues Physicumis. Eelkokkulepetega kohtumised laborite ja ettevõtete esindajate vahel.*
* Ettevõtete esindajad, kes sooviksid TÜ FI laboritega eraldi kohtumist, peaksid sellest eelnevalt
teada andma
The VTT sites in Espoo, Oulu and Kuopio, with the support of companies and universities will
participate in the organization of DAY OF PHOTONICS.
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland is a non-profit government organisation operating
under the auspices of the Finnish Ministry of Employment and Economy. In photonics, VTT's
technology offering covers the whole value-chain from devices to modules and systems. VTT
aims towards developing wafer-level, sheet-level and large-area packaging and integration
technologies by combining mature processes with novel fabrication methods. VTT's strength is
in system level integration. Applications include optical and electrical sensors, photonic and
electronic components and modules, large-area electronics and optical sensors and
instruments for process control.
Pentti Karioja
Research Professor Photonics Solutions
At the occasion of our European sales team meeting with representatives of UK,
France, Nordics and Germany, we will review and discuss Edmund Optics
contribution to each of the various fields of photonics.
Agnes Hübscher, Director Marketing Europe
‘Photonics Day’ is a regular annual event in the University’s calendar in
which the very latest photonics research at Southampton is reviewed
through a number of oral and poster presentations. This year, the event
is being re-launched to encompass the full breadth of photonics
research across the Zepler Institute and will include opportunities for
students and Zepler Institute collaborators to showcase their work.
Date: 19 September 2014
Location: University of Southampton, University Road
Southampton SO17 1BJ, United Kingdom
Contact: Tom Carr at