CE 515 Railroad Engineering Line-haul Operations Source: Armstrong Ch 13 “Transportation exists to conquer space and time -” Line-Haul Operations • “To safely and efficiently conduct its line-haul operations a railroad must coordinate many otherwise independent activities across a rail network.” – Armstrong Ch. 13, pg 221 • What does this mean? Line-Haul Operations • Communication • Operational practices • Safety • Coordination Line-Haul Operations • We’ve already done this, so what? Line-Haul Operations • We’ve already done this, so what? Let’s see just how everything fits together. Line-Haul Operations – We are going on a train trip, on our very own EastWest Railroad from chapter 2. – Train: High-priority General Merchandise train H-CHINYC [What does this code mean?] – Where? Chicago to New York East & West RAILROAD Co. ABS Chicago CTC New York Pick-up TWC Line-Haul Operations East & West RAILROAD Co. • Train schedule in database is activated to initiate operation • The following happens: – “Crew Call System” identifies the crew to be called for duty – Locomotives are prepared by Dispatcher & Service Track Foreman. – Yardmaster and mechanical crews ready cars ABS Chicago CTC New York Pick-up TWC Line-Haul Operations East & West RAILROAD Co. • When ready, locomotives are connected to the “head end of the train.” • Air brake system is charged and brake test performed. • When ready and given the highball by Yardmaster and Dispatcher, train departs. ABS Chicago CTC New York Pick-up TWC Line-Haul Operations East & West RAILROAD Co. • On the Steel Highway! • When encounter “yard limits” along the way. – Main track controlled by track warrant or dispatcher authority – Is considered priority in yard limits, but must be prepared to stop within one-half of line of sight unless signal indicates otherwise ABS Chicago CTC New York Pick-up TWC Line-Haul Operations East & West RAILROAD Co. • Most likely encountering CTC communications – Dispatcher has setup schedule so that the “Meets” and “Overtakes” are consistent with our priority level to other trains. – Can have priority change, if we are early, late, or cause early/late actions to other trains. [Even problems with the exceeding of Federal hours of service rules.] ABS Chicago CTC New York Pick-up TWC Line-Haul Operations East & West RAILROAD Co. • As we are a general merchandise, might have to set out or pickup blocks of traffic requiring; – Head end crew movement on ground alongside of train – Additional brake tests, one for each time the train is broken up or added to – May result in delays or needed help from yard mechanical crew. ABS Chicago CTC New York Pick-up TWC Line-Haul Operations East & West RAILROAD Co. • Enter upon ABS control, where; – Must get dispatcher permission to enter the “current of traffic” – Once in, signal indication is first level of communication – IF moving on single train against signals, are moving “against the current of traffic”, a track warrant will dictate the movements and extra care must be exercised ABS Chicago CTC New York Pick-up TWC Line-Haul Operations East & West RAILROAD Co. • If we happen to travel onto un-signalized territory, unlikely, but… • Must operate in blocks on DTC or TWC • Must obtain instructions and permission to travel within each and every block or “authority” • Use of forms to document instructions • Anything done in given “authority” must be documented and viewed carefully! ABS Chicago CTC New York Pick-up TWC Line-Haul Operations East & West RAILROAD Co. • Beware! We might encounter a train defect. – If we encounter an automatic detection on hot bearings, dragging equipment, truck-curving performance, or wheel defects we must; – Result, delays and possible loss of priority! ABS Chicago CTC New York Pick-up TWC Line-Haul Operations East & West RAILROAD Co. • Defects might be communicated from new system – AEI – Automated Equipment Identification, which reads computer chips that store information on cars, trailers, containers, locomotives, etc. – Railroad computers take any AEI notice, cross references to find out what train the offending item is on to report the defect to the crew. ABS Chicago CTC New York Pick-up TWC Line-Haul Operations East & West RAILROAD Co. • We arrived! – Upon arrival, enter into destination yards to receiving yards – Crew or local hostlers will disconnect locomotives for servicing ABS Chicago CTC New York Pick-up TWC Line-Haul Operations East & West RAILROAD Co. • Paperwork – Crew files reports including – If ending at home terminal, drive on home, – Otherwise lodging food and rest until next assignment back home. ABS Chicago CTC New York Pick-up TWC Line-Haul Operations East & West RAILROAD Co. • Review – Train operations to build the train – Communication systems to traverse the route – Train operations for en route changes – Actions for any defects or issues – End all operations with documentation Questions?