Walking through the ASEAN Community Statistical System

ASEAN Community
Statistical System
Regional Workshop on Strategic Statistical Planning
28 November 2012
• Evolution of AHSOM to ACSS Committee
• ACSS Committee
 Legal framework, organisation, functions, reporting
• Enabling Mechanisms of the ACSS
• Challenges facing ACSS
Evolution of the AHSOM into the
ACSS Committee
• 1997: Establishment of ASEAN Heads of Statistical
Offices Meeting (AHSOM)
AHSOM 1 (1997)- agreed to establish an ASEAN Primary
Database, endorsed the formulation of an ASEAN Plan
of Action in Statistics, recommended the establishment
of a statistics unit at the ASEAN Secretariat (2000).
AHSOM 2 (1999) – discussed the early drafts of the
ASEAN Framework of Cooperation in Statistics (AFCS),
ASEAN Statistical Indicators (ASI)
Evolution of the AHSOM into the
ACSS Committee
AHSOM 3 (2000) – adopted the AFCS and Plan of Action
in Statistics
AHSOM 4 (2002) – endorsed the ASI, agreed to set up
the Task Forces on the harmonization of statistical
classifications, harmonization of SITS, and poverty
AHSOM 5 (2004) – drafted the statistics section in the
Vientianne Action Programme.
Evolution of the AHSOM into the
ACSS Committee
AHSOM 6 (2005) – agreed to provide statistical support
to the ASEAN Baseline Report, endorsed the Task Force
on Statistical Classification, agreed to support the
publication of the ASEAN Statistical Yearbook, endorsed
project plan on the harmonization of trade in goods
and services indicators
Evolution of the AHSOM into the
ACSS Committee
AHSOM 7(2006)
– endorsed the ASEAN Commodity Industrial
Classification (ACIC)
- Endorsed workplans/creation of TFIMTS, TFSITS
- Agreed to institutionalize ASEAN Statistical Yearbook
- Agreed to report to ASEAN Leaders through the
ASEAN Senior Economic Officials & Ministers
Meeting (SEOM)
- Endorsed the ASEAN Community Progress
Monitoring System and ASI Expansion projects
Evolution of the AHSOM into the
ACSS Committee
AHSOM 8 (2007)
– endorsed the preparation of a regional strategic plan
on ASEAN statistics
- Recommended ACPMS to serve as the main
coordinating mechanism
- Agreed to expand ASI
Evolution of the AHSOM into the
ACSS Committee
AHSOM 9 (2008)
- Adopted the Broad Framework for the Development of
ASEAN statistics
- Endorsed the strategic planning process and creation of a
task force toward the regional strategic plan
- Preparation of a regional strategic plan on ASEAN
- Recommended ACPMS to serve as the main coordinating
- Created the Working Group on Data Sharing,
Dissemination and Analysis (WGDSA)
Evolution of the AHSOM into the
ACSS Committee
AHSOM 10 (2010 January)
- Agreed in principle the draft ACFS, including the
rationale, objectives, scope, broad areas of
cooperation and strategies.
- Recognized the need to strengthen the ASEANstats
- Recognized the need to strengthen the institutional
capacity of NSOs.
- Strongly advocated for concrete mandate to
integrate NSOs in the ASEAN process
Evolution of the AHSOM into the
ACSS Committee
AHSOM 11 (2010 December)
- Agreed to finalize the Broad Framework foe the
Sustainable Development of Statistics
- Endorsed the AWP3, the EASCAB Programme on the
harmonization of IMTS , SITS, FDIS
- Endorsed the Data Transmission Protocol
Evolution of the AHSOM into the
ACSS Committee
● 2007: ASEAN Charter was adopted – gave rise to
new demands on national and regional statistics
● 2010: the AFCS 2010-2015 was adopted by the
AHSOM and acknowledged by the ASEAN Leaders at
the 17th ASEAN Summit in October 2010.
● 2011: First Session of the ACSS Committee was held
on 2-3 November 2011; and the ACSS Committee
were launched on 4 November 2011
ACSS Committee
Legal Frameworks
● AFCS 2010-2015
● Defines the Statistical System of ASEAN
● Called for the establishment of an ASEAN Community
Statistical System (ACSS) by 2015
● Called for the establishment of an ACSS Committee in 2011
● AEM endorsement of the ACSS Committee ToRs
● August 2011
ACSS Committee
Stronger Mandate:
● the highest regional policy-making and
coordinating body on statistical matters in
the ASEAN region
ACSS Committee
Shall be consulted on:
 Strategic Plan for the development of ASEAN
 Annual Work Plan on ASEAN statistics
 Statistical policies on confidentiality
 Measures related to the 3 pillars of the ASEAN
Community and ASEAN Secretariat
 Issues arising from the establishment or
implementation of statistical programmes
ACSS Committee
The Functions
 Formulate statistical policies
 Promote improvement of statistical infrastructure and
facilitate institutional capacity building
 Ensure supply of timely and comparable ASEAN statistics
 Promote and maintain an efficient statistical system
 Monitor and evaluate progress of the implementation of
statistical policies, plans and programmes
 Establish and enhance institutional linkages with other
international statistical bodies
ACSS Committee
 Consists of Chief Statisticians or Heads of National
Statistical Offices of all AMSs and Head of
ASEANstats of the ASEC
 A ‘Bureau’ within the ACSS Sub-Committee
 Chaired on a rotating basis (alphabetical order), with
ACSS Committee Chairmanship to follow that of
ASEAN Chairmanship.
 Meet once a year
ACSS Committee
Reporting structure
Stronger Mandate
● National focal point
● Coordinator of statistical development and
● Coordinator of statistical provision to the ASEC
Stronger Mandate
● Member of the ACSS Committee
● Regional focal point
● Link between ACSS Committee, ASEAN bodies
and international statistical organisations
● Technical arm of the ACSS Committee
● Secretarial function
Enabling Mechanisms Under
the ACSS
● Strategic Plan 2011-2015
● Multi-Year Action Plan (MYP) and AWP
● Rules of Procedure
● Sub-Committee, TFs and WGs
● ACSS Code of Practice
● Being developed:
Monitoring tools for Statistical Cooperation and
User-Produce Forum
Major Challenges
Varying levels of statistical developments
Resource constraints at ASEANstats and most AMSs
Statistical capacity at the ASEANstats and most AMSs
Rapid developments of statistical concept,
methodology and standard at international level
● Coordination among data producing agencies at
national level
● Coordination at the regional and ASEC levels
● Political support and commitment for greater
investment in statistics
Website: www.asean.org/aseanstats