Algae in Europe René Wijffels Contents Strengths and weaknesses in Europe European projects Industry Projects in the Netherlands Breakthroughs Strengths and weaknesses in Europe Strengths ● Photobioreactors ● Industrialization of operation ● Biorefinery Need to strengthen in ● Synthetic biology ● Legislation ● Algal based products Collaboration between member states ● FP7 and Horizon 2020 ● EABA Major initiatives in Europe EU gives opportunities for collaboration ● Between countries ● Industry driven (25% budget for sme) R&D projects ● FUEL4ME ● DEMA ● SPLASH ● MIRACLES ● GIAVAP Demonstration projects ● InteSuSal ● BIOFAT ● All-gas 2010 2015 2020 Demonstration Commodities Economic and Market Analysis LCA Chain development Commodities Commercialization Specialities Economic and Market Analysis Demonstration Product development Chain development Food/Feed specialities Economic and Market Analysis AlgaePARC Biorefinery AlgaePARC Pilot facilities Economic Analysis Maturity Netherlands: roadmap industrial production 2025 AlgaePARC Innovation Center Product costs Scale Production chain analysis Market development Umbrella Wageningen UR Algae Program Industrial partners Arke, Avantium, BAM, BASF, BAS, Biogas Fuel Cell, BioOils, Biotopic, Bodec, Caglar Dogal Urunler, Cellulac, Cropeye, Desah, Drie Wilgen, DSM, Dyadic, Eco Treasures, Evodos, EWOS, ExxonMobil, Feyecon, Fitoplancton Marino, Fotosintetica & Microbiologica, GEA-Westfalia, Heliae, IDConsortium, Imenz, Infors, Lankhorst, LifeGlimmer, MFKK, NATAC, Neste Oil, Holcim, Nijhuis, Omega Algae, ONVIDA, OTEC, OWS, Paques, POS Bioscience, PNO, Prominent, Proviron, Rhodia, Rodenburg Biopolymers, Roquette, Sabic, Simris Alg, SPAROS, Suriname Staatsolie, Synthetic Genomics, Total, Umwelt-Technie, Unilever, VFT Academic partners Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Cambridge University, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, Cranfield University, CSIC, ECN, Ege University, Frauenhofer, INRA, Joanneum Research, Qingdao Institute of BioEnergy and Bioprocess Technology, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen,Technical University Delft, Thomas Moore Kempen, Uni Research, Universität Bielefeld, Universidad de Antofagasta, University of Bergen, University of Huelva, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, University of Utrecht, VITO, VU Amsterdam, Westfälische WilhelmsUniversität Münster Industry (production) Algal production (>100 companies) ● A4F (Portugal) ● Proviron (Belgium) ● LGem (Netherlands) ● Microphyt (France) ● Algenics (France) ● Roquette (Germany) ● Fitoplancton Marino (Spain) ● Novagreen (Germany) ● Fotosintetica & Microbiologica (Italy) Industry (technology providers) Commercial in algae field ● GEA Westfalia (Germany) ● Evodos (Netherlands) ● Feyecon (Netherlands) ● Will A. Bachhofen (Switzerland) ● Cellulac (Ireland) ● Fotosintetica & Microbilogica (Italy) Pipeline ● Dyadic (Netherlands) ● Proviron (Belgium) Industry (end users) Commercial Roquette In projects BASF DSM TOTAL Unilever Neste Oil Roquette EWOS Avantium Breakthroughs: market opportunities Product Biofuel Biochemical Biokerosene 500 Biochar 150 Biopolymer 2,500 Biolubricant 2,000 Biopolymer additivies 3,000 Coating 5,000 Paint Food/Feed 1,000 Protein 1,000 Lipids 950 Carbohydrates 750 Functional Protein Pigments Cosmetics 10,000 Bulk Chemical Poly-unsaturated fatty acids Food aditives Selling price € /ton Antioxidants Glycolipids, Phospholipids 75,000 3,000 1,100,000 30,000 6,000 Chemical ~2300€/Ton biomass Lipids 35%w Microalgae Energy Labour Satured FA 7%w Biolubricant 2000 €/Ton Unsatured FA 18%w Biopolymer 2500 €/Ton Glycerol 3%w Bulk chemical 100 €/Ton Antioxidants 2.5%w Biopolymer additives 3000 €/Ton Waxes 3.7%w Coatings 5,000 €/Ton Proteins 32%w Bulk chemical 1000 €/Ton Pigments 6%w Paint additives 10,000 €/Ton Carbohydrates 19%w Biopolymer 2500 €/Ton Ash/minerals 8%w Product distribution Market combinations vs costs €/kg biomass 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Costs for production and biorefinery Breakthroughs: scale and food grade Food/feed/specialties Commercial production Food grade Chemicals/biofuels Further reduction in costs Biorefinery @ReneWijffels