Why Are Bowling Green’s Electric Rates Increasing? David Schlissel Thursday April 24, 2014 AMP’s April 14 Presentation Showed that Bowling Green’s Power Costs Are Going Up Dollars per Megawa Hour (MWh) $120 $100 $96.28 $97.41 2015 2016 $94.64 $96.52 2017 2018 $78.93 $80 $72.90 $66.87 $61.35 $63.97 $60 $40 $20 $0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 • 50.5% increase from 2012-2015, 32% from 2013-2015. • Does not include $1.2 million that AMP will have borrowed from a line of credit by April 30, 2014 to levelize (i.e., lower) Bowling Green’s electric rates. These funds will have to be paid back with interest. ©2014 Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 2 Why? Quick Answer - Long-Term Contracts Bowling Green signed with AMP to buy expensive power from the Prairie State Coal Plant and AMP’s New Hydro Projects. For example, the consultant to AMP and the City of Bowling Green has recently projected that in 2016: • Prairie State and the new AMP hydro projects will provide 73% of Bowling Green’s power at very high costs. • The cost of power from Prairie State will average $73.19 per megawatt hour (MWh). • The cost of power from AMP’s new hydro projects will average $129.77 per MWh. ©2014 Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 3 Background on Prairie State Energy Campus (PSEC) • 1600 megawatt (MW) coal-fired power plant and mine in Southern Illinois. Bowling Green’s contract is for 35 MW. • Peabody Energy Corporation was developer. • 2001 Peabody began aggressive campaign to induce municipal power agencies (like AMP) to buy into the project. • Peabody sold 95% of the project to 6 power agencies and 2 cooperatives. These sell power to 234 communities and co-ops in 9 states. • Peabody has a very minimal risk. • Only has to keep its 5% share of Prairie State for 5 years unless other owners allow it to sell before then. • Guaranteed buyer for its coal. ©2014 Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 4 Prairie State Power is Very Expensive • The cost of the power from Prairie State has increased dramatically from what the communities, including Bowling Green, were told in 2007. • The power from Prairie State is much more expensive than buying capacity and energy from the competitive wholesale PJM energy and capacity markets. • The plant has operated significantly worse than AMP told the communities it would back in 2007. ©2014 Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 5 The Actual Cost of Power in 2012 & 2013 Was Much Higher than AMP Projected in 2007 $90 $81.49 $80 $67.77 Per Megawa Hour (MWh) $70 $60 $50 $48.06 $47.15 $40 $30 $20 $10 $0 2012 Average Cost Forecast in 2007 • 2013 Actual Cost Cost of power from Prairie State remains high in 2014 - $81.88 per MWh in January and $83.75 per MWh in February. This is much higher than the $48 per MWh price projected for 2014 by AMP in 2007. ©2014 Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 6 $180 $166.78 $160 $140 $116.50 $120 $104.59 $104.04 $100 $80 $94.11 $79.43 $75.36 $74.94 $73.13 $65.47 $83.75 $71.21 $65.35 $60 $40 $81.88 $80.45 $63.46 $56.85 $45.57 $33.43 $34.24 $38.68 $37.99 $36.99 $47.72 $35.33 $32.96 $33.82 $35.76 $20 $0 Ja n13 Fe b13 M ar -1 3 Ap r-1 3 M ay -1 3 Ju n13 Ju l-1 3 Au g13 Se p13 Oc t-1 3 No v13 De c13 Ja n14 Fe b14 Average Cost per Megawa Hour During the Month The Cost of Power is Much Higher than the Cost of Buying Power from Competitive PJM Markets Monthly Rate Paid by Bowling Green Before Rate Leveliza on Average Cost of Market Power During the Month $48 per Megawa Hour Average Cost of Power in 2013 Promised by AMP in 2007 ©2014 Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 7 What Is Levelization of Prairie State’s Power Costs? AMP expects to use approximately $1.2 million from a line of credit to levelize or stabilize (i.e., lower) Bowling Green’s Prairie State power rates through the end of April 2014. Bowling Green’s ratepayers and businesses will have to pay these funds back with interest. ©2014 Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 8 Forecast Cost of Power Rose Substantially After AMP Communities Committed to Prairie State in Late 2007 Dollars per Megawa Hour $90 $80 $70 $60 $50 $40 $30 $20 $10 $0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 202 202 202 202 202 202 Actual 2012 and 2013 August 2007 AMP Project Feasibility Study 2009 R.W. Beck Consul ng Engineer's Report 2010 R.W. Beck Consul ng Engineer's Report Sawvel/AMP Es mate for 2014-2021 ©2014 Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 9 Why Have the Costs of Power from Prairie State Increased So Much Since 2007? • Prairie State’s construction cost increased by approximately $1 billion. • The plant’s operating performance has been much poorer than AMP had told communities it would be. ©2014 Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 10 The Cost of Building Prairie State Has Been Much Higher than AMP Said in 2007 ©2014 Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 11 Prairie State’s Operating Performance Has Been Worse Than AMP Projected 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 58% 59% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 201 202 202 202 202 202 202 Actual Capacity Factors in 2012 and 2013 Projected Capacity Factors in 2009 R.W. Beck Consul ng Engineer's Report Projected Capacity Factors in 2010 R.W. Beck Consul ng Engineer's Report Capacity Factors Projected by Sawvel Associates in January 2014 Projected Capacity Factors in 2007 AMP Project Feasibility Study ©2014 Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 12 Why Has Prairie State’s Operating Performance Been So Poor? • Technical problems experienced during initial “shakedown” period. • Decision to purchase boilers that were originally designed to burn coal from the Powder River Basin. • Many problems caused by the poor quality of the coal. ©2014 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 13 Costs of the Power from Prairie State Likely to Remain Very High in Coming Years • Consultant for AMP and the City of Bowling Green recently forecast continued high costs for Prairie State power even if operating performance improves significantly. • Cost per MWh will be even higher if plant’s operating performance does not improve as much as AMP claims it will. • Natural gas prices are expected to remain low, leading to continued low energy market prices. • This means cost of power from Prairie State will continue to be much more expensive than buying from competitive PJM markets. ©2014 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 14 Even with Periodic Spikes, Natural Gas Prices Expected to Stay Low in Coming Years $6 Per Million BTU (MMBTU) $5 $4 $3 $2 $1 $0 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 ©2014 Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 2021 15 Low Natural Gas Prices Can Be Expected to Lead to Low PJM Energy Market Prices ©2014 Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 16 Prairie State Power Will Continue to Be Very Expensive – Even If Plant Operates as AMP Claims it Will Prairie State power will be even more expensive if the plant continues to operate worse than AMP predicts. ©2014 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 17 What This Means • Bowling Green’s ratepayers and businesses could pay between $48 million and $54 million between 2014 and 2021 more for power from Prairie State than they would pay for power from the competitive PJM wholesale markets or through AMP’s Northern Pool. • This would be $48 million to $54 million that will not be available for other personal, business or city uses. ©2014 Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 18 Other Prairie State-Related Economic Risks • How much coal is in the mine? • Adoption of a federal plan to place a cost on CO2 emissions and/or regs. increasing coal ash costs. • Prairie State could emit as much as 12 million tons of CO2 per year. Even with modest $10 dollar per ton CO2 cost, these emissions would increase the cost of power from Prairie State by $120 million per year. • Bowling Green’s share of these CO2 costs would be approximately $2.6 million per year. • Over 40 years, Prairie State could emit approx. 500 million tons of CO2. • It is unreasonable to expect that no price on CO2 emissions will be adopted at any time within the next 40 years. ©2014 Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 19 Alternatives to Prairie State Power • Bowling Green should prepare an Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) to determine the appropriate portfolio of supply-side and demand-side resources. • Goal -- do as much energy efficiency and renewables as are technically and economically feasible and as little natural gas as is necessary. • Issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for power from a natural gas combined cycle plant – evaluate prices offered by suppliers. • Do more aggressive energy efficiency. EE is cheap – approx. $30 per MWh. • Solar and wind prices are declining. • Short-term -- buy from PJM markets or from AMP Northern Pool. ©2014 Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 20 Was Bowling Green Misled?(1) • AMP communities like Bowling Green were only given a short time in 2007 to decide on whether to enter long-term contracts for power from Prairie State, a second coal plant (AMPGS in Meigs County) and AMP’s proposed hydro projects. • The consultant for the town also has been a consultant for AMP – Sawvel Associates. Possibly R.W. Beck as well. • Peabody said in early 2007 that a “hot” labor and equipment market had led to increases in the prices of building new coal plants. ©2014 Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 21 Was Bowling Green Misled?(2) • To minimize this effect, Peabody said PSGC (Prairie State Generating Company) was negotiating with Bechtel for a “Turnkey EPC Contract” with a capped price. • But PSGC was unable to get such a capped price contract – instead it signed a target price contract which gave Bechtel incentives but there was no fixed price for Prairie State. ©2014 Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 22 Was Bowling Green Misled?(3) • AMP nevertheless reassured the communities considering Prairie State that the target price contract would minimize the potential for schedule delays and budget overruns. AMP also said that the total estimated construction cost for Prairie State would increase by only as much as 6 percent. • This was based on the “experience related to the construction and construction costs for coal plants similar to Prairie State.” • By the time that a fixed price contract was finally signed in 2010, the estimated cost of building Prairie State had increased by approximately 25 percent to $4.9 billion. ©2014 Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 23 Was Bowling Green Misled?(4) • Peabody and AMP knew or should have known in 2007 that there was a significant risk, if not a certainty, that the cost of building Prairie State would increase by more than 6 percent. • The industry was using terms like “soaring,” “skyrocketing” and “staggering” to describe the cost increases being experienced by coal plant construction projects. • The estimated costs of coal plant construction projects were routinely being increased by well over 6 percent over a period of months, not years. ©2014 Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 24 AMPGS Cost Increases 2005-2008 $4.0 Billions of Dollars $3.5 $3.0 $2.5 $2.0 $1.5 $1.0 $0.5 $0.0 October 05 May 06 June 07 January 08 ©2014 Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis Future 25 Duke Cliffside Coal Plant Construction Cost Increases $3.5 $3.0 Billions of Dollars $2.5 North Carolina U li es Commission approved only 1 unit of the Cliffside Project $2.0 Unit 2 $1.5 Unit 1 $1.0 $0.5 $0.0 Summer 2006 Fall 2006 Winter 2007 Spring 2007 By Spring 2007 building 1 new coal plant at Cliffside was estimated to cost almost as much as the estimated cost of building both new units has been just a year earlier. ©2014 Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 26 AMP’S NEW HYDRO PROJECTS ©2014 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 27 Projected Construction Cost $12,000 $9,625 Dollars per Kilowa (KW) $10,000 $8,000 $6,000 $4,360 $4,000 $2,000 $0 Fall 2007 Moody's Ra ng Dated May 20, 2013 ©2014 Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 28 Projected Cost of Power ©2014 The Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 29 What are Bowling Green’s Options – Prairie State 1. Acknowledge that AMP and perhaps Peabody provided bad and possibly misleading advice concerning the Prairie State coal plant. 2. Investigate whether AMP or Peabody misled Bowling Green into entering into long-term contracts for power from Prairie State. 3. Acknowledge that the City’s consultant(s) on Prairie State had a potential conflict of interest and also provided bad and perhaps misleading advice. 4. Retain other, more independent, consultants to assist the City in resource planning. 5. Investigate options for withdrawing from the contract to buy power from Prairie State. 6. Talk to other AMP communities that also entered into long-term contracts to buy power from Prairie State. ©2014 Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 30 What are Bowling Green’s Options – AMP Hydro Projects 1. Retain truly independent consultants to assist the City in evaluating its options and in future resource planning. 2. Investigate whether AMP misled Bowling Green into entering into long-term contracts for power from the AMP hydro projects. 3. Investigate options for withdrawing from the long-term contract to purchase power from AMP’s new hydro projects. 4. Investigate options for recovering from AMP for imprudence related to the design and construction of the new AMP hydro projects 5. Talk to other AMP communities. ©2014 Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 31 Bowling Green’s Alternative Options for both Prairie State and AMP’s Hydro Projects 1. The City could do nothing beyond entering into levelization and stablization plans that will merely defer some of the expensive power costs from these projects to future years where some of these deferrals will have to be repaid with interest. 2. This would make the City’s residential ratepayers and businesses suffer the burden of paying tens of millions, if not over a hundred million dollars, in unnecessarily high power costs during the coming decades. ©2014 Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 32 FOR MORE INFORMATION OR A COPY OF THIS SLIDE PRESENTATION: David Schlissel 617-489-4840 david@schlissel-technical.com and www.ieefa.org ©2014 Institute for Energy Economics & Financial Analysis 33