Chapter 10 Canada Section 2 The Prairie Provinces: Canada’s Breadbasket Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta … …make up the Prairie Provinces. The Prairie Provinces are located on the world’s largest prairie. Cree Blackfoot Assiniboine Native Americans have lived on the prairie lands for centuries Chipewyan Sioux Saulteaux Indigenous People depended on buffalo to survive. Buffalo meat provided their food. Buffalo hides were used for clothing. Europeans killed buffalo herds, which lead to the end of the indigenous peoples’ way of life. Canada’s Government took over the indigenous peoples’ land, and placed them on reserves. Many European immigrants, who arrived in Canada, became wheat farmers. Three-fourths of Canada’s farmland is found in the Prairie Provinces, with wheat being its major crop. Cities in the Prairie Provinces celebrate their cultural heritage with festivals and other special events. The Calgary Stampede celebrates Calgary’s ranching background. Festival du Voyageur is held in the capital of Manitoba, Winnipeg, honoring the French Canadian fur-trading heritage. The city of Edmonton, Alberta has a 10 day festival which celebrates its gold rush heritage. Activities include raft races and sourdough pancake breakfast. The Weyburn Wheat Festival, held in Saskatchewan, is a tribute to Wheat, the area’s most important crop Reviewing Key Terms descent immunity Descent refers to a person’s ancestry. A natural resistance to disease is known as immunity.