SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT The calm before the storm March 17th – 23rd, 2014 Monday: March 17th 8:00am– + Helen + Carmelo +Charlie De Bono 7:00pm – + Wilfredo Laxa Tuesday: March 18th 8:00am- + Giovanni Rotundo + Anto nietta Pallota 7:00pm – Padre Pio Wednesday: March19th 8:00am – + Giuseppe Antonio Bava 7:00 pm – +Camposano Family Thursday: March 20th 8:00am – +Luis Miguel +Maria Pinto 7:00pmFriday: March 21th 8:00am – +Romeo Bascos Sr. +Peter Arcalas Sr. 6:30pm- Via Crusis 7:30pm- Station of the Cross Saturday: March 22th 8:30am -+Luigi +Joe Venditti 5:00pm –+Victor +Elizabeth Gunaratne +Lalani Perera Sunday: March 23th 9:00am - +John Fernandes 10:30am– +Rocco Devuono +Luigina +Famiglia Di Devouno 12:00pm – +Zuzana Jakubianska Jesus went to the mountain knowing full well what awaited him in Jerusalem – his betrayal, rejection and crucifixion. Jesus very likely discussed this momentous decision to go to the cross with Moses and Elijah. God the Father also spoke with Jesus and gave his approval: This is my beloved Son; listen to him. CARMEL HEIGHTS SENIORS’ RESIDENCE: Catholic seniors’ retirement home, independent lifestyle with light care assistance, daily Mass, furnished rooms, beautiful grounds and much more for comfortable and enjoyable living. Room vacancies available. Contact us at 905-822-5298. FREE ESTATE PLANNING SEMINAR On Saturday March 29th, 2014, Catholic Cemeteries and The Archdiocesan Development Office will be hosting an Estate Planning Seminar at Assumption Catholic Cemetery, Reception Centre. The program will last about one hour and will be followed by refreshments and time for questions.. For information, please call at 416-7338544 etx.2023. EASTER FLOWERS The Parish Office is now accepting donations for Easter flowers. If you wish to have a loved-one remembered, please include his or her name with your donation. Easter Flowers envelopes are found at the Church entrances. You can drop it in the Sunday collection basket or at the Parish Office. The lists of those remembered will be published during Easter season, so please have your donations and names turned in by April 13th. Thank you for your generosity. Society of St. Vincent de Paul BUNDLE UP! We are collecting Clothing at OLA Church on March 22 & 23 2014. A truck will pick up all the clothing on the said dates only. Please note: NO baby furniture. We will only accept clothing on the dates given. Please DO NOT drop any more clothing in the church or near the garage at any time. Thank you for your support! Please pray for those who are sick members of our parish and those who love and minister to them: WEEKLY OFFERINGS Sunday Collection $ 6,214.00 Building Maintenance $ 1.080.00 Thank you so much for your support! Pilgrimage- Holy Land and Italy: September 7th— 21st, 2014. Many thanks to all those who have an interest to join the Pilgrimage: In the Holy Land, to visit the most significant places where Jesus lived his life on earth. In Italy, to visit Rome’s famous historical places and participate in a General Audience with Pope Francis. Assisi the city of the St Francis, the patron saint of Italy, Loreto, the beautiful Marian Shrine with the Holy House of Nazareth. San Giovanni Rotondo and the magnificent Church of San Padre Pio. SPACES ARE GRADUALLY FILLING. We invite those who are really interested in this wonderful pilgrimage to reserve their seats as soon as possible, by contacting: Henry at Gideon Travel Agency: 905-949-5533 Fr. Jimmy: 905-677- 4615, or Silvana Morra: 416-579-4798. March 16th, 2014 ARCHDIOCESAN DAY OF CONFESSION Wednesday, April 9th, 2014 All the churches through out the Archdiocese of Toronto open the doors for the whole day to hear confession -to encounter the Mercy of God. Please mark this day in your calendar. TIME OF CONFESSIONS 9:00am 9:00am— —11:30am 11:30am— —Holy Cross Sch. students and Parishioners 6:00pm 6:00pm— —9:00pm 9:00pm— —Parishioners ( English/Italian) STATIONS OF THE CROSS JOIN US Every Friday at 6:30pm—Italian 7:30pm—English What do you do for Lent? Few Suggestions: Daily Prayers, Holy Rosary, reading the Scriptures, Daily Masses, Charitable acts, Sacrament of Confession. Visiting the Blessed Sacraments and charitable acts. PRAYER–FASTING ALMS GIVING II DOMENICA DI QUARESIMA: Nelled Scritture, la montagna è sempre il luogo della rivelazione. Sono gli uomini come Mosè (Es 19) e Elia (1Re 19) che Dio incontra. Si racconta anche che il volto di Mosè venne trasfigurato da quell’incontro: “Quando Mosè scese dal monte Sinai - le due tavole della Testimonianza si trovavano nelle mani di Mosè mentre egli scendeva dal monte - non sapeva che la pelle del suo viso era diventata raggiante, poiché aveva conversato con il Signore” (Es 34,29). La magnificenza della rivelazione divina si comunica anche a coloro che la ricevono e diventano i mediatori della parola di Dio. Gesù si mette a brillare come il sole sotto gli occhi di tre discepoli: questo lo individua come colui che è l’ultimo a rivelare Dio, come colui che oltrepassa tutti i suoi predecessori. Ciò è sottolineato ancor più dal fatto che Mosè ed Elia appaio e si intrattengono con lui. Essi rappresentano la legge e i profeti, cioè la rivelazione divina prima di Gesù. Gesù è l’ultima manifestazione di Dio. È quello che dimostra la nube luminosa - luogo della presenza divina (come in Es 19) - da dove una voce designa Gesù come il servitore regale di Dio (combinazione del salmo 2, 7 e di Isaia 42, 1). A ciò si aggiunge, in riferimento a Deuteronomio 18, 15, l’esortazione ad ascoltare Gesù, ad ascoltare soprattutto il suo insegnamento morale. Pellegrinaggio Terra Santa e Italia: 7 Settembre - 21 Settembre 2014. Grazie mille a tutte le persone che hanno espresso il desiderio di unirsi a noi per fare il pellegrinaggio, alla Terra Santa, per visitare i posti piú significativi, dove Gesú ha trascorso la sua vita terrena. In Italia, per visitare i posti storici piú famosi di Roma e partecipare all’Udienza Generale con Papa Francesco, Assisi, cittá del Santo Patrono D’Italia San Francesco. Loreto, la bellissima e famosa chiesa che contiene la santa casa di Nazareth, San Giovanni Rotondo, la bellissima chiesa e la tomba di San Padre Pio. I POSTI SI STANNO QUASI ESAURENDO. Invitiamo coloro che sono veramente interessati di penotarsi al piú presto mettendosi in contatto con: Henry, Gideon Travel Agency: 905-9495533. Padre Jimmy: 905-677- 4615, Silvana Morra: 416-579-4798. Gruppo di Preghiera SHARELIFE LET’S BE READY La Messa in onore di San Padre Pio sará celebratea, Martedi, 18 Marzo, alle ore 7:00pm. La recita del Santo Rosario incomincerá alle ore 6:30 Venite tutti. Non Mancate, e portate altre persone. Let’s be ready and be generous on Sharelife Sunday March 30th. Sharelife donations could be divided into three parts: March 30th, May 4th, and June 1st. Parish Campaign Achievement 2011—$68,762 2012—$62,350 2013—$56,254 2014– Our parish goal -$60,000 Help Wanted Liturgical Publications, the company that prints your parish bulletin is hiring. We have a 2 day a week position open for a delivery driver and shipper. A car will be provided, you must have a clean driving record. Fax resume to 905-6242394 or email