121 SUNDAY SHARELIFE 2011: TODAY LENTEN MISSION From April 11 to 14, 2011 with introduction at every weekend Mass. 7:00pm Rosary, followed by Mass and Sermon. Preacher: Fr. Shane Varghese, Redemptorist. Please inform other people; be ready to make a good confession with Fr. Shane and pray that this Lenten Mission will bring many spiritual fruits in our parish. Every Mission is always a grace from God. “We can work wonders.” Many thanks to all those who have donated to ShareLife. If you were not ready for your donation, think to give it in May or June when there will be a second collection for ShareLife. Jesus said: “I was hungry, thirsty…” “Give me a drink”; “Give some food…” “In the poor it is the hungry Christ we are feeding”. (Mother Teresa) “I have somewhere met with the epitaph on a charitable man which has pleased me very much. I cannot recollect the words, but here is the sense of it: ‘What I spent I lost; what I possessed is left to others; what I gave away remains with me’”. (Joseph Addison) This is the “picture” of our parish ShareLife 2010: Total letters mailed 2,969 Total donors: 655 Average donation: $ 99.89 Participation: 22.06% Have donated less than $10.00 From $10 to $50 From $50 to $100 From $100 to $250 From $250 to $500 From $500 to $1,000 Greater or Equal to $1,000 40 312 141 108 28 18 8 Top donations $1000 and greater $1,000.00 (3) - $1,050.00 (1) - $1,100.00 (1) $1,600.00 (1) - $1,650.00 (1) - $5,000.00 – (1) SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION These are the steps we should follow for a good Confession. -Examination of Conscience (take time; go over the Commandments, the precepts of the Church, the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, etc…) -Contrition (repentance, sorrow for the sins) -Resolution (determination not to sin) -Confession (telling of one’s sins) -Satisfaction (acts of penance to make up, to repay the damage caused by sin) Remember what the prophet Isaiah says: “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be like snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.” During Lent and especially during the Mission make a good confession so that Easter would be even more joyful and blessed. We all need to be reconciled with God; don’t think and don’t say, like many say and think today, that we have no sins. We are sinners. This is the reason Jesus died on the Cross for us. READINGS FOURTH WEEK OF LENT Mon. Is. 65.17-21 = Ps 30 = John 4.43-54 Tues. Ezekiel 47.1-9, 12 = Ps 46 = John 5.1-16 Wed. Is. 49.8-15 = Ps 145= John 5.16-30 Thurs. Exodus 32.7-14 = Ps 106 = John 5.18, 31-47 Fri. Wisdom 2.1-12-22 = Ps 34 = John 7.1-2, 10, 25-30 Sat. Jeremiah 11.18-20 = Ps 7 = John 7.40-53 SUNDAY: Ezekiel 37.12-14 = Ps 130 = Romans 8,8-11 John 11,1-45 121 DATE TAKE NOTE! Because of the Mission in Italian the evening Masses this week will be in Italian. Next week, during the Mission in English, the evening Masses will be in English. EIGHT-WEEK BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT Sponsored by the Newediuk Funeral Home every Thursday April 7 – 14 – 21 – 28 and May 5 – 12 – 19 – 26 From 7:00pm to 9:00pm This 2011 Spring Group is held in the “Well-Come” Room at Martin Grove United Church, 75 Pergola Road (SW corner of Martin Grove Road and Mercury Road). For information or to register call: 416-745-7555. HELP, PLEASE, OUR ST. VINCENT DE’ PAUL This great organization needs our help. When you can, drop a looney or a tooney in the poor boxes on Sundays: it’s a great help! FOR LENT, A LIST OF ‘GIVE-UPS’ What should you give up for Lent? Well, if you’re 10 years old or under, candy might be just the right thing. However, if you’re 11 years old or older, you might want to reflect more deeply. It seems to me to be a question of concentrating on what you really want to do with your life. Who are you becoming? Here are a few suggestions, if you’d like to be a better human being: -Give up complaining; focus on gratitude. -Give up pessimism; become an optimist. -Give up harsh judgments; think kindly thoughts. -Give up worry; trust Divine Providence. -Give up discouragement; be full of hope. -Give up bitterness; turn to forgiveness. -Give up hatred; return good for evil. -Give up negativism; be positive. -Give up anger; be more patient. -Give up pettiness; become mature. -Give up gloom; enjoy the beauty around you. -Give up jealousy; pray for trust. -Give up gossiping; control your tongue. -Give up sin; turn to virtue. St. Paul encouraged us to “fill our minds with everything that is true, good and pure...” because he knew that holiness is possible. It is the one truth you must never abandon. No matter how unworthy or sinful your life may be, Jesus died to save you. He will lead you to repentance and holiness, if you ask. Holiness is possible. Go for it. MISSIONE QUARESIMALE Dal 4 al 7 aprile con introduzione la domenica 3 aprile alla messa delle 10:30am. Orario: 7:00pm Rosario, seguito dalla Messa e Predica. Predicatore: P. GABRIELE CINGOLANI , C.P. Temi: La situazione in cui viviamo – La fede che professiamo – Il Salvatore in cui crediamo – La testimonianza da offrire al mondo. Eucaristia. Ci sara’ sufficiente tempo per le confessioni e approfittiamone. Ogni Missione e’ tempo di grazia. Ringraziamo il Signore perche’ la Missione porti molti frutti spirituali nella parrocchia e nelle famiglie. Siamo fortunati di avere con noi P. Gabriele molto conosciuto come predicatore, scrittore e giornalista. Cerchiamo di venire ogni sera e che questi giorni servano a tutti come una specie di “ritiro” , dando piu’ spazio alle cose dell’anima e della nostra vita spirituale. Che siano giorni di piu’ raccoglimento, anche se dobbiamo accudire a tutte di piu’; facciamo piu’ silenzio per “ascoltare” la voce di Dio. Invitiamo altri a venire, specialmente i lontani dai sacramenti e che il Signore benedica questa nostra Missione Quaresimale. TEMPO DI QUARESIMA Cosa stiamo facendo in questo tempo santo? Arricchiamo la nostra vita spirituale con la S. Messa e la Comunione, anche ogni giorno. Priviamoci di qualcosa e diamola ai piu’ bisognosi. Aiutiamo la S. Vincenzo con qualche extra “looney o tooney”. Partecipiamo alle Stazioni della Via Crucis ogni venerdi. SHARELIFE 2011 Abbiamo fatto la nostra offerta? Siamo stati piu’ generosi del solito? Abbiamo altre occasioni, maggio e giugno, per farlo. Non abbiamo paura di essere generosi. Come diamo cosi’ ci sara’ dato. “Nel povero e’ Gesu’ che ha fame che stiamo sfamando.” (Madre Teresa) RITIRI SPIRITUALI PER LAICI 1)Ritiro per i Gruppi di Padre Pio: il 9 aprile al Seminario Ardorino (200 Pine Grove) dalle 9:30am alle.3:00pm Terra’ il Ritiro P. Portella Ermolao, Sup. Gen. Dei Missionari Ardorini. 2)La Commissione Pastorale Italiana: organizza un ritiro per i laici il 9 aprile p.v. dalle 10:00am alle 3:00pm nella Chiesa di S. Jane Frances.