
The Little Rock Nine
at Little Rock Central High School
General Information
The nine Students
Elizabeth Eckford
First Day in School
Armed Escort
The following time
General Information
African-American students who visit the the Little
Rock Central High School in 1957
They were the first African-American students after
the desegregation in 1954 who visited the Little
Rock Central High School
They made history when they were prevented from
entering the High School by the national guard of
Arkansas at their first school day
Many white people demonstrated against the visit of
the nine black students infront of the school
The mobs followed and insult them
It came to conflicts between black & white people
infront of the school
Only federal troops send by President Eisenhower
enabled a safe visit of the school
What happened in the year 1957 in Little Rock is
one of the most important events in the AfricanAmerican Civil Rights Movement
The nine Students
Ernest Green: First black student to graduate
from Central High School
Elizabeth Eckford: The only one of the nine still
living in Little Rock
Jefferson Thomas
Dr. Terrence Roberts: He earned a doctorate
degree as clinical psychologist
Carlotta Walls Lanier
Minnijean Brown Trickey: Writer and social
worker Winterstar Productions is presently
filming a documentary on her life
Gloria Ray Karlmark
Thelma Mothershed-Wair
Melba Pattillo Beals: Author and former
journalist for People magazine and NBC
Elizabeth Eckford describes the Walk
through the white mob at her first school
''They moved closer and closer ... Somebody
started yelling ... I tried to see a friendly face
somewhere in the crowd—someone who
maybe could help. I looked into the face of an
old woman and it seemed a kind face, but
when I looked at her again, she spat on me''.
First Day in School
At their first schoolday they were prevented from entering the High School
Mobs of white people demonstrated against desegregation and wanted to block the
nine students from entering the school
Governor Orval Faubus send National Guard Troops of Arkansas to support the
white Demonstrators
The nine students were followed by masses of people who insult them and spat on
When African-American Reporters appeared the white people started to hit them
Armed Escort
President Eisenhower send
federal troops to enforce
the situation
On the next day the nine
students were protected by
the troops and were able to
enter the High School
After this the 101st
Airborne Division transport
the nine students every day
from their home to school
A hard time
Physical and verbal abuse
→ Melba Pattillo Beals had acid thrown in her eyes
→ Minnijean Brown Trickey gets suspended six days, because she dropped her lunch on a boy
→ she gets suspended for the whole year, because of more confrontation
„The lost year“
The following year all public school gets closed
Re-opened as private schools for whites
→ avoid Integration
After one year Federal court declared this
Only Jefferson Thomas and Carlotta Walls joined
nine rock again
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