Ballard High School Freshman Registration 2014/2015 Welcome! This powerpoint will be posted under the documents and resources tab at Attendance Regular attendance at school is a prerequisite for academic success. All students at Ballard High School are expected to be present in their classes every school day unless legally absent for the following valid reasons in accordance with Kentucky State Law: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ death in the immediate family illness of the student quarantine court summons work or school activity approved by school observance of a religious holiday state emergency suspension Educational leave forms are available in the attendance office and can be filled out and turned in to the principal for consideration. Attendance (cont.) When absent: ◦ Parent/guardian should notify the school in the morning by calling the attendance office at 485-8606. ◦ Students are to provide a suitable note explaining their absence within 48 hours of their return to school. ◦ Notes must include the signature of the parent/guardians and a telephone number at which they may be reached. Class participation grades are adversely affected by a student’s absence. Excessive absences or cuts may result in the loss of the right to participate in athletics and co-curricular functions. THERE IS NEVER A TIME DURING THE REGULAR SCHOOL TERM WHEN A STUDENT “DOES NOT HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL” WITHOUT FOLLOWING JCPS ATTENDANCE POLICIES. Transportation Bus stop and bus number information can be found using the bus finder on the main JCPS website ( Go to the Parents Tab and Choose “Bus Finder” Master lists of all bus routes that come to Ballard are available in both the North and South Offices today. Dress Code Shorts & skirts must be knee length and worn at waist level covering undergarments. (NO SAGGING) Clothing that is exceedingly tight is not permitted Sleeveless shirts, low cut blouses, pajamas and blankets are not permitted. Clothing that exposes shoulders, midriff, or cleavage is not permitted. Ripped or torn garments exposing bare skin are not permissible. See-through garments (mesh, net) are unacceptable. Hats and headwear, with or without bills, including wave caps, sweatbands, bandanas, and scarves are not to be worn and will be confiscated if not corrected. Sunglasses are not permitted. Shoes must be worn at all times. House shoes and slippers are not permitted. Clothing with messages about, or advertisements for tobacco products, alcohol, drugs, weapons, sexually suggestive material, violent material or any other material of an offensive nature may not be worn during the school day or at school functions. Items from other high schools, with their names or symbols, are not permitted. Any other issues not addressed above that are considered to be inappropriate, distracting or disruptive will be handled at the discretion of the administrators. Students violating the dress code will be given an opportunity to correct the infraction, and/or be removed from the regular classroom until the violation is corrected. Repeated violations will result in school-level consequences, to be determined by school administrators. Tardy Policy ALL UNEXCUSED TARDIES TO SCHOOL AND CLASSES RESULT IN DETENTION DETENTION IS AFTER SCHOOL MONDAY – THURSDAY. FAILURE TO ATTEND WILL RESULT IN SATURDAY SCHOOL. EXCESSIVE TARDIES WILL RESULT IN A STOP ASSIGNMENT OR SATURDAY SCHOOL IN LIEU OF DETENTION. FAILURE TO ATTEND SATURDAY SCHOOL WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL, OR A VALID EXCUSE WILL BE CONSIDERED INSUBORDINATE BEHAVIOR AND WILL RESULT IN A STOP ASSIGNMENT OR A SUSPENSION FROM SCHOOL. Cell Phone Policy Student cell phone use is prohibited during the instructional day from 7:40 a.m. to 2:20 p.m. If a student uses a cell phone for ANY reason (talking, checking time, photos, texting, sharing, internet, etc.) during the school day, the phone and all of its working parts - including the memory card - will be confiscated for 10 days and nights including weekends. If an administrator becomes involved because the student refuses to surrender the phone and all of its parts to a teacher, it will result in a 3-day student suspension for insubordination. Any failure by a student to immediately comply with the teacher or administrator will result in a 3-day suspension for insubordinate behavior. Ballard High School reserves the right to confiscate cell phones for up to 30 consecutive days. In instances where a student continually violates this rule, beginning with the 3rd offense, the phone shall be confiscated for 30 days. If a student refuses to provide his/her phone for a 30 day time period, a long-term suspension (6-10 days) shall be considered as the consequence. High School Graduation Requirements English – 4 credits (years) Math – 3 credits: HOWEVER, you must be in a math class all 4 years and must pass senior year math course Science – 3 credits Social Studies – 3 credits Health/PE – 1 credit Humanities – 1 credit Electives – 6 + credits Total to graduate – 22 credits (You should have more) Grading and Credits Each class is worth 1 credit from Aug. - May (each semester ½ credit) • • • • • Grades are cumulative each semester. 1st and 2nd 6-weeks progress report are sent home with students 3rd 6-weeks report card (grades go on transcript) ½ credit awarded for each course passed for the semester (3.5 credits possible each semester for a total of 7 for the year) Students need to earn the following to be promoted to the next grade level: • • • • 5.0 credits = 10th grade 11.0 credits = 11th grade 16.0 credits = 12th grade 22.0 credits = graduate Tutoring Math Tutoring ◦ Mrs. Eschels, Room N235 ◦ Monday – Thursday 2:30 – 3:00 ◦ During Lunch Science Tutoring ◦ Mrs. Fields, Room S105 ◦ Monday and Thursday 2:30 – 3:00 Individual teachers may also stay after school by appointment if available. Athletic Eligibility Eligibility for the school year: ◦ Be on grade level the first day of the school year. ◦ A student ineligible on the first day of school for not being on grade level will remain ineligible for the entire school year. Maintaining eligibility during the school year: ◦ Student-athlete grades will be checked weekly. ◦ A D or lower in any one class or a G.P.A. of less that 2.0 results in study skills and/or tutoring sessions with a subject area teacher. ◦ Study skills must be attended until the cumulative grade or G.P.A. is at or above the required level. ◦ After four weeks he/she will be suspended from athletic participation (practices and games) for at least one week ◦ After fifth week athletic suspension will continue on a weekly basis until the grade requirements have been met. ◦ More than one failing grade suspended from participating in games until the grades in those classes improve to the required level. What To Expect Today After this presentation in the Fine Arts Center, you will transition to cafeteria area, where you will get your child’s schedule and fee sheet. You will pay your fees and receive your agenda and flash drive. We are not giving out freshman books today. Your child will get their books in their classes on the first day Schedule Changes If you need to request a schedule change, drop/add forms are available in the South Office. Fill out the form and leave it for Mr. Johnston. Schedule changes will not be processed today. Students will have the first 10 days of school to request a schedule change (again, drop/add forms will be available in the South Office). After the first 10 days of the semester, students may not request a change. FAQ ALL STUDENTS will get a new copy of their schedule on the first day of school. Any schedule changes will be reflected in their new schedule. Lists of students will be posted in each lobby indicating where they need to report for first period. There is not a general freshman supply list. Your child will get a syllabus in each class on the first day outlining what they need for that class. Useful Websites District website Ballard Counseling Website PTSA Electronic weekly newsletter