Why Conduct a District-Wide Evaluation of Special Education Programs & Services? Walker Partnerships A Division of Walker Needham, Massachusetts Our Mission Walker Partnerships was created to assist schools in building their capacity to serve students within their own school districts with school-based wraparound services. By systematically addressing the needs of an individual student, schools can make critical changes that allow more and more challenging students remain in their classrooms, while also creating a more personalized, effective, and integrated educational approach that enhances the quality of instruction for all students. 2 Strength of Programs and Services A district-wide evaluation will assess and identify: 3 Which special education programs and services are working effectively How your district special education census compares to state averages and like-districts, by disabilities, expenditures, and out-ofdistrict placements Trend lines for your district Best practices and effective management strategies Compliance with state and federal requirements for annual program evaluation Evaluation Methodology Walker Partnerships conducts a thorough review of all pertinent written documents related to special education: Budgets Practices and Procedures Census by Disabilities Previous Program Evaluation Reports Program Descriptions Staffing Patterns and Assignments Job Descriptions Pre-referral Practices Roles and Responsibilities Over/Under Identification Professional Development Offerings Legal issues DESE Coordinated Program Review 4 Evaluation Methodology One-on-one, 30-minute interviews with a cross section of 24 to 36 general and special education school-based personnel, administrators, paraprofessionals, and parents Detailed report, containing: – – – – 5 (continued) Commendations Factors that affect the implementation of special education Findings and comparative data from like-districts and the state Recommendations and detailed explanations Identification of Program and Service Enhancements For your school district, Walker Partnerships can: 6 Provide a thorough examination of the current status of programs and services Provide significant program and service enhancements Identify the special education professional development needs of the district Identify effective utilization strategies for related service providers and paraprofessionals Provide a cost analysis of special education expenditures and cost containment strategies Results of a Walker Partnerships Evaluation 7 Detailed recommendations with a full explanation for each recommendation Comparison data to assist with program and service development Cost analysis that can be used to justified program and service expansion and new program development Strategies to improve program operations throughout the district Walker Partnerships Experience Walker Partnerships has conducted more than 70 special education program evaluations, covering a wide range of programs and objectives: 8 24 District-Wide Evaluations 8 District-Wide Specific Program Evaluations 14 Building–Based Assessments 20 Specific Program Evaluations 11 District-Wide Grant Reviews [740 & 262] Contact Walker Partnerships For information on Walker Partnerships services and special education program development for your school system, visit walkerschool.org or contact: 9 James B. Earley, Ed.D., Managing Director 781-292-2178 Nora Rushford, LICSW, Deputy Director 781- 820- 9982 James Shillinglaw, Associate Manager For the Southeast Region 339-237- 7531 Robert McArdle, Associate Manager for the Northeast Region 781-898-8305 Pat Davis, Clinical Coordinator 339-225-2136 Tamera Barrera, Educational Coordinator 781-835-7646