MEGS Overview

Michigan Electronic Grants System
MEGS Overview
Last Updated: 2/4/2011
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MEGS Introduction
MEGS 101: What is MEGS?
What is Needed to Use MEGS?
MEGS Security
Authorized Officials: Getting Started
MEGS Applications
Modifications, Amendments
Reports in MEGS
Cash Management System (CMS)
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What is MEGS?
Apply for grants and other applications online
Common look and feel for all applications
Program Office review and comment on applications
Amendments online
Grant reporting online
Up-to-date view of applications
Automated generation of e-mail
MEGS is being updated
to MEGS+ starting
spring 2011
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Grants in MEGS
DLEG Adult Education: WIA Core Programs, Special Projects, Instructional Initiatives,
Section 107
Early On
Education Stabilization Funds
Educational Technology – Competitive
Equipment Assistance
Homeless Students Grants
IFER: Early On
IFER: Preschool
School Improvement Grant
Special Education: Flowthrough
Special Education: Preschool
Title I School Improvement
Charter Schools: Planning/Implementation & Dissemination
CNRA (GSRP State Aid)
CTE Perkins
Consolidated Application
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Grants in MEGS 2010-2011
Early On Michigan
Educational Technology – Competitive
Even Start
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
Governors Discretionary Grant
Great Parents, Great Start
GSRP Competitive
GSRP Formula
Homeless Students Grant
Improving Teacher Quality (IHEs only)
Mathematics & Science Centers Grant
Mathematics & Science Partnership
Regional Literacy Training Centers
Request for Commodity Delivery
Safe & Drug Free Schools
School Gardens
School Improvement Grant
Section 31a/32e Flexibility
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Grants in MEGS 2010-2011
Service Provider Self Review
Special Education - EOSD
Special Education - Flowthrough
Special Education: Mandated Activities Project
Special Education - Preschool
Striving Readers
Summer Migrant
Tech Prep
Title I Regional Assistance
Title I School Improvement
Transition Services
Youth Wellness Initiative Team Nutrition
21st Century Community Learning Centers
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Additional Application Types
• ARRA Section 1512 Report
• Certifications (Constitution Day, Constitutionally Protected
Prayer, Education Jobs Fund, 8th Grade Technology Literacy)
CIP Self Review
Commodity Food Consortium
Educational Technology Plan
Interim Final Expenditure Reports (IFERs) (Early On,
Flowthrough, Preschool)
LEA Planning Cycle
Nonpublic School Membership Report
October Free Eligible Counts (spring and fall)
Section 31a Program Report
Section 41 Bilingual Education
Title I Comparability
Title I School Selection
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The Michigan Electronic Grants System
MEGS 101: What is MEGS?
What is Needed to Use MEGS?
MEGS Security
Authorized Officials: Getting Started
MEGS Applications
Modifications, Amendments
Reports in MEGS
Cash Management System (CMS)
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What is needed to use MEGS?
• An Internet Connection
• Web Browser
-IE 6.0+
-Netscape 7.0+
• Acrobat Reader 4.0+
• A Valid MEIS Account
entered in MEGS
*If you can, use Internet
Internet connection
The faster the connection, the easier it is to use MEGS.
Beware proxy servers, pop-up blockers, and network security settings.
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What is MEIS and how can an
account be obtained?
MEIS is the Michigan Education Information
MEIS provides one system for the management
of user accounts for a variety of MDE and
education applications.
In order to use MEGS (and potentially other
State of Michigan systems) you must first obtain
a MEIS account. This can be done by going to
the following URL (Website Address) and
clicking Create a MEIS Account:
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Confirming your MEIS Account
The final screen will confirm your account.
Print this page for your records.
Warning: Passwords are case-sensitive.
Your randomly generated password is
guaranteed to cause you problems in the future.
Change your password immediately
after creating your account.
Your MEIS account must then be entered in the
MEGS database.
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Resetting MEIS Passwords
Need to reset your password?
The MEIS system has been
modified so the user may
maintain their profile.
•Change their password
•Recover their forgotten login
name and password
•Simply use the MEIS website.
Any MEIS questions may be
directed to the MEIS Help Desk:
(517) 335-0505
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How to access MEGS
Go to:
The first screen provides a link to the
login screen and a link to the MEGS
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MEGS Website
MEGS Website:
•Grant Information
•MEIS Accounts
•Peer Reviewers
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Logging into MEGS
Use the Login and Password obtained from the MEIS
Registration Process to login.
Remember, the MEIS password is case sensitive.
You cannot log in until your Authorized Official
has entered your MEIS Account into MEGS. For
Authorized Officials, the process is discussed in
MEGS Security in the next slides.
If your MEIS account is entered in MEGS you
can log in.
If you receive an error message that you have a valid
MEIS account but are not authorized in MEGS, contact
your Authorized Official.
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The Michigan Electronic Grants System
MEGS 101: What is MEGS?
What is Needed to Use MEGS?
MEGS Security
Authorized Officials: Getting Started
MEGS Applications
Modifications, Amendments
Reports in MEGS
Cash Management System (CMS)
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Designating Authorized Officials
• Two Authorized Officials
per recipient agency
• Authorized by the
Superintendent /Chief
Operating Officer/PSA
Board President
• Print and send in the
MEGS Electronic Form
• Electronic form is “fillable”
• You can find forms on the
MEGS website
• Very quick turn-around
• An email will be issued
when assigned
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MEGS Authorization Structure
Level 5 - Authorized Officials
• Manage MEGS accounts for district/agency
• Designate Application Administrators (Level 4)
• Initiate applications
• Assign lower security levels to allow edit or view status
• Add users to MEGS
• Submit, amend and delete applications, amendments, and/or reports
• Access to all district applications
Level 4 - Application Administrators
• Responsible for managing the application
• Initiate assigned applications for own agency
• Start modifications or amendments
• Assign other users to participate in the grant writing or review process
• Initiate and submit reports
• Notify Authorized Officials to submit applications, modifications and amendments
• Can NOT: submit applications; assign other Level 4s
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Other Security Levels
Level 3b Consortium/Grant Member Program Coordinator
• The fiscal agent can add users from consortia organizations
• Permission to work on their budget and narrative only
• Can save to no other portions of the grant
Level 3 Consortium/Grant Member-Authorized Officials
• All Authorized Officials from Consortia Members are automatically added to the grant with
view permissions
Level 2 - Grant Writers
• Ability to input and edit any data
Level 2c - Financial Officers
• Ability to input and edit budget data
Level 1 – Viewers
• Can view all parts of the application
• Cannot input or edit any information
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The Michigan Electronic Grants System
MEGS 101: What is MEGS?
What is Needed to Use MEGS?
MEGS Security
Authorized Officials: Getting Started
MEGS Applications
Modifications, Amendments
Reports in MEGS
Cash Management System (CMS)
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Authorized Officials:
Getting Started
From the Main Menu, Authorized Officials
Initiate an Action
Add users to MEGS
Review/edit contact information
Assign application security levels
Edit agency information
Edit personal contact information
Once an application has been initiated, the
application will be listed on the Main Menu.
Grants are color coded by years:
2009-2010 are green
2010-2011 are red
2011-2012 are blue
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Main Menu:
Add Users to MEGS
Level 5s can add users to MEGS
Click the Add Users to MEGS link.
Enter up to 10 new users into MEGS:
Enter the MEIS Account number
District code is set
Click Verify to verify users.
Check the results of Verify:
Check name and agency
Invalid MEIS account
Already in MEGS
Confirm the new users by clicking
Go to the Main Menu and click the
Application Security Level(s) link to
complete the process of giving users
access to applications in MEGS.
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Main Menu: Contact Information
Maintain MEGS Accounts
To Edit Contact Information
(5s only):
Click the Contact Information
Click the underlined name of
the person whose information
you wish to edit.
Make appropriate changes
and click the Save button.
Click the Return to Previous
Page button to continue.
All users can edit their
own contact information
using Edit Your Contact
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Main Menu:
Application Security Level(s)
To assign application security
level(s) once users are added to
Click Application
Security Levels
Select the user from
the drop down list and
click Go.
Assign a security level
for each application the
user will access.
To restrict the access
date, change the date
in the “Date Begin” or
“Date End” fields.
Click the Save button
to save the
Hint: Select the user, then use
Inactivate All, to remove
access in all applications,
including consortiums.
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Assigning Users:
Grant and Consortium Members
• Grant/consortium member, not the Fiscal Agent, should “Add
User to MEGS”, so that the district/agency is correctly
• Fiscal Agent must then assign Application Security Level in a
consortia application
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Certifications are sometimes
required, as communicated by
Go to the Main Menu and click
the Certification Menu link. Only
Authorized Officials can use this
Complete the Certification and
click Save.
Some Certifications may require
entry of a number or text.
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Agency Information
To Edit the Fiscal Agent’s Information:
Go to the Main Menu and click the Edit
Your Agency Information link. Only
Authorized Officials can use this link.
Change the information as needed and
click Save.
- Mailing address
- Phone number
- Fax number
- E-mail address
When changes are made and approved in
the Educational Entity Master, MEGS will
reflect them the next day.
Make permanent changes in the
Educational Entity Master instead of
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Multiple Contact Agencies
In some cases, one user is an
Authorized Official for multiple
One MEIS ID can be used for all
access, instead of using
multiple MEIS IDs.
Contact MDE for assistance in
security set-up
A Contact Agencies link appears
Click the link, select the desired
agency, then click Go
The agency selected is displayed
on the Main Menu
Applications listed depend upon
the agency selected
MOST users do not need this
functionality, and will not see
the Contact Agencies link
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Main Menu:
Initiating an Application (4s/5s)
From the Main Menu:
Select the application from
the drop down list
Options depend upon
agency eligibility
Click the Initiate button.
Option to initiate disappears
once the application is
initiated (unless multiple
applications are permitted)
Select the applicable
Funding Sources (if
applicable and displayed)
NOTE: For the first year,
Level 5 must initiate.
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•MEGS: Contact the
Program Office
•CMS: (517) 335-0534
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