Supporting the Olweus Program through Statewide Networking 2014 IBPA Conference Building Relationships to Support Schools National & University Partnerships State Local School Community District Community South Carolina National and University Partnerships Tricia Motes Joyce Ott South Carolina Olweus Program Co-Coordinators South Carolina Bullying Prevention Initiative Partners: SC Association of South Administrators Hazelden Foundation The Institute on Family & Neighborhood Life at Clemson University Pilot Schools in 2011 Eleven schools agreed to pilot OBPP involving four districts (6 elementary, 4 middle, and one high school). Criteria used in the selection of schools: 1) 2) 3) Implement OBPP with fidelity (pay for training and materials costs); Administer the OBQs at baseline & yearly intervals for up to 2 years (no cost); Allow SCASA to publicized the pilots & the OBQ results. State Association Partnership Challenges Benefits Access to school administrators who’s buyin is essential State’s political climate is uncertain & ever changing Widespread publicity on program’s success National influences can undermine support Contagion effect when administrators share positive results Initiatives can have a short shelf life OBPP Expansion since 2009 • Olweus trainer network grew from 6 trainers to 49 • Program expanded from 4 to 21 in 1st year of SCASA partnership to more than 70 schools IOWA State Partnerships Penny Bisignano Iowa Olweus Program Coordinator Olweus Bullying Prevention Programming in Iowa was Initiated by and is Supported by The Iowa Department of Education Penny Bisignano Iowa Olweus Program Coordinator 35 Olweus Trainers Across the State of Iowa Two Olweus OTACs Iowa IS3 Grant 20 High Schools Focusing on 3 Factor Model of School Climate and 13 Sub Domains Every High School served by Learning Supports Consultant Olweus Trained Environment • Perceived Safety • Bullying & Aggression • Drug Use • Connection to Teachers • Student Connectedness • Academic Engagement • School Connectedness • Culture of Equity • Parent Engagement Engagement Safety Safe and Supportive School Climate Model • Rules & Consequence s • Physical Comfort and Cleanliness • Support • Disorder Collaboration in Iowa Department of Education Safe and Supportive Schools Grant Learning Supports Advisory State Reporting System for Bullying Youth Leadership Teams in High Schools AEAs Local Schools PBIS & Challenging Behavior Teams School Improvement Accreditation Teams Universities and Colleges Non-Profits Iowa Department of Public Health Trainer Support Coordination is Critical Learner Supports State Workshops Olweus Newsletters & Email Network Yearly Plan and Calendar Yearly Professional Development and Networking Days ( Clemson Support) School Counselor and Social Worker Conferences Iowa Safe Schools Conference/Collaboration Trainer Leadership Coordination is Critical Presentations @ State Conferences Regional Workshops for Schools Statewide Evaluation of Olweus Integration of Initiatives-Learning Supports Olweus and Positive Behavior Support (PBS) in Iowa VIRGINIA Local School District Dr. Katie Moffett Director Bully Free Virginia Olweus Technical Assistance Consultant and Trainer Virginia OBPP Projects 2004-2014 No Significant Funding Streams since 2011 Yet, the Prevention Work Goes ON!!!! 2005-2010—Statewide Project: 90+ schools in 27 school districts. Collaboration: VCU and Dept. of Health with support from Education and Justice with funding from CDC. 2005-2014—New River Valley Community Services Collaboration with Counties of Floyd, Giles, Montgomery, Pulaski and the City of Radford 2009-2014—Collaboration of Charlottesville City/Albemarle County and UVA: Safe Schools/Healthy Students 2010-2014—Collaboration of VCU Clark-Hill Institute for Positive Youth Development and BullyFree Virginia with Richmond Public Schools 2011-2014— Statewide Project: 20+ schools. Dept. of Health with support from Education and Bully-Free Virginia. 2004-2014—Many school districts—large and small– have adopted OBPP district-wide. Others are implementing Research-proven Strategies Collaboration to Support Schools Virginia Department of Health Virginia Department of Education Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services Virginia Commonwealth University Clark-Hill Institute for Positive Youth Development Center for School-Community Collaboration University of Virginia Curry School of Education Bully-Free Virginia New River Valley Community Services: Floyd, Giles, Montgomery Counties & Radford City On-Site Work with Local Schools When you do not hear from the school, show up at the school. Relationship Building with Administrators, Teachers and Staff: OTAC/State Leader/Consultant visits the school— BPCC meetings, kick-offs, Class Meetings Collaborate with School Coordinators— in person when possible Build Relationships wherever you can-- with Central Office Staff, School Board, Bus Drivers, Cafeteria Workers Ideas Strategies Promoted District Bullying Prevention Coordinating Team Positive Youth Development/Student Leadership Coordination of Bullying Prevention, Character Education, and Classroom Management programs—emphasis on class meetings… OBPP, Life Skills, Safe Dates PBIS, Responsive Classroom Regularly scheduled Refresher Training for Coordinating Committee and for Staff Regional and Local Networking Meetings OBPP Data Collection Olweus Bullying Questionnaire Fidelity Data using OBPP Checklists Class Meeting Checklists completed by teachers Observation checklists completed by class meeting observers Trainer Reports Documentation of Implementation Steps in Bullying Prevention Coordinating Committee (BPCC) Minutes % of students who have been bullied 2-3 times per month or more 2012 2013 20% 17% 15% 12% 10% 10% 8% 5% 8% 6% 6% 5% 0% 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade Total % of students who have bullied other student(S) 2-3 times per month or more 2012 2013 20% 15% 11% 10% 10% 9% 8% 9% 10% 7% 5% 3% 0% 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade Total % of students who indicated that teachers and school staff often or almost always intervene in bullying SITUATIONS 50% 43% 40% 35% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2012 2013 Celebrate School Successes! 2013-2014 Students and parents attended very successful kickoff events! Teachers did 22 class meetings Students completed 19 journal prompts A group of students participated in a leadership group where they received lessons from the Youth Empowerment Solutions for Peaceful Communities (YES) curriculum (2008) and took a field trip to VCU! There were decreases in bullying behavior from 2012 to 2013 and increases in teacher interventions in bullying situations! Planning Ahead: THIS YEAR 2014-2015 School kickoff events are scheduled for the first week of school during the conduct assemblies. Class meetings will occur every Wednesday during elective classes, starting September 10th. Journal prompts will occur every Thursday during the beginning of 1st or 2nd period starting September 11th. Staff discussion groups will be held every 4th Wednesday of the month after school during grade-level meetings, starting September 24th. We will be asking for nominations for the Fall 2014 student leadership group soon! Listen, Share, Celebrate, Encourage!!! OHIO Community Partnerships Donna Dickman, OCPSI Ohio Olweus Program Coordinator Public Libraries Faith-Based Institutions Youth Serving Agencies Government Agencies Local Business Local Foundations Supporting the Olweus Program through Statewide Networking 2014 IBPA Conference