stisets 101 - Shelby County Schools

All state forms are included in this
program with the exception of
Natural Environment Survey and the
Family Focus Interview
which are pre-school forms.
This program interfaces with INOW which
allows personnel to view :
Student & Guardian demographics
Sometimes this
information is not
there for
elementary students
User must have Adobe Reader
You must save as you go or information will
be lost. Choose Select or OK or Save or F10.
If saving does not come across screen it probably has not saved.
Do not use Back and Forward
because it does not save data.
Program will auto-logout after 15
minutes of no activity.
Several years ago the state of Alabama converted to
INOW for their record keeping program. Sets is
integrated with INOW.
Your new INOW login and password is now also
your SETS login and password.
YOU MUST login into INOW one time and change
your password before you can get into sets. I can do
it for you if you would like,
For those of you who do not use INOW regularly you
will only have to do this one time and then never get
on INOW again until your password expires.
Here is how you find INOW:
On your computer go to Shelby County Webpage.
Select Teacher and Staff. Go to Logins. INOW Portal.
When the INOW screen opens you will se this
Your user name login will be the same as
what you use to sign onto your home
directory / email. e.g. wmcgrath
You must check with your school to see if they
already assigned you a generic password that
you must CHANGE. If your school did not
assign one then I did. My generic password for
you to try is
Once you know the password, you go to the
main INOW login screen and put in your user
name and generic password either that school
gave you or mine. Click login.
At the next screen it should either list your
school or ask which school you want. You
should see academic session 2014-15. Click
continue. (for this school does not matter)
If it is your first time to log on (if I have not
already set your password up) you will see
the following screen.
Password must
be at least 8
including at
least 1 number
and 1 letter.
It cannot be the
same as your
When task bar on left comes up go to last
item and click PREFERENCES.
Change Password.
way to
Click ok
It will ask for old password which is the
generic one you got from me or school.
Then put in a new password that you can
remember. I cannot tell you what you put.
Do not leave the generic password!
Sometimes it appears that the
password did not take. Ignore because
it probably did unless it said it did not
meet criteria.
Displayed in each of theses areas are three icons:
Min: Click the Minimize button to reduce the selected section
of the screen.
Res: Click the Restore button will return the screen to its
original view.
Max: Click the Maximize button to enlarge the window to its
maximum size.
·You will only maximize the User Desktop
Recently SETS was updated to be more TABLET FRIENDLY.
This program was designed for screens at 1024 X 768
Desktop Overview
In the STISETSWeb desktop, users will see their caseloads populating the Student Number, Student Name,
Relationship, LRE, Special Education Status, Exceptionality, School, DOB, Gender, Race and Grade fields.
A user’s caseload consists of students who are associated by way of Case Management, Special Education Service
and/or Related Service. The caseload will appear on the User Desktop after the user logs in to the program. Once a
User sees the Desktop, they have several ways of viewing children.
A user’s caseload is set up based on the relationship that user has to a student. For example: If you are a student’s
Case Manager, the designation Case Manager will appear in the Relationship column for that student. Additional
relationships may be defined by an Administrator or Manager in the Utility Desktop. Relationships may be
assigned by the manager from the Caseload Assignment option, outlined in the Utility Desktop.
Status Filter
All: All categories of Special education students.
Active: Students who are Active in the Special Education program.
Inactive: This status is used when a student withdraws from school.
Referred: Awaiting approval or in process for Special Ed. services.
Status Filter
Note: This information will not be displayed until a specific student is selected
Student Information
Student demographic information (Name, Number, School Name,
SIS status, Date of Birth, Age, Grade, Home Room,
Entry/Withdrawal Date, Gender and Race) is “owned” by INOW.
This data is not editable within STISETS. It must be modified in
the INOW by your registrar.
Note: This information will not be displayed until a specific student
is selected.
When a student is selected, the following data fields will prepopulate the student’s folder:
• Student Name: Pulled from INOW.
• Student Pictures (if available): Pulled from INOW. If your
school does not use pictures, this area will display as a large X.
• Student ID: Pulled from INOW.
• School Name and Code: Pulled from INOW.
• Special Education Status: The status of the student within
STISETS. This is set within the student folder in STISETS by manager.
• LEP: English as second language status. Pulled from INOW
Date of Birth: Pulled from INOW.
Age: Pulled from INOW. (CRITICAL that this is CORRECT)
Grade: Pulled from INOW.
Home Room Number: Home Room is set up in INOW.
Home Room
teachers are not displayed in STISETS.
• Entry/Withdrawal Date: This will list the entry/withdrawal dates
entered in INOW. Should say 8-07-14
• Gender: Pulled from INOW.
• SSID: State ID # is Pulled from INOW
• Race: Pulled from INOW.
• Exceptionality: Must first be set in the student folder by manager within STISETS.
• LEA Number: Pulled from INOW.
• Lookup: The Lookup button provides quick access to your User
Desktop from anywhere in the program.
• Record of Access: You will notice a Record of Access link at the
bottom of the selected student area. Simply click on this link to view and add
entries to the electronic record of access. You have the ability to print the
record of access here or from the Reports Desktop. (STISETS is designed
to enter automatic entries for anyone who selects the student and is not the Case
Manager for a child.)
• Services: The Services link provided in the bottom right corner
allows the user to view services provided for the selected student.
• Progress: One of the ways to enter progress for a student
This is a read only page for teachers. Please review every
student file you have on your caseload to make sure all of
the critical areas are filled in correctly.
Every form is accessed through the process
Process Manager
The Process Manager allows the user to view and
manage all processes assigned to a student. A
Process is defined as a group of forms that must be
completed within a specified time period. In order to
work on specific forms for a student, the user must
first assign an appropriate Process (containing all
required forms) to the student.
Perform the following steps to assign statedefined processes and to track Special Education
• Upon login, the teacher’s Caseload will be displayed
onscreen. Select a student by double-clicking on the
student’s name.
• At the next screen, click Insert to assign a process to the
selected student.
On the next screen, click the down arrow to
select the specific process, such as Referral
Process. Then click OK to save.
• The screen displays the selected process.
Once a process is begun, all the forms that need
to be used for a student in that process should
be marked “completed” in that process.
In other words, if a referral process has been
opened and data entry has begun, there is no
need to go to the IEP Process to complete an
If needed at this point in the special education
process, users should complete the IEP that
exists in the referral process.
The buttons on the left are defined as follows:
o Insert: Allows the user to attach a new process to a student.
If a process is not listed after Insert has been clicked, verify
that the process is not already open for the current student.
o Delete: Allows the user to delete a process from a student’s
NOTE: If you have completed ANY forms in the process you
cannot delete the child.
o Deactivate: Can only be done by managers.
o Complete / Re-Open: This button may display differently
depending on the process you are working with. Complete
allows the user to close a completed process, which will then
enable the user to create a second instance of a process. ReOpen allows a
user to return to forms or processes that have been previously
completed. NOTE: You cannot open the another process that is
the same until the previous one has been completed
o Forms: This button will bring up all forms that are
associated with the highlighted process. When this button is
selected, the forms will appear on the work area of the screen.
A process must be marked “complete” if another of the
same kind is to be used in the future.
For example, if an annual IEP process is not completed,
then another annual IEP process cannot be opened
when a given student needs it. In order for a process to
be marked “complete”, all opened forms within the
process must be marked “complete”.
If a form is open and then it is determined that the
form is not needed in the process, the form can be
removed by going to Edit and Remove Form.
All forms needed in the Process should be displayed on
the screen. A colored square icon displays to the left of
each form. Rest the mouse cursor on any icon to
display descriptive screen tips and the version and form
number for the selected form.
o Green: Designates a form that is Open. The form is in
draft status, meaning changes are allowed. All forms
except forms sent home for signature will print with a
Draft watermark until the form is completed.
o Red: Designates a Completed form. No changes are
allowed except through creating an Amendment.
o White: Designates Form has not been opened
o Blue: Designates Open (Amendment). This is a
previously completed form with an Amendment
o Purple: Designates A Completed Amended Form
File Menu
• Save Changes – F10: Allows user to save the changes
made to the form.
• Reseed Data: Allows user to update auto-populated
data on a form.
This is primarily student demographic information. If
this information is changed in INOW, Reseed Data
would be used to populate a saved form with the
• Cancel Changes: Allows user to cancel the changes made
to a form.
• Complete Form: Allows user to mark a form as
Complete. Required fields must be fully completed before
this option is selected. Errors will prompt the user to
enter required information before completing the form
and fields with errors will be highlighted for easy
No changes will be allowed after this option is picked.
• Print to PDF: Allows user to preview a form in .PDF
format for printing.
• Print Process: Opens a screen allowing the user to
print all or part of the forms in a process. To print
multiple forms, select the first form and
then press the Ctrl key on your keyboard. Hold this key
down and select each additional form to be printed.
Edit Menu
• Check Spelling: Select this option (or press the F7
key) for spell checking.
• Show Form Indicators: Allows users who have
visual impairments to view the status of each form
in a process.
• View Audit Trail: This feature allows access to the
edited/amended versions of a form by date.
• Exit Form: Allows user to exit the form. This will
display a blank screen.
• Add Form: As forms are needed throughout a
process, they may be added by selecting the Edit
menu and then choosing the Add Form
option. A list of the forms in the process will be
• Remove Form: Allows user to delete the
highlighted form if it is not a required form in the
• Move Form: Allows the user to move a Completed
form from an incorrect process to the correct
To move the form, perform the following steps:
o First, add the correct process for the student.
o Next, open up the incorrect process and select the form to
be moved.
o Go to Edit and select Move Form. The screen shown below
will appear, listing the process to which the form is to be
o Double-click on the process and the form will be moved.
Note: To move a form from one process to another, the form
must exist in both processes. There is an additional rule for
moving a form: The form may only be moved if it is less than
30 days old, excluding the months of June, July and August.
If the form is over 30 days (excluding those month), a new
process must be added and the form must then be recreated.
• Create Amendment: An Amendment may be created to make
changes on a completed form.
• Annotate Process: Allows user to record commentary on the
forms and process. Add Services: Another way to add services
when writing an IEP.
• SAVE: Use this button when ever possible to save your
Working on a Process
When working on a process, users will view a
list of forms on the left side of the screen.
Click on each form that is needed in the
Working on a Form
Rules have been added to the forms that
require the user to complete certain
designated fields before a form may be saved
or completed. Some data fields on the forms
may be typed in, while other data will be
entered using pick lists. Pick lists are lists of
items that may be selected to fill in a field on
the form. Some pick lists may have additional
items added for user selection.
Some forms may feature hyperlinks, such as
AL Learning Exchange.
The profile page now includes bullets that
address the required areas of the profile. All
must have something written in them except
Other and EI (unless an EI PK student)
Be careful when doing IEP’s that you get the dates and schools
year and grades correct. If IEP goes over 2 schools years put both
of them.
There are three ways
to enter progress on
IEP goals. You may
choose whichever is
easiest for you.
1.This is the easiest way to do progress reports. It allows you to
select your whole caseload and fill in the data without having to
pull up each individual student. Select your name, school, school
year and grading period and your caseload will come up when you
hit refresh. You can then select the student and enter progress.
#2 and #3 are identical.
Progress is entered in the
same way in each.
Selecting 2 or 3 will require you to first select a student on
your caseload, open their file and then select one of the
above. You will have to do this for each student on your
This is what the Annual Progress Report Looks Like
Student Services Page
There is now a student
services page that covers
the services in the entire
IEP. Services are no
longer goal specific. You
click on this page in the
task bar to add the
services. You may also
add them using Add
services button under
edit menu.
After you click on services page this
screen will come up.
Click on the blue hyperlink to add
Student Services Page
This is what comes up after you click on the
blue hyperlink.
This screen is used for entering student services. Eight tabs are available
at the top of the screen:
Three options are currently available at the left side of the screen for
adding or changing student services:
• Insert: Click this button to add a service.
• Change: Select a service and click this button to make changes.
• Delete: Delete the selected service. The service must first be detached
from all goals before it may be deleted. Click the Attach/Detach button
to do this.
Once the goal page is completed change becomes VIEW
All services are attached to a goal. This is indicated on
the screen above when there is a check in the box in the
Attached to Goal column. Click on the Attach/Detach
button on the right to attach or detach this service to
the goal.
Note: A goal page can’t be removed / deleted if a service is attached.
If you make a mistake detach service and then delete.
Inserting a Service
• Service Type: Select the Service Type. • Plan Begin Date: Enter
the Plan Begin Date here.
• Plan End Date: Enter the Plan End Date here.
• Service Frequency Type: Click the drop-down arrow to select
whether the service will take place on a weekly, monthly, daily,
etc., basis.
• Frequency: Enter the number of occurrences within a given time.
Samples of Service Frequency Types and Frequency are shown in the
following table. YOU MUST FOLLOW THIS CHART!
• Service Details: Enter any relevant information pertaining to services to be
provided. Be specific. It is a description of the specially designed instruction
required by the student.
• Location: Click the drop-down menu to select a location.
• Amount of Time: Enter the amount of time (in minutes) that will be
provided for this service. Time only needs to be added for Special Ed Tab and
Related Services Tab. Amount of time to be listed is per session only, not
cumulative over the space of a week or semester etc
• Beginning and Ending Date: Enter the date service will begin and end. Plan
End dates should not exceed the duration date of the IEP.
Click OK when finished.
To create a service, simply click on the Insert button. For both the
Special Education tab and the Related Services tab, a Service Type
field is the first field in the window to be addressed.
a. In the Special Education window, select the service type from the
drop down box which will have only two choices: “speech therapy”
and a blank.
1) If you have a student with any disability, other than SLI, the user
will select “blank” from the drop down and manually enter the
actual service provided in the Service Details field. For this student,
speech therapy is a related service, and those services should be
entered under the Related Services tab.
a) If the user needs to create a speech goal page for this student
(where the Area field at the top of the page is articulation, for
example), then he/she must enter the speech service in Related
Services, and must also address the Special Education tab because it
is required to complete each goal page.
b) This will require the user to enter, for example, “See Related
Services” or some similar directive in the Special Education field.
This entry will satisfy the program’s requirement that this field is
If you have a student with Speech and Language Impairment, as identified
on the eligibility report, the user must select “speech therapy” from the pick
list and then address the details of his/her special education (which for this
child will be speech therapy) in the Service Details field. These details must
be manually entered into the program. For such a student, related services
would be comprised of services other than speech, such as physical therapy,
occupational therapy, etc. Speech for this child is Special Ed not related
In the Related Services window, select from the pick list, the service to be
The only related services to use from drop down menu in Shelby Cty are:
Itinerant Hearing, Itinerant Vision, OT, PT, Speech, Vocational Rehab,
Orientation and Mobility, Adapted PE. Any other in list are Usually not
Miscellaneous Notes
Routine accommodations
should be listed under
“Supplementary Aids and
not “Accommodations Needed
for Assessment”.
For Assistance with which tab
to place the service see the
HELP SHEET in your packet.
Signatures: Required
No longer can an asterisk be used for a signature. You must
type in the name on the forms.
A. Amendments can be made to documents in Complete status.
To make
1. Open the form to be edited.
2. Click on the word edit in the upper left corner of the form
3. Select “Create Amendment”.
4. Make the desired changes.
5. Save.
6. Complete document.
B. A form that has been amended will be stamped with the
word “Amended” in the upper right corner of the form.
C. To view the history of amendments to a form:
1. Go to Edit
2. Select View Audit Trail. Amendments are listed by the dates
they were created.
D. A copy of an amended IEP must be given to the parents.
Reports Caseload
• Look at your menu.
Find Reports
Caseload and click on
it. A screen will
appear that looks like
the next slide.
• This give you the
option of running
many reports for your
caseload only.
Under student desktop you
will find reports (caseload)
Notes on Reports
• Information in reports is drawn from the data
in the student folder.
• The size of the mailing label is the Avery
Standard 5160.
Reports (Caseload)
STISETS provides many pre-loaded report
Adobe Acrobat Reader (a free download) is
required for report generation.
These are teacher reports based on the teacher’s
relationship to students on his/her caseload.
Highlight the desired report on the left side of
the screen.
• The user is required to select a school.
• Click the down arrow to select the Output
o PDF brings up Acrobat Reader.
o RTF brings up Microsoft Word.
o XLS brings up Excel Spreadsheet.
Important Facts
Each case manager is responsible for entering into SETSWEB the
entering information on the transfer if records did not transfer.
Use the following procedures:
1. You must have a completed referral process or a re-eval process
on each student.
2. You must have a completed IEP process on each student.
Transfer Students
1. Out of state transfers are treated as new referrals in SETS but
they do received services while referral process is underway,
2. In state transfers are considered re-evals if records do not
transfer or if records are incorrect or poorly done.