Battle of the Books - Rockingham County Schools

Battle of the Books
Written by Jerry Spinelli
Misha is an orphan in Warsaw, Poland during World
War II. The only reason he has a name is because
his friend Uri made it up along with a story of his
family. He had no memory of anything before he met Uri.
Misha is very naïve, he does not understand what is happening around
him. The only thing he really knows how to do is to steal and run.
He always wears a yellow stone around his neck. Uri told him it was gift
from his father before he died. He also told Misha that he was a gypsy,
which Misha thought was better than a Jew. But he doesn’t understand
what either is.
The day the “Jackboots”, the Nazis occupied Warsaw, Misha thought it
was a parade. He was impressed by the soldiers and wanted to be just like
them in spite of not knowing what they were doing.
During one of his daily expeditions for food, Misha found a ripe tomato in
the backyard of a little girl. Her name was Janina Milgrom and she was
She invited him to her birthday party, where he ran off with the cake. He
thought they were burning the cake. So he blew out the candles and ran
off with it. To make up for his mistake Misha stole another cake and put the
candles from her other cake on it and left it on the step.
Misha began bringing Janina and her family food and coal. Janina would
leave gifts on the step for Misha, a gum drop, a candy cigarette, a button,
a glass dog.
Misha’s favorite food was hazelnut crème candy. Uri loved pickles.
Dr. Korczak was the man that ran the
orphanage. Uri and Misha would steal coal,
“black pearls” and food and take it to the
orphanage. Misha never identified himself as an
orphan.He always had great pity for them, but
never saw the sorrow in his situation.
A wall was built to partition the city off into an area designated
as the ghetto. That is where all Jews and gypsies were sent to
live. Misha was able to travel through the wall because he was
small enough to fit through a drain hole.
Misha told all of his friends that Janina was his sister, but they all knew she
wasn’t. He just made things up.
Inside the ghetto, Misha lived with the Janina- Milgrom family- her mom, her
dad, and uncle Shepel. Janina’s dad was a pharmacist and had horded
medicine to trade. He used a bottle of medicine to pay for their trip to the
cemetery when Mrs. Milgrom died.
One night when Misha went through the wall he found Uri, He was working as
a bus boy in one of the restaurants where Misha liked to come and take food.
With his red hair, Misha could pass as a non-jew.
Inside the wall food was scarce. Once Misha bought a “roasted squirrel”, but
didn’t understand because he hadn’t seen any alive. It was a rat.
The jackboots starting loading people in the ghetto onto a train. The day
everyone was loaded on the train Misha was separated from Janina and her
Misha was hit in the head with the butt of a gun. When he awoke everyone
was gone. He walked down the tracks to find them. He ended up on a farm
where he worked for several years until the war was declared over.
Misha went to America. He stood
on the corners of streets telling his
story. He got married, but his wife left him
just as they found out she was to have a
 Years later the daughter found Misha. She
had waited to find him so that He could
give her daughter her middle name,
Janina. Misha moved in with his daughter.
 He dug out a milkweed plant and planted it
in the flower bed.
 Misha thought about all of those who “told”
who he was: thief, studpid, Jew, Gyspy,
and now to his granddaughter he’s
The Weirdo
Written by Theodore Taylor
Sam, finds a dead man in the Powhatan Swamp,
NC. It was in front of her house, in a ditch. She was
9 yrs. Old. Now she’s 16.
Uncle Jack and Aunt Peaches leave her in charge
of their prize winning dog, Baron Von Buckner
“Bucky”. He runs off into the swamp chasing after a
bear. They say he’s worth $50,000.
Sam doesn’t find the dog, and ends up spending the
night in a tree stump in the swamp.
She sees a “swamp walker” the next morning
carrying something over his shoulder to the sand
sunk. She thought she saw a foot hanging out of the
bundle. It reminds her of the dead man Alvin Howell.
She finds her way to the spillway house where John
Clewt and his son lives. Their dogs bite her, and
chase her up onto the roof. Charles “Chip”, John’s
17 yr. old son comes home and finds Sam. He
wears a baseball cap to cover his half bald head
and scarred face from a plane crash.
Chip soaks Sam’s feet, gives her a pair of fuzzy
slippers, fixes her a watercress sandwich, and lets
her call her Mom.
John Clewt is a painter and a taxidermist. He
started painting as part of his therapy, he was an
alcoholic, but became well-known for his work in
New York.
Chip has been working with Tom Telford, a graduate
student of NC State, who is studying the bear
population of the Powhatan. He wants the see if the
population has increased enough to lift the
moratorium, ban on hunting, in the spring.
Chip wants to save the bears, but the area he lives
in is full of avid hunters who do not share his
enthusiasm for preserving nature.
Tom and Chip catch a poacher in the swamp. Tom
is declared missing when he doesn’t call anyone for
a week. He never made it to Raleigh. Chip and Sam
find his Jeep hidden in shrubs off of trail #8.
After the announcement of the campaign to save
the bears is published in the local paper, Pilot, the
Clewt’s windows are shot out with buckshot during
their Thanksgiving dinner.
Chip wants Sam to get hypnotized to help her
remember the “swamp walker” she saw the morning
they met, hoping it would help them find Tom, or his
The Weirdo (contin.)
Sam’s father makes a steel trap to kill a bear for
getting into his apples. Sam finds the bear, calls
Chip and they tranquilize him to release him just as
Sam’s Dad gets home. Sam stands up to her Dad
and refuses to move from in front of Chip and the
bear when he comes out with a pistol.
Sam’s father organizes a rally at the community
center for all of the hunters to express their outrage
for the proposal to continue the ban on hunting in
the Powhatan. Chip decides to go to the rally to
explain his views even though he knows he will not
be welcome.
At the rally Sam stands up while her dad is
speaking and moves to the other side of the
auditorium to sit beside Chip. Only the 2nd time in
her life she’s ever defied her father.
When Sam gets hypnotized, the detective on the
Tom’s case, Ed Truesdale, finds out that Sam never
saw the Swamp Walker’s face. But on the day she
found Alvin Howell, she saw a brown truck with
utility ladders on the side the day that she found
Alvin Howell’s body. Sam tried to convince him
there was a connection between the two incidents.
The Weirdo (contin.)
Uncle Jack and Aunt Peaches returned from Paris. They
were disappointment that Sam didn’t take better care of
Bucky. They though his scrapes and scars would prevent
them from breeding him.
Sam skipped school to go with Chip to the Albemarle
County Courthouse to await the decision.
The court voted to lift the hunting ban for deer, but NOT
Buddy Bailey, a painter from Sky town, was finally
charged with Tom Telford’s and Alvin Howell’s murders
after Jack Slade confessed to knowledge of Buddy’s
connection with the victims.
Buddy had promised Jack some contraband (outlawed)
bear steaks, but never paid up. So Jack turned him in to
the cops.
Chip went back to Columbus, Ohio for more cosmetic
surgery. He said his ear looked like “scorched biscuit”. He
and Samantha stayed in close contact. She called him
just as soon as she found out about Buddy.
The swamp gave Chip back his father, a mentor and
friend in Tom, a girlfriend, Sam, and it also helped him
realize he did not have to hide from the world any longer.
Forged by Fire
Written by Sharon Draper
Gerald is a young African-American boy who’s mother is an
alcoholic, drug addict, and likes to party.
She leaves him alone for days at a time and doesn’t really
take care of him. One day while she is gone, he plays with
her cigarette lighter and catches the apartment on fire.
Gerald is saved, but his mom is sent to jail for 5 years for
child abandonment.
Gerald goes to live with his Great Aunt Queen where he is happy, loved
and treated well until his Aunt dies from a heart attack on his 9th birthday
while he is out riding his birthday present, a new bike.
Gerald goes to live with his Mom, Monique, and her new boyfriend Jordan
Sparks and their daughter Angel.
Jordan is violent and physically abusive towards Gerald’s step-sister Angel
and his mother never believes him that anything is happening.
Gerald is very protective of Angel and tries to help her by confiding what is
happening at his house to Mr. Washington, his friend Robert’s dad.
Jordan is sent to jail and everything gets better for awhile. Gerald plays
basketball for the Hazelwood Tigers and Angel dances, while Monique
finds a job and actually takes care of her children.
Jordan is released from jail, and Monique is hit by a car as she runs to get
cigarettes for him and is barely alive. Gerald is again left alone to protect
Angel from Jordan.
One night, Gerald’s friend Robert is killed in a car accident after a
ballgame and he is terribly upset. Gerald looses touch with Mr.
Washington for awhile.
In the end, he confronts Jordan in a battle in their apartment after it
catches on fire from a hotdog that Angel left cooking on the stove.
Jordan dies in the fire and Gerald, Monique, and Angel try to find a normal
life for themselves.
The City of Ember
Written by Jeanne DuPrau
Lina is a 12 year old girl who lives in the City of Ember with
her sister Poppy and her Grandmother. Her father died of
the “coughing” and her mother died after giving birth.
The City of Ember is dark and is lit only by large street
lights and lamps in the home. Sometimes they have
blackouts, which are happening more and more. The generator that runs
the city is more than 250 years old, and people can’t fix it.
Her Grandmother runs a yarn shop that she collects from old sweaters and
Lina is graduating from school and hopes to become a messenger on
assignment day. Instead, she is assigned to work in the pipe works.
Dune, a friend of her trades with her so that she can be a messenger,
running around delivering messages that people give her for .20 cents
each. He wants to work in the pipe works to explore the tunnels and find a
way to fix the generator. He also collects bugs and draws their pictures for
a book. He has a green caterpillar that he found on a cabbage leaf in a
box in his room to study.
On her first day, she ventures onto the roof of the gathering hall and
disgraces herself. The mayor is upset. While there, Lina sees a picture of
her Great Grandfather who used to be a mayor of the city.
The City of Ember is in trouble, the stock room is running out and people
don’t have food, vitamins, clothes or light bulbs! When Lina visits Looper’s
store to deliver a message, she finds out that he has new colored pencils!
She buys a blue and green one for $10.00, almost all of her pay!
In her closet one day, she finds a beautiful box with a strange lock, inside
is a paper which Poppy tries to eat. When Lina recovers it, she finds that it
is instructions left by the builders for a way out of Ember.
The City of Ember
Lina is left all alone in the world after her grandmother dies
and she and Poppy have to go and live with their neighbor.
Determined to decipher the letter, Lina shows it to Clary,
the gardener who is trying to save the potato crop from a
She also shows it to Dune and they begin to fill in the blanks.
Dune explores tunnel 351 and finds a secret room filled
with scarce supplies and the major in there eating! He is stealing them with
Looper’s help!
They tell the town police, but realize that they are in on the plan too and
are receiving extra gifts from the mayor to keep quite about it.
As Lina and Dune try to escape the City of Ember, they take Poppy and
look for a way to invent a “moveable” light.
The letter leads them down the pipe works tunnel to the side of the river
near a rock with an “E” on it. There they must lower themselves down by
rope to a secret door in the side of the wall. After opening it with a key,
they find boxes of candles and matches, but don’t know what they are.
The accidentally find a way to light it and then discover that the room is full
of many boats, but don’t know what those are either.
Lina, Dune and Poppy finally get in the boat and go down the river for
many hours to find themselves in a new land. Here, Poppy find a diary of
one of the original settlers and finds that they moved there to escape
danger. 60 men, 60 women, and 120 babies who are paired up randomly
into families. The babies are to never know anything about the land them
come from – Earth.
Lina and Dune see the sun & moon for the first time and are amazed at
light. They also discover that their City of Ember is inside a deep cave
beneath the earth.
They try to send word to the residents left by dropping a note down into the
whole that will land in the town square……..
Out of the Dust
Written by Karen Hesse
Written as a series of poems in diary format.
Billie Jo lives on her family’s wheat farm in Oklahoma during
the dust bowl years of the Great Depression from 1934-1935
when Roosevelt was president.
There has been no rain for months and the wind and heat
destroys every crop they try to grow. They owe money to everyone.
Her Daddy wants to dig a pond to catch rain water, but her mother thinks it
is a crazy idea, all she wants to do is keep her apple tree alive.
Billie Jo spends her free time playing the piano while her friend Mad Dog
sings. Her Ma has taught her how to play.
While her Ma is pregnant, she tips over a bucket of kerosene while she’s
cooking, and catches her clothes on fire. Billie Jo tries to put the fire out,
but picks up the same bucket of kerosene that her father has left beside the
stove, mistaking it for water, and catches her Ma on fire even more.
Her Ma dies a few week later after giving birth to her baby brother. Her
baby brother named Franklin dies as well and they are buried on a hill
Billie Jo is badly burned on her hands from the accident and is unable to
play the piano any longer. Her hands look like those of a monster.
Daddy never speaks to her anymore because he is very sad, and neither of
them speak to each other, because they feel Ma’s death is the others fault.
Billie Jo finally tries to play the piano again and wins the only competition
that she enters, but thinks that people let her win because she is crippled.
In the end, Daddy meets someone and marries her so that Billie Jo will
have a Ma.
Daddy does dig the pond and the rain comes and fills it as the drought ends
and the fields begin to grow.
The Outsiders
Written by S.E. Hinton is about two weeks in the life of a
14-year-old boy during the 1960’s in Oklahoma. The novel
tells the story of Ponyboy Curtis and his struggles with right
and wrong in a society in which he believes that he is an
Ponyboy and his two brothers—Darrel (Darry), who is 20,
and Sodapop, who is 16—have recently lost their parents
in an automobile accident. Pony and Soda are allowed to stay under Darry’s
guardianship as long as they all behave themselves. The boys are greasers, a
class term that refers to the young men on the East Side, the poor side of
town, that have long greasy hair. The greasers’ rivals are the Socs, short for
Socials, who are the “West-side rich kids.”
The story opens with Pony walking home alone from a movie; he is stopped by
a gang of Socs who proceed to beat him up. The Socs badly injure and
threaten to kill Ponyboy; however, some of his gang happen upon the scene
and run the Socs off.
The next night Pony and two other gang members, Dallas Winston (Dally) and
Johnny Cade, go to a drive-in movie. There they meet Sherri (Cherry) Valance
and her friend Marcia, who have left their Soc boyfriends at the drive-in
because the boys were drinking. Dally leaves after giving the girls a hard time,
but another greaser, Two-Bit Mathews, joins Pony and Johnny. The boys offer
to walk the girls home after the movie, but along the way, the girls’ boyfriends
reappear and threaten to fight the greasers. Cherry stops the fight from
happening, and the girls leave with their boyfriends.
Pony and Johnny go to a vacant lot to hang out before heading home. They
fall asleep, and when Johnny wakes Pony up it’s 2 a.m. Pony runs home,
because the time is way past his curfew, and Darry is waiting up. Darry is
furious with Pony and, in the heat of the moment, he hits him. Pony runs out of
the house and returns to the lot to find Johnny. Pony wants to run away, but
instead they go to the park to cool off before heading back home.
The Outsiders
At the park, Cherry’s and Marcia’s boyfriends reappear.
Pony and Johnny are outnumbered, and the Socs grab
Ponyboy and shove him face first into the frigid fountain,
holding his head under the water. Realizing that Ponyboy
drowning, Johnny panics, pulls his switchblade, and
the Soc, Bob.
Ponyboy and Johnny seek out Dally for help in running
away to avoid being arrested for Bob’s murder. He gives
$50 and directions to a hideout outside of town. The
boys hop
a freight train and find the hideout where they are to wait until Dally comes for
them. Hiding in an abandoned, rural church, they feel like real outsiders, with
their greased, long hair and general hoody appearance. They both cut their
hair, and Pony colors his for a disguise. They pass the time in the church
playing cards and reading aloud from Gone with the Wind.
Dally shows up after a week, and takes them to the Dairy Queen in
Windrixville so they have something to eat beside bologna. Thanks to Dally,
the police think that the boys are headed for Texas. Dally also brings them the
news that Cherry Valance is now being a spy for the greasers, and helping
them out against the Socs. She has also testified that Bob was drunk the night
of his death and that she was sure that the killing had been in self-defense.
Johnny decides that he has a chance now, and announces that he wants to
turn himself in. They head back to the church and discover that it is on fire. A
school group is there, apparently on some kind of outing, and little kids are
trapped inside. Without thinking, Pony and Johnny race inside and rescue the
kids. As they are handing the kids outside to Dally, the burning roof collapses.
Pony barely escapes, but a piece of timber falls on Johnny, burning him badly
and breaking his back. The boys, now viewed as heroes, are taken via
ambulance back to town, where Pony reunites with his brothers.
The Outsiders
Johnny dies of his injuries. Dally is overcome with
grief, and he robs a grocery store. He flees the
police and calls the gang from a telephone booth,
asking them to pick him up in the vacant lot and take
him to a hiding place. The police chase Dally to the
lot, and as the gang watches, Dally pulls a
“black object” from his waistband and the officers shoot him.
Overwhelmed, Ponyboy passes out.
Ponyboy wakes up in bed at home. He has suffered a concussion
from a kick to the head at the rumble and has been delirious in bed
for several days. When he is well, he attends his hearing, where the
judge treats him kindly and acquits him of responsibility for Bob’s
death. The court rules that Ponyboy will be allowed to remain at
home with Darry.
For a time, Ponyboy feels listless and empty. His grades slip, he
feels hostile to Darry, and he loses his appetite. At last, Sodapop
tells Ponyboy that he (Sodapop) is angry and frustrated because of
the tension at home. He tearfully asks that Ponyboy and Darry stop
fighting. Finally understanding the value of his family, Ponyboy
agrees not to fight with Darry anymore.
He finds that for the first time he can remember Dally’s and Johnny’s
deaths without pain or denial. He decides to tell their story and
begins writing a term paper for his English class, which turns out to
be the novel itself.
Written by Angela Johnson
-14 year old Marley lives in the town of Heaven with her Momma
and Pop and brother Butchy. They moved there because her
Momma found a postcard from there on a bench and thought it
looked like a nice place to live.
-She has an Uncle Jack who always writes her letters about his
travels, but never visits. Her parents always send him money
through the Western Union and Marley takes it to the store for
them, it’s exactly 1637 steps from her house. The store stays
open for 23 ½ hours each day and each time she gets a
jawbreaker from the store to eat as her treat.
-Marley has had lots of pets, 8 dogs in fact, all with the same
-Marley’s best friend was Shoogy, but she didn’t really trust their
family because they seemed too perfect. Shoogy was always in
beauty pageants, but what Marley didn’t know was that Shoogy
cuts herself to help her block out the pain. She cuts her thighs
with a fork.
Written by Angela Johnson
-Life is fine in Heaven until they receive a letter from the church
Deacon in Alabama, where they used to live, looking for baptismal
records. The church had burned down and they needed
-When this happens, Marley finds out that Uncle Jack is really her
father and her mother had died in a car accident when she was
really young. This makes her “brother” Butchy question his
parents, so he digs through his parents closet to hunt through a
metal box looking for his birth certificate.
-Marley babysat for a little boy after replying to a purple flier that
listed a major requirement as being able to sing the song “You Are
My Sunshine.”
-Marley’s favorite thing to eat is rhubarb pie!
Written by Angela Johnson
- Marley’s father likes to listen to crickets out back when he is
about to loose his cool. It relaxes him.
-When the kids need to relax, they go to the wall around the
garden and paint graffiti on it since the town allows it.
-The water tower in the town of Heaven looks like E.T.’s head.
- Each Sunday the family fills the car up with gas and drives
around town, but one Sunday they don’t because Marley can’t
find a letter from her mother.
-Marley learns more about her mother and finds out that she
was afraid of thunder storms and lightening. She used to take
Marley out when she was young to keep her from being scared.
Written by Angela Johnson
-Marley’s town celebrates Halloween in July and instead of
carving pumpkins, they carve watermelons.
-Marley also finds out that her mother loved yellow flowers.
Once her Uncle sent her sunflower seeds to plant, but at the
time she didn’t know why.
-Marley likes to run around in cutoff t-shirts, knee-high boots,
and frosted lipstick. Her bedroom is decorated with glow in the
dark stars and the moon on her ceiling.
-In the end Marley decides that a family does not only depend
on biological connections to matter, it depends on the people
who make it!
To Kill a Mockingbird
Written by Harper Lee
To Kill a Mockingbird is primarily a novel about growing
up under extraordinary circumstances in the 1930s in the
Southern United States. The story covers a span of three
Scout Finch lives with her brother Jem and their father Atticus
in the fictitious town of Maycomb, Alabama. Maycomb is a small,
close-knit town, and every family has its social station depending on
where they live, who their parents are, and how long their ancestors
have lived in Maycomb.
A widower, Atticus raises his children by himself, with the help of
kindly neighbors and a black housekeeper named Calpurnia. Scout
and Jem almost instinctively understand the complexities and
machinations of their neighborhood and town. The only neighbor who
puzzles them is the mysterious Arthur Radley, nicknamed Boo, who
lives with his brother Nathan and never comes outside. When Dill,
another neighbor’s nephew, starts spending summers in Maycomb,
the three children begin an obsessive—and sometimes perilous—
quest to lure Boo outside.
Scout is a tomboy who prefers the company of boys and generally
solves her differences with her fists. She tries to make sense of a
world that demands that she act like a lady, a brother who criticizes
her for acting like a girl, and a father who accepts her just as she is.
Scout hates school, gaining her most valuable education on her own
street and from her father.
To Kill a Mockingbird
She and Jem start finding gifts apparently left
for them in a knothole of a tree on the Radley
Dill returns the following summer, and he, Scout, and
Jem begin to act out the story of Boo Radley. Atticus
puts a stop to their antics, urging the children to try to
see life from another person’s perspective before
making judgments.
But, on Dill’s last night in Maycomb for the summer,
the three sneak onto the Radley property, where
Nathan Radley shoots at them. Jem loses his pants in
the ensuing escape. When he returns for them, he
finds them mended and hung over the fence.
The next winter, Jem and Scout find more presents in
the tree, presumably left by the mysterious Boo.
Nathan Radley eventually plugs the knothole with
Shortly thereafter, a fire breaks out in another
neighbor’s house, and during the fire someone slips a
blanket on Scout’s shoulders as she watches the
blaze. Convinced that Boo did it, Jem tells Atticus
about the mended pants and the presents.
To Kill a Mockingbird
Not quite midway through the story, Scout and Jem discover that their
father is going to represent a black man named Tom Robinson, who
is accused of raping and beating a white woman. Suddenly, Scout
and Jem have to tolerate a barrage of racial slurs and insults
because of Atticus’ role in the trial.
During this time, Scout has a very difficult time restraining from
physically fighting with other children, a tendency that gets her in
trouble with her Aunt Alexandra and Uncle Jack. Even Jem, the older
and more levelheaded of the two, loses his temper a time or two.
After responding to a neighbor’s (Mrs. Dubose) verbal attack by
destroying her plants, Jem is sentenced to read to her every day after
school for one month. Ultimately, Scout and Jem learn a powerful
lesson about bravery from this woman. As the trial draws nearer, Aunt
Alexandra comes to live with them under the guise of providing a
feminine influence for Scout.
During the novel’s last summer, at the trial itself, the children sit in the
“colored balcony” with the town’s black citizens. Tom is tried and
convicted even though Atticus proves that Tom could not have
possibly committed the crime of which he is accused. In the process
of presenting Tom’s case, Atticus inadvertently insults and offends
Bob Ewell, a nasty, lazy drunkard whose daughter is Tom’s accuser.
In spite of Tom’s conviction, Ewell vows revenge on Atticus and the
judge for besmirching his already tarnished name. All three children
are bewildered by the jury’s decision to convict; Atticus tries to
explain why the jury’s decision was in many ways a foregone
To Kill a Mockingbird
 Shortly after the trial, Scout attends one of her aunt’s
Missionary Society meetings. Atticus interrupts the meeting to
report that Tom Robinson had been killed in an escape attempt.
Things slowly return to normal in Maycomb, and Scout and Jem realize that
Boo Radley is no longer an all-consuming curiosity. The story appears to be
winding down, but then Bob Ewell starts making good on his threats of
Scout is in the Halloween pageant at school, playing the part of a ham. With
Atticus and Aunt Alexandra both too tired to attend, Jem agrees to take Scout
to the school. After embarrassing herself on-stage, Scout elects to leave her
ham costume on for the walk home with Jem.
On the way home, the children hear odd noises, but convince themselves
that the noises are coming from another friend who scared them on their way
to school that evening. Suddenly, a scuffle occurs. Scout really can’t see
outside of her costume, but she hears Jem being pushed away, and she feels
powerful arms squeezing her costume’s chicken wire against her skin. During
this attack, Jem badly breaks his arm. Scout gets just enough of a glimpse out
of her costume to see a stranger carrying Jem back to their house.
To Kill a Mockingbird
The sheriff arrives at the Finch house to
announce that Bob Ewell has been found dead
under the tree where the children were attacked, having
fallen on his own knife after “supposedly” tripping on a tree
root. By this time, Scout realizes that the stranger is none
other than Boo Radley, and that Boo is actually responsible
for killing Ewell, thus saving her and Jem’s lives.
In spite of Atticus’ insistence to the contrary, the sheriff
refuses to press charges against Boo. Scout agrees with this
decision and explains her understanding to her father. Boo
sees Jem one more time and then asks Scout to take him
home, but rather than escort him home as though he were a
child, she has Boo escort her to his house as a gentleman
With Boo safely home, Scout returns to Jem’s room where
Atticus is waiting. He reads her to sleep and then waits by
Jem’s bedside for his son to wake up.
Here Lies the Librarian
Written by Richard Peck
Peewee and her brother Jake live in Indiana in a small
town by themselves after their mother has died and
their daddy has left them.
Paved roads are coming soon to replace the dirt ones, so they hope
they will have more business in their car shop and eventually they
might be able to buy their own to drive.
The Colonel and Aunt Hat live beside of them and think that
automobiles are from the devil. The Colonel also thinks he is still
fighting in the Civil War.
Peewee idolizes Jake who dreams of being a real auto mechanic as
he works in their little car shop fixing flat tires for people.
After a tornado blows through town in 1914, the town’s graveyard is
unearthed and windows are broken out of the town’s library.
The nearby town of Brownsburg makes fun of them and calls them
“Rubesburg” because they don’t have a library.
Irene Ridpath comes to town to look at the library and runs off the
road and has a flat tire. She is shocked when she goes to Jake’s to
have it fixed and finds out that PeeWee is a girl who’s real name is
Irenen, Grace Stutz, Lodelia Fulwider, and Geraldine Harrison are all
soriety sister and students of Library Science at Butler U who come
to town to apply for the job. All were daughters of wealthy men who
offered the library many upgrades, so they were all hired together
with no pay.
Here Lies the Librarian
Irene befriends Peewee and sends her a letter in the mail, the
first one Peewee has ever had! She also teaches her how a
lady should act and what she should wear.
Peewee starts helping Irene to open the new library, when they
go to retrieve books from the barn, Irene lets Peewee drive her
Stoddard-Dayton, a very expensive car.
When the town opens the new library with a party, Irene sends
Peewee a new lilac dress to wear. Some boys who want to
cause a stir, put a toad in the punch which gets stepped on. Two of the
townspeople are scared when they hear a toilet flush for the first time!
Grace’s Bearcat, another car, breaks down after her brakes are cut by the
Kirby’s, a mean bunch of brothers who fix cars also. In exchange for his
services, Grace give him a Brush wooden chassis from the barn so Jake can
build his own car.
The Kirby’s steal work from Jake and also things from his garage. One night,
they even set Peewee’s dogs’ tail on fire as they try to lure them away.
Jake and Peewee work on their car until it is finished and they name it the
Peewee. They decide to enter it into the big Ten-Mile Auto race, but the night
before, it is stolen. Grace loans him the Bearcat and becomes his sponsor.
At the auto race, the Kirby boys throw a wrench and hit Jake in the head,
knocking him out of the race.
Peewee steps in and wins the auto race by crossing the finish line backwards!
They do not give her the $50 prize money though because she is a girl, and
girls don’t race!
Jake moves to Indianapolis to work for Grace’s father at the Stutz Motor Car
Company putting in electric headlamps, the new craze.
Peewee moves in with the Colonel and Aunt Hat until she finished high school,
and Irene leaves to join the American Ambulance Field Service for the war. It is
only then that Peewee learns that the Kirby boys didn’t steal the car before the
race, Irene and Grace had stolen it!
The book ends in 1978 when Al Unser has won his 3rd Indianapolis 500 race
and her sister in law Grace and she are watching the race.
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Written by Betty Smith
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn begins on a Saturday afternoon in
the summer of 1912 in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, where a tree
called the Tree of Heaven grows amidst the tenement houses.
Francie Nolan is eleven years old, and she and her brother
are collecting junk to exchange for pennies. The first child of
Katie and Johnny Nolan, Francie loves her neighborhood.
This particular Saturday is typical. Francie runs many errands for her
mother, makes a daily trip to the library, and spends a relaxing afternoon
watching her neighbors from the fire escape. Although the Nolans live in a
humble apartment in a run down section of town, they fill their home with
warmth and love.
Johnny Nolan, a young Irish man, sings and waits tables for some extra
money, but most of the financial support falls to Katie, who works as a
janitor in the building in exchange for rent.
The beginning of Book II flashes back to a summer in 1900 when Katie
and Johnny first met. Katie and her friend Hildy O'Dair worked in a factory,
and Hildy dated a young boy named Johnny Nolan. When Katie first
danced with Johnny, she made up her mind to endure any hardship, if she
could only spend her life with Johnny. They fell in love and got married
within six months. Katie came from a family of strong Austrian women;
Johnny was one of many weak and talented men in his family.
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
The young Johnny and Katie support themselves by working
as janitors in a public school, but their lives become more
stressful when Katie becomes pregnant.
A year after Francie is born, Katie gives birth to a boy, Neeley,
who will be her favorite. The stress of living in poverty and
having children causes Johnny to become weaker and undependable,
while Katie's fighting instinct kicks in. Johnny's drinking problem gets
worse and the Nolans move after a binge on his twenty-first birthday brings
shame to their family.
They love their new apartment on Lorimer Street, and stay until Katie's
sister, Sissy, makes some mistakes that shame the family. The house on
Grand Street is the third and last of the Nolans's homes in Brooklyn.
Neeley and Francie start school the same year. Francie has anticipated
school with great delight, but finds the neighborhood school cruel and
mean. Her love for learning is juxtaposed with the cruelties of the teachers
and other children. One day, Francie happens upon a beautiful school that
she wishes she could attend. Johnny figures out a way for Francie to
transfer to this kinder school, where rich children are not favored over poor
children like Francie. Although she never makes many friends, school
becomes a more positive place for Francie.
Growing up, Francie and Neeley enjoy all the holidays throughout the year.
At this point in the book, the flashback ends, and we return to the point at
which the book begins. Through many experiences, Francie loses the
innocence that marks her character when the book begins. One of these
experiences is the tree-throwing ritual. One Christmas, Francie and Neeley
participate in an old Brooklyn tree-catching tradition. They remain standing
while the biggest tree in the lot is thrown straight at them. Although they
are thrilled with the thought of a Christmas tree, the reader understands
the cruelty of this ritual, especially when Katie begins to worry that her
children do not even know the hardship they live in.
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Another loss of innocence occurs with Francie's run-in with a
sex offender. Katie is prepared with a gun, and shoots the
criminal, and Francie emerges relatively unscathed. Still, this
is Francie's first experience with sex of any kind; around this
time, Francie also starts her period, and becomes more
aware of the social taboos surrounding women's sexuality.
Francie becomes more aware of her father's problems with alcohol. As
Francie grows up, Johnny comes home drunk more and more often. Little
by little, he becomes more worthless as a breadwinner, and ultimately, his
dismissal from the Union puts him over the edge.
Also, Katie is pregnant again, which the narrator suggests, makes Johnny
all the weaker. Johnny dies Christmas Day, five months before his
daughter, Annie Laurie, is born. Her father's death is an important event for
Francie's character development. Up till this point, Francie has gone along
with her family's Catholic traditions. Now, Francie stops believing in God.
She also respected her teachers a great deal, and her English marks
especially were important to her. Now, Francie begins to write "sordid"
compositions in response to her father's death. Although the teacher
disapproves, Francie refuses comply with her order to burn her ugly
compositions, and instead burns the flowery compositions that had nothing
to do with Francie's life experiences.
Although Francie's attitudes toward school and religion may be seen as
rebellious, she has not lost her sensitive, caring nature. Francie takes care
of her mother in the few days before her delivery, and although she and
Katie fight, Francie values her more, knowing the pain and suffering of
losing a parent. At the same time, Katie can never replace Johnny for
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Sissy accompanies Francie to her school graduation, where
Francie finds red roses sent to her from Johnny, who gave
Sissy the money for them two years before. At this moment,
Francie grieves for all that she has lost--Johnny, and the
innocence that disappeared when he died.
Francie and Neeley have to go to work the summer after eighth grade
graduation, as Katie cannot support them all. Francie starts working in a
factory and then gets a job in a clippings bureau, where she reads papers
from all over the country, and learns about the world. One day, she and
Neeley proudly present their first week's pay to Katie. Although Francie
has a good job, she desperately wants to go to high school. Unfortunately,
Katie allows Neeley to go back to school instead of Francie, since they can
only afford to send one. The Nolans have more money now with Francie's
job, and live more comfortably than they used to. Although Francie never
does go to high school, she manages to enroll in college summer classes.
America enters World War I, and the world is changing. Technological
advances allow Sissy to give birth to a live baby in a hospital.
One day Francie meets a young soldier, Lee Rynor who she falls in love
with in 48 hours. Lee goes home and marries his fiancée before going to
war, leaving Francie with a broken heart. Eventually, Francie finds that she
enjoys the company of Ben Blake a successful boy she met at summer
The climax of the novel comes when Sergeant McShane asks Katie to
marry him; he is a good man who will make it possible for Laurie to grow
up without hardship, and Francie and Neeley to go to college. The Nolans
move out of their apartment the day before the wedding while Francie gets
ready to leave for college at University of Michigan. And the Tree of
Heaven in her yard keeps on growing.
Written by David Stahler, Jr.
Jacob is a young boy who is being raised in the utopian community of
Harmony on a distant planet where everyone is blind, either by choice or
by birth.
While Jacob is playing with his friend Egan, he is hit by a horrible
Eventually the headaches hurt less, but he starts to notice that he can
“see” things, at first only shades and shapes, but then he starts to see
clearly. The first thing he sees is a bug eating another bug.
Jacob’s parents often fight, but he doesn’t know why. When they do this,
he hides in his room and listens to music from his metal music box. The
music is a song that all children from Harmony know about children who
grow up as flowers and are never picked.
Jacob’s friend Delaney wants to leave Harmony, but since her father is the
high counselor, she can’t.
One night during the food delivery when all citizens are supposed to be in
their houses, Jacob sneaks out since he can see. He finds Delaney hiding
on a hill trying to run away, they are caught so they both run. Later, Jacob
hears that Delaney has died, yet there is no funeral or burial. With a
finder, Jacob tries to find Delaney but can’t so he knows she isn’t dead.
Jacob’s mother is devastated since Delaney was her best piano student.
Jacob finds out lots of things now that he can see. People are stealing
food from the storehouse, his dad and the other field workers eat while
they are picking, his mom and his dad don’t really get along. He also
knows that his mother is having an affair with the high counselor of
Harmony after he sees them kissing in front of his house.
Jacob gets in trouble many times for not activating his
sounder so others can hear him, but he doesn’t need it anymore
since he can see.
Jacob learned to recognize people by their faces now that he can
see, not just the sound from their sounder. He knows Beth, a girl
he likes, because she smells like lilac.
Jacob confides in his friend Egan that he can see and Egan tells
his father. The police come to get Jacob and take him to the
high councilor so a decision about his fate can be made. He
can’t live in Harmony like this since it makes people feel
Jacob is taken to the ghostbox, a machine from earth, that can
do surgery on him and take away his eyesight again.
Jacob learns however when the high counselor winks at him, that
he can see as well, so he runs, knowing that they are not going
to just fix his sight, they plan to kill him!
The book ends with Jacob running past the boundaries of
Harmony to find Delaney and escape to a place where he can
live with his eyesight, because he doesn’t want to loose it now
that he has it. He realizes that there is so much to see, if you
only look.
The Land
Written by Mildred D. Taylor
Paul-Edward Logan is born on a plantation in Georgia to a
white man and his black mistress, a former slave. He has
three white brothers—two who are older and one who his
own age—and one black sister. His father is a fair-minded
man, and when Paul is little, he sees little difference between his life
and the lives of his brothers, especially the youngest brother, Robert,
who is his best friend.
Throughout his childhood, Paul, who is only one-quarter black and
can pass as white, is tormented by the black children who live on the
plantation, especially a boy named Mitchell.
Eventually, Paul strikes a deal with Mitchell: Paul will teach Mitchell
how to read and write, and Mitchell will teach Paul how to fight. Their
alliance is sealed when Paul takes the blame for Mitchell, who rides
and injures one of Paul's father's best horses.
Shortly thereafter, Paul's father sends Paul to learn furniture making
in Macon, and he sends Robert to a boy's school in Savannah. The
two brothers, now immersed in separate worlds, begin to grow apart.
This distance creates a developing rift, especially when Paul fights
Robert and two of his white friends because they have beaten and
hurt one of the family's horses. As a result, Paul's father whips Paul
severely, not for fighting the boys, but for standing up to and striking
white men.
The Land
Several years later, Paul and Mitchell accompany Paul's
father to a horse fair in east Texas. Paul is an excellent rider,
and a man, whose jockey is ill, asks Paul to ride in a horse
race. When Paul's father does not permit him to race, Paul
disobeys his father, partially because he feels his father has
a double standard about kinship.
Paul wins the race but must flee on a train with Mitchell, both to
escape his father's wrath and because Mitchell took money from the
horse owner that should have gone to Paul.
The two young men work as horsemen on a farm in Mississippi and
then work in a lumbering camp. In the lumbering camp, the boss,
Jessup, resents Paul, who looks like a white man. Eventually, the pair
leaves the lumbering camp in search of a better life, and the two part
Paul ends up in Vicksburg, where he makes furniture for a friendly
white storeowner. Paul carefully saves his money, determined to buy
a tract of land south of Vicksburg. He meets an attractive and saucy
young girl, Caroline, while making a rocker for her mother. He thinks
about asking to court her, but before he can muster the nerve, he
discovers that Caroline is betrothed to his dear friend Mitchell, who
works at a lumbering camp nearby.
The Land
Impatient to begin his life as a landowner, Paul makes a
deal with a miserly white man, Filmore Granger, to clear
forty acres of timberland for the man in exchange for
ownership of the forty acres.
Though this is not the land Paul wants to own, he hopes he can sell it
later to buy the land he really desires.
Mitchell agrees to work with Paul in exchange for a share of the land.
Mitchell and Caroline get married, and the three begin a happy but
demanding life that consists of clearing trees from the land. They are
occasionally harassed, particularly by a poor white man named
Digger Wallace, a worthless drunk.
Finally, the land Paul dreams of owning goes on sale, and Paul
stakes everything he has to buy 200 acres. Just after he makes the
deal, however, Digger Wallace shoots and kills Mitchell. Paul and
Caroline work desperately, selling off their belongings one by one to
make payments on the 200 acres. When Granger rescinds his deal
and seizes ownership of the forty acres, Paul and Caroline are ready
to surrender.
Just before they must leave the forty acres and foreclose on the 200,
Robert appears with a letter from Paul's sister, Cassie. Inside the
letter is Paul's inheritance from his mother and money that Cassie
had saved—more than enough to pay for the land.
Paul and Caroline get married and move onto the 200 acres together.
Surviving the Applewhites
Written by Stephanie Tolan
Jake Semple is a scary kid, word has it that he burned down his
old school and was kicked out of every other one in him state!
Since his parents are in jail, he has been sent to live with his
grandfather in Traybridge, North Carolina but he has thrown him out too!
The only place that will take him is a home school named the Creative
Academy, run by the most outrageous, forgetful, chaotic, quarrelsome
family you’ll ever meet, the Applewhites.
E.D., pronounced E period, D period, NOT Edie is named after her
mother’s favorite writer Edith Wharton. She is the most organized in the
family. She as 2 brothers and one sister. Cordelia is a dancer, Hal is a
reclusive artist who stays in his room to build, and Destiny is the little
brother who is into everything!
Aunt Lucille is a poet, Uncle Archie makes furniture, Zebediah is the
patriarch, Sybil her mother is an author, and Randolph her father is a
At Wit’s End, each child is responsible for their own learning, but Jake
must shadow E.D. and do what she does. Her project is collecting
butterflies and categorizing them. E.D. does not want Jake to learn with
her since her project is almost done. She only has to find one more
Aunt Lucille thinks Jake will be fine though because he is a “radiant light
Jake does come up with his own teaching opportunity project, watching
real caterpillars turn into butterflies. E.D. is furious however because she
hadn’t thought of it first.
Surviving the Applewhites
Jeremy Bernstein comes to interview Sybil about her new novel
she is writing. Instead he gets to meet the whole family and is
fascinated that they all are related. As he is leaving Wit’s End,
his car collides with Randolph’s and he is forced to stay until it
can be fixed.
E.D. is upset with Jeremy Bernstein in the house because he is always on
the computer and she can’t get her math work finished.
Jake and Destiny form a friendship and suddenly Destiny wants to be like
him, he even puts wheat paste in his hair to make it spike up like Jake’s.
He even wants to die it purple!
The family dog, Winston, also loves Jake and will howl anytime he leaves!
This drives all of the Applewhite artist crazy!
Randolph is asked to direct the town’s play of The Sound of Music.
Jeremy thinks it’s wonderful how Randolph is casting a color blind version!
When he can’t find anyone who is good enough to play the part, he puts
Jake in the play because he can sing “magnificent”.
Jake and Destiny go to every practice together, but one night while Destiny
is bored, he uses Jake’s cigarette lighter and starts a fire in the trashcan at
the theater.
Eventually Randolph offends all members of the cast and is forced to
cancel the play. Since E.D. can’t stand for all the hard work to be wasted,
she decides to organize it herself and put it on in the barn at Wit’s end.
Cornelia does the choreography, Lucille and Sybil make the costumes,
Hal, Zebediah and Archie make the stage and props, while Jeremy plays
the accordion.
In the end, Jake is honored to be in the play which receives wonderful
reviews, and he knows that he will somehow find a way to be on stage
My Dog Skip
Written by Willie Morris
Willie grew up in a small town
in Mississippi in 1943.
His dad bought him an English Smooth Haired Fox
Terrier. He ordered him from a breeder in Springfield Missouri.
He named him Skipper, but Willie called him Skip.
To Willie, Skip was no ordinary dog.
Skip “understood” what Willie would say to him. He “knew” what it meant
when Willie would ask him to do things.
Skip did not like dog food. He
ate mayonnaise and Ketchup sandwiches, squirrel dumplings, cotton candy,
chicken livers , chicken gizzards, Moonpies, raisin bran, and most of all
sliced bologna.
Willie made a leather pouch for Skip. He would put a quarter in the pouch
and tell Skip “Go see Bozo and get you some bologna” and he would go
to the grocery store and return with sliced bologna in his teeth.
During this time it was normal for 13 yr old to drive. So Willie’s favorite trick
was to drive his dad’s old De Soto car and prop Skip up on the steering
wheel and make it look like a dog was driving.
Skip almost died after getting into some poison. Willie
and his Dad had to drive 40 miles to Jackson to the
animal clinic.
Willie and the boys time Skip running the 100 yd. dash.
He ran it in 7.8 seconds. They believed it was a world record.
My Dog Skip
Skip was Willie’s partner is mischief.
He tied a cardboard skeleton to Skip
the night they scared John Abner in the graveyard.
Willie played his trumpet to make a howling sound.
 Skip and Willie brought a cow into the school auditorium
and tied it to a chair to scare the teachers during play
 Skip loved to play football. Willie taught him how to be in
the huddle, how to do the “Statue of Liberty” play. Willie
cut the laces of the football so Skip could carry it in his
 Willie and Skip spent the night in the graveyard as part of
a bet. They ran into some drunken grave robbers. They
made Willie drink a beer. When he awoke the next
morning they had stolen his tent, canteen, and all his
 Telephone numbers were short:1, 27, 243.
 During the summer time was marked by the Noon whistle
at the sawmill.
 “Love and loyalty are the best things of all and the most
lasting. That’s what he taught me”
My Dog Skip
Rivers Applewhite is a girl that Willie has known
since they were 2 yrs old. He has a crush on her.
She is the one who saved Willie from the Writing
Spider the night of the Chinaberry fight.
A half-starved kitten showed up one day. Willie called Rivers
because his family was a “dog family”. She brought a bottle, canned milk, and
ointment for the kitten. She named it “Baby”. She and Skip nursed it, but
then one day it died.
Skip’s contributions to the World War II efforts was picking up cigarette
boxes. The needed the foil. The Camel boxes were the best. If you
collected enough foil, you could get into the Kiddie Matinee at the Dixie
Theatre for free. The manager let Skip into the movies along with the boys
because had helped to find the cigarette boxes too.
In the summers, Willie and Skip would go to Jackson to visit his
grandparents, and great aunts.
Grandpa Percy worked in a potato chip factory. They went to work with him
one day and ate chips from 9 AM- 4 PM. They drank a gallon of water for
dinner because of all the salt and grease.
Time is a Tricky Fellow”- Lewis Carroll
One Winter, Will took Skip sledding down the hill
in the cemetery. The snow lasted 4 days.
At Christmas dinner at Grandma’s they ate
ambrosia, roasted pecans, and mincemeat pies among the traditional foods.
“Willie’s room was adorned (decorated) with college pennants (banners), a
cow horn, 1946 Cardinals Baseball photo, an old baseball glove, a
rattlesnake rattle, Books from Mark Twain, Zane Gray, Charles Dickens,
and Edgar Allen Poe, and pieces of dried mud from a riverbed.
My Dog Skip
Skip got pinched on the nose by a crawdad
while playing in the river.
Willie is a boy scout. He is always talking about his pledge, honor,
and duty.
A tornado went through Main St. one day while they were at the
movies. It carried bicycles through the air.
Willie got detention for throwing spitballs at a girl in class. Skip came to
school one day looking for him when he didn’t come home, and he growled
at Miss Abbott, the teacher. She threw a Reader’s Digest book at him. As a
result, Willie got an extra week of detention.
Grandpa Percy tried to always keep up with Willie and Skip. He wished he
could be a boy again. They were climb trees, and they even walked down
to the POW (Prisoners of War) camp and looked at the soldiers through
the fence. One of the prisoners petted Skip through the fence, he said Skip
looked like a dog he had back in Germany.
Grandma took Willie with her to the Jitney Jungle store. There she pointed
out to him the Queen of the Netherlands.
In the summer water trucks would spray down the roads. Half naked
children would follow the trucks to play in the water and escape the heat.
During the War, Willie ran a Kool-Aid stand in the summer. He sold it for
2cent a glass. While he was waiting on customers he would kill flies. He
would pretend they were Japanese fighter planes. He would also kill ants
and pretend they were German foot soldiers.
One night a Delta passenger plane landed on their small town airstrip.
They had mistaken the lights of the city to be the Jackson Airport.
Summer of his 10th grade Willie and Skip went to Boy Scout camp at
Camp Kickapoo. He was make the camp bugler in charge of reveille and
taps. The camp’s nickname “Tickapoo” because Skip came home with 20
My Dog Skip
When Willie was in 11th grade, Skip ran off. He called all
his friends and rode on his bike around town looking for
him. Skip had never run off and not come back. He
searched for two days. He finally found in at the dump,
trapped inside an old refrigerator.
Willie and Rivers became a steady pair. They would take
Skip with them on their dates, and then drop him off at
home before going to the midnight movie.
After graduation, they went to the midnight-to-dawn
dance. It was a tradition. Skip stayed up all night too.
Willie one a scholarship to study in England for 3 yrs after
college. He knew he would never see Skip again. He got
a transatlantic call from his parents when he died. They
buried him in Willie’s 1952 State Champs Baseball jacket
next to where they had buried the kitten many years
Singer of All Songs
Written by Kate Constable
Tremaris is a three-mooned planet that
contains many different magical lands.
Throughout Tremaris there are “Nine Powers”, ironcraft, seeming, being, beast, ice call, windcraft, Fire,
Tongue, and Power of all.
Antaris is the mountainous region where the
priestesses live inside their giant ice wall.
They have the power of “ice-call” they can create
ice, snow, and storms by singing “chantments”.
Calwyn is a “novice” she is training to be a
priestess. She does not do well indoors, so they put
her in charge of the bee hives.
During the “wall restoring” ceremony, Calwyn was
strengthening her section of the wall and she
discovered an “outlander”, a man not from Antaris,
was lying on the ground. He was inside but there
was no hole, crack, or any sign of wall penetration.
Singer of All Songs
Calwyn was surprised when the outlander began
to sing as she approached him. His chantment was
lower, but it felt as someone had pulled her back by
her shirt collar.
Calwyn took him to the Dwelling so Ursca, the keeper of
the infirmary could help him. He had a bad cut on his face
and a badly broken foot. As they walked, Calwyn noticed
he was using chantments to help him walk. She never
used chantments for “trivial” things.
His name was Darrow. He said he flew over the wall. He
is being chased.
Marna, High Priestess, and Tamen ,the Guardian of the
Wall, met Calwyn and Darrow when the returned to the
Dwelling. They though that Calwyn had brought him
through the wall.
Darrow was delirious with fever, Calwyn saved him by
giving “Queen’s jelly” from the hive to Ursca, for Darrow to
take. That was the 2nd time she’d saved his life.
Singer of All Songs
Marna asks Calwyn to talk to Darrow to find
out why he was in Antaris. Calwyn tells
Marna of the “Singer of All Songs” and his power of
seeming (the power of illusions- to seem to be