EPISCOPAL ADDRESS 2014 • EBENEZER SPIRIT CONTINUES AS WE MAKE DISCIPLES FOR JESUS CHRIST. Word of Thanks and Appreciation • Coming out of the joy filled Ebenezer Convention, my opening word is “Thank you very much” for the job well done. This word of thanks goes to all of you clergy and laity, leaders at all levels of the church and the members of the United Methodist church at large. Word of Thanks cont…… Specifically give me space to name members of the Cabinet, Administrative Staff, Clergy and their spouses, conference lay leaders, district lay leaders, all key leaders of the conference, our partners and all of you indeed. Word of thanks cont….. You did your church great pride. The Ebenezer event shall remain as a constant source of our inspiration as a church for a long time to come. Finally let me express sincere thanks to the church for the support at the wedding of our daughter Nyasha Nhiwatiwa and Tinashe Makarau. Condolences • Most of us might have lost someone , a friend, a relative, parent, child and more. We thank our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for assuring us that when all is done on earth we have a home not built by hands but by God Himself. Condolences cont…. By faith we affirm our belief that our loved ones have gone to that everlasting place where all of us will follow. Condolences cont….. • From among the clergy family, let me lift the names of Rev K.Kahlari, Rev G. Chinzou, Pastor Mujeni, Rev Bvunzai, Rev Mugoti’s husband, Mbuya Esnath Makuto, Mbuya Kawadza, DS and Mrs Charwadza lost their daughter Runyararo, Condolences cont….. Rev Kanjanda lost her husband Mr Kanjanda, Rev Bhobho lost his father, and many more whom I cannot claim to have included . Other reports will help in filling the omissions. Condolences cont….. Further the church joined the Chahwanda family in mourning the death of our former head at Dendera Mr. Chahwanda and his father who died in a car accident. Condolences cont….. Also Mr Rhodes Chimonyo a former Conference Worker. We have all lost someone dear to us. May their souls rest in peace. Thank You For Achieving Objectives in Various Ministries and Tasks Let me express sincere thanks for working hard as chairpersons of committees, Boards and Councils: Episcopacy, CONFAD, Council on Ministries, Equit Compensation, Board of Communication, Board of Pensions, Board of Trustees, BOOMS, Organizations, our Technical staff overseeing the construction of the head offices, and all of you leaders without exception. Thank You for Achieving cont…. You are so committed in your work . may God bless you all. APPROACH As you will notice, the approach and layout of this Episcopal address is different from those of the past. I will not deal with the various ministries and tasks which have been going on in the Area as those will be readily captured in various reports.. Approach cont…. Groundbreakings and dedication of buildings went on well as planned. Wesleyan Mobile Colleges went on in 8 districts. Next year 2015 we will be doing the same in the 5 remaining districts Approach cont….. After recapturing some of the promotional ways to our vision and on the strategic plan itself, and the focus on building of the head offices, the address will turn on the reflections on the Ebenezer Convention. Approach cont….. These reflections will attempt to draw on valuable lessons which we can garner from the event for strategic thinking and planning for the future of our church. At the end we will have a pictorial journey to view what has transpired throughout the year. A call for Prayer As a Church we join others in praying that our country continues to enjoy peace for time without end. Further we pray the country will receive adequate rain for this planting season. A Call for Prayer cont…. In as much as we pray that God continues to give our leaders wisdom in improving the economic conditions in the country, we on our part should work hard as communities and individuals to uplift ourselves.. A Call for Prayer cont…. We should learn more about ZIMASSET and find ways in which we can join fully in the development of our surroundings and as individual families STRATEGIC PLAN For our Vision, Mission, and Core Values I refer you to the document you all know or should be familiar with, that the Strategic Plan 2013-2016. It is a document which every leader in the Episcopal Area should have on his or her own desk for constant reference as we do our ministries. Strategic Plan cont….. Even our reports at all levels of the church should make intentional reference to the Strategic Plan so that we do not loose focus and miss our targets. I am happy to say that we are doing our best in aligning our goals and objectives to the strategic plan. Recapturing the Promotional Episcopal Vision Most if not all remember the acronym BEB: B-Bringing more people to Christ. E.-Ebenezer Convention. B-Building the Conference Head Offices and other related structures throughout the church. Recapturing the Promotional cont… We should pat our backs for achieving the E-Ebenezer Convention in style by the grace of God. The last B-Building of Head Offices is on an encouraging track especially as we witness the progress already made on this structure at 10 Harvey Brown , Harare, in the Zimbabwe West Annual Conference. Recapturing the Promotional cont… For the East Conference the plans are that groundbreaking will take place early in the coming year 2015. Safari Mood Another promotional catch phrase was the Safari Mood. The idea was to instill the sense of readiness and urgency as we forge forward in doing our work. We still need this safari mood, the spirit of ACTION, ACTION and little talk. CHABADZA The Chabadza philosophy of giving a helping hand to one who is already in the field of work has given direction and unique meaning to our partnerships internationally and the way we do mission locally. Chabadza Cont…. New in the field of the Chabadza context and doing well is the Zimbabwe Norway partnership. The spirit of Chabadza can be expanded to include all the various donations which we receive locally from our dear church members and individual families. Chabadza Cont…. On this note let me draw your attention to the gift of a lorry which the Zimbabwe West Annual conference received from a family from within our church who preferred to remain anonymous. We say thank you to them and many other doing marvelous deed to aid the work of God. OUR FOCUS IS ON THE BUILDING OF THE HEADOFFICES Before I go further on another important segment of my Episcopal Address, let me call upon the attention of the delegates and all the leaders clergy and laity in abroad and at home, that all roads in the United Methodist Church in Zimbabwe lead to the construction sites of the head offices. OUR FOCUS IS ON cont….. This is our own initiative. We should not budget with the thought that someone will come to our aid. OUR FOCUS IS ON cont… We are thankful for Baltimore Washington conference which has extended a helping hand to the Zimbabwe West for the construction of the Head Office. OUR FOCUS IS ON cont… When Kansas West heard what Baltimore Washington did, they hinted that they would also help with a similar amount for the Zimbabwe West. Apart from these offers we do not have any reason yet to expect anything from anywhere. OUR FOCUS IS ON cont…. Building of the head offices may not be as exciting as the focus on the Ebenezer Convention was, but I would like to appeal to your creative abilities to make the building of these structures be the one thing our people shall be thinking of until we are done. OUR FOCUS IS ON cont… The process might require that we take the building of head offices as High Priority over and above our own building plans in circuits and Districts. OUR FOCUS IS ON cont… The budget of the conference for the construction of the offices should be taken as the priority above everything else. Talk building the head offices, Think building the head offices, Eat Building the head offices Walk building the head offices. OUR FOCUS IS ON cont… I say all these encouraging words knowing without doubt as you do that we will do it, may the Lord be our helper. The Ebenezer Spirit Continues as we make disciples for Jesus Christ. MHURURU PA BASA As a fund raising effort we shall have what we will call Mhururu pa basa. Leaders of the church will gather at the building site and donate whatever they can to speed up the process. MHURURU PA BASA cont…. More so when each of the building reaches the furnishing stage it is through mhururu pa basa that circuits will be allocated rooms to furnish. Designers would have mapped out the type, quantity and quality of furniture needed. MHURURU PA BASA cont… A group of circuits will pick up a room and furnish it. A plaque to give credit to the circuits and district would be placed in that room. A date for mhururu pa basa will be assigned. MHURURU PA BASA cont… This process is more so for the ZWAC head office which has advanced to almost that stage. REFLECTIONS ON THE EBENEZER CONVENTION We can all come up with different and even better analysis . I just happen to have the privilege of doing so at the seating of this annual conference. REFLECTIONS cont…. First The Ebenezer Convention demonstrated clearly that if we accept whole heartedly that we want to do something we will do it irrespective of the challenges involved. REFLECTIONS cont… It was amazing to see how all districts were able to pay in full their allocated budgets. Organizations, our congregations overseas all did their best in availing their contribution. REFLECTIONS cont…. Our take from this experience is that as a church we are poised for greater things to come as we pull our resources together. May this spirit of oneness continue among us. REFLECTIONS cont…. Second The event showed us that we have able leaders from among ourselves. The way the convention was planned and run was superb. REFLECTIONS cont…. The confirmation we get from this experience is that we, the United Methodists can plan and organize any event regardless how big it might sound in peoples’ ears. REFLECTIONS cont….. If ever the General Conference 2024 will come our way, you the present and future leaders of this church will be able to rise to the occasion and do it in style. REFLECTIONS cont…… Third The Ebenezer Convention rebranded our name as a denomination in Zimbabwe and beyond. The use of the media both our own website and the national media catapulted us on the front row of churches in the country. REFLECTIONS cont…. We were surely true to the call: “Go and tell It on the Mountain…..” We may want to think strategically and make use of those opportunities where the media may be helpful in telling our story. REFLECTIONS cont…. Fourth The Convention brought in the lime light a variety of rich ministries talent which the church has. The children Youth ministries, organizations, MUMC and RRW and UMYF. REFLECTIONS cont…. The fruits of the Music festivals were harvested in the 1000 Voices Choir. That choir mesmerized many more so our partners who clicked cameras one after another. REFLECTIONS cont…. In those notations we surely do not leave out our artist Fungisayi, what a happy surprise to the congregants Thank you organizers. The preachers lived up to the occasion. We have all we need as a church. We thank God for that. REFLECTIONS cont…. Fifth This Convention brought us together and consolidated our fellowship as one family. It was an affirming experience of who we are even as we departed to go back to our own respective places of residence. REFLECTIONS cont….. The memory that one is not alone will linger among us for a long time. Sixth One thing which came out from the people almost as they were leaving the stadium is that they would like to have another Ebenezer. REFLECTIONS cont…. I would like to think that you would agree with me that there is no problem with that. The only thing which needs to be worked administratively is after how many years interval. REFLECTIONS cont…. One can go further and say Ebenezer can be adopted as a recurrent feature in our church. The conferences can agree on the number of years which should pass before another Ebenezer Convention. Of course we should know that it was an expensive undertaking which took a lot of time , energy and resources to plan. But it can be done. REFLECTIONS cont…. My humble request is that for now and the foreseeable future we should all work tirelessly on the construction of the head offices. Time for Ebenezer will always be there for us. REFLECTIONS cont….. Seventh, Another thing which came out as an isolated aspect about the convention from the people is that, they would not like to carry provisions to cook at conventions. REFLECTIONS cont…. Leaders can pick on that observation and see how we can change some of our practices for the better to align with what our people aiming at. Could it be that all the provision of food be left to caterers? REFLECTIONS cont…. What about at the annual conferences, is it possible to experiment with the approach we used at the Ebenezer Convention in the provision of food. Let us deliberate in various for a. Hopefully, come 2016 we will be ready to implement some of these changes. General Church Visits in November 2014 The Team in the Commission on the General Conference came for the Feasibility Study on whether the General Conference 2024 could be held in Zimbabwe came in the country on November 13 and departed on November 24. General Church Visits cont…. Among them were Rev Gere Reist, the General Secretary of the General Conference, Mrs Sara Hotchkiss, the Business manager in the General Council of Finance and Adminstration (GCFA) and Rev Joa Damiao of Mozambique. They visited hotels in Victoria Falls, Harare , Mutare and Nyanga. The event was well planned . General Church Visits cont…. a. Zimbabwe and the Philippine invited the General conference to be hosted here in 2024. After these visits the General Commission on the General Conference will assess what they saw and make their decision. General Church Visits cont…. We will be informed of the decision at an appropriate time. We are hopeful that Zimbabwe will host the 2024 General Conference. Whatever will be the outcome, one thing is clear: We were in the event of “Gaining Altitude” to use a progressive language in aviation. General Church Visits cont…. On behalf of the Episcopal Area I am sincerely thankful for the job well done. To you all our church leaders, the Admin staff, Rev Dr. Marewangepo, Rev Gurupira, Conference layleaders Mr Mafunda and Mr Mataruka, Episcopacy represented by Mrs Makadzange, General Church Visits cont…. Ds Nyabote , pastors and laity in Vic Falls, Ds Chitsiku, pastors and laity in Mutare and more so the Hotel Association of Zimbabwe and the Zimbabwe Tourism Authority, we say thank you indeed. ELECTIONS Among the items of business which we have are elections. Let us conduct our elections harmoniously as we usually do. Today it will be you who will be elected, tomorrow it will be him or her elected. We share in the Kingdom of God. ELECTIONS cont…. I am looking forward to elections which we will conduct in the spirit of Ebenezer in love and within reasonably short time. Think of gender balance, those who live with disability, age, and the youth. Pictorial journey I leave you now to view the pictorial journey in which we have moved together. Here we will witness a variety of ministries in which the church celebrated. Pictorial cont…. Indeed it is a journey of Gaining Higher Ground in the Spirit of BEB. Now take it as: B. Bringing people to Christ. E. Evangelism and B. Building of Head offices. In that sense we still have BEB. Conclusion We will continue ministering in 2015 in the spirit of BEB. May the good Lord give you overflowing blessings and Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. AMEN