IR 2010 - 2011
Lions Norway’s international projects
Marit L. Klokkerhaug
head of the national and international aid groups
Why should we contribute to
international work?
• Lions are an international organization and
would like to help where the need is greatest
• Lions want to create an understanding
among all people of the world for
humanitarian assistance, and provide
• Lions members around the world share the
same interest in combating blindness
• LCIF rebuilding communities after disasters
Why give money to Lions?
• When we collect money for humanitarian
work, we want every penny should go to
those who need it
• Lions, we distinguish between activity and
management accounts
• No funds from our many income-generating
activities are used for administration
• Lions will lay the foundation of the business
through investment and training
• Local authorities will take over operations
• The project must have a solid grounding in
authorities both at main and local
• All employees within the eye care sector
must have the relevant skills
Cooperation with Norad
• Lions Aid Norway, have in cooperation with
Norad, built seven eye care clinics, several
light eye care clinics in rural areas, trained
personnel and bought cars and other
necessary equipment
• NORAD covers up to 90% of project cost
Eye health in developing countries
• Eye health project in Uganda
• Eye health project in Malawi
• Upcoming Eye health project in Zambia
Eye health project in Uganda
• 1994: Eye Clinic in Masaka
Eye Clinic in Mbale
• 1999: Eye Clinic in Lira
Polyclinic in Apac
• 2002: Eye Clinic in Arua
• 2005: Eye Clinic in Gulu
Eye health project in Uganda
• 2003: Polyclinic in Yumbe
Polyclinic in Nebbi.
Polyclinic in Moyo
• 2007: Polyclinic in Moroto
Polyclinic in Kotido
• 2007: Construction of training units in
Masaka and Mbale with classroom,
kitchen and eight beds
Education and awarness in Uganda
• 1993 – 2009: Training of ophthalmologists,
eye nurses, operation room nurses, health
• 1993 – 2010: Raising awareness of teachers
and head teachers, local politicians, natural
doctors and others
• 1996/2001/2005/2009: Evaluation
represented by independent consulting firm
in each of the years.
Results in Uganda 2009
• 27.924 patients visited the clinics we have
phased out from - Mbale, Masaka and Lira
• 13.263 patients visited Arua and Gulu
• 35.002 patients sought eye care personnel
outside clinics
Total 76.189 patients
Results in Uganda 2009
• 2.195 operations at the clinics
• 1.684 operations in mobile clinics
include 1.242 for cataract
Total 3.879 operations
School Projects Uganda
• Co-financing of the school in the slum area
of Kampala (2 mill N.Kr.)
• Primary school with a library in Kabuki,
teachers housing, kitchen, well at the same
School Projects in Uganda
Primary school in Bugono,
Primary school in Buluya,1. phase
Primary school in Buluya, 2. phase
Primary school in Buwuni, kitchen at the
• Primary school in Balakwar, Kitgum with
toilets, library and reading room
• Teacher Housing, kitchen, playground and
School Projects in Uganda
• Primary school in Butaleja (Queen of Peace),
2. og 3. phase
• Euroba Primary School ( dormitory for deaf
and visually impaired children)
– 1. phase is completed
– 2. phase was completed in 2010
Other projects in Uganda
• Construction of kitchen at Kamwokya
primary school in Kampala
• Meeting places with kitchen for HIV / AIDS
disease in the Kampala slum area
• 2007 – 2010: Assistance to the AIM program
Water and well projects
• About 20 wells are completed and adopted
in Uganda
• 2 well projects in Malawi.
• Shared equipment, tents, blankets and the
like with flood disasters
• Provided food grain and flour by famine, in
cooperation with LC Soroti
(Lions Disaster Preparedness)
Sponsor Children
• We support education for approx. 200
sponsored children through two schemes in
- Kamwokya CCC
- Balikuddembe (Bjørn Simensen)
• Any request for a sponsor children are to go
through the Lions office:
• Sponsoring children in Uganda are
supported by our office in Kampala
Aid in Meeting
• AIM is an activity developed by Lions
Bergen Student.
• Approx. 50 young people have participated
in different projects
• Silent Voices – construction of pig farm in
Busheney in Uganda
• Introduction training about Lions Quest
Project Visits
• Several Lions members and individuals want
to visit Uganda / Malawi because:
- They get an insight into how the eye
care projects are running
- They see several other needs that they
want to do something with…
such as building schools, wells, working
for HIV / AIDS
Eye health project in Malawi
• Malawi is divided into four health regions
with a hospital in each region. We are
awarded two regions.
• 2007: Eye Clinic in Mzuzu, which is located
to the central hospital
• 2010 : Eye Clinic in Zomba, the acquisition
October the 1th. 2010
• 2006 - 2010: Training Program as in
Results in Malawi 2009
• Sponsored education of five health
professionals who have graduated as
Ophtalmic Clinical Officers
• Sponsored education of 563 health workers
• Sponsored 18 nurses and clinic personal
with a clinic course in basic eye care
• 6 mobile clinics
• 30.247 patients have visited our service
• 711 operations, mostly cataracts
Other projects in Malawi
• School buildings in Malakotera
(joint project with the Lions club in Mzuzu)
• Well in Malokotera
• School buildings are established in Mzimba
• Boarding at the deaf school in Mzuzu
• Jan Erik Larsen has been appointed Resident
Representative in Zambia from October 1th, 2010
• Regional Director for our development work in Africa
• He was our representative in Uganda for 3 years
• Good relations with the embassy and MoH
• Greater use of the Lions in Zambia
• Anchor Eye health among local and national
• West Province: Trakom (15-16%)
• Build clinic, hiring drivers, program officer…
• At the end of 2009 it was used 69,3 million
from Norad and 16,3 million from Lions
funds for the Lions projects in Uganda
• In Malawi: 15,6 mill. from Norad og 2,9 mill.
from the Lions funds
(All amounts in N.Kr.)
Evaluation of Uganda
• Done by a group from the Departement of
Sosiology at Makerere University, Kampala
• Improvement items in terms of sustainability
and the authorities responsible for
follow up with action
• Eye care is discouraged at the hospitals
• Too soon that LAN withdraws from Uganda
• Periodic shortages of doctors at Eye Clinics
Evaluation of Uganda
• The Board requested that the LAN at home
and abroad will take this discussing with the
ministry, hospital management and
leadership of the Eye Clinic, with a view to
achieving more binding agreements
• There is a need for closer monitoring by
Norway in the future
Evaluation of Uganda
• Supply of new funds do not provide a
sustainable solution of the challenges that
we have
• It creates aid dependency
• LAN must be stronger in its impact on
districts and ministries - so that they will
assume the obligations they have,
according to the agreements made
Evaluation of Uganda
• LAN must have a closer monitoring of the
• LAN must ensure that organizational and
operational integration of the eye health
units at the hospitals is carried out
• BUT… we must accept that the services will
be somewhat reduced compared to what it
was at full LAN support
• Program and plan for training of health
personnel in eye health has been
successful, and has meant a lot to get eye
care on the map in rural areas, and provided
an eyecare offer to the people at village level
• LAN must work to get eye care into the
curriculum of education of health
Shutting down in Uganda
• Norad has in connection with the approval
of the annual report for 2009, pointed out
that the activities in Uganda will end in 2015
• Arua will cease in 2012, office assistant and
a driver will be dismissed
• Gulu will cease in 2013, office assistant and
a driver will be dismissed
Shutting down in Uganda
• Instruments and equipment at the clinics are
• Repaired or re-acquired by LAN wthin the
expense budget
• The cars are transferred free of charge to
the hospitals / clinics
• MD104 have covered the areas we are
awarded in collaboration with the Ministry of
• Norad's participants in the evaluation of the
eye care project, suggests that LAN should
continue longer
• The evaluation report is not received
• They will make proposals for action
• The eye care project in Uganda has been
very successful
• The project has given eye care to over half
of the country. It includes large areas that
previous were very poorly covered
• We have been pushing to get eye care into
the public health system
• We are the biggest external player within
eye care.
• When such a player reduces its operations,
it will naturally leave gaps, but they must
”be refilled”
• Problems in the phase-out was expected,
and they came. We may not have taken
action in time to counteract this?
All Lions – we serve the world
Lions Norway
is amazing on IR in
Uganda, Malawi and Zambia