TELPAS 2015: Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment

January 2015
Presented by
Cindy Blair & Nicole Taguinod
*This training does not replace your responsibility to read and follow all manuals and supplements*
• Take care of your needs
• Be respectful
• Actively listen
• Ask questions
What is TELPAS?
The Texas English Language Proficiency
Assessment System assesses all students who are
identified as LEP including parent denials in the
domains of reading, writing, listening and speaking
Holistically rated
observational assessments
Multiple choice online
reading test
Holistically rated
observational assessments
Holistically rated student
writing collections
Holistically rated
observational assessments
Holistically rated
observational assessments
Holistically rated
observational assessments
Holistically rated
observational assessments
The Testing Window
Collect Writing Samples
February 16 – March 3
Verifiers Verify Collections
March 3-6
Raters Rate Writing Collections and
other Domains (Reading for K-1,
Listening & Speaking)
March 16-25
Online Reading
March 16 – April 2
March 16-20 (HS/MS/AC) March 23-27 (Elementary)
LEP & Special Education Students
• The ARD and LPAC committee meet TOGETHER to
determine domain by domain for rating and testing
• Documented on “ESL/Bilingual & Special Education Test
Assignment and Accommodations” Form
• E11 Deadline is February 13, 2015
Campus Test Plan
• Due on February 6, 2015
• TELPAS Test Plan Template is on the Testing Website
Stay on
Who tests?
ALL students K-12 who are identified as LEP including
parent denials are required to participate in TELPAS
• ARDCs in conjunction with the LPAC may determine that
a student receiving Special Education services should
not be tested in one or more domain of TELPAS.
Participation should be considered on a domain by
domain basis.
• Students who enroll on or after March 16 will only take
the online reading test (contact the Testing Office for
confirmation if test is needed)
Principal’s Responsibilities
 Ensure that test security is maintained
 Oversee the implementation of the test
administration process as stated in the District
and Campus Coordinator Manual (DCCM)
 Establish in conjunction with the CTC, test
administration processes specific to the campus
 Oversee the training of campus personnel in
cooperation with the CTC
 Report any suspected violation of test security to
the DTC (Ms. Blair)
CTC Responsibilities
 Read and adhere to all manuals
 Attend required coordinator training sessions
 CTC and campus principal are responsible for test
security and confidentiality on the campus
 Supervise and actively monitor testing
 Be the campus contact for all questions about testing
 Report testing irregularities and security violations
immediately to the district testing coordinator
 Compile required documentation and turn in to testing
CTC Responsibilities
Obtain CTC access in Texas Training Center
Identify and train a writing collection verifier(s) by February 16
Identify and train Raters by February 16
Identify and train Online Test Administrators by March 6
Train appropriate personnel to enter/verify student information
in TAMS (data can be entered by the CTC)
 Ensure computers have been checked for TestNav capability
 Ensure that all students are identified and tested
 Oversee the implementation of validity and reliability
CTC Responsibilities
for Training Raters
 Identify Raters and the type of online training they need
to complete
 Ensure Raters understand the importance of being
properly trained on the holistic rating process
 Ensure Raters have obtained access to Texas Training
 Ensure new and returning Raters know which training to
take and for which grade cluster
 Monitor that all Raters complete their training
requirements and receive supplemental training support
if needed
Rater Responsibilities
 Attend training on administrative procedures
 Obtain access to Texas Training Center
 Complete holistic rating training requirements (online
calibration sets)
 Print Certificate of Completion and turn in to CTC
(page 75 Rater Manual)
 Assemble and verify student writing collections
 Rate writing collection and the listening & speaking domains
 Complete required documentation
 Maintain security and confidentiality of student writing
collections and ratings
 Report test irregularities
 Sign all oaths
Rater Credentials
 Must have student on spring roster during the
assessment window (train PE or Fine Arts teacher as a
backup rater)
 Be knowledgeable about the student’s language ability
 Be trained in the rating process
 Complete online rating calibration set with a 70% or
better (3 attempts)
 Attend mandatory supplemental training if the calibration
set was not passed after the first two attempts
Online Training- Raters
 Raters need to self register for an account in the Texas
Training Center
 Site Code: see CTC
Returning users
that have
forgotten their
login information
click on the
“Login Help” link
New Users click
on the “Self
Page 57 in Rater Manual
Online Training- Raters
 Raters will access the online training and calibration
activities through Texas Training Center
 Raters need to view the training in their grade cluster
• K-1
• 2
• 3-5
• 6-8
• 9-12
 Raters will complete both the Online Basic Training
Course & Calibration Activities OR the Calibration
Activities only
Online Training- Raters
Note: If a rater has not calibrated in the last three years they are considered “new” and
must complete the Basic Online Training Course AND Calibration Activities
Online Training- Raters
 Access the Basic Training Course for grade cluster
 New, new to grade cluster or a rater who has not passed the
Calibration Activities in the last 3 years
 Basic Training Course is open from January 26 - February 7
 Click on TELPAS 2015 under the “My Texas Training Center
Program” header then:
Page 62 in Rater Manual
Online Training- Raters
 Access the Calibration Activities
 Calibration Activities are open from February 17-21
 ALL Raters must complete and pass the Calibration
Activities with at least a 70%
 Raters have 3 attempts to pass and must attend
Supplemental Support Training before the 3rd attempt
collaboration is
NOT allowed on
Page 62 in
Rater Manual
Online Training- Raters
As per the TEA Security Supplement:
Test Administrators must independently complete TELPAS
calibration activities.
 Answer sheets or notes that contain responses to TELPAS
calibration activities are not allowed to be shared
 Motes created by raters during practice and calibration
activities must be destroyed
Supplemental Support
• If a Rater has not passed the Calibration Set with a 70% or
higher after the second attempt, the Rater is required to
attend Supplemental Support Training
• Submit a list of Raters needing Supplemental Support by
February 23 (use form provided by Testing Dept)
• A Rater will not be able to attempt the 3rd Calibration Set until
they have attended Supplemental Support Training
• Supplemental Support Training is scheduled for:
February 25, 26, or 27 from 4:00-6:00
at the Johnson Center
Accessing Reports from the
Texas Training Center
CTCs can
access reports
to monitor
training of
The “User
Lookup” link
allows the
CTC to look
up training
history for
raters on an
Reports from the Texas
Training Center
 TELPAS Returning Rater Planning Roster
 TELPAS Confidential Course Completion Roster
• Lists online basic training course completion and in-progress
status and performance by user for the current year
 TELPAS At-a-Glance Training & Calibration Report
• Provides a comprehensive list showing basic training course and
calibration completions for all registered users for the current
 TELPAS Confidential Calibration Summary Report
• Provides calibration summary information by grade cluster (K–1,
2, 3–5, 6–8, 9–12) and for grade clusters combined
Assembling the Writing
 K-12th teachers will collect writing samples during the
window and turn in to the CTC
 Writing samples are considered to be secure materials
 Writing Sample Collection window is
February 16-March 3
 All Writing Sample Collections must be returned to the
CTC by March 3
 Must follow the guidelines for collecting writing samples
Writing Collection Guidelines
 At least 5 writing samples (Rater Manual page 19 for examples of writing)
 At least 1 narrative about a past event
 At least 2 academic samples from math, science, social
 Samples must include the student name and date
 Cover sheet must be used and stapled to each writing
collection (page 53 of Rater Manual)
 Raters will initial the Verification Checklist (page 54 of Rater Manual)
 Samples may be typed but spell and grammar check must be
 May be a “clean” photocopy from a journal
 Must only be collected during the window
Writing Collection Guidelines
What NOT to include…
 Papers done with heavy use of dictionaries/thesaurus
 Papers with teacher, peer, or parent corrections
 Written primarily in another language other than English
 Worksheets or Q&A writing assignments
 Brief, incomplete or rushed papers
 Writings that have been copied from a textbook, lesson
or other sources. Must be in students own words.
Cover Sheet
Rater initials
each box while
Cover Sheet
must be
attached to
each Writing
Verifier initials
each box
Verifier Responsibilities
 Attend training on administrative procedures
 Obtain access to Texas Training Center
 Complete online training “Assembling and Verifying
Writing Collections”
 Print Certificate of Completion and turn in to CTC
(page 75 in Rater Manual)
 Verify student writing collections in accordance with the
 Sign Oath
 Verifier cannot be a TELPAS Rater or the CTC
Online Training- Verifiers
 Verifiers need to self register for an account in the Texas
Training Center
 Site Code: telpas2015
Returning users
that have
forgotten their
login information
click on the
“Login Help” link
New Users click
on the “Self
Page 57 in Rater Manual
Online Training- Verifiers
 Verifiers need to self register for an account in the Texas
Training Center
 Site Code: telpas2015
 Click on TELPAS 2015 under the “My Texas
TrainingCenter Program” header then:
Verifying the Writing
 Verifiers ensure that the writing collections meet all of
the criteria based on the Verification Checklist by
initialing each item (checklist is on the back of the
Writing Collection Cover Sheet) page 54 of Rater Manual
 Verifiers sign the bottom of checklist then return the
collection to the CTC
 Writing Collections are secure materials
 Verification Window is March 3 - March 6
Rating Students
 Raters should review pages 24-30 in Rater Manual prior
to rating students in each domain (writing, listening,
 CTCs will return the Writing Collection to the Raters
during the Rating Window March 16 – March 25
 Raters must use the district required Rating Roster form
to indicate the student’s rating
 While rating students, Raters must refer to the PLDs
(Proficiency Level Descriptors) pages 33-37 in Rater Manual
 Rating Roster must be signed by Rater, Additional Rater
(if needed), Teacher Collaborator and Campus Principal
 All student ratings and Writing Collections must be
returned to the CTC by March 25
An Additional Rater is
required if the Rater did
not pass the Calibration
set with a 70% or higher
after the 3rd attempt
There must be teacher
collaboration on ratings
as part of the Validity &
Reliability process
Validity and Reliability
• TEA requires districts to implement one or more rating
support and verification procedures for every campus
with TELPAS-rated students
• SAISD has developed a TELPAS validity and reliability
plan that meets TEA requirements
• Campus test coordinators will be expected to submit
required documents to the district test coordinator by the
requested deadlines in order to comply with our district
validity and reliability plan
• An internal audit will be conducted by the Testing
SAISD TELPAS Validity and
Reliability Procedures
• For all language domains – grades K-12:
Raters will collaborate with other teachers of the
students in determining the student’s rating. One
collaborator will initial the TELPAS Rating Roster
for each child.
• For Writing– grades 2-12:
5% of all writing collections will be randomly pulled
for assembly verification by the campus test
coordinator during the testing window
Validity &
Enter Ratings
 CTCs must create Rating Entry Groups in order to enter
ratings for students
 CTCs, Rater or Rater Assistants may enter ratings
Must be entered in TAMS
Advanced High
Enter Ratings
 If a student will not be rated in a domain, one of the
following codes must be used:
What it Means
Extenuating Circumstance
Documentation of the reason
must be maintained on
Decision is made student by
student and domain by domain
ARD Decision
*decision for a student not to
participate in all 4 domains
should be rare
Enter Ratings
Create Rating
Entry Groups
Enter Ratings
Page 40 of Rater Manual
Enter Ratings
Building Sessions in TAMS
 CTCs will enter student ratings in TAMS
Creating Rating Entry Groups (page 38 Rater Manual)
 Students will need to be assigned in sessions for the online
reading test
Creating Online Reading Sessions (page 15 Reading Manual)
Deadline for sessions built & students entered is March 2
TAMS Lab Sessions (optional)
 February 19 (1:00 - 3:00)
 February 20 (1:00 - 3:00)
 February 23 (1:00 - 3:00)
the Online
Reading Test
TELPAS Reading
o TELPAS Reading is an online assessment
o Administered to all LEP students 2nd-12th (including denials)
o No test booklets or answer documents (unless there is a
special circumstance- must request through the Testing
o All students must be tested within the testing window
o If students are absent on their scheduled day, they must be
moved into a makeup session
o Optional TAMS labs are available to set up online reading
sessions (February 19, 20 or 23)
Reading Test Window
March 16-20
March 23-27
Students still needing to test
March 30-Apr 2
If your campus needs to deviate form this schedule, please send
a request with your planned testing dates to
April 6-April 8
CTCs must ensure all ratings, demographic information
(including Years in US Schools), special circumstance
information and score codes have been entered
TELPAS Reading Make-Ups
• All students must be assessed within the
assessment window
• If a student is absent the day you have them
scheduled to take TELPAS reading then move
them to another session that will test later within
the TELPAS assessment window
• The TEA expectation is that we test every
eligible student within the TELPAS assessment
Testing Accommodations
• Refer to the TELPAS Reading manual (page 8)
General Accommodation (Type 1 or 2)
Large Print
Extra Day
• Not Permitted:
• Reading assistance
• Reference materials
• Test questions or selections translated
• Test questions, answer choices, or selections
Preparing for the Test
o Ensure students participate in the TELPAS tutorial (if
new to TELPAS)
o Train online test administrators by March 6 (sign
o Run a system check for TestNav
o Students will need headphones
o Create online test sessions and assign students to
sessions in TAMS
o Print Student Authorization Forms (secure material)
TestNav System Check
• Must turn on computers BEFORE testing
• Must complete TestNav System Check
• Link available on Testing Department Website
• Select 2015 Spring TELPAS Grades K-12
• If computers FAIL the system check and/or FAIL to launch
• Contact the SAISD Helpdesk @ 244-2929 with the
following info ready:
• Campus Name
• Room Number
• SAISD Tag Number
Tutorials to Prepare
Students for online TELPAS
Reading Testing
• Tutorials are required for students NEW to
• Link to tutorials is on Testing Website
• Tutorials are about how to use the computer not
necessarily the type of test questions
• Keep a student roster for documentation of the
TELPAS Reading Training
• Reading Test Administrators must be trained
and sign their specific oath
• Test administrator MUST read the TELPAS
Reading Test Administrator Manual
• Test administrators must be trained by March 6
Reading Test Administrator
• Guide students through launching and starting the
online test
• Maintain test security and confidentiality
• Manage breaks /interruptions
• Attend training and sign oath
• Ensure proper test procedures
• Start & monitor test sessions
• Read manual and be familiar with test directions
• Reading Test Administrator can be:
• Rater
• Certified Teacher
Testing Environment
• At least one trained administrator for every 30 students
• Computer monitors prepared to discourage students from
viewing each other’s monitor
• Bulletin boards and instructional displays that might aid
students during testing must be removed or covered
• The testing room should be quiet,
well lighted, comfortable,
with enough space to work
• “Testing-Do Not Disturb”
sign posted outside the
testing room
Testing Procedures
• Seating chart is completed to include students’ names, locations,
and test administrator information
• The test is untimed
• Work stations are cleared of books and other materials
• Student MUST remain seated and no talking while testing
• Each student must be allowed to work at his or her individual
• NO reference materials are allowed
• Allowed to use scratch paper, but all scratch paper must be
turned in to the campus coordinator after testing
• Active monitoring during the test session
• After students have finished, they may read or leave the room
• BEFORE a student who has finished testing leaves the room, test
administrator must ensure the student’s test is in “Submitted”
• IMMEDIATELY after testing, turn in all test materials and sign the
bottom portion of the reading test administrator oath
TELPAS Reading Manual page 20
Other Testing Issues
Answering student questions
Computer monitor glare
Student breaks
Cell phones
Changing rooms
TELPAS Reading Manual pages 21-22
Student Authorizations
• Generate and print Student Authorizations
• Go to the Session Details screen
• Click the Authorizations link and select the “Detail View”
Starting a Test
A test session MUST be started before any
students can log in to TestNav and begin the
A test session does not start until the TEST
ADMINISTRATOR clicks the Start button on the
Session Details screen, regardless of the
scheduled start time and date.
TELPAS Reading Manual page 23
Launching the Test (2 -5 )
• Before students in GR 2-5 can begin the test, TestNav
must be launched on each student’s computer, and the
login ID and test code found on each Student
Authorization Letter MUST be entered by the Test
• DO NOT log in a student that is not present and in
front of a computer
• Directions for test administration start on page 32
TELPAS Reading Manual page 31
Launching the Test (6 – 12 )
• Test administrators guide students through the login
process for GR 6-12
• Students must have Student Authorization sheets in
order to log in
TELPAS Reading Manual page 37
Monitoring Sessions
• Session Details screen
• Periodically click
• Real-time test status
• Ready
• Active
• Exited
• Resumed
• Resumed-Upload
• Completed
• Marked Complete
TELPAS Reading Manual page 24
Student can click on
the “X” at the top
right hand corner of
the screen then
select “Finish Later”
Resuming a Student’s Test
• If a student exits TestNav--• Return to Session Details and select the
checkbox next to that student’s name
• A resume checkbox is only available if that
student’s status is Started, Exited, or Resume
• Click the Resume Test button to resume all
students you checked
• Students launch TestNav and login using
same Login ID and code from authorization
TELPAS Reading Manual page 25
Stopping a Session
• Ensure each student’s status is Completed or
Marked Complete on the Session Details screen
• Click the Stop button to stop the test session
• Move ABSENT students into a make up session
before “Stopping a Session” (page 17 Reading Manual)
• Call us if you have questions/concerns
TELPAS Reading Manual page 25
Verify Score Codes
Once students click Final Submit the test
is automatically scored
Student was absent throughout the entire testing
window (should be rare)
ARD Decision
Student does not participate in reading test based on
the disability and was determined by the ARDC in
conjunction with the LPAC
Student experienced illness or a testing irregularity
during testing
Verify Score Codes
“Do Not Score”
• On the Session Details screen select student’s
• Click Edit button
• Select Reading “Do Not Score” Score Code
• A designation must be selected (A, X, or O)
• If a student withdrew during the testing window, DO
NOT mark a student “Do Not Score”- take them out
of the session
TELPAS Reading Manual page 27
Paper Administrations of
TELPAS Reading
Paper test booklets (including large print, if
applicable) approved by TEA in rare
• Accommodations that are not available in TestNav
• Unavoidable technological problems that make online
testing impossible
• Other special situations (e.g., homebound students,
JJAEPs, etc.)
Paper Administrations of
TELPAS Reading
Process for Transcribing Student Responses
 Set up test session
 Choose correct form group type (transcribe paper form, not
operational online test form)
 Transcribe responses
 Each question has one screen; test administrators will go screen
by screen to transcribe the response to each question
 Responses must match exactly the responses indicated by the
student in the test booklet
 Submit test for scoring
 For TELPAS, students must be put into rating entry groups so
proficiency ratings and rater information can be entered
Keep in Mind…
Paper testing won’t be approved on the basis that student
 knows very little English
 has limited exposure to computers
Don’t forget the TELPAS online student tutorials!
TELPAS Additional Data
• Information on page T-31 of the 2015 District and
Campus Coordinator Manual
• Required to be submitted for ELLs in grades 1–12
with special circumstances that cause extenuating
• Identifying ELLs with extenuating needs will allow—
• districts to better monitor and adjust instructional
interventions and evaluate effectiveness of
instructional programs
• the state to inform and evaluate ELL assessment
and accountability policies
TELPAS Additional Data
Special Circumstances and Years in US Schools can
be updated by student in the Test Management tab
Special Circumstance
Unschooled Asylees/Refugees
• Lack literacy skills in first language and basic
subject-matter knowledge and skills
• May also lack basic social skills and may have
experienced trauma as a result of previous
• This information is necessary to exclude
eligible students’ STAAR results from state
accountability ratings and will NOT be gathered
during STAAR data collection
Special Circumstance
Students With Interrupted Formal
Schooling (SIFE)
• Attend school in the U.S., withdraw and
leave the U.S. for a period of time, and
return to the U.S.
• Gaps in schooling (in the U.S)
significantly affect growth in English and
learning of subject matter
• Once coded as a SIFE always coded as
Special Circumstance
Disabling Condition
This disabling condition significantly affects
growth in second language acquisition and
academic achievement
(Should be determined by the ARD in conjunction
with the LPAC)
Verify Years in U.S. Schools
• Start with grade 1
• Follow 60 Day Rule- ELLs enrolled for 60
consecutive days in a school year for that school
year count as one year in the calculation of years
in US Schools. Therefore, ELL students enrolling
within the last 60 school days of a year will be
considered to be in their first year for the
following year.
• Years in U.S. schools are important because they
are used to determine accountability performance
requirements for AYP and the Progress
• For more information refer to the LPAC Manual or
contact the Bilingual Department
• Binder will be kept for 5
• All documentation is
• Keep documents in the
same order of the
Unique Situations
• Newly enrolled LEP student:
• If LEP from another Texas school they are LEP
• If newly enrolled, student is not LEP until the LPAC
has been held
• A student that enrolls during the reading window must
be registered in TAMS with the school and added to
the test session. Contact Testing Department to
confirm that the student needs to test
• Students that un-enroll during the window, that have
not tested, must be removed from the test session
and unregistered for the test
Procedures for
Testing Days
Input Campus Specific Testing
Procedures Here
Include things such as:
Breakfast in the Classroom procedures
Check Out/Check In location and time
Lunch schedule
Testing Schedules
Security Training Modules
Web-based Texas Test Administrator
Online Training Modules
All three modules must be completed by certified
campus personnel involved if they:
are new to the district
took an incident in the 2013-14
have not completed the Modules in the
last 3 years
General Security Information
The following govern test security
 Texas Education Code (TEC)
Chapter 39, Subchapter B
 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) 19
Subchapter 101, Assessment
 Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of
1974 (FERPA)
 Texas Penal Code 37.10 - Tampering
Penalties for Prohibited Conduct
• Placement of restrictions on the issuance, renewal, or
holding of a Texas educator certificate, either indefinitely
or for a set term
• Issuance of an inscribed or non-inscribed reprimand
• Suspension of a Texas educator certificate for a set term
• Revocation or cancellation of a Texas educator certificate
without opportunity for reapplication for a set term or
• Release or disclosure of confidential test content is a
Class C misdemeanor and could result in criminal
prosecution under TEC ξ39.0303, Section 552.352 of the
Texas Government Code, and Section 37.10 of the Texas
Penal Code.
Security Oaths
TEA requires that everyone be trained and sign a
security oath before handling secure testing
materials or participating in the administration of
a state test
A person who has several roles during TELPAS
testing must sign all oaths (Test Administrator,
Rater, Verifier, etc)
Paper test require that the test administrator has
signed the bottom box of the oath
Security and Confidentiality
Account for all secure
materials before,
during, and after each
test administration
(including Student
Protect the contents of
all tests booklets and
student answer
documents (including
writing samples)
 No person may view,
reveal, or discuss the
contents of a test or answer
document unless specifically
instructed to do so by the
procedures in the test
administrator manuals and
the bottom portion of the oath
has been signed
 No collaboration allowed
during online calibration sets
Secure TELPAS Information
• Content of the online reading test is secure and
confidentiality must be maintained
• Student Authorization Letters are to be kept
secure All student data in the TELPAS system
or entered into the system is confidential
• Passwords and user IDs are secure and should
be kept confidential. DO NOT SHARE!
Testing Irregularities
Incidents resulting in a deviation from documented testing
procedures are defined as testing irregularities
Procedural Examples
Serious Examples
Improper accounting for secure
Directly or indirectly assisting students
with responses to test questions
Eligibility Error
Tampering with student responses
Monitoring Error
Viewing secure content
IEP Implementation Issue
Discussing test content, student
responses or student performance
Procedural Error
Formally or informally scoring student
Duplicating or recording test content
Active Monitoring
Monitoring during test administrations is the responsibility of
the test administrator, the campus test coordinator and
What is NOT active monitoring?
Anything that takes the test administrator’s attention away from the
students during testing. Examples include:
Working on the computer or checking email
Reading a book, magazine, or newspaper
Grading papers or working on lesson plans
Leaving the room without a trained substitute test administrator in the
• Leaving students unattended during meals or breaks
Reduce the risk of having an irregularity!
Before the test administration:
 Emphasize importance of training and reading
Account for all test materials
Ensure proper storage of materials
Verify accuracy of student information
Verify testing requirements for students receiving
special education services
Reduce the risk of having an irregularity!
During test administration:
 Ensure each student receives the correct
assessment and testing material(s)
Emphasize and verify active monitoring
Ensure all testing personnel understand that they
may NOT:
provide assistance
view the tests without authorization
discuss confidential student information
check for strategies
Reduce the risk of having an irregularity!
After test administration
 No unauthorized viewing (only TEA may permit)
 No scoring of student responses
 Shred Student Authorization forms (ASAP)
 No discussion of confidential student information
 No erasing stray marks or darkening response
 No copying of students answer documents
 Account for all test materials
 No opening answer documents to view answers
Pitfalls to Avoid:
 Assigning untrained staff to administer and/or
monitor tests (must be certified personnel)
 Failing to inventory testing materials
 Having insufficient test booklets and/or test
administrator manuals
 Not accounting for all test booklets and answer
documents each day
 Teacher violates time limit
 Testing beyond the normal school day
Pitfalls to Avoid:
 Assigning a student the incorrect assessment or
student authorization form
 Failing to give appropriate accommodation(s)
 Improper (or nonexistent) monitoring
 Leaving secure materials unattended (to include
Student Authorizations and Writing Samples)
 Stopping an on-line session prior to removing
absent students
 Failure to report a testing irregularity
Reporting & Documentation
If you become aware of any irregularities, contact
the DTC immediately with the who, when, where,
what and why.
If the irregularity is deemed an incident the following
documentation is required:
 Incident report including a plan of action (local form)
 Signed statement(s) from individual(s) involved (typed, printed
and signed name and dated)
 Statements should not include names of students
 The local disciplinary referral form used to report disciplinary
actions taken against students for cheating, cell phone issues or
Plan of Action