Effective July 1, 2012

An intentional act of aggression, based on an imbalance of power, that is meant to harm a victim either physically or psychologically

Usually occurs repeatedly and over time, however sometimes can be identified in a single event

39% of students reported that bullying, name calling and harassment pose a serious problem at school.

66% reported that people at school were harassed at least

“sometimes” because of their looks or body size

57% reported that students were bullied or harassed “sometimes” because of the way they expressed their gender

50% of high school students (2010) admit they bullied someone in the past year

47% admit that they were bullied or teased or taunted in a way that seriously upset them in the past year.

(Glsen, 2010) No Law in South Dakota and New Mexico

71% were bullied at least once a week

Who are these kids?

With learning disabilities

With Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

With medical conditions that affect appearance

With obesity, particularly girls

Who stutter or have paralysis of one side of their body

The Dignity for All Students Act prohibits harassment with respect to certain non-exclusive protected classes including, but not limited to:

Actual or perceived race


Weight (size)

National origin

Ethnic group


Religious practice


Sexual orientation

Gender identity or

Sex (N.Y. Educ. Law§§ 10-18. 801-a)

Requires all school staff to report any incident of bullying and CYBERBULLYING to the school principal or superintendent

“Cyberbullying has become a dangerous trend and this legislation gives parents and students the tools needed to overcome it. Standardized policies and procedures will guide teachers and school staff so that they are better equipped to respond to harassment and bullying within the classroom and beyond.”

Assemblyman Kenneth Zebrowski (D- New City, NY)

Requires districts and schools to prevent, monitor, and address bullying through:

Designation of a Dignity Act Coordinator to be trained in nondiscriminatory instructional and counseling methods and in handling human relationships

Staff training to raise awareness and sensitivity of school employees to issues of harassment and discrimination

Sensitivity and tolerance curricula for students

Revising the Code of Conduct to create a school environment free from harassment and discrimination

Reporting of bullying incidents to the State through a designated reporting system


 Hitting, punching, tripping

 Kicking, pushing, scratching

 Damaging/stealing property


 Name calling, teasing, taunting

 Making offensive remark

 Making discriminatory remarks

 Verbally threatening, intimidating


 Excluding or threatening to exclude

 Spreading rumors, gossiping

 Ostracizing, alienating

 Using threatening looks or gestures

 Extortion


 Use of the Internet or cell phone to harass and intimidate


Use physical aggression such as hitting, pushing, slapping and elbowing each other


Use social alienation tactics and intimidation, such as exclusion, manipulation, malicious gossip, or spiteful notes

Uses extortion Uses extortion

 A bully at school is often victimized at home

 Child is observing mom, dad or siblings as the bully and identifying with them

 The bully frequently comes from a home void of warmth

 The bully’s primary caretaker is often premissive and allows aggressive behavior towards peers, siblings and adults

 A bully is often subjected to physical punishment and exposed to violent outbursts by his/her caretaker

Bullying is classified as a “conduct disorder” by the American Psychiatric Association

Bullies have average levels of self esteem

Bullies have a strong need for power and dominance

Bullies enjoy being in control and like to subdue others

Bullies see hostility even when it is not present

Bullying incidents are too often unnoticed or ignored

No clear rules and consequences

Culture of “tattling” rather than “telling” or “ratting” rather than reporting

Little Principal involvement with students

Poor cohesiveness and communication among staff members and between the staff and the Principal

Lack of respect among all constituents

The Bully

The Target/Victim

The Bystander

Bully may possess a superior trait




Bully leads by intimidating others to follow to avoid becoming the next target

Bully gains power by the amount of followers –


Lack Empathy

Display Verbally Aggressive Behavior

Display Physically Aggressive Behavior

Possess average levels of self-esteem

Intimidate Classmates

Seek Power in Relationships

Provoke Fights

Change the dynamic of power so that the bully is not overtly or covertly reinforced by the teacher, coach or other authority figures

Listen to the bully and give him/her a point person to speak with whose role is to help the bully use their leadership skills in a positive, cooperative and collaborative manner


Social Anxiety


Lack Social Skills

(socially awkward)



Fear of Confrontation



Irritating to others

Seen teasing and doesn’t know when to stop

Likely to fight back, but lose


Often diagnosed with

Attention Deficit


Can be anyone

Reported higher rates of depression than cyber bullies or bully victims

May not be able to identify their harasser and are more likely to feel isolated, dehumanized or helpless at the time of the attack


Loss of self-esteem into adulthood

Lower grades

Lower attendance/involvement

Decreased socialization/increased isolation

Physical Symptoms: headache, fatigue, stomach problems

Increase in acting out behavior


Provide class experiences where victim is paired with other students to increase pool of relationships and desensitize others to victim

Encourage independent thinking for victim and class, in order to resist bully

Give victims a point person to go to for support and to report incidences.

PASSIVELY accept bullying by watching and doing nothing

PROVIDE the audience that a bully craves and the silent acceptance that allow bullies to continue bullying behavior

INSTIGATE the bullying by provoking the bully

ENCOURAGE the bullying by laughing, cheering or making comments that further stimulate the bully

Identification with the Aggressor

Victims who have been repeatedly bullied often have an increase in aggression

When they are put in a position of control or power they identify with the bully and do onto others what has been done to them

Thus the victim becomes the bully

Display warmth, positive tone, interest and involvement

Talk to each other and students with respect and understanding

Alert other staff members if they are displaying unacceptable behavior towards a student

Structure activities to minimize opportunities for exclusion

Be aware of student friendships and create working partnerships and groups for students that promote positive interactions

Hold class meetings that allow students to air concerns and feelings (group guidance, advisory)

Watch out for bullying behavior and intervene...

Follow established guidelines for hierarchal consequences that have been established for bullying behavior (physical, social, emotional)

This slide will consist on forms that the

Dignity Act Coordinators decide on and may include:

Reporting form

Class Survey

Interview procedure forms for bully, victim and bystanders

Adirondack Educational Center

Philip Beaney – CTE Outreach Coordinator

E-mail: pbeaney@mail.fehb.org

Phone: (518) 891-1330 ext. 2012

North Franklin Educational Center

Lorraine Childs – Principal

E-mail: lchilds@mail.fehb.org

Phone: (518) 483-5230 ext. 3011

Thank you for your time and attention.