High School 9TH GRADE PRESENTATION Originally prepared by Ahina Makhani Learn about Graduation Requirements Find out about school activities and get involved Begin tracking your own high school progress Maintain at least a “C” average in your classes Start to think about post-secondary options ENGLISH 9A/9B ALGEBRA 1A/1B or GEOMETRY A/B BIOLOGY FOREIGN LANGUAGE/ ELECTIVE CLASS P.E./BAND/SPORT HEALTH/LIFE SKILLS INTERVENTION CLASS 1st Semester 2nd Semester 9th Grade - 30 credits 9th Grade - 55 credits 10th Grade - 85 credits 10th Grade - 110 credits 11th Grade - 140 credits 11th Grade - 170 credits 12th Grade - 200 credits 12th Grade - 230 credits Earn 230 credits (180 core credits & 50 elective credits) Pass all required classes (maintain a C average) Show Computer Proficiency Pass the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) Meet Service Learning Requirements 4 years of English 3 years of Social Science (History) 3 years of College Prep Math 1 year of Biology 1 year of Physical Science (ICS) 2 years of P.E. 1 Semester of Health 1 Semester of Life Skills 1 year of Applied Technology 1 year Visual & Performing Arts 50 Elective Credits Applied Technology Woodshop Horticulture Computers Graphic Arts Technology Digital Imaging Visual/Performing Arts Chorus/Choir Instruments /Jazz Band Drama Dance Drawing Painting Photo Play Production Stage Design AP Art History • Science – AP Biology – AP Chemistry – AP Environmental Science – Human Anatomy Physiology – Physical Geology • Math – Math Analysis – AP Calculus – AP Statistics • English – AP English – Creative Writing – Modern Literature – Shakespeare – Literary Analysis • Language other than English – Spanish – AP Spanish – French • History – AP Government – AP U.S. History – AP World History – AP Macro Economics • Other – World of Music – Psychology – AP Psychology – AP Computer Science CAHSEE is a two part test (math and language arts) that students MUST PASS in order to earn a high school diploma. The CAHSEE consist of two parts: MATH & ENGLISH You must score a minimum of 350 on the Math and English portions of the test. If either Math or English are passed, that section will not have to be taken again. If either Math or English are not passed, there will be multiple chances to retake. Both sections must be passed to receive a Diploma. NOTE: The 1st time you will take the CAHSEE is the 2nd semester of 10th Grade. You must have 55 credits to take the CAHSEE. At the end of the 9th grade you must have 55 credits to be a 10th grader. At the end of 10th grade you must have 110 credits to be an 11th grader. At the end of 11th grade you must have 170 credits to be a 12th grader. To graduate you must have 230 credits. WARNING! If you do not have at least 55 credits by the end of the 9th grade, you WILL NOT be promoted to the 10th grade. You will still be a 9th grader. Expectations: Be Punctual: School Starts @ 8:00 a.m. Be Prepared: Work Hard, Cooperate with Teachers Be Responsible: Keep the Books, the Equipment and the School Clean Be Positive and Respect Others Three Ring Binder Notebook Plenty of Paper Pens, Pencils, Dividers, Zipper Pencil Case Index Cards Flash Drive A Positive Attitude, Ready to Learn See your Counselor, IEP Team, & Transition (DOTS) Teacher regularly Keep track of the classes you passed and Graduation Requirements Keep track of your credits Pass all your classes If you fail a class make it up right away! Take a Self-Assessment Test on www.CACareerZone.Org or www.CaliforniaCareers.info/ccpg Are you going to a trade tech or vocational school after high school? Are you going to work or to train for a job? Are you planning on going to a 2 or 4 year college? Many options are available for students to make-up credits. These include: Adult School LAUSD Online Program City of Angels Virtual Academy (online) Regional Occupational Program After-School Classes Community Colleges Classes AB 540 is a California law. This law mandates that qualified undocumented students pay the equivalent of in-state tuition at all public colleges and universities in California. Regional Occupational Program (ROP) offers classes on high school campuses that provide practical, hands-on career preparation and career guidance. Students earn credits toward graduation for passing ROP classes. ROP classes provide students with technical skills required for particular jobs. ROP classes also may provide community-based internships in local business and industry sites. Auto Tech Careers with Children Computer Operations Culinary Arts Office Procedures Landscaping Sports Therapy Airport Management Introduction to Retail Merchandising Sales Veterinary Technician Nursing Assistant Performing Artist Banking Operations www.eastbayworks.org (jobs) Jobstar.org/hidden/ network.cfm cde.ca.gov/shsd/aci/ stc002.html (school to career) cde.ca.gov/shsd/aci/tp/ calapprenticeship.org (apprenticeships) dir.ca.gov/DAS/das.html todaysmilitary.com (military) militarycareers.com californiacolleges.edu www. ca.gov (CA ed resources) Cccco.edu (Comm Col) csumentor.edu (CSU) ucop.edu/pathways/ (UC) Cacareerzone.org (careers) CaliforniaCareers.info/ccpg Your High School Counselor, IEP Team, Transition (DOTS) Teacher are here to help! Go in & see them often!!