High School 101: Bullying* Ashley Ridge High School “SAFE ZONE SCHOOL” Join us to stop bullying Wednesday, August 20th, 1st period High School 101: Bullying* Why are we discussing bullying with you? WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! No one group or person can solve this problem on their own. In order to make Ashley Ridge High School a “SAFE ZONE SCHOOL” we need to transform the silent majority into the “caring majority.” High School 101: Bullying* • Bullying is a nation wide problem that negatively affects individuals in a variety of ways. Bullying makes people sad, depressed, mad, bitter, rejected, and worst of all it can lead to someone taking their own life. Lets make Ashley Ridge High into a “SAFE ZONE SCHOOL”. A SAFE ZONE SCHOOL is where students are comfortable, safe, and are encouraged to succeed academically. • There are three described forms of bullying: physical, verbal, and social. Male bullying more commonly consists of verbal and physical abuse, whereas female bullying more commonly involves more verbal abuse and social bullying by spreading of rumors. http://www.kidpower.org/library/article/bullying-facts/?gclid=CJf78-G-grkCFUyi4Aodqh4ASg* High School 101: Bullying* National Data On Bullying Did You Know… 160,000 children miss school every day because of bullying 15 – 20% of all students are victimized by bullies at some point in their school career 71 % of teachers or classroom aides either ignored or did not know about bullying in their classes 20 % of students have reported being victimized by online bullying High School 101: Bullying* BEHAVIOR OF A BULLY •Physically abusive behavior WARNING SIGNS •Cyberbullying •Spreading rumors or writing nasty things •Intentionally excluding others •Taking or damaging other students’ possessions •Intimidating or threatening others •Repeatedly teasing others •Persuading peers to reject others •Sexual Harassing others Bullies are TAUGHT to bully. A child’s home life, school life, and community and culture (including media) may permit or encourage bullying behavior. High School 101: Bullying* Question: What do you think are some signs that someone is being bullied? A PERSON WHO IS BULLIED…. • • • • • • • • • Misses a lot of school Has anxiety during class Withdraw s from peers Has unusual sadness Frequently visits the school nurse Has unexplained cuts or bruises Fears walking home or riding the school bus Avoids certain areas on campus Has A decline in academic performance or motivation Stop bullying before it’s too late!! Raymond Chase, 19 Hung himself. Seth Walsh, 13 Hung himself. Tyler Clementi, 18 Jumped off a bridge. Asher Brown, 13 Shot himself. Billy Lucas, 15 Hung himself. Jaheem Herrera, 11 Hung himself. Lawrence King, 15 Shot at school. Carl Walker, 11 Hung himself. High School 101: Bullying* Prevention As a bystander, what can I do? Most bystanders want to do something to stop the bullying WALK AWAY to remove the audience and GET HELP SPEAK OUT against the bully and encourage others to do the same GIVE A REASON why the bully is wrong USE A DISTRACTION to stop the bullying BEFRIEND THE VICTIM after the incident NEVER JOIN the bully or “egg on” a bully High School 101: Bullying* If you are being bullied at ARHS, SPEAK UP! Talk to an adult on campus : Counselors, Teachers, Administration, Security OR Call a Free and Anonymous Anti-Bullying Hotline 1-888-NO-BULLY Visit anti-Bullying Website below, www.stopbullying.gov Please take the brief voluntary survey so we can make ARHS a “SAFE ZONE SCHOOL”